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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

Page 10

by Lexi Archer

  "I want you to send a text to Michael," she said, trailing off at the end as though she was unsure of herself. Almost hesitant. Almost as though she was still reluctant to admit to this fantasy.

  Not that I cared. All that mattered was that she was finally admitting to it. Finally on the verge of giving in. And meanwhile I felt like I wasn't going to even be able to send him a text message my body was shaking so much. That's how turned on I was.

  I licked my lips. "Yeah? And what should I tell him when I text him?"

  She leaned forward until her lips almost brushed against mine. Her body pressed against me. I felt her rock hard nipples brushing against my body.

  "I want you to tell him there's not a chance in hell anything is happening tonight, but he might still get lucky eventually."

  I blinked. I swallowed. I looked down at my phone and back up at my wife. A smile split her face and I realized I'd just been had.

  "This is payback, isn't it?"

  She patted my cheek. "You're a clever boy."

  I sighed. Okay, so maybe things weren't going quite as fast or as far as I'd hoped they would. Still, she just said something might happen eventually. That seemed a hell of a lot better than saying nothing going to happen ever. That was the response I was used to, after all.

  And so I pulled out my phone. I dutifully tapped away at it. Let him know we were still in the game. After all, I'd already texted him and told him that nothing was happening tonight. It seemed a little silly to reiterate that, but I also wasn't going to mention that to Megan.

  "Okay, done. So what now?"

  "You passed your first test," she said.

  "That was a test?"

  "Of course it was. If we're going to do this then we have to trust each other. And the first thing that comes with trust is knowing you'll play nice if I'm not comfortable doing something."

  I sighed. "This isn't quite going like the fantasy scenario."

  Megan fell back on the bed. Propped herself up on her elbows and smiled at me. "Well you're just going to have to get used to real life. This isn’t one of those stories you jerk off to after you think I'm asleep for the night, after all!"

  I blinked. "You know about that?"

  Megan giggled and bit her lip. Damn she was so sexy when she did that.

  "Of course I know about that! Do you think I'm blind?"

  I decided to ignore that. Apparently I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought I was. Something to keep in mind for future reference, for sure!

  "So does passing the test mean you’re saying there's definitely a chance of something happening?"

  Megan looked at me as though I was an idiot.

  "Didn’t I just say that? I wouldn't say that if I wasn't serious."

  "I suppose that makes sense," I said.

  "Yeah it does. Now come here baby?" she purred.

  I grinned. Now this was getting interesting. This was the sort of seductive fun I’d grown used to over the past couple of weeks. This was my wife who was so turned on by everything that she couldn't resist the urges controlling her. She couldn't resist me. And so I fell down on the bed. Crawled over to her, but at the last moment she pushed me to the side and climbed on top of me. Started grinding her ass against me. I reached out and gave it a squeeze as she leaned down over me.

  "Are you really hot right now baby?"

  Megan leaned down and her lips brushed against mine. Her mouth opened. Oh yeah. She was fucking hungry for it. She needed it! Needed this as much as I did with my cock grinding up against her. She was so hot. Whatever happened with Michael tonight, it must have gotten her hot and bothered even if she was pissed off. I’d take her being pissed off if it meant getting a response like this.


  She pulled away and her eyes were lidded. They were full of arousal. She smiled.

  "You're so fucking hot," she gasped. More of a moan, really.

  "Fuck Megan!"

  She leaned down and pecked me on the lips, and then pulled off.

  "Actually that's exactly what you're not doing tonight, mister!"

  I laid there in silence for a moment. Looked over at her, confused.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Consider this your punishment for being a naughty boy. You can go into the bathroom and help yourself out. Just pull up one of your favorite stories on your phone."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Of course I'm serious. I wouldn't joke about something like this. You were a naughty boy, and naughty boys get punished. It wouldn't be very smart if I started incentivizing you by fucking you every time you pulled something like this, would it?"

  I banged my head against the bed. Thankfully it was nice and soft.


  Of course what she was saying did make sense. I suppose I’d been going down a slippery slope lately. She'd been getting deeper and deeper into this fantasy, and at every step of the way she'd been encouraging me by coming home and fucking my brains out. That had led me to go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole where I was doing things like calling Michael and trying to get him to seduce my wife.

  Admittedly that had worked out pretty well for me in this case, but still. I could understand why she’d be upset. I could understand why she was doing what she was doing. Even if it was leaving me with one of the worst case of blue balls I'd ever felt in my life.

  "You’re cold, baby," I said.

  "Think about that while you’re jerking off. Think about all the things I did with Michael. You probably don't even need to read a story. All you need is your texts!"

  She winked and I got up and headed towards the bathroom. Meanwhile she started slipping out of her clothes. I stopped, turned to look. One of the benefits of married life was having an insanely attractive woman disrobing in front of me on the regular, after all.

  Only as soon as she realized I was catching a sneaky peek she waved her hands at me.

  "Shoo!" she said. "Bad boys don't get to watch me changing."

