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The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1)

Page 19

by J. A. Kerr

  “Got the ten of swords, worst card in the pack, and it kept coming up, so that’s never a good sign,” Lucy said airily. Siena could tell her friend wasn’t happy but felt she couldn’t press her. Readings were private, and it was clear Lucy didn’t want to discuss it.

  Was that another reason she had been feeling restless? Lucy was thrilled when Siena told her she was coming to London. She seemed to Siena to live her life to the max, regaling her with all sorts of stories of her life in London. Lucy had never forgotten the party in Marbella but had never been invited to another. Siena couldn’t take the risk, telling Lucy it had been a one-off, which she had accepted disappointedly. They never spoke about how they’d met all those years ago and never discussed why they’d been in the clinic. They had only been interested in getting out of it.

  She couldn’t explain her actions now, either. She had been excited and appalled in equal measure when she’d received Benedict’s acceptance for the ball. What was she doing, sending him that mail and the package? He was like a drug, like no man she had ever met, and yet she hardly knew him. Showing off like a child, trying to get his attention; that’s what he did to her. She was trying to impress him and to hell with the consequences. Siena was quite sure Benedict was an unusual type of man; that he would be difficult to be around but never dull. Was she ready to throw her marriage away for this stranger? Did this happen to other couples?

  She grimaced as she noticed the time. She would have to get a move on or else she wouldn’t be ready when her cab arrived. Pulling herself up, she padded into her bedroom and turned on the shower. She was dressed and ready as the car sounded its horn, her stomach flipping over at the thought of seeing her parents. She tried to rehearse what she would say to them but somehow she couldn’t find the words.

  The journey passed quickly as her preoccupied mind mulled over her options. Stepping out from the cab, she took several deep breaths before walking into The Savoy Hotel, telling herself they were here to support her no matter what, and that calmed her nerves. She found the restaurant and saw them, her heart soaring as she realized how much she had missed them. They both stood, embracing her as she joined them, and she felt very emotional and wobbly. As they sat down she looked at her dad’s kind face, her mom’s comforting hand in hers, and felt tears prickle her eyes. Siena was so glad they’d come; she felt better just being with them. Throughout lunch, they discussed their flight and what was happening at home, not pushing Siena for information on her marriage.

  Nick had not contacted them about Siena’s collapse and for that she was grateful. He always resented the way “they,” as he saw it, “took over,” saying he was perfectly capable of looking after her. He thought they wrapped her up in cotton wool, and he liked the fact he had the power to keep them in the dark. They finished their lunch, and Siena felt almost happy and certainly more relaxed than she had been in weeks. She followed her parents up to their suite, where they decided they would have coffee. Sinking down into the luxurious sofa, she felt a wave of tiredness come over her and yawned. She could hardly keep her eyes open, the sleepless nights catching up with her.

  “Siena, you look exhausted. Why don’t you take a nap next door in our room?” her mom said. “We’ll be right here.”

  Siena thought about refusing, but didn’t have the energy.

  “I haven’t been sleeping very well,” she admitted.

  “Yes, I can see that. You’ll feel so much better afterwards, I promise,” said her mom, smiling.

  Siena let her mother settle her in their room and was asleep in minutes, safe in the knowledge her parents were next door. She didn’t hear her phone buzzing or her parents’ concerned whispers, she was blissfully dreaming of Benedict. She awoke disoriented some five hours later until she remembered where she was. Climbing out of bed, she knocked before entering the lounge. Both her parents were reading, and they smiled when they saw her in the doorway.

  “Nick called earlier,” her mom said lightly. “I told him you were asleep and that you would call him when you got up.”

  “Oh, did you hear my cell?”

  “No, Nick called the hotel and got our room; he got worried when he hadn’t managed to get hold of you.”

  “That was clever of him; I’ll just give him a ring.”

