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The Lost And Found Girl

Page 23

by Catherine King

  She heard voices. The outdoor servants were gathering outside. ‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘I ought to be getting back to help Annie.’

  ‘Wait for me. I’m walking over for supper soon and then I have to help out front with the carriages.’

  ‘Very well,’ she agreed. Daisy felt secure when she was with Boyd. It didn’t matter where they were, he looked after her. She brought her thoughts to a halt sharply. She could not rely on him for ever and she had to show she could take care of herself so that he would not worry about her.

  Boyd stowed her box safely and opened the door to see who was making all the noise. Daisy stroked the pony’s neck and spoke softly to her as she nuzzled her cheek. She heard raised voices and Boyd say, ‘It’s very late, sir. I was just locking up.’

  A group of young gentlemen in evening dress crowded into the stable house. Some carried lanterns that cast weird shadows on the whitewashed stone walls, and one cried, ‘I say, Redfern, haven’t you any hunters for us?’

  ‘He’d have to shorten the stirrups for you if he had.’ Laughter filled the enclosed space.

  Daisy shrank back into her dark corner and heard Boyd reply, ‘They are settled for the night, sir. But these are some of the horses selected for tomorrow’s ride.’

  ‘Does that include the filly over there?’ One of them lifted his lantern high to illuminate Daisy at the end stall and a few guffaws echoed in rafters. Embarrassed, she turned her face away from the light. She could not see Boyd but she heard him say, ‘It would be better to view the horses in the morning, sir.’

  More sniggers rattled around the stable and a voice quipped, ‘I’ll take a ride on this one, Redfern, unless she’s your mount for the night?’ The laughter grew louder and Daisy’s embarrassment increased.

  The ponies were shifting around their stalls, spooked by the unusual activity. Boyd raised his voice. ‘Please take your guests outside, sir. They are disturbing my ponies.’

  ‘Your ponies?’ It was the first time Master James had spoken.

  ‘I am responsible for them, sir, and they are becoming restless.’

  ‘Then what are you doing cavorting with a girl in the stables? As if I don’t know. What’s your name, man?’

  ‘Higgins, sir.’

  ‘Aren’t you the new fellow from Home Farm?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Then you will be aware of the penalty for having a girl in here. Stanton will hear about this. You will report to him in the morning.’

  ‘Very good, sir.’

  Daisy pressed her lips together in anger. Why were the gentry so quick to judge their servants? If only they knew how hard they worked to make sure life in the Abbey ran smoothly. She turned to face the group, stepped forward and announced sharply, ‘It’s not what you think. I’m his sister.’

  The young gentlemen sniggered but their laughter died away as Master James snatched one of the lanterns and walked towards her, tall and unbelievably handsome in evening dress. He held the light close to her face as he had done once before, when she had encountered him at the harvest supper. She should have looked down at her feet but she was angry that he had misjudged Boyd so she held her head proudly and looked him in the eye.

  ‘I’m Daisy Higgins.’

  ‘So you are.’ Master James examined her face in detail. His friends continued their ribald sniggering and muttering until he snapped, ‘Do be quiet, gentleman, or go outside.’ Then he addressed Daisy. ‘Who gave you permission to enter the stables?’

  Boyd pushed his way through the gentlemen and appeared behind Master James. ‘I did, sir. She had an hour off duty and came to find me. I came in to check the ponies were calm for the night and Daisy was helping me.’

  ‘He’s not to blame, sir,’ Daisy said, adding as an afterthought, ‘I am.’

  Boyd responded immediately, ‘Do not listen to her. The fault lies with me. I invited her in here. The – the horses were quiet in her presence.’

  ‘You’re lucky to have such a devoted sister, Higgins. I apologise for my guests. They have taken too much wine and the walk over here was supposed to calm them down. You had better get your sister out of here. You wouldn’t want her in any trouble, would you?’

  ‘Daisy, go and wait outside with the others.’ Boyd was tall and had broad shoulders. He elbowed a way through Master James’s friends and held open the stable door for her.

