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Lockdown Page 7

by Cher Carson

  Tucker rolled his eyes as he straddled the oak chair. “Please, she wouldn’t be going out with the loser parade if she had a decent guy.”

  How the hell was Jake going to get her brother to back off without telling him the truth about last night? In all their years of friendship, this was the first time he’d ever felt compelled to keep a secret from Tucker. “You mean like that guy last night? Tell me what happened.” Jake claimed a chair across from his friend. “I want to hear everything.” He whipped his phone out. “And I want that little bastard’s contact info.”

  Tucker laughed. “Take it easy. I took care of it. He won’t be bothering Jess again.”

  “She said he got a little carried away because he was drinking too much. You think there was more to it than that?” What Jake really wanted to know was whether Tucker thought the guy might come back to finish what he started when Jess was alone and defenseless. The thought made his blood run cold. He wouldn’t let her out of his sight until he knew, for certain, that that dirtbag wouldn’t be back.

  Tucker leaned forward. “If you’re asking me whether I think he would have raped her, had they been alone here, then the answer is yes. Hell, he was stupid enough to pull that shit knowing I was less than a hundred feet away.”

  Jake clenched his fists. He didn’t want to hear this, but he had no choice. If he wanted to protect Jess, he needed all the facts. “Why didn’t you throw his ass in jail?”

  Tucker scrubbed his face with his hands. “Believe me, I wanted to, but he didn’t break any laws, technically. If I’d walked in five minutes later, that would have been a whole different story.”

  “Thank God you got there when you did.” It made Jake crazy to think about some animal taking from her what she’d willingly given him last night.

  “Yeah, just in time to teach that shithead a lesson he won’t soon forget.”

  “Maybe, but I want to know how to reach him, just in case I need to.”

  Tucker smiled. “Len, the tow truck driver, should have his address. I’ll get him to email it to you.”

  “Thanks.” Jake sighed as he propped his elbows on the table.

  “You okay, man? You look kinda tired.” He tipped the bottle to his lips. “Didn’t sleep last night, or what?”

  If only Tucker knew that he’d spent the night tossing and turning, remembering what he’d done to his baby sister. His friend would haul out his shotgun, rightly so. “I’m okay.” He crooked a thumb over his shoulder. “Tell me again why you invited Phil? Anyone can see he’s not her type.”

  Tucker pointed a finger at him. “I think you’re jealous.”

  Jake scowled. “Fuck that. You think I’m jealous of that guy?”

  “No, I think you’re jealous that you’re not the center of my sister’s world anymore. She’s moving on, and before long, she’s gonna find a new hero to take your place.” Tucker chuckled. “Admit it, that’s what’s eating at you, isn’t it?”

  The thought of Jess replacing him with someone else did irk him, but not for the same reasons her brother believed. He didn’t want to be Jessica’s silly little infatuation. He wanted to her lover, her man, but was he willing to take the risk? If things didn’t work out between them, it would affect all of their lives. No more family get-togethers, Sunday dinners, joint birthday parties for Jared. He couldn’t imagine his life without those things. He couldn’t imagine his life without Jess, but he knew she couldn’t go on this way and he didn’t have the right to expect her to.

  “Maybe that’s part of it,” Jake admitted finally, when he realized Tucker was still waiting for a response. “Don’t get me wrong. I want her to be happy, but…”

  “I get it. I do.”

  No, he didn’t. Tucker didn’t have a clue.

  Lorna entered the room. “It’s such a nice night. I was thinking we might eat outside. Would you guys mind bringing some extra chairs in from the shed?”

  “You got it,” Jake said, jumping up. It would give him an excuse to check up on Jessica.

  Chapter Eight

  Jessica walked into Ava’s bookstore the following day, sore and tired.

  Ava looked up from her computer screen. “What the hell happened to you?”

  “Oh my God, I just had a pole dancing lesson. That woman is evil.”

  Ava laughed. “She gave you quite a workout, huh?”

  “You have no idea.” Jessica winced as she climbed up on the stool. She’d used muscles she didn’t even know she had.

  “Think you’ll be ready to take the stage by Friday night?”

  “Without a doubt.” Jessica was more determined than ever, since her brother, parents, and Jake all forbid her to step foot on that stage. It was time for her to prove to them that she was capable of making her own decisions. “Hey, you should enter the contest with me. It’ll be fun.”

  Ava laughed. “Craig already told me I’d get up there over his dead body.”

  “Huh, who knew your fiancée was such a prude?”

  “A prude? Uh, have you met Craig?”

  The two women exchanged a meaningful glance and burst out laughing.

  “Speaking of which, how did things go with Jake after the party? Did you spend the night at his place?”

  Jessica knew it was only a matter of time before Ava demanded to know what happened, which was the reason she’d been avoiding her friend. “No, I went home.”

  Ava raised an eyebrow. “After?”

  Jessica smiled at her friend’s lack of subtlety. She could hardly blame her; she’d feel the same way in her position. “Yes… after.”

  Ava slammed her laptop shut. “Okay, I want details. Was it everything you thought it would be? Was Jake worth waiting for?”

