Magic, New Mexico

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Magic, New Mexico Page 5

by ML Guida

  Gwen sat taller in her chair and out the window, Whitehead was petting a bloodhound.

  A jolt went through Gwen’s body. She bit her lip to hide a smile. Was it Martin? He was a shape-shifter and could transform into any shape. She could be wrong, but as far as she knew, there wasn’t a bloodhound in Magic. That didn’t mean anything. Someone could have gotten one.

  “Any kind of animal…” He broke out into another harsh cough.

  Mason jerked his thumb. “There’s a bloodhound outside.”

  “That’s not a dog, you fool. I told you–there’s magical creatures here. That’s a shape-shifter. Kill it.”

  Mason looked at Elliott as if he were crazy. “It’s just a dog.”

  Magic was good about keeping her secrets secret.

  Elliott shoved the silver knife in Mason’s face. “This means that thing is a shapeshifter. Kill it now.”

  Gwen squirmed and screamed. “Run, Mason!”

  The bloodhound led out a howl.

  “Shut up, bitch!” Mason backhanded her across the face.

  Pain exploded in her mouth, snapping her head back. She cried out.

  Gun fire stilled her heartbeat.

  Whitehead raced back into the cabin. “Boss, Mason, I ain’t never seen nothing like it. The dawg…he…just disappeared.”

  “That’s because he’s a shapeshifter, you fool,” Elliott wheezed. “Thanks to you two idiots, they’re coming.”

  Whitehead scratched the top of his greasy blond head. “What’s comin’?”

  Elliott stabbed the knife into the recliner. “A dragon.” He flicked out his hand. “Go out and hunt that dog. You better damn hope you got it and it’s out there dying.” He looked at Gwen. “Don’t look too hopeful, my dear. Both these boys’ guns have silver bullets and for what I’m told, just one nick of silver is enough to drop a full grown shifter.”

  Numbness gripped her chest and she hung her head. A tear slid down her cheek and splashed onto her thigh.

  Please, God, let Theo get here. Don’t let them hurt my baby.

  Chapter Nine

  The sun had sunk and the full moon crescent was over the horizon, but Martin wasn’t back yet. Both he and Leif had flown all over Magic and not one hint of Gwen. Theo looked at Cé and Leif and tilted his beer. “Are we clear on the plan?”

  Cé took another swig of beer. “We’ve gone over it twelve times.”

  “Aye,” Leif agreed. “Where is that damn dog anyways?”

  A hummingbird darted toward them then descended onto the ground. Frantic wings turned into fast flapping arms and the bird grew six feet. The beak disappeared. Feathers turned into skin and hair.

  Theo glared. “Martin, where the hell have you been?”

  Martin ran his head through his brown hair. “That was damn close. The bastards were shooting silver bullets.”

  “Where are they?” Theo demanded.

  “Up the road about a quarter mile away.”

  Theo and Leif glanced at each other then back at Martin.

  “We’ve both been flying all over this place.” Theo tipped his hat up. “How could we have missed it? I couldn’t sense her at all.”

  “That’s because Donald and his two idiots have set wards around the house.” Martin grabbed a bottle of beer out of the cooler on the porch and took a big gulp. “The cabin’s invisible.”

  Cé flinched. “You’re kidding?”

  Martin shook his head. “No, I’m not. One of them, I think it was Mason, opened the door that just came out of nowhere. I saw her Theo. She was there.”

  Theo’s breath bottled up in his chest. He grabbed his shoulders. “How is she?”

  Martin avoided his gaze.

  His arms shook and his heart fluttered. Theo dug his fingers into his flesh. “Tell me. What did they do to her? Is she alive?” His voice turned into a growl and he pulled back his upper lip.

  Martin hung his head. “Yes, but…”


  He sighed and slowly put his hand on Martin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Theo. They beat her.”

  Theo tilted his head back, his dragon roared. “No!” Smoke spilled out of his nose.

  A strong hand grabbed his arm. Leif glared. “Listen to me. Stay calm. Remember your damn plan.”

  Theo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He thought of Gwen and her soft scent and touch and forced the rage back, but it was there…waiting to explode.

  Cé slapped Theo on the back. “We need to stick to the plan.”

