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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  "All I'm asking is that you keep an open mind," I said.

  "What if you create a monster?" she asked.

  Now that was new. We were crossing all sorts of barriers today. It was also a ridiculous notion. Create a monster? My sweet innocent wife who always shot my fantasy down without a second thought? Not likely, but I wasn’t going to tell her the real reason why that didn’t worry me. Better not to poke that particular bear and risk the claws when things were going so surprisingly well.

  "I don't think that's happening," I said.

  Partly I said that because of the aforementioned bear poking, but mostly I said it because I didn't think she actually had the capacity to go through with this. Not when she'd been so assiduous about turning me down so many times before.

  At the same time I was also ridiculously secure in our relationship. I knew that no matter what happened, it was both of us against the world. And I knew Megan felt the same way. No, her deciding that she liked another guy a little too much was the least of my worries.

  "So if you're not going to do… Any of that, could you at least get me an autograph?" I asked.

  Megan looked up at me and threw a fry. I ducked at the last moment and a managed to avoid getting hit by the projectile loaded down with its ketchup payload.

  "I might be able to," she said.

  "You might be able to get a hell of a lot more than an autograph if you put the whole hot TA thing with him," I muttered.

  This time she threw several fries at me. I didn’t duck all of them in time, but I didn’t care much. It was the end of the day and this polo was going straight to the laundry basket when we got home anyway.

  "You're terrible! But we’re going to have one hell of a session when we get home."

  "You bet your hot ass! I'm gonna blow your mind tonight!"

  "Oh yeah? And I bet I know who the main guest star is going to be," she said.

  "You know it. And if you ever want to make him the main guest star for real…"

  Megan looked around again as though she was worried someone would overhear us. "Quiet big boy," she said. "Save it for the bedroom!"

  I could keep it to myself. Along with the sudden hope that had sprang up inside me. This was a more promising conversation than we'd ever had. Sure she'd always indulged me with dirty talk and fantasies, but there'd always been a very clear line between fantasy and reality.

  I could feel that line blurring, now, and I liked it.

  5: The Hit

  Another day, another class. I was shuffling through papers when I saw a shadow fall across my desk. I sighed. We were a few weeks into the semester. All this bullshit was supposed to be done by now. Not to mention that I hadn't had any trouble from this class.

  Part of that might've been because everybody was so busy being enthralled by Michael that they never had time to think about hitting on the teacher.

  At least I would have a story for Brian tonight. Maybe. Though I was a little reluctant now that I had Michael in my class. Every time I thought of him, well my mind went to places that it never had before. I found myself wondering if it was really such a big deal to maybe indulge Brian in his fantasy.

  Just a little.

  Ridiculous thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. The sort of thoughts that could get me kicked out of the program. At the very least, they were the sort of thoughts that ran a very real risk of having a cheerleader try to claw my eyes out. I knew enough not to piss off a cheerleader. They were always in damn good shape, particularly the ones in college. She could probably crush my head by squeezing her thighs together, not that I ever thought I’d have occasion to be between her thighs.

  Though now that I thought about it…

  I took hold of myself mentally. What the hell was wrong with me? First I was thinking about what it would be like to get with the star basketball player in my class, finally indulge Brian's fantasy just a little, and now on top of that I was thinking about what it would be like to be between his girlfriend’s legs?

  Sure she was hot, but I’d never really thought that way about any other girl. Damn it. This is exactly the sort of dangerous slippery slope bullshit I was worried about when I initially started seriously considering this fantasy. It was the whole reason I tried to stay away from it for so long.

  I looked up, bracing myself to deal with whatever clumsy pick up line was about to come my way.

  "Can I help…"

  The words died on my lips as I realized the person smiling down at me was none other than Michael himself.


  That last bit sort of trailed off. It was less a question and more a surprised statement. What the hell was he doing here? Why was he standing there grinning at me?

  "I'm glad I got a chance to talk to you Mrs. Taylor," he said.

  “Please, call me Megan,” I said without thinking. Though somehow the “Mrs.” in Mrs. Taylor seemed different on his lips. Like it was less a statement of fact and more of a challenge.

  “Okay then. Megan. You see, Megan, I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding some of the material, and I was wondering if maybe you’d have some time to go over it with me?"

  I blinked. I was used to hearing that line from students, but I was surprised to hear it coming from Michael of all people. For one, he was getting straight A’s in the class. He was probably one of the best students I'd had in my short career as a TA. For another, I couldn't quite believe he was actually using that line on me.

  Was he hitting on me? He had to be hitting on me. A straight A student didn't come up and ask for help in class from the pretty TA unless he wanted something other than study time.

  But why? He had his girlfriend. They were in class together. I glanced around to see if she was hiding somewhere even as my mind flooded with visions of her squeezing my head between her thighs, though it wasn't an entirely unpleasant vision. She was nowhere to be found, though. Was he thinking of cheating on his girlfriend with me? For that matter, why on earth would he want to cheat on a girl who looked like that? I knew I looked good, but damn.

