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The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1)

Page 6

by J. A. Kerr

As they had been splashed all over the papers, Abbey knew the other women in Steve’s life. She didn’t have to imagine what they had done together; it was all there in black and white. Once she’d read those words, it was even harder to forgive and impossible to forget.

  The images tortured her. She couldn’t get them out of her mind and she couldn’t sleep or eat. Relentlessly she sought answers, and fighting exhaustion, hovered on the brink of losing her mind; she knew she needed to do something radical to break the cycle. Picking up the phone, she dialled the number and secured an appointment for the end of the week.

  On her arrival at The Braille Club, she took a deep breath, smiled at the rather severe but attractive man opposite her, and placed her black Amex card on the desk. Becoming a member was a lengthy process, so that had been done several months ago, but she was assured the wait was worth it. Now she was going to her first in-house sensory lesson. Abbey would be in control and she could stop at any time. She wanted to be in control in her otherwise uncontrollable life. Not bothering to look at her reflection in the mirror, she no longer saw the beautiful face, the enormous brown eyes, high cheekbones, and adorable dimples. Instead, she saw a haunted woman, weak and needy. She didn’t want to be that woman anymore; she was desperate for a new identity and a new reflection.

  Feeling her spirits lift for the first time in months, she picked up her membership card, which was blank except for a number of raised dots. She slipped it into her Gucci purse and called for a car; it was a company she was familiar with. They were trustworthy, with a private fleet of anonymous but comfortable cars. Hearing the toot of a horn, she checked her watch. Right on time, she thought, as her Louboutin heels clicked on the imported marble floor. Collecting her coat and bag, she set the alarm and closed the door, locking it securely.

  Opening the car door, the driver greeted her politely and they set off into the London traffic. Abbey didn’t have to worry about Steve coming back tonight as he was away for three days training with the rest of the team. She didn’t trust him, and was seriously worried in case he was up to no good. The all too familiar knot tightened in her stomach as she thought of him. Sighing as she felt tears threatening, she vowed to put him out of her mind and enjoy her day. Her appointment was for twelve-thirty, but she needed to be there at eleven. Checking the time, she felt a twinge of panic; she hated to be late.

  “I have to be at my club by eleven o’clock,” she said to the driver worriedly.

  “I’ll do my best, traffic is a bit heavy at the moment,” said the driver, “but there’s plenty of time yet.”

  Yet another thing she couldn’t control, she realised bitterly. Just like that, the car started moving as the congestion cleared. Abbey breathed a sigh of relief as they continued to make progress, arriving only a few minutes late.

  She thanked the driver and walked purposely over to the club entrance, admiring the wonderful display of flowers. Inside she headed for the reception desk and asked for Guy. She didn’t need to wait long; he was beside her in seconds. Shaking her hand, he led her through a set of doors into a corridor. He stopped halfway down and indicated the light switch with a card slot. He inserted her card into the reader, and the door clicked open. Returning her card, he gestured to her to step inside.

  “This is where I leave you.” He smiled warmly. “Do you have everything you need—the code for example?”

  Abbey’s heart almost stopped as she started to search her large Gucci bag frantically. It had been a gift from Steve and she had always disliked it. She could feel the panic rising, and almost sobbed with relief when she found her mobile phone nestled in the zipped pouch of her bag. God, she really was a mess. She looked at the screen and saw she did indeed have a text.

  “Sorry, yes. I’m sure I’ve got it.”

  Guy waited patiently until she confirmed she had the door code, then told her to make her way down the corridor as he turned to leave. Abbey’s hands were sweating as she opened the text message. She stopped outside a large cream door and punched the numbers into the keypad, butterflies in her stomach, her body trembling in case she got it wrong. Seconds seemed like hours until she heard the door click open.

  This is what Steve had reduced her to: a bundle of nerves and an emotional wreck. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of bells ringing and the splendour of the room. It was breath-taking, with an exquisite floral arrangement centre stage on a large round glass table. She approached the high gloss desk where an attractive young woman asked for her membership card. Locating her purse easily this time, she handed it to the young woman, who smiled at her encouragingly. Tentatively, she smiled back.

  “Welcome to The Braille Club, Abbey. Please sign in and I’ll call Guy. He will see to your requirements today.”

  “Thank you,” said Abbey, confused. Hadn’t she just met Guy?

  She had specifically requested she be called by her first name, not her married name, and was pleased to see her instructions had been followed. It had given her a little thrill, made her feel a tiny bit stronger; in fact, she was still amazed she had applied for the membership, wondering where the inner strength had come from. Smoothing her skirt, she took Guy’s outstretched hand.

  “We meet again.” He smiled. “All members must enter the same way using their unique code,” he explained.

  “Oh right, I found it a bit nerve racking,” confessed Abbey.

  “Well, you managed it beautifully.” He beamed. “Are you ready for your orientation tour?”

  “Oh, I think so,” said Abbey, smiling.

  She felt a flutter of excitement as she stood beside Guy in front of the gilded opaque doors, waiting for them to open.

