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A Maid's Tale: Trying to Keep My Green Card: (Cuckquean Humiliation, First Time Maid Humiliation, Over the Knee Spanking, Interracial)

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by Lexie Syrah

  A Maid’s Tale:

  Trying To Keep My Green Card

  Copyright: Lexie Syrah

  Published: July 20, 2015

  Publisher: Lexie Syrah

  Lexie Syrah has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the books publisher.

  Lexie Syrah (July 20, 2015). A Maid’s Tale:

  Trying To Keep My Green Card

  All Characters in this Book are over the age of 18.

  This book contains strong sexual content

  A Maid’s Tale

  Trying To Keep My Green Card

  “Sit down Alessandra. We need to have a talk.” Mr. Elliot’s firm voice echoed from his seat at the head of the 12-person hardwood dining table. The table had been accented with a large flower arrangement that spread the table’s length inside the sparsely furnished dining room.

  “Yes, Mr. Elliot. Is there something you need me from me?”

  As I sat down on the opposite side of the immense table, careful to tuck the bottom of my black dress under me before sitting. What could he possibly want to talk to me, a lowly maid, about?

  “Do you have anything you’d like to tell me? There seem to be a few things missing from my wife’s mahogany jewelry armoire.”

  My heart sank, and my stomach fell to the floor. I didn’t think anyone would notice the simple gold earrings missing. His wife, Miss Gretchen, hadn’t worn them a single time in the last six months that I’d worked for them. I was positive that he’d call the police and fire me, and then there wouldn’t be anyone able to pay for my mother’s medical bills. She couldn’t afford to pay her bills let alone the expensive heart medicine without the paychecks that I sent back to my home country Guatemala.

  My eyes lowered in shame as I said, “I’m so sorry sir. I needed the extra money for my mother’s heart medicine. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “I can understand why you took the earrings, Alessandra. I just don’t know what I am going to do about it. I can’t simply allow my employees steal from me without repercussions, but I don’t want to have to fire you.”

  “Now Alessandra you’re an extremely hard worker, and you certainly brighten the room up when you walk in wearing that sexy maid’s uniform. Do you have any idea how you could pay for your crimes without losing your job or me having to call the police? It would surely result in your visa being revoked.”

  I could tell that Mr. Elliot was hinting at something, but I didn’t understand at the time exactly what it was. What a naïve girl I was.

  “No, sir. I would do anything to keep from being deported, and I love working here for you and Miss Gretchen. Yet, there is no way I can afford to pay back what the gold earrings are worth, sir.”

  “Alessandra, are you entirely sure that you are willing to do anything?" His eyes peered intently at me, as though Mr. Elliot was trying to size up the affirmation in my statement.

  “Yes, sir. I will do absolutely anything. Please, sir, if I lose this job, I won’t be able to take care of my mother’s medication or treatments.”

  Mr. Elliot thought for a moment before saying, “If you are serious about it, then I’ll make you a deal. I’ll take care of all your mother’s medical bills and forget calling the police as long as you take on a few more responsibilities around here and accept the punishment that I decide on.”

  My 19 year old mind was ecstatic at the thought of not having to worry about where I was going to get the money to pay for mother’s expensive treatments. I never thought about what those responsibilities or the punishment would be. “Oh, absolutely Mr. Elliot! I’ll do whatever you need me to do!”

  “Then Alessandra I’ll begin your punishment right now. Come over here. Bend over my knee and pull up your dress. I'll be giving you a spanking for your transgressions.”

  I was frozen and couldn’t get up. The thought of the handsome man across the table from me putting his hands on my tiny body scared me. A feeling of excitement ran through me at the same time. I felt a warmth begin to grow in my belly and didn’t understand the feelings that coursed through me. I think back to this moment and can’t believe the fears I had. If I’d only known how good his hands could feel, how badly I would yearn for his punishments, I would have jumped up and run to let him own my body with his strong hands.

  “Alessandra, if you don’t come here, you can pack up your stuff and I will be happy to call the authorities. I will not allow an employee to steal from me without repercussions.”

  Mr. Elliot’s powerful command broke my paralysis, and I made my way to him on shaky legs. I bent over his knee, not entirely sure of how to position myself.

  My arms hung down alongside his leg, and my eyes were drawn to the contrast of my tawny skin against the lighter material of his suit. My face was directly above his crotch, and I could see a faint outline of his manhood. I pulled my dress around my waist, exposing the ivory lace panties and garter belt holding up my stockings underneath. Then Mr. Elliot roughly grabbed my panties in both of his hands ripping them apart and exposing my naked bottom. I could feel him pull the shredded panties off and drop them on my dangling legs.