  Meanwhile I felt a thrill that he'd even approached me in the first place. Assuming he was hitting on me, and I figured that was still a big “if” considering who he was and who he was dating, it was definitely a feather in my cap. I was used to getting the more socially maladjusted guys who couldn't respect boundaries, but this guy, everything about him oozed confidence. And apparently, player, though in my experience confident and player usually went hand in hand. At least if he was actually trying to get some action aside from his girlfriend.

  I faced a conundrum. Usually when I turned these guys down it was guys I wouldn't give the time of day to if I passed them on the street. There was one big difference here, though. This was the first time I might've actually taken someone up on the offer. If he wasn't my student. And I didn't have a husband.

  Well, maybe if he just wasn't a student considering Brian’s stance on that whole thing. Considering how my husband desperately wanted something exactly like this to happen. And I knew in the back of my head that he was going to get ridiculously turned on when I told him I was getting hit on like this. And by the star player on our school's basketball team, no less. A guy who millions of women around the country would probably kill to get with, and he was hitting on me!

  I dismissed those thoughts even as they occurred to me, though. This might be a guy that millions of women would kill for a chance to get with, but the fact remained that he was my student, I was a married woman, and I was worried about the potentially dire consequences of giving into this fantasy. No matter how hard my husband got when he talked about it. No matter how turned on he got. No matter how quickly he went over the edge when I started spinning out fantasy scenarios for him involving me and other men.

  It was just too dangerous. To dangerous by far.

  For one I was worried about how he’d react in the moment. That he’d decide he didn't like it after all. I had terrified visions of being in the middle of bangi
ng a guy when Brian decided he didn't like it. For another, I was afraid on some level that maybe I’d like it too much. That I’d go too far.

  Either way, it seemed like a ticking time bomb sitting right in the middle of our marriage, and I'd always figured the best way to take care of that ticking time bomb was to not start the counter on it in the first place. Maybe that was stretching the metaphor just a bit, but I was a science person, not an English major. Which is why I was still employed as a teacher and not slinging coffee.


  Still, despite all that I was surprised to realize this was actually going to be the first time I regretted having to turn a student down. It would also mark the first time that Brian was probably going to try and throttle me when I got home and told him about getting hit on. When he realized exactly what I’d turned down. It was almost enough to make me not want to tell him at all.

  “Megan? You still with me?”

  I blinked. I’d zoned out thinking about all that. The sounds of class returned as I pulled out of my deep thoughts. What were we talking about? Right. Study time. He needed help with class, as unlikely as that seemed.

  "Well Michael, you seem to be doing pretty well in class so far…"

  "I know Mrs. Taylor," he said, again forgetting to call me Megan and again with that emphasis on the “Mrs.” "I was just thinking that maybe you could really help me out. One on one."

  Well then. The double meaning there was clear enough. There was no mistaking what was going on here. His eyes bored into my own. God, that look was pure sex. It didn't hurt that he was looking good in a tight fitting T-shirt today. I wondered if he wore stuff like that all the time, or if he'd put that on especially for me. Not that it mattered. I was going to enjoy the show one way or another.

  "Right. Do you think your girlfriend or my husband would appreciate me helping you study in the way you’re imagining?"

  I figured if he was going to be blatantly obvious with the innuendo then I could play the same game. I could hint without coming right out and saying anything, though what I'd just said came pretty damn close.

  To his credit he didn't even blink when I mentioned his girlfriend. That confident grin stayed plastered on his face.

  "I'm sure Chelsea wouldn't mind at all. In fact, she's mentioned how much she’d enjoy studying some of the material a little closer with you as well…"

  I felt a thrill run through me. I was surprised that a thrill was running through me. I’d never consider getting with a girl before. I never even seriously considered getting with a guy other than my husband before, but now that he was standing here right before me with that smile on his face looking as good as he was and making this offer, well let's just say I was thinking a lot of crazy things that I'd never seriously considered before. Including a few naughty thoughts about Michael’s pretty blonde girlfriend.

  I really needed to get this under control. Things were spiraling out of control far faster than I could handle them. I took a deep breath. Forced myself to count to ten. Thought again about how I was a married woman.

  Not that it was very difficult to remind myself of my married status. The wedding band on my ring finger felt like it was burning into my skin.

  "I think if you're going to get any help from me it's going to have to be in a group setting," I said.

  He grinned, and I felt a blush rising to my face as I realized that there was one hell of a double meaning to what I'd just said. Damn it. I was going to have to watch what I said, and at the same time I felt embarrassed that I even had to watch what I said. It was incredible how he could turn a simple smile into an innuendo like that.

  "That's what I'm talking about, Mrs. Taylor," he said. “I’m sure Chelsea would love some group studying!”