  Siena turned back into the bedroom and searched through her bag for her cell. Twelve missed calls registered against Nick’s name, the first one being at fifteen-thirty and then every fifteen minutes until he had called the hotel. She felt a sudden surge of anger at his behaviour; he was always like this, hostile towards her parents, and controlling. She sent him a text.

  Siena: Sorry to miss your calls earlier, my parents have asked us to join them for dinner tonight.

  She prayed that he wouldn’t, hoped that the invitation would be enough to appease him. His reply was instantaneous.

  Nick: You’ve been with them all day is dinner really necessary?

  She groaned.

  Siena: Yes! Are you coming or not?

  Her cell remained silent. God she hated Nick right at this moment. He would keep her waiting. Well, she didn’t care. She dropped her cell back into her bag before joining her parents.

  “You look so much better,” said her mom, relief in her voice.

  “Do you want to tell us what’s upsetting you?”

  She looked at both of them and saw only love and sympathy in their faces as she poured herself a coffee from the hot cafetiere and tried to compose her tumbling thoughts before sitting down. In a quiet voice, she began to tell them. They listened in silence as she told them she’d met someone else. Although unsure of that relationship, it had shown her that she wasn’t in love with Nick anymore.

  But the next bit would be harder to explain. She had always been afraid of Nick at some level. Was it the coldness in his expression that frightened her, or the way he always seemed to know what she was thinking? What she was doing? Plus, she couldn’t stand being intimate with him, sharing a bed, terrified he was going to touch her. She wanted to disappear to where Nick couldn’t reach her and wanted her parents to help.

  Her buzzing phone interrupted her thoughts, and she felt her usual jumble of nerves as she saw it was a text from Nick.

  Nick: Taking a rain check on dinner going to work late at the clinic, will I drop by and pick you up about 10ish?

  Relief flooded through her that she didn’t have to face him over dinner, but dread returned at the thought of spending another night with him. She quickly sent him a text.

  Siena: Perfect, as I’m still feeling tired, blood sugar a bit low, so a lift would be great.

  It wasn’t, but Nick would leave her alone now. She apologized to her parents, explaining Nick would not be joining them but was picking her up later from the hotel.

  “Are you sure about this, Siena?” her father asked.

  “Yes, Dad. I can’t explain it…it’s like I’m free of him, like I was under a spell that’s now broken and I want out. I’m worried Nick won’t let me leave,” she whispered, voicing her greatest fear.

  “But he can’t make you stay against your will,” said her father angrily.

  “Dad, I think Nick is capable of doing exactly that. Look at my history. I’m scared he’ll say I’m depressed…bring up my suicide attempt. He’s a psychologist, for God’s sake. I’m scared.”

  Her mother and father looked haunted before her mother took Siena in her arms.

  “We will not let him harm you,” she said fiercely.

  “I don’t think it’s that simple, Mum, but I’ve got a plan…if you and Dad will help me.”

  “Tell us,” they pleaded…and so she did.

  Chapter 35


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: Caligo often has intimate sessions with famous singers and bands. Tickets sell out within minutes, released to its private members only. The musicians are centred in the room where their fans can almost touch them; fans who are often prominent movers and shakers th
emselves but who stand star-struck as their idols perform. They always finish before midnight, the glass doors sliding out and locking securely before the glass turns opaque. Benedict had taken talent as payment instead of money for certain Elysian Memberships.


  Gabriella and Max left the room, moving through the door to stand in a small cube. It turned slowly before the door on the other side opened and again they found themselves in the plush corridor. There was an urgency about them; Gabriella had no idea what Max was thinking as she was still reliving the thrill of the kiss. She sensed a breakthrough; she felt dazed as they headed for the reception and their jackets, requesting a cab that arrived in minutes. They sat close together on their journey home. Max remained silent, while Gabriella, her head against his shoulder, closed her eyes and dreamed. As soon as they entered the house, Max drew Gabriella in his arms and held her. She melted and then he whispered in her ear.

  “Let’s do that again.”

  Her heart fluttering, Gabriella looked at Max’s intense eyes.