  Jessica smiled. “Yes and yes.” In spite of the way things turned out, she couldn’t imagine sharing that experience with anyone else.

  Ava clapped her hands and squealed. “So… does that mean you and Jake are a couple now?”

  I only wish. “No, nothing’s changed between us. He’s still the same domineering pain in the ass he always was.” She held her hand up. “Actually, I take that back, something has changed. I’m over him.”

  Ava snorted and rolled her eyes. “You honestly expect me to believe you finally had sex with Jake after all these years of fantasizing about it and, just like that, you’re over him?”

  “Maybe I just needed to get him out of my system.”

  “Hey,” Ava said, reaching across the counter to take her hand. “You know you don’t have to pretend with me. This is Jake we’re talking about, the love of your life. There’s no way you could make love to him one night and decide you’re over him a few days later.”

  “It’s not like I have a choice.” She sighed. “He doesn’t want me, Ava. He never has, not really. Jake still sees me as his best friend’s annoying little sister. That’s never going to change, and I’m tired of wasting my life hoping it will.”

  Ava squeezed her hand. “Still, Jake McCoy is one of the good guys. Are you sure you’re giving him a fair shake?”

  Jessica withdrew her hand. Ava was supposed to be her best friend, and instead of tearing Jake apart for hurting her, she was actually defending the guy. “I’ve always given Jake the benefit of the doubt, even when he didn’t deserve it.” She reached for a tissue, praying she could hold the waterworks at bay just a little while longer. “Do you have any idea how much loving that man has cost me?” She cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. “No more. I’m done with him. I mean it. I can’t take it anymore.”

  “I understand, and you know that I’m here for you no matter what, right?”

  Jessica shook her head and forced a smile. “Yeah, sure. Thanks.”

  “What about that guy from the dating site? Does he have any potential?”

  Jessica cringed at the thought of telling her friend about that debacle. “Uh, no. He got a little carried away and Tucker threw him in a cab and told him never to contact me again.”

  Ava’s mouth
dropped open. “Are you serious? Define carried away.”

  “He was grabbing me, trying to kiss me, you know…”

  “Why do I get the feeling you don’t want to talk about it?”

  “That’s because you’re very perceptive.” She sighed when Ava looked hurt. “Honey, I’m just a little embarrassed that I could be taken in by a guy like that. According to Jake and my brother, I was an idiot to even consider meeting someone that way. I just needed something to add a little excitement to my life, ya know?”

  “Jake must have gone ballistic when he heard about what that guy tried to do to you.”

  “You know Jake. He’s a hot head. He blows everything out of proportion.”

  “Yeah, and everyone knows he’s insanely possessive and over-protective where you’re concerned.”

  She shrugged. “It’s just because he feels he owes it to my family to watch out for me.”

  “Given where you ended up after the party, I think it’s safe to assume there’s more to it than that, honey.”

  “Whatever. I don’t want to waste any more energy thinking about him.”

  “I got your text. You went to the movies with Phil last night. What’s he like?”

  “He’s nice, but I can’t see it going anywhere.”

  “Does Jake know you went out with him?”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. Her friend had a one-track mind today. “Jake was at my parents’ place on Sunday, and so was Phil.”

  Ava whistled. “Wow, that must have been awkward.”

  “I let him know, in no uncertain terms, that I wasn’t going to put up with any more of his bullshit, so he backed off.” She laughed. “I could tell it was pissing him off, seeing me with Phil.”

  Ava bit her lip. “Do you think it’s fair, using Phil to make Jake jealous?”

  “I wouldn’t do that! Phil is a nice guy, I like spending time with him, but I told him I’m not looking for anything serious right now, at least not with him.”

  Ava nodded toward the plastic bag Jessica had placed on the counter. “What do you have there?”

  “Just wait ‘til you see this! I bought it from the dance studio. I’m going to wear it to Dixie’s Friday night.” She pulled the royal blue corset out of the bag and watched her friend’s jaw drop. “Sexy, right?”

  “You can’t be serious,” Ava said as she stroked the silky fabric. “You’re actually going to wear that in public?”

  Jessica squared her shoulders. She was tired of everyone questioning her judgement. She was a grown woman, yet everyone seemed determined to treat her like a clueless child. “That’s the plan, Ava.”

  Ava quickly withdrew her hand, looking contrite. “I’m sorry. It’s very pretty. It’s just a little… provocative, don’t you think?”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. “That’s the whole point. I’m tired of this whole damn town viewing me as the same little girl who wore pigtails and sold cookies door-to-door. I want people to start taking me seriously.”

  Ava pulled the tiny tap pants out of the bag. “And you think this is the best way to go about it?”

  Jessica sighed. “You don’t get it. You didn’t grow up here. I’m always under this shadow of an overprotective family who isn’t ready to let me grow up. I mean, I just lost my freakin’ virginity. How pathetic is that?”

  Ava reached over to squeeze Jessica’s shoulder. “It’s not pathetic. I think you were smart to save yourself for the right guy.”

  “Oh please, haven’t you heard a word I said?” She slipped off the stool and shoved the garments back in the plastic bag. “Jake is not the right guy for me!”