  I sighed. Okay then. If that's how she was going to play it. I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, careful not to slam it. I didn't want to let on just how frustrated I was. That would only annoy her even more. That was the last thing I wanted.

  I looked in the mirror. I wasn't proud of who I saw there. I'd just thrown my wife up as a sacrifice to that guy. I'd just let my obsession get the better of me and really seriously endangered my marriage. What kind of person was I?

  Not the kind of person that I liked.

  Still, I couldn't deny how turned on I was. I couldn't deny that I really and desperately needed to get off. And if I wasn't going to get off in my wife, at least I could get off to the thoughts of what my wife had been up to earlier.

  I pulled up the text messages from Michael describing everything they’d done in excruciating detail. Tried to imagine her office. I'd been there a couple of times. Usually when I was picking her up for lunch or something. It was small. Usually cramped even when she was the only person in there. Not much room to move around. Nice and snug for two people who wanted to play around a little.

  I was just imagining him leaning forward and making out with my wife when a text message popped up and interrupted my fun time. I frowned, but that frown quickly turned to a look of interest as I realized it was a text message from none other than Megan. And it wasn't just a text message. She'd sent me a media message as well.

  The first message was simple enough. A command.

  "You're not allowed to come into the bedroom."

  The next message was what really got my attention, though. A picture of her slipping out of her clothes. Just a simple mirror shot, but it was pretty damn hot. And what she sent after that was even hotter.

  "Just imagine me doing this for Michael earlier…"

  I quickly texted back. "Did you?"

  "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  I breathed out. And started stroking my cock. Damn that was hot. Apparently she'd given up on the game of telling me whether
or not she'd done something for sure. No, a little bit of ambiguity was pretty fucking hot as far as I was concerned!

  I got another message. This time she was standing in front of the mirror and her hands were acting as a hand bra with one precariously balancing her phone. God she was so hot. I stroked faster. Imagined her doing something like this earlier with Michael in an attempt to preserve her modesty as he ripped her clothes off. I breathed harder. My cock throbbed.

  Another one. This time it was her standing completely topless with a hand down her pants. Fuck!

  Another text message. "Not thinking about you while I'm doing this ;).”

  As I looked down at that picture, that beautiful, forbidden picture of my wife, a naughty thought occurred to me. A thought that came out of the same part of my brain that had gotten me into so much trouble with her in the first place. I thought about how hot it would be if I maybe forwarded that picture to Michael. Gave him a taste of what he'd been fantasizing about for so long.

  But I didn't. I managed to maintain my control. That sort of thinking had gotten me into entirely too much trouble, and I needed to stop thinking like that and letting the obsession take control.

  Just on the tail of those thoughts I got another text. I looked down and my eyes widened in surprise.

  "By the way, you can go ahead and send that to Michael. I know that's what you're thinking. Give him a little something to think about ;)."

  I had to stop stroking my cock. I was too close to the edge. This was entirely too much. It's like she was reading my mind. Now that we’d had that argument and agreed to some boundaries she was acting exactly like I'd always fantasized about.


  I had to concentrate on anything but my wife. I shook as I saved that picture to my phone. As I switched over to my texts with Michael. As I attached the picture. Once more I found my thumb hovering over the send button. Once more I found myself wondering if this was really something I should be doing. And once more my thumb pressed down. I waited for a moment. Wondered what I was going to get back.

  I didn’t have to wait long.

  "Holy shit!"

  Well then. It seemed he certainly enjoyed what he was seeing.

  "Seriously, she sent you that?"

  It was hard to type out a response one-handed, but I managed it. "That she did."

  I waited a moment. I wasn't sure what to expect. I kept right up stroking. If nothing else, his reaction to my wife was more than enough to get me going over the edge. But then I got another text message. I blinked and it took a moment to realize what I was looking at. A dark skinned body, well muscled, lying back on a bed. And a fair skinned girl sitting on his cock. Her body toned and perfect.

  With a start I realized I was looking at none other than Michael’s hot cheerleader girlfriend bouncing on his cock. And if that wasn't enough to send me over the edge, which it was, then what he sent next was more than enough!

  "I'm not thinking about Chelsea while I'm fucking her, man."

  That was it. That was more than enough. I shuddered as I dropped my phone. I winced, wondering if it was going to break, but I didn't care. No, all I cared about was the feeling washing over me. Was the explosion as I came in the sink. My breathing was coming heavy, and I worried I might pass out.

  Now there would be an interesting call to emergency services. My wife finding me passed out in our bathroom because I’d been jerking off and I was overcome with the feeling of her body.

  We were entering into a whole new world. This was a hell of a lot closer to the more positive scenarios I’d imagined. I grinned. The future looked bright!

  14: After Class

  Sometimes I really hated these late labs. There were so many things I'd rather be doing than sitting and trying to catch up on grading papers well after the late class was already over. Well after most of the building had been abandoned.