  I decided to forego my usual line about asking him to call me Megan. I figured it would only encourage him. I also sort of liked the way he was emphasizing the fact that I was married. Now why did I think that was hot? On his lips it seemed like a challenge and an invitation all rolled up into one. The sort of invitation I very much wanted to accept. The sort of invite Brian would love for me to accept.

  "I'm glad you agree," I said.

  Michael opened his mouth to say more, but I held up a hand to stop him. It was obvious we were having two very different conversations here, and it was time for him to realize I was talking about class. Even though I knew exactly what he was thinking about it.

  "If you're interested in more studying then you can come to any of the group study sessions that I put on in the evenings. The schedule is posted on the syllabus if you're interested."

  His mouth shut. He frowned. Oh yeah. He was finally starting to realize that I wasn't talking about what he thought I was talking about. Even though I very much wanted to be talking about what he was talking about, if that made sense.

  It was obvious he was talking about the sort of thing that would get my husband all hot and bothered. Brian really was going to kill me if I ever told him about this. I almost didn't want to. I’d never hear the end of it if I did. It was just one of many conflicts raging inside me as I stared up at Michael. As he once again fixed me with that panty-melting grin.

  I wondered how many women he'd used that look on over the years. For that matter, I wondered if he'd ever used it on any of his professors before.

  "I'll keep that in mind," he said.

  Michael moved to the door. He was the last one left in the class. He paused there and turned. Gave me one last lingering, smoldering glance. A look that made it absolutely clear exactly what he wanted from me, and it had nothing to do with a one-on-one study session and everything to do with a little one-on-one that would get me fired from my job if anyone ever found out about it. It was a look that had me melting.

  I almost considered calling him back in and offering the study session after all, it's not like my husband was going to be upset if I did, but the moment was interrupted when another TA, Lewis, walked in with a pile of papers for the next class. He smiled and plopped them down on the desk.

  "You okay Megan?" he asked.

  I shook my head as Michael left the room. The spell was broken. For now. I smiled at Lewis. "I'm fine. Just thinking about some things."

  "You had that thousand-yard stare like something bad happened with one of your students. I'd know that anywhere," Lewis said.

  "No, nothing bad with a student." I said with a smile.

  Nothing bad at all, and that was the problem. For the first time in my career I found myself tempted by a student. Tempted by my husband's offer to let me get with another guy, though it seemed like maybe there was another guy and another girl on offer in this particular case. I wondered how he'd feel about that, but at the same time I knew that he’d probably take an attitude of “the more, the merrier.”

  I needed to get all of that out of my head. This was a risk to my career. No matter how much I might want it, no matter how much my husband might want it, it was never happening no matter how much Michael or his girlfriend might want it. Not to mention I wasn't entirely sure whether or not he was making that stuff up about Chelsea.

  No, despite plenty of wanting to go around, it wasn't happening. It couldn't happen.

  Two things were for certain, though. The first was that the next group study session was going to be very interesting if Michael decided to take me up on the offer. I wondered if he’d try anything there. I almost hoped he’d try something even as I dreaded it.

  The second thing for certain was that I was going to have one hell of a good time with my husband tonight. Despite all my worries about telling him what happened here, about never living it down, there wasn't a chance I wasn't going to tell him about something this hot. I was worked up and ready to go, and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here so I could get home, get with my husband, and get rid of some of this pent-up sexual tension that was threatening to make me explode!

  "Think I'm going to duck out early," I said. "It's not like anyone's coming to office hours an

  "Sure thing Megan," Lewis said. "Have a good night!"

  Oh I was going to have a good night. A very good night. I was going to rock my husband's world. In more ways than one when he heard my story.

  6: Getting Real

  I was in the kitchen getting ready to start dinner when Megan walked through the door. I looked up, slightly surprised.

  "You're home early baby," I said.

  I got my second surprise of the evening as she went straight for me. Usually that didn't happen. Usually she at least freshened up. But tonight there was something in her eyes. Something in the way she was looking at me. Something that said that she was on the prowl.

  "Honey?" I asked. "You okay? Did something happen?"

  She didn’t give me time to ask anything else. No, she pulled me away from the counter where I was chopping vegetables and pressed me back against. Pressed her body against mine. Pressed her lips against my own.

  Well now. This was a surprise, but a welcome surprise!

  I allowed myself to get caught up in the moment. I ran my hands up and down her body. Down to cup her ass. An ass that always looked so damn incredible. Especially in the tight jeans she always wore when she was going off to teach one of her classes. Even better in short shorts, but she wasn't going to get away with that given the university's faculty dress code. No matter how lax they were in her department. No matter how much it’d improve the scenery in her department.

  I enjoyed the taste of her mouth. The feel of her tongue moving around and dueling with my own. It was a back-and-forth that was familiar, and yet at the same time it never failed to turn me on. It never failed to get me so hot. My cock was rock hard pressing up between our bodies, straining for that delicious warmth that she had to offer. Whether it was her mouth or between her legs, every pleasure my wife offered was incredible.

  Finally we separated and I stared down at her in disbelief. "What brought that on?"


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