  “Aye,” Leif agreed. “Martin, d’ye need to sit this one out?”

  Martin wiped the sweat off his brow. “No, just give me a minute. I like Gwen. I don’t like people coming to our town and torturing our folks. It’s not right.”

  “According to Topper, we’re the strongest at midnight, but I’m not waiting until then. Based on the dark magic, we could be killed.” He studied each of their faces. “Are you with me?”

  Cè tilted and raised his bottle. “I’m in.”

  Theo clanked his against the glass and smiled. Cé winked.

  Leif followed suit. “Damn right.” His golden eyes glowed and smoke swirled out of his nose. “They’ll regret hurting my sisters.”

  “All for one.” Martin transformed into a French Musketeer. He had a purple plume in his hat and a long red tabard with a white cross on his back. He lifted his bottle as if it was his sword strapped to his waist. “And one for all.”

  Leif frowned. “What the bloody hell are you supposed to be?”

  Theo laughed and lowered his beer. “He’s a French Musketeer.”

  Martin unleashed his sword and swished it in the air.

  Cé smirked. “Do you even know how to use that?”

  Martin wiped the sword underneath his throat, forcing his head back. “When I transform into a creature, any creature, I know all their skills. So, yes, I know how to use this.” He narrowed his eyes. “Any more stupid questions?”

  Cé put his hands up. “No. Remember, I’m on your side.”

  “I know.” Martin sheathed his sword.

  Theo raised his eyebrow. “Is that what you’re going to go as–a Musketeer?”

  Martin smiled. “I think I’ll unnerve them. They’ll be looking for an animal.” He pulled out his police special. “But unlike the Musketeers, I have no intention of using their flintlocks.” He studied his gun. “This is much more accurate.” He replaced it into his holster then motioned with his arm. “Shall we?”

  Leif frowned. “Can you find this place without being a dog?”

  He smiled. “Absolutely. Once I get a scent, I never forget it.”

  “Let’s go.” Theo put his beer down on the small wooden table.

  “Aye,” Leif nodded.

  Three other bottles joined Theo’s. They looked at each other and then headed off the porch.

  Martin pointed west. “It’s about two miles from here off Skull Road.”

  “They’ll be expecting us to fly or drive,” Theo said. “We walk and take them by surprise.” Their boots crunched on the pebbles. Each held a sword or a gun in his hands.

  Theo’s heart beat harder and his skin grew hotter as the dragon within him threatened to bulk out. God, what if when they got there, Gwen wasn’t alive. She was his whole life. He should have put a tail on those two convicts.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  The cords of muscle on the back of his neck tensed, and he gritted his teeth.

  Stay calm.

  When they had walked a couple of miles, Martin stopped and pointed. “There it is.”

  Theo frowned, trying to keep from releasing his rage, and lifted his arm. “All I see are cacti, pinyon pines, and scrub brush.”

  “It’s there. I told you. It’s invisible.”

  Cé looked at Martin. “Bloody hell, how are we supposed to carry out the plan if we can’t see it?”

  “The house is where a bunch of cacti are surrounding the rocks.”

  “Are you sure?” Leif a

  Martin motioned. “Trust me. It’s there.”

  Theo cleared his throat. “We all know our jobs.”

  A loud agonizing scream froze Theo’s blood.

  “Aye.” Leif transformed into a dragon. He flew in back of the cacti.

  Theo unleashed his beast. Wings thrust out of his back and a tail grew out of buttocks. He grew two sizes. His mouth and nose elongated. Smoke swirled out of his nose. He flew into the front of the cacti and prayed that Martin wasn’t mistaken.

  Cé went to the west side of the cacti while Martin went to the east side.

  Prickling rushed over his scales. Martin better be right about this, because his dragon fire could smite a dragon, a musketeer, and a vampire. The last thing he wanted to do was smite his friends. Theo took a deep breath and blew. Fire blazed onto the cacti. Suddenly, a revolver formed out of midair and fired. Pain slammed into his shoulder, piercing his hide. Blood drizzled down his leg. He screeched.

  “Theo! Help us!” Gwen’s desperate voice spurred him to move.

