Magic, New Mexico

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Magic, New Mexico Page 6

by ML Guida

  “So, after the baby’s born?”

  “She’ll still be magical.” She winked. “I suggested you don’t make her mad, Sheriff.”

  Theo glanced over at Elliott’s steamy remains. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  “You’re telling me.” Martin dusted his hat off and stood.

  Gwen lifted her eyebrow. “So, let’s not start now.”

  Theo put his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  “Tell me.” Cé scratched his head. “Are you still going to walk around like a musketeer?”

  Martin shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Leif walked out of the bedroom, holding an unconscious Grace. Tears rolled down his face. “Gwen.” He voice trailed off and his Adam’s apple moved up and down. “I think they raped her.”

  Grace shook her head. “No. Elliott said they wouldn’t.”

  Theo put his arms around her trembling shoulders. “Elliott lied.”

  Martin sheathed his sword. “When I came through the room, Whitehead was on top of her, groping her, but he had his pants on.”

  “She was naked,” Leif growled.

  Martin hung his head. “I know. He paid for what he did to her.”

  “Aye, so did the other one.” He kissed the top of Grace’s forehead. “She’s so delicate.”

  “She’s stronger than you think,” Topper said quietly. She walked over to Grace and ran her wand across her forehead. A yellow beam formed across her forehead, but then faded. “I built a wall that will keep back some of the memories, but unfortunately, it’s not permanent. She’ll sleep.”

  “Leif, take her to my house.”

  He nodded. You need to get her out of here. In fact, I suggest you all leave this evil place. My coven and I must destroy the cabin, so it does not attract more darkness.”

  “You donna have to tell me choice,” Cè murmured. “I’m ready to get Pandora.”

  “You’ll have to wait,” Topper said. “She’s part of the coven.”

  “She’s here?”


  Cé sped across the room and went outside.

  Theo clasped Gwen’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  Gwen nodded, but she couldn’t speak. Her sister was hurt. If only she knew about her power earlier, maybe Grace wouldn’t have been attacked. She was such a gentle soul.

  Theo and Gwen quietly left the awful cabin. She gripped his hand tightly. When they got outside, women were chatting. Cé and his wife were kissing.

  Leif transformed into a dragon and flew into the sky, his talons clutching Grace. Theo quickly changed and Gwen climbed up on his back. He flapped his wings and air rushed over Gwen. She pressed her legs against his side. She inhaled his campfire scent that always made her feel safe.

  All she wanted to do was fall into Theo’s arms, but she had to take care of Grace like she always had of her. Tonight was going to be a long night.


  “Gwen, Gwen…”

  A soft voice penetrated Gwen’s brain. She immediately woke. She couldn’t believe she fell asleep.

  Gwen opened her eyes. Grace was propped up on the pillow, her face whiter than the sheets.

  She bit her lip. “Are you well? Is the baby…” Tears spilled down her bruised cheeks.

  Gwen clasped her shaking hand. “Yes, I’m fine. So is the baby. The baby saved us, Grace.” She put her hand over her fluttering tummy.

  Grace frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Theo told me I had to ask for the baby’s help. Our little one has powers and he transferred them to me.” She squeezed her sister’s fingers. “I turned Elliott into a fiery ash. They’re all dead. They can’t hurt you anymore.”

  Grace nodded. “I know. A musketeer…”

  “Martin. He’s a shape shifter and he likes to turn into crazy characters.”

  “The musketeer stabbed Whitehead who was on top of me. Whitehead said he was done waiting until midnight. He tore off all my clothes.” She broke into sobs. “I couldn’t stop him. I begged him to leave me alone. I wasn’t strong enough.”

  Gwen grabbed some tissues and wiped her sister’s wet cheeks. “You were tied up, Grace.”

  “I am so ashamed.”

  Gwen brushed her hair back. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. I wished I would have known about the baby’s power before. Why didn’t Topper tell me?”

  As if on cue, Topper flashed into the room. Her hair was the color of a rainbow that she swirled into a beehive.

  Grace gasped and gripped the covers tight.

  Topper sat on the edge of the bed. “The cabin is destroyed and the black magic will not be able to come in through that doorway.” Her voice softened. “How are you feeling, my dear?”

  Grace turned away. “Not well.”

  “Topper, why didn’t you tell me about the baby’s power? I could have stopped all of this from happening.” Gwen couldn’t hide the resentment in her voice.