  Daisy curtseyed to Master James, and walked by him keeping her head high. Master James turned with his lantern to watch her. But his friends had closed their ranks again and blocked her way to the door. They were sniggering and grinning as though she had been placed in the stable for their amusement.

  She kept her back straight and her face serious. They were young bloods who had been drinking and if Boyd had not been there she would have been frightened of them. But now was not the time to look at her feet. Now was the time to face it out. Eventually James snapped, ‘Enough, gentlemen. Where are you manners? Let her pass.’ Daisy turned her head to give James a grateful smile and murmured, ‘Thank you, sir.’ She was pleased to note that he responded with a kindly nod towards her, as his boisterous companions parted so that she could escape.

  She hurried outside where a straggle of outdoor servants was already heading for supper at the Abbey. Boyd joined her several minutes later and she was relieved to note that he was cheerful.

  ‘Master James said to forget about seeing Mr Stanton,’ he said.

  ‘You’re not in trouble, then?’

  ‘It seems not, nor you. I have to say I was very proud of you back there. You behaved in a dignified and graceful manner. Still, I shouldn’t mention the incident to Annie Brown.’

  ‘I thought Master James might be angry with you.’

  ‘He asked me a few questions about where I came from. I was fairly vague but he said he wanted to know who was looking after his horses. Mr Stanton encourages him to learn as much as he can about the estate.’

  ‘Well, his father won’t know anything about it. He’s never lived here.’

  ‘So I’m told. It’s due to some family feud or other. His father will be the next Lord Redfern, though.’

  ‘You’d think, with all their wealth and luxury, they wouldn’t fall out.’

  ‘I reckon it’s because of all the riches.’

  ‘Well, if Master James’s friends are anything to go by I’m not surprised. They have no manners.’

  Boyd laughed. ‘He was very civil to you, though. I thought he did rather well with them. He’ll make a good Lord Redfern when his turn comes.’

  Daisy agreed. There was something about Master James that warmed her heart when she thought about him. She was attracted towards him and sometimes felt he sensed the same for her. It was more than a master’s interest in a servant and she did not understand it. But it was there and she could not deny it.

  He would deny it, of course. It wouldn’t do for the young master to be seen conversing in a friendly manner with a housemaid, not for him nor her either. And it would be worse for her because she would be blamed and dismissed and her perceived behaviour would have a detrimental effect on Boyd’s prospects at the stables.

  So, she reasoned, if Boyd stayed at the Abbey stables it was for everybody’s good that Master James would be away for years being educated and then travelling. He would meet and marry some beautiful young lady with a title who would become his Lady Redfern of the future. How lucky that girl would be. She gave a big sigh.

  Boyd heard her and asked, ‘Is something wrong, Daisy?’

  ‘I was just thinking what it would be like to be one of the ladies at the ball, dressed in silks and feathers.’

  ‘Don’t waste your time day-dreaming about what can never be.’ He said it in a kindly way and he meant well. But he brought her back to reality with bump.

  The dining room in the servants’ hall was crowded. There was a cauldron of soup being ladled into mugs by one of the kitchen maids and the huge deal tables were covered with slices of cold pie,
cheese, bread and pickled vegetables. Barrels of ale and cider were tapped and the atmosphere was jovial until the visiting servants were called away as their masters and mistresses left.

  Boyd went off with the coachmen to make sure the horses were steady while their occupants climbed into their carriages and Daisy tied on her sacking apron for another stint in the scullery. By the time she was finished she was dead on her feet; she kicked off her boots, took off her gown and corset and fell onto her bed for a few hours of welcome sleep. It was still dark when Annie woke her for duty the following day.

  The afternoon was quiet for the Abbey servants. Visitors were shooting, or out riding and Annie took Daisy aside with a grave expression on her face.

  ‘There’s talk about you, young lady, putting yourself in the way of the young master.’

  ‘It’s not true, Annie. Honest.’

  ‘Did you speak to him last night at the stables?’

  ‘I went to see Boyd. I didn’t know Master James would be there.’