  Actually, staying in the science building until well after it had been abandoned by just about everybody else was starting to become a regular thing in my life. Maybe if I spent more time actually doing my work and less time either making out with and/or thinking about making out with my star student then I might not be working so late. Really it was all my fault.

  I glanced down at my phone as it buzzed. A text from Brian letting me know he was on his way over.

  I sighed, smiled, and shook my head. I'd like to say he was coming over to get me because he was kissing my ass, but the plain truth was that was just the kind of guy he was. He worried about me being in here all alone. He would've come to get me well before all of this stuff with Michael happened.

  The fact that he'd been kissing my ass in a major way since everything went down was beside the point.

  I sighed and went back to my papers. I figured if I got enough done then I might be able to have a little bit of forgiveness with my husband tonight. He thought he was still in the doghouse, but the plain truth was I was just so damn busy trying to play catch-up what with all the time I'd spent fantasizing and not actually working that I hadn't had time to do anything with dear old hubby.

  Someone stepped into the door. I turned to smile, thinking how fast Brian had gotten over here. My smile froze as I saw who was actually standing there, though. I'd like to say I was surprised, but at this point when it came to Michael pretty much nothing surprised me.

  "Michael," I said.

  "Megan," he replied with a smile. He stepped into the room.

  I smiled. I suppose I was past the point where I could act like I was pissed off because of his advances. I’d already made out with him in my office. I'd already told my husband I was willing to explore this, so why not explore it?

  Of course I was still in very real danger of getting caught by somebody in the department. Sure the building was supposed to be abandoned, but I thought back to how well that had worked a week ago when Michael and I were very nearly caught by no less than the head of my fucking department! Talk about a career limiting move. And yet it was a career limiting move that I was going to make again. Because as I stared at him there was no resisting that hotness.

  "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I asked.

  "I think you know, Megan," he said.

  "So you’re no longer calling me Mrs. Taylor?"

  He held up his phone. "From what I've been hearing I don't need to call attention to the fact that you're married anymore."

  I glanced at his phone. There was a text conversation up there. I was too far away to make out exactly who he'd been texting, but it's not like I needed to. I knew exactly who was in on that conversation.

  Brian. The bastard had been texting Michael even after that blowup. Then again, it's not like I asked him to stop texting Michael. Not exactly. I figured it had been implied, but Brian was doing that thing where he was violating the spirit of an agreement and not the letter.

  The sneaky bastard.

  What the hell. I might as well go with that. I was going with everything else, after all.

  "Really? And what were you hearing?"

  "I heard your husband is kind of into the idea of you getting with another guy," he said.

  He moved closer as he said it. So damn close. He was towering over me as I sat on a stool at my desk. I started shuddering. A full body shudder as the muscles in my body contracted. I knew in the back of my head that it was an involuntary response to overwhelming sexual stimulation. The body preparing itself for strenuous activity. Namely, fucking. Of course what my body thought was about to happen, what it was getting ready for, and what was actually going to happen could still be two very different things. I was indulging this, but that didn't mean I was going to indulge it all the way.

  Oh hell. Who was I kidding?

  I glanced over to the door and it suddenly occurred to me that Brian was on his way over.

  "My husband is…"

  "Is across campus at your apartment, as far as I know. As far as his last text told me. Though I suppose he could be sneaking over here becau
se he wants to watch. That's kind of kinky," Michael said.

  And suddenly it dawned on me. I'd been set up. He told me he was coming over to walk me home, but he really just wanted to make sure I was staying in the science building long enough to arrange this meeting with Michael. That sneaky, sneaky bastard!

  "I've been set up," I whispered.

  Michael grinned. "You have, but are you really complaining?"

  I grinned back at him. "Not really."

  "You don't have to worry about any of your friends walking in on us either," Michael said. "I thought of everything after what happened last time. Walked through the whole building. We’re the only two souls in here, right now, except for maybe some of the cleaning people down on the first floor. Last I saw they were standing around playing games on their phones, though."

  "Yeah, it will take forever for them to get up here," I said.

  Michael pressed his arms down on either side of me. Moved forward until he was pressing against me. God he felt so good. He had the physique of a Greek God. The physique of a man who spent every waking hour working out. Or almost every waking hour working out. He was sculpted. His dark skin was such a sharp contrast to my pale skin. He got me going. He had a fire burning between my legs, and he'd barely touched me!

  I couldn't wait to see what he could do when he actually started with the touching. If the past glimpses I'd gotten were any indication then I was about to have one hell of a good time.

  And as I sat there with him dominating me an idea occurred to me. An idea that could incorporate some of my misgivings into an incredibly hot scenario.

  I was used to spinning out hot role-playing scenarios. It had become the main feature of my sex life with Brian. And apparently it was something I enjoyed too, because I had one hell of a fun idea.

  "My husband wouldn’t appreciate this," I said.

  I tried to add a breathless quality to my voice. Not that it was very difficult. It's not like I had to act very much. No, Michael was supplying all the motivation. I was giving an Oscar worthy performance.


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