  “Obviously, because I didn’t know. Since you’ve been pregnant, I have been doing research. I know about dragons, but not dragons from outer space. So, I visited the planet where Theo came from.” She held up her hand. “I’m forbidden to say the name of the planet, because Theo’s parents wanted him to be raised here on Earth. I’m honoring that request. Anyways, I spoke to the Queen–Cosima. She’s the one who told me about the baby’s potential powers. You see if it’s a girl, girls do not change into dragons, but they possess other powers.” She smiled. “As you can see. It was the queen who told me.”

  She patted Grace’s arm. “I just wish I would have found out sooner. But by the time I did, you both had been taken and a dark veil prevented me from finding you. Luckily, you had Theo and his posse.”

  Someone knocked softly on the door. “Gwen, Grace, can I come in?”

  Grace knotted the blanket, but didn’t answer. Her cheeks were bright red. Gwen squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Aye, Come on in, Leif.”

  Leif opened the door. He looked at Topper. “How did you get in here?”

  Gwen frowned at his harsh voice. “Leif.”

  “No worries, hon.” Topper shrugged. “I come and go as I please.”

  He clutched his sword, his knuckles turning white. “I see. Topper you promised to send me back when this was over. I’ve got to get back to my wife, Isabella. I miss her.”

  Topper smiled. “And I will. I don’t go back on my word. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll open the portal and send you back.”

  He relaxed his grip on his sword and smiled. “Good. I’ve got to get back to my wife, Isabella. ’Tis time to go, Grace.”

  Grace tilted her chin. “I’m not going back.”

  “What?” A vein flickered on Leif’s cheek. “Do you think that’s wise? Look what happened here. You’d be safer with Morgana Fey. She wouldn’t have let this happen.”

  Topper narrowed her eyes. “Let this happen? Is that what you think we did?”

  Gwen glared. “Donna take that tone, dear brother. I can recall awful things happening to Isabella, to Mariah, and to Hannah. Hannah was almost raped as I recall.”

  Grace winced.

  “Sorry,” Gwen muttered. “But here. She doesna have to worry about a demon hunting her down.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Can you guarantee nothing will happen to her back in our time?”

  Leif opened his mouth and shut it. He rubbed the back of his neck. “No, I canna.”

  “’Tis Grace’s choice,” Gwen said, softening her voice. “You’ll be at sea with the rest of the pirates and Grace will be at Morgana’s, but she’s getting old. I fear her time is near. Then, what will happen?”

  He turned his head and he clenched his fists. He took a deep breath. “You’ll come find me if you’re both in trouble again?”

  Gwen glanced at Topper who smiled.

  “Of course. Besides, Theo, Martin, Cé, and a coven of witches are here to protect us.” She patted her belly. “And one fierce little baby.”

  The tensed muscles on Leif’s face relaxed and he smiled. “My nephew is quite the fighter.”

  “Niece,” Gwen corrected.

  He shook his head. “Still willing to argue with me?”

  “Always.” She got up and hugged him tightly. “I’ll miss you, dear brother.”

  “And I you.” He released her and walked over to Grace who had tears in her eyes.

  “I’m so…”

  He put his finger on her lips. “You fought bravely, little sister. Even restrained you fought. I’m proud of you. If you want to come back, tell Topper and I’ll come.” He kissed her fingers. “Promise me?”

  “I will. Tell the others I love them. I’ll return someday. I just canna face them yet.”

  He kissed the top of her forehead. “You have friends there. Hannah, Isabella, and Angelica know what you’ve been through.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “I know. When I’m ready, I’ll come.”

  “Good-bye, little sister.” He stood. “I’m ready.”

  Topper motioned with her hand. “Then, come with me, dragon. I need to summon the coven. We’ll send you back today.” She clasped Leif’s arm and then they both disappeared.

  Grace burst into tears. Gwen rushed to her side.

  “If you want to go home, I’ll summon Topper.”

  “No, I’m not ready. ’Tis Leif will tell them what happened. How can I face them again?”

  She clutched Grace’s hand and squeezed it hard. “Because you’re strong, Grace. All of those women have faced perils like you and came out stronger.”

  Grace pushed her hair behind her ears. “But they all have powers…I donna. I’m just human.”

  “Women have experienced this for years and have survived. You will, too.”

  Grace bit her lower lip. “I donna what I did without you.”

  “We’re twins, Grace. I need you as much as you need me, especially with a dragon baby on the way.”