  ‘Very forward, you were. One of the visiting valets heard it from his young master and he told the butler. I did warn you.’

  ‘I was explaining—’

  ‘So it is true?’

  Daisy resigned herself to a telling off. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Well, it won’t do. You’ll have to go.’

  Daisy knew that already. ‘I’ll look for something in the village after Christmas.’

  ‘You’ve got to go now.’

  ‘Now? But you said you needed help for—’

  ‘Get your things together. There’s a cart leaving for the village after tea. You’ve got a bit of money to come from here.’

  Daisy’s fear showed in her eyes. ‘I’ve nowhere to go.’

  ‘There’s an old woman who lives on her own down by the stream. She’ll let you have a bed for the night. It won’t cost you much.’

  ‘And then what?’

  Annie gazed at her and shook her head. ‘There’ll be work at the Reddy Arms but I wouldn’t recommend it for you. You’re too trusting of other folk. You’ll be in the family way afore the New Year.’

  ‘Annie! I’m not like that.’ Daisy knew all about keeping her virtue and not being forward with young men.

  ‘I know you’re not, but the men who drink at the Reddy Arms don’t. They think beer-house lasses are there for the fellas and are easy targets for a bit of slap and tickle.’

  ‘Then I shall tell them I am not,’ Daisy explained patiently.

  ‘See what I mean? You believe that will save you from some randy young farmhand when you’ve caught his fancy? You really think that others will behave as you do? Well, they won’t. They’ll take advantage of you. I wish I didn’t have to send you away but I’ve had orders from the housekeeper. You’ve got to go today.’

  ‘But I’ll end up in the workhouse! Can I go and see Boyd before I leave?’

  ‘No, you can’t. I’ll give him a message from you.’

  Daisy remembered what Biddy had told her about the butcher’s wife and asked, ‘Would you do a testimonial for me?’

  ‘Only the housekeeper is allowed to do that.’

  ‘Write me a letter then? Please? Just to say how useful I’ve been to you.’

  Daisy noticed that Annie’s severe expression relaxed at this suggestion. ‘Yes, I can do that for you, but it won’t have the Abbey crest on the paper.’

  ‘Oh thank you! Can you address it to the butcher’s wife in the village?’

  ‘Mrs Farrow? Aye, you might be lucky there, if she hasn’t already got a lass.’

  ‘Oh Annie!’ Daisy reached forward and gave her a hug. ‘How shall I be able to thank you properly?’

  ‘Well, you haven’t got the position yet. But if you do you can take me for afternoon tea in the back room of the sweet shop.’ She assumed an affected position sticking out one hip, holding an imaginary teacup in her fingers and extending her little finger. ‘Just like the gentry.’


  Chapter 26

  November of the same year



  Edgar strode across to the large open fireplace in the public saloon of the Redfern Arms.

  ‘How long is it since we last met?’

  ‘It is too long, my friend. Is your chamber at the rectory comfortable?’

  ‘I think the word is austere. I was greatly surprised to receive the rector’s invitation. I presume I have you to thank for that?’

  ‘I have been in correspondence with Lord’s Redfern’s lawyers and met with my son. They changed his name, you know, from Collins to Redfern. But he’s a fine young man. He wishes to please me. So you can thank him as he is the one who can influence the estate’s advisors.’

  ‘The rector told me his lordship is very weak and rarely leaves his bedchamber. He will vacate the living soon after – well, soon after his lordship passes on. It can’t be long now. He has suggested I bring my wife when I next visit the rectory. However, I fear she will be depressed by the state it is in.’

  ‘Tell her not to worry. When I am Lord Redfern she will live in the finest rectory in the Riding. I shall keep my promise to you, Milo.’

  ‘Thank you, Edgar. I’ve waited the best part of twenty years since I learned of your plight and heard about the Blackstone girl.’

  ‘It’s a pity it didn’t work out exactly as planned. Life could have been better for both of us.’

  ‘Do you think the girl came from tainted blood?’

  Edgar shrugged. ‘Her madness is certainly not my doing. She was highly strung from the outset.’