  Chapter 10


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: The Braille Club has six zones plus Elysian. Each zone contains ten people: five Patrons (the givers) and five Assignees (the receivers). Impatience hangs heavy in the air as members glance at the Braille clock on Caligo’s wall. Ignored by most, it is always counting down.

  When the three dots appear indicating zero, the room seems to tighten collectively as five keys begin to vibrate. Assignees first, then five keys vibrate for the Patrons. The zone times are staggered as sixty people disappearing at the same time would be noticeable. Assignees and Patrons make their way to the unisex restrooms. Keys in hand as they approach the bank of closed doors, its violent shuddering indicates the correct one. They press the key; the door clicks open, and they move inside. They point their key at the infra-red sensor on the back wall as it too opens to reveal the inner chamber.

  Marbella, 2012


  Siena awakened, gasping from her dream, her face wet with tears as Benedict kissed them away, his blue eyes piercing her soul. She turned her head away.

  She was confused for a second by his presence, her mind still in the grip of a nightmare. Why now? Underneath, she knew why but suppressed the thought.

  “You were sobbing.” His voice was full of concern.

  She closed her eyes, afraid the dream would return, but it’s better than having to talk. Taking his time, Benedict started to kiss her neck and felt her resistance as she pulled away.

  “No,” she said. But he ignored her, his tongue now tracing down her slim tight body, his fingers on her breasts, stroking achingly slowly around her areola, his thumbs rubbing her tightening nipples repeatedly as her body quickly responded, greedy for more.

  “No,” she gasped but with less conviction, the dream no longer in her mind as his tongue continued to travel down, his lips reaching her breasts, licking and teasing. Siena wound her hands in his hair as she tried to stop him, but her body arched as his fingers slipped into her wet centre, probing expertly.

  She twisted violently now as he sucked and kissed his way down her body while his fingers worked deep inside her. She moaned incoherently, the sensations flowing through her, the need for release building as his head travelled further down. He kissed her inner thighs, inching his way up,
his breathing ragged until finally, his tongue plunged into her core again and again until she exploded.

  Her body convulsed, her mind was in free fall but suddenly reconnected as he pushed into her, making her gasp once again. His thrusts were strong, powerful, and she needed this, her body pushing back hard and they were like one, their body’s slick with moisture as they moved together, faster and faster until their release exploded, sending shock waves through them, they fell onto the bed and still they both wanted more…

  Chapter 11


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: The members’ roles are decided on the night of attendance. Assignee: Sits in the Braille seat, their goal is not to ring the bell that is attached to their cuffs. They have fifteen minutes of grace, thereafter the longer they stay still, the longer the experience lasts. The sensory suit they wear makes that difficult; used in conjunction with the sensory devices, it’s almost impossible.


  Gabriella arrived at the club early, leaving her pride and joy in the complimentary underground car park available only to Elysian members, a perk she very much approved of and one of the many reasons for choosing that membership. As she had been told when booking into the sensory class, she was to use her card to activate the elevator, which would take her to the reception area. Checking her reflection again in the mirror, her stomach tightened. She knew she was being silly, but she couldn’t help being nervous. She was out of her depth, not knowing what to expect.

  The doors slid open and she stepped out into the dimly lit corridor, filled by divinely-scented candles, giving it a cosy feel. Her heels tapped on the cool marble floor before sinking down into the plush carpet as she approached a small desk. The door opened and a slender, elegant woman emerged.

  “Gabriella, so lovely to meet you. My name is Grace,” said the woman, smiling warmly, her hand outstretched. She immediately put Gabriella at ease.

  “Please consider today a journey of both body and mind.”

  “Yes,” said Gabriella. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Good,” said Grace, opening a door and leading them inside a large airy room, decorated in shades of cream with high ceilings and ornate moulding. The walls had heavy cream brocade wallpaper with two large windows draped in expensive swags and tails with a fine lace over the glass. A large soft rug covered most of the wooden floor and several chairs with narrow backs were dotted around, along with two large cream loveseats. A small matching sofa with cabinets at each side and an expensive looking coffee table in the middle completed the room. In the corner was a large vintage screen in cream and gold tones. Along one wall were built-in high gloss cupboards, the overall effect elegant and modern.

  “Before we begin, can I offer you some refreshments: tea, coffee, something from our bar, or perhaps water?”

  “Water would be lovely,” said Gabriella gratefully.

  Grace crossed the room, opened one of the cabinets to reveal a fully stocked fridge, and removed a bottle of water. Opening another cupboard, she located a glass and beckoned Gabriella over.

  “Please have a seat here.” She indicated the loveseat, pouring the water into a glass and placing it on the table.

  Gabriella sank into the deep comfortable chair and let herself relax a little.

  “These are the garments I told you about; we have them in the sizes you specified. Please put them on whenever you are ready.” Grace indicated the screen. “We need only the upper garment today.”

  Gabriella lifted the glass and sipped the water, her mouth suddenly dry, then crossed the room to the screen and slipped behind it. She removed her loose red shirt and pulled on the garment. It fit like a glove but felt strange and weighted, while Grace went to another cabinet and removed a locked case.