  “Can I stay with you? Will Theo mind?”

  “Of course, not,” a male voice said.

  Theo held his hat in the doorway. His broad shoulders nearly the width of the door.

  Gwen hurried over and hugged him. He held her. His thumping heart sent reassurance through her.

  “Grace, our home is your home. You stay here as long as you like.”

  Gwen looked up at him. “I love you.”

  “And you have my heart.”

  Chapter Eleven

  One month later

  Gwen moaned as a delightfully warm pulse of pleasure rippled down the length of her body and back again. She opened her eyes with a soft sigh and gazed up at the tanned, naked man laying next to her and wondered if the grin he wore was a threat or a challenge.

  Since her kidnapping, she wasn’t the same woman. Her powers had gotten stronger and she delighted in knowing she can set things on fire if she wanted, which always sent her handsome sheriff frowning.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Morning.” She stretched her arms over her head and yawned. “What time is it?”

  “A little before six.”

  He ran his hand down her naked flesh and she shivered.

  “I see you’re in an amorous mood.” She patted the small bump on her belly and the baby fluttered. “Topper says we only have a couple more months before we canna do this.”

  He smiled. “How can I not be when I’m next to such a beautiful woman?”

  She clasped his wondering hand and kissed his knuckles. “I love you.”

  “I know.”He slid his other hand up her hips to her waist to her breasts, stroking his slick fingers around one breast, circling and brushing the nipple until it budded. She caught her breath, trying to remember what the hell they were talking about.

  “Would you like to prove it?”

  “Aye, please, Theo.”

  He laughed and rolled on top of her. He moved his hot mouth down her throat to her other breast. He lavished it like until she was gasping. She cradled his head to her breast and arched her back, allowing him to take more of her flesh into his mouth.

  “Always.” She gasped and looked nervously at the door, wondering about her sister. She was getting stronger, but often times, she wanted to be alone. At least she was smiling. “Is Grace still asleep?”

  “I’m sure. She doesn’t get up until around seven anyways and I have to be at work by seven thirty.” He inserted his finger between her curls, stroking her and stirring an aching passion.

  She panted. “Let’s..start you day with something…to remember me…by.”

  “Yes, let’s do.” He parted her legs and pressed his hips between hers. His stiff cock pushed against her soft folds.

  He kissed her, branding her as his. She clutched his shoulders and returned his fervor. He slid his cock deep into her core. His eyes were wide and gold and filled with the vision of how he loved her and believed in her. He proved his belief in her time and time again.

  He rocked his hips and she wrapped her strong legs around him, pinning him. Their rhythm was slow then glided into a steady and then hard pace. Gwen shuddered as an orgasm filled inside her, taking her higher and higher. Her rapid heart beat matched his. Blood gushed through, ending at her core.

  Theo’s eyes glowed darker, meaning he was approaching his own ecstasy.

  She clung to him and arched her back as fiery bliss rolled over her. She cried out his name.

  He pounded harder and harder against her until he thrust his head back and growled, spilling his seed deep inside her.

  “I never…never.” He panted. “Get tired of hearing you call my name.”

  She threaded her fingers through his hair. “And you my fiery dragon, chase away my darkness.”

  He kissed her again. She didn’t know what was in store in Magic, since everyday brought surprises, but she knew for sure that Theo would always be there–dragon in shining armor.


  Do you love dragons? Want more? Madness Unmarked is full of dragons, space bears, and flesh-eating aliens.

  Other books by ML Guida

  Dragons of Zalara Series

  Madness Unleashed

  Madness Unhinged

  Touch of Madness

  Madness Unbalanced (Coming in June)

  Legends of the Soaring Phoenix

  A Pirate's Curse

  A Pirate's Revenge

  A Pirate's Agony

  A Pirate's Obsession

  A Pirate's Bane

  A Pirate's Darkness

  Award Winning Author M.L. Guida loves the paranormal. Even when she was four years old, she would watch the soap opera, Dark Shadows, and fell in love with vampires! Who wouldn't want a bite on the neck? But she didn't stop there. Witches, dragons, angels, and demons are sprinkled throughout her books.

  Today, she continues to love the preternatural and watches Supernatural, Paranormal Survivor, and A Haunting. Like Dean Winchester, she loves to write alpha males who aren't afraid to face the forces of evil.

  You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Bookbub, and Instagram

  If you’d like to connect with her, join Supernatural Scrolls and learn about her, her dog, Raven, and new releases!




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