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Within a Captain's Hold

Page 12

by Lisa A. Olech

  She rocked her hips against his, allowing him to sink deeper. Slick heat sheathed him. Feeling her maidenhead against the head of his cock, he stopped. His breath came quicker. The muscles in his arms shook with the effort of controlling his burning desire to drive into her and end his torment.

  Kissing her panting mouth, he thrust past the thin barrier, burying himself deep within her. Annalise screeched and tried to shove him away, but he swallowed her cries and held her tight as instinct made her try to bolt away from the pain. Her nails bit into his arms as she struggled to adjust to the fullness of him.

  He whispered against her mouth, “I promise, I’ll never hurt you again.”

  Tears ran from the corners of her eyes into her hair. He kissed them away, showering her face and neck with small tender kisses. His body thrummed with the raging need to satisfy his desire, but he would wait. He dipped his head to sip at her breast.

  Annalise began to relax. Her body softened beneath him. A quiet whimper escaped her. Small movements of her hips signaled Jaxon to give her more. He withdrew and buried himself deep again, then again, beginning a slow rocking rhythm.

  Before long, Annalise met his thrusts, clinging to him and purring his name as she clamped her legs tight about his waist.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. Gentleness turned demanding. Jaxon’s hips ground into her as he began to climax. His cock drove into her over and over. He threw his head back, lost to the sensation, surrounded by her heat, slick with her wetness. The power of his release shook him to his core as he filled her with his hot seed.

  Jaxon rolled to her side so he wouldn’t crush her beneath him. He pulled in great gulps of air. A blush stained Anna’s chest as she, too, struggled to catch her breath. Darkened curls clung to one lovely flushed cheek. She was the most enchanting creature he had ever seen. He gathered her in his arms and drew her close, kissing her damp temple.

  “Are you well?”

  She nodded. Jaxon pushed the damp hair away from her face and tucked her into the curve of his body. Annalise laid her head upon his shoulder, her hand splayed across his chest.

  She was quiet for a long moment. The tips of her fingers stroked and petted. It was soothing and yet each sweep began to stir him. He wouldn’t take her again tonight, regardless of his body’s growing desire to do just that. Jaxon laid a hand over hers to stop her.

  Her fingers laced with his. “I’m trying to think of the proper thing to say to you.”

  “What did you want to say?”

  “Thank you seems an odd comment. That was indescribable. It wasn’t as intolerable as I’d been led to believe. I’m sorry I screamed. You were wonderful and gentle. I hope I pleased you. Why does it all sound so hollow and trite?” She shook her head and rose up on one elbow to look into his face. “When I think of this night, I’ll remember how you touched me and made me feel like the most beautiful, desirable woman on earth.”

  “That didn’t sound hollow or trite.” He cupped her flushed cheek and brushed her lips with his. “I’m sure to recall just how you look to me right at this moment.” He kissed her again.

  Anna lowered her head to his shoulder and gave a small shiver. Jaxon pulled a covering over them both and drew her tight against him.

  She snuggled closer. “Will you stay tonight?” Her breath whispered across his chest.

  “Aye. I’ll stay.”

  She sighed. Jaxon stroked her hair as he listened to her breathing deepen. He knew the moment she drifted off, soft and pliant in his arms.

  Annalise moved against him in her sleep. One silky thigh slipped across his hip. Her sex lay warm and moist against his leg. His body pulsed with need as his mind imagined all the possible nights to come. It didn’t help the roaring desire of his body or the sudden possessiveness in his heart. To have and to hold. His wife. Jaxon closed his eyes and tried to tame his body and find some sleep, but his mind would not quiet.

  A new sun would shine on him come morning. Life for him was changed. Never again could he run blindly into battle. Never again could he be reckless with his life. There was something worth living for now. Something richer and more precious than gold and silk. Something he never imagined he’d ever have in his life. But here it was. Here she was and he loved her. He tightened his embrace.

  Annalise stirred. “Jaxon?” Her voice, thick with sleep and muffled against his skin.

  “Mmm?” He didn’t dare trust his voice.