  “Okay, there are three main rules we observe in The Braille Club, and they are called the Braille Commandments.” She handed Gabriella a printed card. She took it and started to read.

  1. Thou shall not see.

  2. Thou shall not speak.

  3. Thou shall not tell.

  She then took items from the case and placed them next to Gabriella, explaining what they were. She started with the cuffs, showing them to Gabriella before gently snapping them around her wrists. The cuffs had bells attached, and they tinkled.

  “This is your control; simply shake your wrists to stop. Please try it out.” Gabriella dutifully shook her wrists and the bells tinkled again. Gabriella was trying not to show her alarm; what had she signed up for?

  “These can be linked together, but it is not necessary for today,” Grace said, showing Gabriella how to join the cuffs. “Remember you must keep your hands from moving; ring those bells and everything stops. Be careful; many people forget, ending their session prematurely. Can you put these sensors around your neck and waist?”

  The first sensor—The Lapel, reminded Gabriella of the device used by her hairdresser to keep her gown in place. It was weighted, and fitted snugly around her neck and shoulders, with long panels sitting over her chest. The second—The Belt, was a weighted sensor like a belt with a v-shaped front. She put them on, adjusting them until comfortable.

  “The first rule is blindfolds must be worn; they are compulsory. Can I place this blindfold over your eyes?”

  Gabriella nodded but looked uncertain as the heavy silk hood slipped over her head. Also weighted, it sank against her eye sockets, hugging her ears and skimming across her nose, the fabric soft and luxurious against her face as it plunged her into darkness. She was suddenly glad of the seat beneath her, touching it with her hands to reassure herself.

  “Now relax, Gabriella, you are in control.”

  Gabriella sank lower, cocooned in the seat.

  “The second rule of the club is silence must be observed. Although there may be music in the room, you cannot speak, so as of now I will be the only voice in the room. Please nod your head that you understand and are happy to continue.”

  Gabriella nodded her head, her imagination running wild as to what was to come next.

  “Gabriella, the object of the game is not to ring the bells attached to the cuffs. This can be difficult. Are you ready to play?”

  She nodded as her pulse and heartbeat accelerated, then the music started, soothing, sensuous, and the door closed softly.

  “Excellent,” replied Grace.

  Gabriella jumped as her voice came through the hood and into her ears.

  “Now,” said Grace, “I want you to concentrate on my voice.”

  Gabriella experienced a tightening around her upper body and waist as Grace flipped a switch. There were magnets in the sensors which were connected to her upper garment.

  “Gabriella, I am no longer in the room, as you must enjoy this experience alone.”

  Gabriella started to feel a pleasant heat from the sensors around her neck, upper body, and waist.

  “Please take your hands and rest them in your lap or by your side, whichever is more comfortable.” Gabriella rested them in her lap. “Now imagine your husband, his fingertips tracing slowly around your lips…”

  The sensor around her neck and chest was starting to vibrate slowly, making her skin tingle. The sensor around her waist and across her thighs was also vibrating, as the heavy v-shape resting against her pubic bone began a slow pulse. As Grace took Gabriella through the sequence, her body was quick to respond, and she began to understand that not moving her hands would become difficult. As the belt sensor’s vibrations increased, Gabriella began to sweat, the sensations stronger now, radiating through her body to her very centre. When the sensor across her chest began to tighten gently, pressing against her breasts, she gasped, her breathing becoming shorter. When the v-shape centre of the belt started to pulse faster, Gabriella could sense her climax building.

  With the voice in her ears painting a picture in her mind and the sensors supplying the sensations, she lost herself in the delicious fantasy. Aroused and filled with desire, she gasped whe
n the sensor increased the magnetic pull around her nipples, the sensation exquisite and erotic as the belt pulsed even harder against her sensitised core. She could stand it no more and came undone, the bells ringing as her hands gripped the chair, the sensory devices falling still. Gabriella remained in the seat, trying to get her breathing under control. Disoriented and hot, she also felt wonderful. She heard the door opening and struggled to sit up.

  “Please relax, your eyes will need to adjust, so take your time removing your blindfold and remember to drink your water,” said Grace kindly. “You will find a clean robe and slippers behind the screen. Please knock when you are ready, and I will take you to the spa.” Grace then left the room through the same door.

  Gabriella felt like she was walking on air. She should be embarrassed, but instead experienced a rush of exhilaration as she stripped off the unique garment and placed it carefully back inside the fabric sack. Removing the rest of her clothes, she put them into the complimentary spa bag before slipping on the wonderfully fresh-smelling robe and sighed deeply.

  She picked up the bags and knocked on the door, her mind elsewhere. She was still trembling with excitement. This was the best guilty pleasure ever.

  Chapter 12


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: Patron Roles: To take control, securing the Assignee’s cuffs before selecting their favourite sensory devices. Some Patrons are better than others, because evoking intense pleasure is a coveted skill. Assignees have their grace period to settle in and enjoy. Should they move within this time, the cuffs vibrate violently, making the Assignee freeze and the Patron smile. Movement is what the Patron strives for, the rubber stamp they are doing a good job. But after the grace period ends, bells soon begin to ring.


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