  I, a 19 year old virgin, was practically being forced to bare my most intimate parts to my 50-year-old employer. Even though I should have been embarrassed, I was diving into a deep and consuming lust that my mind and body had never considered experienced before. My breasts heaved as I tried to understand my body’s responses to his light touch, to calm the ache that came from deep inside. His heavy hand lightly ran over the large curve of my ass and down my slender thighs, teasing my body into an even more sensitive state.

  His hand left my skin for a second before coming down hard on my ass, leaving a burning red handprint in its wake. Instead of wanting to move away from the spanking, my body inched backward to get closer to the hand that had just marked me. The hand came down again on the other cheek, and I felt lost in the world as all of my senses dulled in comparison to the hand that blistered my virgin skin. My nails dug into the pants leg below me as I moaned. The hand came down again and again, and the pain was lost in my new found desire.

  Suddenly, his hand stopped ravishing my backside and simply pulled my dress down, covering my dripping lips. I was left full of desire when he said, “Now that your punishment is done, go back to your work. I’ll let you know if I have any other needs.”

  I took a deep breath and stood up, straightening my dress out in the process. I knew how to be professional, how to keep emotions inside and do my job. If there was anything I’d learned from being poor for my entire life, it was how to go unnoticed.

  “Thank you, sir. For the punishment. And for letting me keep my job.”

  My eyes focused on the floor, not in embarrassment for having been spanked, but for how much I had enjoyed it. Mr. Elliot only nodded and got up, leaving me alone to clean.

  My mind was flooded with a torrent of thoughts as I slowly cleaned, unwilling to leave the room that would forever remind me of my first experience with
a man and my first spanking. All of them revolving around a single idea: Mr. Elliot was taking me to places that I’d never been, touching me and running his hands over my entire body, and finally taking my innocence with passion. I could imagine kissing him and touching his body, but those thoughts always strayed as I thought about his rough hands grasping and spanking my most intimate parts.

  Eventually, I finished cleaning the dining room and had to move on to other less interesting rooms of the house. As the day’s work came to a close, I had a single chore left. I was to serve Mr. Elliot and his wife, Miss Gretchen, their dinner. I hadn’t seen Mr. Elliot since my spanking and was nervous about it. My soaking innocence got warm at the very thought of it, and I was worried that I would drop something or be obvious about what had transpired earlier around his wife.

  I carried their dinners to the table without incident, but as I turned to leave, Mr. Elliot reached his hand up my skirt to rub the swelling on my ass that had still not subsided. I froze and turned to look at Mr. Elliot and then his wife who was staring at me.

  “Oh don’t worry Alessandra, Gretchen knows all about your punishment.”

  I was silent as Mr. Elliot molested my natural mound while his wife watched.

  My body stood stationary while my mind whirred. Did he mean to take me right here? In front of his wife? Or was he just teasing me? Maybe he didn’t know that I was a virgin.

  “Yes sir, is there anything you’d like me to do?” My face went crimson as I squeaked out a reply.

  “No Alessandra, go eat your dinner and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  My heels clicked on the hardwood floors as I hurried out of the room, scared that my juices would leak down my legs. When I got to the kitchen, I made myself a small plate and ate as fast as I could. My mind couldn’t escape the fantasy of Mr. Elliot’s hands on my body. When I got up, I saw the slick of juices that had soaked through my black dress. I rushed to get a towel to clean up the mess before someone else saw it. I was so embarrassed at how my body was betraying my lust.

  I ran up to my room and quickly stripped off my uniform to lay in my bed. My hand went directly to my sparsely covered womanhood. The memory of him touching my bare bottom overwhelmed me and my fingers began to rub at my little bud. I was silent, but my body was screaming for release as the images flew through my mind at lightning speed.

  My pussy was begging to be filled, and every time my finger dipped to my entrance, it begged me to put just one finger inside of it. I knew that I couldn’t do that, though. At the thought of pushing my finger into my dripping entrance, I had a realization. I didn’t want him to spank me; I wanted him to turn me into a woman by taking my innocence. At that thought, I felt the waves of orgasm crash over me. I couldn’t keep silent, and I let out a cry of pleasure.

  I crawled under the covers of my twin bed and slept deeply with thoughts of Mr. Elliot’s hands over my body filling my dreams.

  The Loss Of Innocence

  I woke to my alarm, refreshed and excited at the thought of seeing Mr. Elliot again. I put on my uniform, but today I decided not to wear my panties. I wanted to convince him to take me, and I knew that I would eventually get another spanking where he would see that I had been a naughty girl who didn’t wear her panties.

  The uniform that I wore barely covered my bottom, and eventually I would expose myself, but that was what I wanted. I began my daily routine of eating a quick breakfast of toast with butter and sugar on it and then prepared the table for Mr. Elliot and Miss Gretchen’s breakfast. They would be having eggs benedict and sliced tomatoes for breakfast today.