  “If you come in here, the spells will be released and dark wards will attack you.”

  Theo glared. He pawed one of his talons like a bull. Adrenaline surged through him. Not caring about the damn black magic, he charged. More bullets pierced his scales.

  A loud crash that sounded like glass breaking broke his attention, but then his heart stopped. Cé screamed.

  Theo spewed fire as he burst into the cacti. More agony cut into him as if stalagmites were plowing into him, slowing his movement to a crawl, but he refused to give up.

  “Leave him alone you bastards!” Gwen screamed.

  Another anguish released the rage inside him. He dragged his talons across the ground. The gravel turned into hardwood floor. He inhaled the scent of wood, ash, and fear.

  He wasn’t outside anymore. He was in a cabin.

  Elliott stood smiling, holding a black book with strange symbols on it and a blade underneath Gwen’s chin. “Good evening, Sheriff. Take a step and she’s dead.” His skin was still ashen and he looked like something out of a concentration camp, but a triumphant glare flared in his eyes.

  Theo growled, but remained perfect still. He’d no idea where Leif and Martin had gone.

  Gwen looked at him with tears glistening in her eyes. She had a black eye and a purple bruise on the left side of her cheek.

  Cé was slumped over in a corner with a blade in his heart.

  “Your friend isn’t doing so well. The blade has been dipped in a dead man’s blood in a graveyard under a new moon. According to Madame Mthunzi, fatal to vampires.”

  Theo snarled. Cé was a good man. He didn’t deserve this.

  “You’ll pay for interfering–Impetus.”

  Black smoke rose out of the book and split in two. Half it disappeared underneath a door next to the fireplace, while the other swirled up Theo’s nose. Unbearable anguish swept through him as if fire ants were attacking him from the insides.

  “Greetings from Madame Mthunzi. Those are her wards–lethal to a dragon.”

  “Stay away from me,” a woman screamed from somewhere in the cabin. It had to be Grace.

  Gwen’s lower lip trembled and she stared at a door. Grace must be in there. God, knows what was happening to her, but he was powerless to do anything. If he made a move, the bastard would slice Gwen’s throat.

  “What the hell are you?” a man yelled.

  “You’re worst nightmare–Monsieur.”

  A man screamed. The door next to the flickering fireplace opened and Whitehead staggered out. His hands were over his heart, his eyes wide. He wobbled and fell on his knees. Blood seeped through his fingers. “Mason?” His voice faded, and he fell onto his side.

  “No!” He rushed over to Whitehead’s motionless body. He shook his shoulders. “Shawn, Shawn, answer me.”

  Whitehead’s listless eyes stared blindly.

  “Get a hold of yourself,” Elliott growled.

  Mason glared. “He was my cousin, you bastard!”

  Theo transformed back into a man at dragon speed. “Gwen.” He gritted his teeth as rippling pain surged through him as if twenty-four men had beaten the crap out of him.

  “Theo, what are you doing?”

  “I can’t…fight him as a dragon. Pain. So much…pain.”

  “Yes, my dear,” Elliott said. “The wards beat down a dragon. Any size dragon.”

  “But not a shape-shifter.” Martin stood in the door way, holding his blood drenched sword.

  Elliott blinked. “What the hell are you?”

  Martin raised his sword. “Isn’t it obvious, Monsieur? I’m a Musketeer. One for all and all for one.”

  Mason slowly stood and reached for his revolver. “I’ll kill you.”

  Before Martin could move, Mason fired. Silver bullets riddled him.

  Martin slumped to the floor.

  Mason kicked one of his legs. “That’s what you get for killing my cousin.”

  Theo pulled back his lower lip and growled.

  Another loud snarl came from the bedroom. He pulled back on the trigger. “Another one of your friends is going to die.”

  Theo moved his talons and flapped his wings. Agony ate through him and he screeched. He collapsed, not able to move. Tightness spread across his chest. He was a powerful dragon and could do nothing to save his woman and his friends. What the hell was inside him?

  An agonizing scream crushed Theo’s hope that Leif had survived. Soreness welled up in the back of Theo’s throat. The dragon within him roared and he fought to gain control he had to tell Gwen. She was their only hope.

  “Gwen…listen…to me.”