  By the time Jake stormed through the door of the travel agency, he was ready to throttle Jessica. He’d gone by the dance studio to talk to Rachel about Jess’s pole dancing lessons, hoping he could make her see reason, when she showed him the outfit Jess intended to wear for her little performance. Jessica was delusional if she thought he was going to allow her to get up on stage wearing that.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” he demanded, stopping in front of her desk.

  She didn’t even glance up from her computer screen. “Nice to see you too, Jake.”

  “Why haven’t you returned any of my calls?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Yeah, I heard you went to the movies with Phil last night. What the fuck was that about?” He spent the better part of the morning listening to his co-worker drone on and on about their date.

  “I don’t owe you an explanation.” She pointed at the door. “Get out. I have work to do.”

  She was crazy if she thought she was going to get rid of him that easily. He spotted a plastic bag lying beside her purse. He reached for it. “Is this it?”

  She grabbed for the bag, but he held it just out of her reach. “Give me that.”

  He pulled the scraps of fabric out of the bag. “You really think I’m gonna let you wear this in front of a bunch of drunken cowboys? Are you insane?”

  “You are if you think you get a vote.”

  She was pushing him past the limit of his patience. He took his gun and badge off, placing them carefully on her desk. “That buys me a say in this town, sweetness.”

  She smirked. “Oh really? What are you going to do, arrest me for indecent exposure?”

  “If I have to.”

  Her mouth dropped open as she stared up at him. “You can’t do that!”

  He came around the desk. “Really? Your brother, the chief, happens to be on my side.”

  She stood up, pushing him back a step. “You two have no right to try and control my life. I’m a grown woman, and if I want to dance around a pole or strip naked on that stage, I will.”

  He grabbed her wrists, holding her tight against his chest. “No other man is going to be drooling over what’s mine, you got that?”

  She sucked in a breath as her eyes drifted to his lips. “I’m not yours,” she whispered.

  “Like hell you’re not. You’ve always been mine. We both know that.”

  “God, I hate you. You’re so goddamn arrogant.”

  She was right, but that didn’t change the facts. The men in this town had always kept a safe distance from Jess because he made it clear what would happen if anyone crossed that line. Now that she’d shared his bed, he was even more jealous and possessive. No one, outside of him, would see her in that outfit. “Is that why you wanted me to make love to you the other night because you hate me?”

  “We didn’t make love. We had sex. There’s a big difference. It was a meaningless one-night stand. Get over it. I know I have.”

  Jake knew she was lying. She was just trying to hurt him, and he knew he deserved it after the way he’d treated her. “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he framed her face with his hands. “I acted like an asshole after we made love. I should have been man enough to talk to you, to tell you how I felt.”

  She shrugged as she lowered her head. “I know you too well, Jake. You didn’t have to tell me what you were thinking. I could read it all over your face. You were sorry you slept with me.”

  He drew her into his arms. “Baby, that’s not true. You don’t know how honored I am that I got to be the first man you made love to.”

  She looked up, her eyes cold and emotionless. “You may have the distinction of being my first, but you definitely won’t be my last.”

  He felt the sting of her words like a knife between his shoulder blades. “Is that right?” He held her at arm’s length. “Is that how it’s going to be?”

  “Yes. Get it through your head. I don’t want you anymore. I needed to fuck you once to get it out of my system.” She smirked. “Mission accomplished. I hate to tell you this, but I let my imagination run wild. There was no way you could have lived up to my X-rated fantasies.”

  Okay, now she was pissing him off. “Are you telling me that you were disappointed with my performance?”

  She shrugged. “It’s not your fault. You’re only one man.” She lic
ked her lips. “Maybe I need… more.”

  He tightened his grip on her shoulders. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  She smiled, looking supremely pleased with herself. “What do you think I mean?”

  He shook her slightly, wishing he could shake some sense into her. “You’re not telling me you’d even consider…” He couldn’t even bring himself to say it, much less think about it.

  “Sleeping with two men? Who knows? I told you, I’m ready to start making some changes in my life.”

  “Yeah, well if these changes involve sleeping around, you’d better come up with a new plan, ‘cause I can promise you that ain’t gonna happen.” If only he had the power to stop her. What the hell was happening to his sweet angel? Was he to blame for this erratic change in her behavior? Of course he was; he’d clearly pushed her past her limit after all these years.

  “I didn’t ask for your opinion, and I sure as hell don’t need your approval. Like I said before, I want the people in this town to start taking me seriously. I want them to know that I’m not just the chief’s sister or the mayor’s daughter.” She glared at him. “Or your personal property.”

  He hadn’t meant to make her feel that way, but his protective instincts where she was concerned probably ensured that most people, men especially, treated her that way. He couldn’t remember how many men he’d warned to stay away from her over the years. Dozens. “Jess, I know you’re angry with me right now, but—”

  She held her hand up to silence him. “This has nothing to do with you. This is about me. For the first time in my life, I’m doing what I want to do, for me, and I don’t care what anybody thinks.”

  “Jess, honey, please…” He was starting to panic. How far was she willing to take this game?

  “If you and my family can’t learn to back off and give me some space, I’m leaving.”

  His gut clenched because something told him she wasn’t bluffing. “What are you talking about?”


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