  They walked down to the table at 8 o’clock, just like every morning, and I served their food. They completely ignored me, which frustrated me greatly. I knew that I had to be patient, but it was so hard. I desperately wanted to rub myself, but I knew that I couldn’t do that again until I was finished with my work for the day.

  I walked back into the dining room to make sure that they didn’t need anything. Mr. Elliot stared at me as I walked towards him, and I realized that his orange juice glass was empty. I’d forgotten to bring the carafe in with their breakfast, and he was angry at my failure.

  “Did you forget something this morning, Alessandra?” Miss Gretchen asked.

  “Yes, I forgot to bring in the carafe this morning. I’ll go get it. I’m sorry Miss.” I tried to correct my mistake, but Miss Gretchen grabbed my wrist as soon as I turned around.

  “Oh no, you’re not going to simply fix your mistake. You can bring the carafe in when I’m done punishing you.”

  I hadn’t thought about Miss Gretchen spanking me, and the thought was not nearly as pleasing to me as the thought of Mr. Elliot’s hands on my bare ass. I knew that there was no way out of it, though.

  “Yes, ma’am. What would you like me to do?” I said with hesitancy in my voice.

  “You seem to have enjoyed your spanking more than you should. So instead of a spanking, you’ll be embarrassed. Take off your uniform. You’ll do your chores without clothes today.”

  I had never imagined this kind of punishment. All of the other servants would see me! And they would laugh or want to touch me. The thought of being bared to the world terrified me, and I couldn’t move.

  “Are you refusing to accept your punishment, Alessandra?”

  Miss Gretchen had a hard edge to her voice, and the idea of her making my punishment worse scared me even more than being naked did.

  “No, ma’am. I just wasn’t expecting this kind of punishment,” I replied as I began to take off my clothes. Mr. Elliot and Miss Gretchen both watched intently as I stripped before them.

  As I finished undressing, Mr. Elliot said, “Now run along and get the carafe.” I walked as confidently as I could back into the kitchen. The chef stared in shock at me as I walked by, but he didn’t say anything. His eyes never left my nubile body, and I worried about what he was thinking.

  I brought the orange juice back to the table and asked, “Is there anything else you would like?”

  Miss Gretchen’s reply was almost more incredible than her punishment had been. “Yes, I want you to climb on the table and get on your hands and knees facing away from us. I want to look at your womanhood as I enjoy my breakfast.”

  I was numb at this point and simply complied with her request. I was completely embarrassed, but I could feel my pussy throb with desire. I was afraid that I was leaking juices onto the table, but there was nothing I could do about it. I tried my best to simply stay calm and relax.

  That was when the Mr. and Mrs. began to play with me. Mr. Elliot’s finger ran over my slit, and I couldn’t help myself as I let out a soft moan of pleasure. His finger lightly rubbed my clit, and my body crumbled at his touch. I began to push backward towards his finger, and then he withdrew it.

  With a distinct slapping sound, a hand connected with my ass, and I moaned even louder. I could feel the pussy juices dripping from my throbbing lips, and I was desperate for more attention.

  “Look at this little whore of a maid you have, Elliot. She’s desperate for your cock, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, I think she’d be very happy if I flipped her over and fucked her right here on the table.”

  They were speaking as though I wasn’t even a person, and I should have been ashamed, but the lust that had filled my body and mind pushed every other emotion out. The only thing that I could think of was that I needed to cum, and I wanted Mr. Elliot to make me.

  “It’s quite amusing to see her squirm in desire. I wonder how she’d feel if we were actually punishing her instead of making her fantasies come true. You know she was thinking about her spanking last night as she played with herself.”

  “Maybe you’re right Gretchen. We should punish her a little bit so that she’ll beg like a proper whore. She should be willing to do anything if we just give her a little shove in the right direction.”

  “I’ll go get the toys while you finish playing with her.” With that, I could hear Miss Gretchen
get up and leave the table.

  Mr. Elliot’s finger returned to my slit, but instead of playing with my clit, he ever so lightly pushed into my entrance. He was careful not to hurt me, but the feeling of his finger was incredible. He withdrew from me, and I was desperate for him to take me right there. I didn’t know how to beg, though. I didn’t know what it would take to convince them to do more than tease me.

  Mr. Elliot waited for Miss Gretchen to return from getting whatever toys she had gone to retrieve before touching me again.

  As she sat down Mr. Elliot chuckled and said, “Well those ought to make her desperate.”

  “Alessandra, I need you to get off the table now. We need to put your new uniform on.”

  Filled with fear of what my new “uniform” would be, I got off the table. Mr. Elliot held out a black lacy thong to me, and as I put it on, I realized that there was something hard sewn into the front of it. Mr. Elliot adjusted the thong so that the hard part was pressed against my clit, and suddenly it began to vibrate slowly.


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