  Elliott forced Gwen’s head with the knife. A trickle of blood dripped down her throat. “You’ll die soon, Sheriff. The minute you passed the doorway the wards attacked you. And I’ll soon live forever.”

  Ignoring the pain twisting inside him, Theo stared at Gwen. “Topper said…draw on our baby. You have to call her. Only you…can do it. Trust me. I love you. I believe in you.”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “The baby’s got…special…” He gritted his teeth and fell onto his side. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he curled into a ball. Something was moving inside him, shredding his insides.

  He opened his mouth, but spit out blood. God, he was dying.

  Chapter Ten

  Gwen froze in her chair. Her breath stopped. Please not both him and Grace. Theo lay curled up in a ball and wasn’t moving. He was her life. “Theo.” Tears streamed down Gwen’s face, but she was no shrinking violet.

  “Sweet baby, help us. We need you,” he whispered.

  She could barely hear him. How could this be true? She didn’t have any powers.

  “Yes, sweet baby, help us,” Elliott jeered. He wrapped his fingers in Gwen’s hair. “I’m tired of waiting.” He lifted the knife as if to cut her throat.

  Gwen’s belly stirred, growing stronger. Her heart pounded and tingles swept over her, making her hair stand up. Heat surged through her, but she wasn’t sweating.

  “Your skin…” Elliott’s eyes widened. “It’s turning red.”

  She didn’t care. Her heart pounded faster, but it wasn’t just hers. She could feel her baby’s. Every time the baby’s heart beat, more and more power pulsed through her. Adrenaline flushed through her like an out of control forest fire.

  Her nails elongated. She dug them into the chair, tearing the wood. She smiled. “You were saying?”

  Elliott screamed and jerked his hand out of her hair that was on fire. He dropped the knife and stepped back. “What’s happening?”

  The restraints on Gwen sizzled up. Her body was on fire, but she wasn’t burning. She walked toward Elliott. “My baby’s very, very, very angry with you. You want her blood?” She picked up the knife and slashed her hand. “Take some.”

  “No! Please!” He grabbed the dark book of spells.

  She ripped it out of his shaking hands. The boo
k trembled in her hand as if it was trying to escape.

  He reached for the book. “Give it back to me.”

  “I don’t think so.” She smiled, digging her fingernails into the book. The book caught on fire and exploded.

  “What have you done?”

  She tossed what remained in her hands into the fire. “You’re turn.”

  “No, no, stay away from me.”

  But Gwen ignored his pleas. He planned on drinking her blood and killing her baby. She didn’t care that he was dying of cancer. Normally, she would have tried to help him, but he threatened her family.

  She clutched his face with her bleeding palm. Elliott’s face turned bright red. He beat at her wrist and kicked her, but she held on tightly. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel a thing as if a shield protected her. The stench of human skin made her choke. His arm dropped limply to his side. His face melted into goo and he screamed. His body turned into ash. She released him. His bones and what was left of his flesh collapsed onto the floor into a heap of dust.

  Her skin slowly cooled and she caught her breath. She hurried over to Theo. Tears spilled down her face. His skin was so ashen and he was curled into a ball.

  She took off his white cowboy hat and pushed back his thick hair, her hand shaking. “Theo, don’t leave me.”

  “Gwen,” he groaned.

  “Theo.” She pressed her palms on his rugged cheeks. “You’re alive?” She kissed him again and again on his lips, needing to feel his breath mixing with hers.

  “I guess so.”

  “Of course, he is,” a familiar voice said.

  Gwen looked up to see Topper standing in the doorway. “Topper, what happened?”

  “You destroyed the evil, Gwen. The boys weakened the magic when they rushed the house, but your trust in yourself and in Theo allowed you to defeat the darkness.”

  Gwen frowned. “But I’m not magical. How can this be?”

  “You are now, my dear. You mated with a dragon and the little one inside is who made you powerful. Not only did you save Theo, but your friends as well.” She pointed. “See look.”

  Gwen turned where Cé had fallen. Giddiness rushed over her. He pulled the blade out of his chest. “Bloody hell. I need to sleep for a week.”

  Theo stirred and Gwen helped him to sit.


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