  ‘It’s just as well we took her children away when we did.’

  ‘Indeed. But dear God, his lordship was hard on me, asking me to give up my son. As I remember, you counselled me in favour of handing him over.’

  ‘You had no choice and it was for your son’s good. You were not in a position to educate him without Lord Redfern’s backing and he was uncompromising in his demands,’ Milo pointed out.

  ‘We shall not argue, my friend. Not when my inheritance is so close. I am the next heir after all and I wasn’t to know that his lordship would be so obstinate about Mama and me.’

  ‘Or that he would take so long to die.’

  ‘There is a Dower House on the estate. It’s a horse-ride from the church but it would be perfect for your family until the rectory is ready for them.’

  ‘That’s very generous of you, Edgar. I was afraid you’d have Mrs Wortley there. Will you leave her at Ellis House?’

  Edgar expressed surprise. ‘I’ve already given notice on the lease. Prudence will move into the Abbey with me.’

  ‘Edgar, you cannot do that! I thought when we spoke of the matter before, that you understood your responsibilities. Your actions will create an enormous scandal. It will jeopardise James’s prospects. You must think of his future. He is well placed to marry a duke’s daughter.’

  Edgar rubbed the palms of his hands over his face. ‘I need Prudence beside me, Milo, old boy.’

  ‘That may be so, but you cannot have her living with you as your mistress in Redfern Abbey. Please, also, consider that I shall be your vicar. I am your friend but I cannot condone it and to ask me to do so is to compromise my position before I start!’

  Edgar was shaking his head. ‘I must have her with me.’

  ‘Edgar, you have a wife! Invalid or not, society will expect to see her by your side.’

  ‘But I’ve told everyone she’s mad!’

  ‘Then why have you not had her declared insane and sent to an asylum? Milo demanded. ‘She could cause you a deal of trouble once she is Lady Redfern. As I recall, she had a strong will.’

  ‘Not any more. She took to the laudanum and cares only for her next dose.’

  ‘Is that so? Then she needs to be put away now. When did you last have news of her?’

  ‘I used to receive reports from Mrs Roberts. But she hasn’t written for any money for years so I suppose all is well.’<
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  ‘Do they have income from the farm?’

  ‘How should I know? There was enough land left with the farmhouse to provide a living.’

  ‘I think you ought to find out, just in case the estate lawyers ask about her.’

  Edgar thought about this and grimaced. ‘I see what you mean. I don’t want any trouble for Prudence.’

  ‘Or for James, either. You really must not have Mrs Wortley living with you in the Abbey,’ Milo repeated. ‘It is not only our local county society who will be watching you very closely.’

  ‘But I can’t live without her now.’

  ‘You have to. Send her back to Leeds. And take care how you speak of your wife. She may be an invalid who needs the Dales air, but she will be Lady Redfern too.’

  Edgar’s thoughts were greatly troubled by his conversation with Milo. He had no intention of giving up Mrs Wortley. Perhaps he ought to have Beth declared insane immediately and put away for good? Society might sympathise with his need for another woman then, or even another wife if he was able to divorce Beth. Insanity would be less scandalous than adultery before a judge.

  Milo, more sensitive to his respectable position in the clergy and the future for his own children, hoped that Edgar would see sense. Nonetheless he was taken aback when he returned to his parish to find that Abel Shipton was demanding an audience with him. He had refused to go away until they had spoken. His persistence had caused much agitation for his wife and so Milo relented.

  Abel wasted no time on pleasantries. ‘I have been to your former parish and know where you placed Daisy. You will be good enough to sign this letter to confirm that she is Beth Collins’s child.’

  ‘I shall do no such thing, sir!’

  ‘You knew that the couple who took her in would use her as a servant. I am prepared to take care of her as my own.’

  ‘So you admit it! You are her father. I knew it!’

  Abel did not respond to this slur. ‘Will you sign, or must I ask questions about the child in this parish? I know about Boyd, the merchant’s son, too. I often wondered how you paid for your fancy carriage.’


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