  “A-again?” she asked stuttered stupidly.

  “Well, it is my birthday,” he murmured into her neck.

  “Come and help me,” said Gabriella, a little flustered.

  “At your service, madam,” he replied.

  She steered Max into the kitchen, telling him to put the champagne and glasses onto a tray while she got her handbag and located her Braille card. The black ribbon in the centre remained untouched. She added some nibbles to the tray and Max carried it up to their vast bedroom. Decorated in soothing creams and duck egg blues, it oozed style and luxury; from the sparkling chandelier to the centrepiece four poster bed. A full wall of elegant wardrobes concealed a large flat screen TV as well as their clothes. Max placed the tray on the large table under the window, which held a beautiful flower arrangement of cream roses and white gypsophila. Gabriella set the iPod to the Braille playlist, and the music played softly in the background.

  Happiness bubbled inside her as she slipped off her shoes before reaching up to unzip her dress. She felt Max behind her, his fingers pulling the zip as his arm encircled her, and she moaned. Her dress fell to the floor in a silken pool as she felt her husband’s hands on her skin. She also felt something else she had not experienced for such a long time—hope. They stood in an embrace, then Max asked her to put her shoes back on. Shoes were Gabriella’s passion, as food was his. She obliged, and colour rose to her cheeks as her husband let out a long appreciative whistle.

  “How did I get so lucky? Mrs. Ballantyne, you look amazing,” he complimented.

  Gabriella was holding in her tummy and giggled as it popped out.

  “Now look what you made me do.” She laughed before pulling in her tummy again and walking around the room in her best model pose. She had chosen her underwear with care; the soft silk balcony bra presented her breasts as a gift, the cleverly cut knickers showcased her pert bottom to perfection, and lastly the silk stockings which she knew Max used to like and, she hoped, still did. Gabriella had been honing her body for this exact moment. She had always hoped it would come, and wanted to look her best when it did. Her daily regime of diet and exercise was all about wooing Max, tempting him back into her arms. She had tried everything from provocative clothing to wearing nothing at all in front of him, but it made no difference.

  Just thinking about her actions made her cringe with Max’s exasperated words, “For God’s sake, Gabriella, will you put on some clothes.” It cut her to the quick.

  She went to the card on the bed, unwinding the ribbon before pulling it apart, her body tingling when she heard the bell ringing. Max brought them both a glass of champagne and handed one to Gabriella, and they toasted happy birthday. Max smiled and took the ribbon from her hands.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  Gabriella explained that one ribbon was the blindfold and the other the cuffs.



  “Clever.” Max smiled before taking Gabriella by surprise and sliding the blindfold over her eyes.

  She started to object, but Max reminded her she couldn’t speak. They would play the game according to his rules; after all, it was his birthday. He gently positioned her comfortably on the bed, slowly pulled his wife’s arms up behind her head, and slipped the cuffs on her wrists. Gabriella shivered at his touch, her body expectant. Max lifted his glass and tipped a little champagne over her lips, making her gasp, before he gently began to kiss her. She responded, her desire for him immediately palpable while her body, starved of contact, went into overdrive. Their kisses deepened as they both lost themselves in the moment before Max pulled away. Gabriella groaned. She was breathing hard and looked like she desperately didn’t want him to stop.

  Max turned up the music, the sexy beats matching his racing heart. He made his presence known as he blew gently on Gabriella’s lips and neck, mimicking what she had done to him earlier. A thousand goose bumps popped up over her skin. He continued down her body and she responded accordingly. Her nipples tightened and strained against her bra; her tummy quivered and contracted, her legs shook. Max lifted the champagne once again and tipped it over her right breast and then her left. The liquid was cold and made her gasp as it soaked into the expensive silk. Max’s mouth hovered over her skin, the waiting almost unbearable. All his senses alive and tingling; his longing threatening to overwhelm him.