  Her lips brushed his collarbone. “Thank you for saving me.”

  Jaxon’s heart squeezed She was far from safe. He still had to get them past Bonchette, get her off this ship, and back to England. And there was always the chance Wolfsan wouldn’t walk away quietly when he discovered he’d been bested by a pirate.

  No, my love, I haven’t saved you. Not yet.


  “Where’s the bloody wind?” The sails hung off the yardarms limp and useless as an old man’s bugger root.

  “Your Grace, it’s not uncommon at this time of year to hit days of dead calm.”

  The man’s incompetence made Wolfsan seethe. “Then why have you not put the men to oar?” He pointed to two men wasting precious time polishing brass fittings.

  “That is not our custom on this ship. The vessel is too cumbersome to respond well.”

  “But you do have oars, do you not?” He fought the urge to strike the smug look off the idiot’s face.

  “Yes, but they are not used in this circumstance.”

  “Blast your circumstances, Captain Cummings. I am on a rescue mission of the most urgent nature. A young woman’s life is in danger. My fiancée has been kidnapped by pirates.” It took Wolfsan’s full resolve not to wrap his hands around the man’s neck.

  The impudent fool had the nerve to look down his nose at him. “I understand. Indeed, I cannot comprehend the circumstances any more clearly than the day you first commandeered my services. Now, if you would stop interfering with my crew and their duties, please. We shall await the wind and it shall come when it comes and not because you raise your fist to the sky.”

  Wolfsan growled and lowered his voice. “You will do well to keep me pleased, Captain. I am a powerful man who can make your commission extremely difficult. If I were you, I’d get this ship moving.”

  “I respond as well to threats as my ship does to oars, My Lord. As I see it, you have two choices in this situation. You can let me captain this ship as I see fit, or you may swim the remaining distance to Port Royal.”

  The captain strode away before Wolfsan could reply. He glared at his back and pictured how he would torture him before throwing him off the ship to the circling sharks below. If only the crew weren’t so loyal. He could easily slit the man’s throat in his sleep, but the crew numbered over seventy men. Wolfsan couldn’t see to that many deaths alone. I’ll think of another way to repay the good Captain Cummings for his impudence. He patted the mirror in his cloak. All in good time.

  Wolfsan moved to the bow and looked westward. He slipped his hand into his pocket. His fingers curled around the locket hidden there. “Pity we didn’t get to kill the maid ourselves, but Sheffield proved a handy man to have around. He’d have done the deed, neat and tidy, and it would seem as if that stubborn, headstrong maid--what was her name? Alice something? No matter. Sheffield would make it appear the chit simply vanished off the earth.”

  Of course, after hearing where Annalise was headed, Wolfsan wasted no time commissioning the insufferable Captain Cummings and this tub to head after her. But here they sat like a piece of filth, floating atop a puddle in the street.

  We promise we’re coming for you, Annalise. We will find you. The fact his anger and rage continued to be stoked wasn’t good news for her, however. She would be severely disciplined for her attempt to escape him. He’d take care not to become blind to his actions. Didn’t want to kill the girl, but dammit, she’d learn never to cross him again. Perhaps a few months chained to his bed woul
d be enough to break that headstrong spirit of hers.

  “Damn you wind…Blow,” he screamed into the sky.


  “Ship off the port.”The call came down from the crow’s nest.

  Jaxon focused his glass upon the ship far off on the horizon. It wasn’t the Sea Dragon. “Raise the bones and red quarter sail. Let ’em know who we are.”

  “Aye, aye.” Quinn relayed the order.

  The passing ship raised its flag in salute and sailed by. It was the third such ship they had seen in the last three days. Another creeper. A small string of islands with deep harbors protected Port Royal. These were where pirate crews liked to hide and pounce on unsuspecting ships.

  Cookie thumped up to the captain. “Is she movin’ off?”

  “Aye. ’Tis the Black Rose out for a sweep.”

  “How far we be from port?”

  “If the wind stays with us, we should make land before dusk tomorrow.” He turned to Quinn. “Stay the course. Full sail.”

  “Aye, Captain.” Quinn moved off.

  Jaxon lowered his voice. “Anything I should know?”

  “Robbins be hearin’ things again. His spirit’s been moanin’ these past few nights.” Cookie raised a bushy eyebrow in his direction.

  Jaxon shut his spyglass. He’d spent the past few nights making love to his wife, discovering the passion in her, and trying to satisfy the insatiable hunger he’d come to have for her. She was like a drug, and he was lost to a fierce addiction.

  “I’ll be a happy man once I get a certain person off this ship and settled in the governor’s house. By the way, were you able to handle that small chore I asked of you?”

  “Aye, Capt’n. Had plenty of water in ballast. The lass looked none the worse for wear.”

  “And if you value your life, that’s the last word you’ll say about it.”

  “Ah, that’s the way of it, is it?” He chuckled. “Ne’er knew a man who wouldn’t spread tales of their whores less’n he’d lost his head or his heart.”

  “Never known a man so eager to have his tongue cut out,” snarled Jaxon. “If I thought for one moment you were referring to her as a whore, I’d be rigging the rope to the yardarm myself.”

  “Nay. I’d never be callin’ her such. Never.”

  “That’s better.”

  “Don’t recall ever seein’ ye in a state such as this. She’s captured ye stronger than if she lashed ye to the bow.”

  Jaxon didn’t reply. He pretended to keep an eye on the passing ship.

  Cookie just chuckled again. “Have ye given any thought to how we be gettin’ the fair Mistress Steele off the ship?”

  “We’ll need to wait until dark to bring her ashore. The problem lies with getting the bounty chests out of my cabin with her there. Quinn will think it queer if I keep him out. How do I hide her until the off-loading is finished? It could take hours. I doubt she’d take kindly to being stuffed behind the bed that long, but I can’t think of another way. After that, Robbins’ breeches and something to hide her hair. Maybe a cloak to conceal her face? Anything to convince anyone who sees her that she’s a lad.”

  “As long as they be far enough away. The lass couldn’t pass at less than ten paces.”

  “The new moon should give us the advantage. You secure us a cart or carriage, something to get us to the governor’s house. Then I’ll tell the crew I wed in London and the governor sent her over on another ship as a gift to me. A few greased palms, some forged papers, and none will be the wiser.”

  “Sounds a proper plan.”

  “Tell the crew to stay alert. We’re close. Bonchette’s out there. I can smell his stink. This is one time I’d be happy not to have to draw my sword.”

  The image of Annalise holding his sword on him in a chemise torn to her hip filled his mind. One provocative leg bare, pale, and soft. Last night the tender skin of that thigh felt like silk beneath his lips as he kissed his way up the curve of her hip. He stifled a moan at the familiar tightening of his breeches. “I should return to my cabin.”

  “To see to them logbooks?” Cookie started to chuckle, but covered it with a short cough before taking the spyglass from him.

  “Aye, the logbooks.”

  * * * *

  Jaxon let himself into his cabin and savored another glorious view of his wife. Her skin was rosy and damp from her bath.

  Annalise gasped and turned her back on him. “I didn’t expect you to be back so soon.”

  He drank in the sight of her. Long hair hung in wet spirals down her slender back. The bow and sweep of her bottom and the length of her legs filled him with constant longing. He crossed the room and wrapped his arms about her. The warm dampness of her body wet through his clothing. Turning her, he kissed her as she lifted her arms to wrap them about his neck. His hands skimmed her moist curves to seize her hips and pull her against his arousal.

  “I’m all wet,” she protested.

  He groaned at the innocence of her. She couldn’t know how he could twist her words into something sultry and suggestive.

  “I like you wet.” He kissed her neck. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  “I’ve done little but think about you as well.” She smoothed a hand over his back.

  “I want you again, Annalise,” he whispered as he kissed the tender flesh of her shoulder.

  She tipped her head back, giving him access to her throat. “You have me.”