  Gabriella moaned as his lips touched her, his kisses light at first before becoming more urgent. She tried not to move but failed as his mouth found her breasts, sucking hard at her nipples through the silken fabric and making her cry out. He carried on, tipping more champagne over her stomach, licking and sucking his way down her body. He took the champagne and let it soak through her silk knickers, the cold welcome as the flames of their desire engulfed them. Max’s lips began to suck at the material, making Gabriella whimper and shake.

  Her body twisted and bucked on the bed, and neither of them paid any attention to the bell. Max lifted his glass and took a long sip before leaning down and putting his lips onto his wife’s. The liquid spilled out, and he licked it away as it ran down her chin and neck. He took another sip and pulled the wet fabric of her bra down to reveal a taut, hardened nipple. The liquid dribbled as he took the nipple into his mouth, working Gabriella into frenzy. He did the same to her other breast as she wriggled and moved beneath him, then slid his fingers down her body and tugged at the ribbons of her knickers.

  “Please,” Gabriella whispered. “Please…”

  Pushing his wife’s legs apart, he thrust his tongue hard into her core again and again till she screamed out his name as her orgasm ripped through her.

  Gabriella lay shaking and emotional, the joy of release bringing tears to her eyes.

  “Max,” she whispered.

  “Sssshhhhhh,” he replied.

  He rolled Gabriella onto her tummy, thoroughly enjoying himself. He lifted up her hair as he pressed his lips to her neck and felt her shudder. Smiling as he heard her cries of pleasure, he increased the pressure of his kisses up and down her neck, her groans turning to gasps as his mouth sucked harder, marking her skin as he felt the first stirring of an erection. His hands travelled over the smooth skin of her back and eventually came to rest on her buttocks, Gabriella, panting now, screamed into the bedclothes as she felt her husband’s tongue travel over her skin, her centre pulsing as the sensations once again started to build. He parted her legs and slipped his fingers deep inside her, bringing her quickly to her second orgasm.

  Gabriella cried softly, utterly undone, and jumped a little as he moved her hands, pulling the cuffs off. Next he slipped the blindfold from her eyes before pulling her into his arms and kissing her, lying naked beside her, his tongue in her mouth as they clung together. She kissed him back passionately. He rejoiced in the feel of her skin, moulding his body around her, lost as they rediscovered one another. Max didn’t want it to stop; desperate not to break the spell. When he finally entered Gabriell
a, she gasped in surprise, and they were like one, their climax quick but beautiful. They lay together for a long time afterwards, their arms tight around each other, not wanting to let go, feeling complete at last. Max gently put his hands on either side of her face and softly whispered, “Thank you,” with tears in his eyes.

  They lay together until the chill made Max move; he felt like he was floating out of the bed towards the shower, on that very special high that only glorious sex can deliver. Max found himself grinning stupidly; he had just made love with his wife. The thought bounced around his brain as he stumbled towards the shower. His body was sticky, and he knew there was no way Gabriella would let him between the sheets until he was clean. He had a pang of conscience and wondered if the bedlinens were ruined and then he laughed. So what if it was ruined? He’d buy her another.

  He’d been waiting over a year, and he wanted to savour every moment of it. Had it been The Braille Club? Had he just recovered his sex drive? The coverlet popped into his head again, making him smile before he dismissed it. He started the shower, turning as he heard Gabriella’s footsteps beside him. She had a mischievous look in her eye as she joined him. He pulled her close as the warm water streamed over their naked bodies. Reaching for the Caligo shower gel, he gently started to wash her body.

  “My God, Gabriella…I’ve missed you,” he murmured into her hair.

  Turning to face him, she pulled him towards her and kissed him fiercely.

  Chapter 36


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: Some Elysian members remain in the E-Suites whilst others mingle in Caligo. When you opt for CHANCE, you never know when your key will vibrate, and this puts the members on edge, this unknown quantity making their blood race. Which zone will they be in? Who will be with them and what role will they play? Enthralled and appalled, they wait for their keys to vibrate.


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