  Jaxon reached between them to loosen the buttons on his breeches allowing him to lower the flap and release his erection. Running his hands over the swell of her behind, he pulled her back to him. “Put your legs about me.”

  Anna looked at him with wide eyes. “But, I…how?”

  “Like this.” He stroked down one thigh and raised her leg, lifting it high about his waist. The damp curls between her thighs rested against his cock. Soft against hard. Silk against stone.

  He ground toward her, eager to be inside. His mouth found hers as he grasped her thigh, urging her to raise her other leg. Annalise tightened the hold about his neck and gave him her entire weight.

  Blind impatience made him grab at her hips and drive into her. She clung to him as her body surrounded him, pulling him deep within her. Grinding harder, faster, again and again. Light burst behind his eyelids as a fierce climax rocked him and his body washed into hers.

  Jaxon sat her upon the edge of his desk. She trembled in his arms. He continued to kiss her and stroke her back and hips, his hands greedy for more. His lips brushed against her skin. “Once we arrive in port, I imagine we’ll not see beyond our bedchamber for near a month.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, brushing soft lips across his neck “I couldn’t have guessed it would be this way. If I ever speak with our maids again, I’m going to tell them they were wrong.” She traced his ear with the tip of her nose and toyed with his earring.

  The brush of her warm breath had him thinking a month would still not be long enough. “Wrong about what?” Jaxon laid a line of kisses along the pale sweep of her shoulder.

  “Quite a few things. I’d been told mating was a dutiful chore one must endure. I should simply lie back and count the minutes until it was over.”

  He cupped a breast and gave a gentle squeeze, earning him a seductive sigh and the arching of her back. “Ah, and what do you believe now that you’ve had nearly four days experience?” His thumb swirled over a tight nipple.

  Annalise gripped him between her thighs, squeezed him with her legs and whimpered. “Perhaps they…failed to do it properly.”

  Jaxon bit at the tender flesh along her collarbone and lowered his touch. “Perhaps.” His fingers searched lower still and found another firm tip. He teased the slick flesh surrounding it.

  She grabbed the back of his shirt. Her nails scrapping through the linen to his skin. “They were f-fools.” She gasped. Her hot sheath pulsed around him. “Ah, oh, Jaxon.”

sp; He swept an arm across the desk, scattering logbooks and maps to the floor, then laid her back. Her knees fell wide. The new angle of her hips sent a rush to his loins. Seeing her lost in the throes of her pleasure drove him deeper. His fingers circled and teased at their joining. Anna hung on to the edge of the desk with one hand while her other grasped at her breast as she arched against him again and again.

  Jaxon increased the pressure on the swollen flesh beneath his fingertips. His own need forgotten, his only goal was to bring her the same pleasure she’d given him these last four days. Their breath came in pants as his thrusts became shorter, faster, stronger. Sweat slid between his shoulder blades. “Are…you…counting…the minutes…Annalise?”

  “Oh God.” She cried out. The muscles of her belly contracted. She blindly grasped at his arm, his hand, his fingers, pressing them harder to her as her body shuddered and bucked against him. The inner walls of her sex squeezed and flooded as her orgasm rippled through her, carrying him with her. “Ohhh. Jaxon.”

  Later, as their heartbeats and breathing returned to normal, Annalise sighed beneath him. “When we get to port, perhaps, along with a proper ring, you’ll buy me a clock? I keep losing all track of time.”

  Jaxon smiled as he released her and righted his trousers. He helped her up from the desk and handed her those damnable breeches. “I promise when we reach Port Royal, I shall get you a ring, a clock, and have a dozen dresses made for you more fitting for the wife of a captain than a pair of pants stolen off a powder monkey.”

  “Don’t you like your women in breeches?” She turned, giving him a sassy shot of her luscious backside. With her naked to her waist, he was tempted to tear them off and make them both lose track of time again. Instead, he captured her for another searing kiss.

  Two quick taps rapped on the door. It wasn’t Cookie’s signal of three slow knocks. Blast. Jaxon could see in his haste, he’d fail to latch the lock and was too far from the door to keep it from opening.


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