Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel Page 12

by Lexi Archer

  God how I wished I’d gone ahead and followed Michael out to the science building. Damn!

  A knock on the door. I turned. Stared with a perplexed expression. There'd never been a knock before. Usually it was a key in the door. Who the hell could possibly be out there? I ran and opened it without thinking, realizing too late that a knock on the door is exactly what a robber might try to get into the house. Only there wasn't a robber standing there with a gun at the ready. No, there was just my wife there with a grin.

  My wife and Michael. Who had an equally large grin on his face.

  I smiled. Relief washed over me. All the worries I'd had disappeared in an instant. I had made the right call even if I’d seriously wondered if it was a stupid call.

  "I take it things went well at the lab?"

  Of course I knew just how well things had gone at the lab. She knew I knew just how well things had gone at the lab. The smile said it all. She still looked slightly flushed, and again I found myself wondering if Michael going down on her was the only thing that happened, or if there was more to their forbidden tryst that I’d missed out on after she hung up. Either way I was about to find out.

  Megan moved in. Brushed past me and put a hand to my cheek. Stroked it.

  "Better than you could ever imagine."

  "I don't know. I can imagine a hell of a lot happening after you hung up!"

  “Don’t you worry your handsome little head about that. We decided to bring the main event back here so you could watch.”

  My breath caught as Michael grinned and moved in past me. Into our apartment. Seeing him in this setting with these low ceilings just served to highlight how huge he was. Sure he cut an impressive figure seeing him out on campus, but here with his head nearly brushing the ceiling and it really drove home just how tall he was. Just how broad his shoulders were. Just how muscled his body was. And I found myself repeating what he'd been doing with my wife at the lab. I shivered.

  I'd just told Megan I could imagine a hell of a lot, but that phone conversation and those text messages had been beyond anything I'd ever imagined. Amazing how she could come up with a scenario that was so hot, but then again I’m not sure why I was surprised. She was the one who always spun out fantasy scenarios, after all.

  "So did you enjoy your phone call?" Megan asked.

  "Boy did I enjoy it!" I replied.

  "So are you sure nothing happened after I got off the phone?"

  Megan grinned. She put her arm around Michael. And I was treated to the singularly odd sensation of watching my wife with another man putting his arm around her possessively in my apartment. It was something I'd dreamed about, but let me tell you the actual fulfillment of that moment was so much better than anything that had ever happened in my imagination!

  "Nothing else happened other than Michael going down on me," Megan said. "But it's definitely going to happen now!"

  I felt as though I'd been punched in the gut. I felt my cock getting harder than I think it had ever been. My stomach twisted and I wondered if I was going to collapse to my knees and empty my stomach. I wondered if I was going to come in my pants. There was something about the casual way she talked about another guy fucking her, and in our apartment no less, that was so fucking hot. That went so far beyond anything I ever thought I'd see my gorgeous and innocent wife doing!

  I licked my lips. Tried to think how to respond. And yet there was only one response I was ever going to have despite my misgivings. I smiled. I nodded.

  Megan smiled in turn. "I'm glad to see there wasn't much hesitation there," she said.

  "Why's that?"

  "Because you’ve created that monster I was worried about," Megan said. "And there's not a chance in hell I'm not going through with this."

  I felt another chill. Another shiver that seemed to shake the very core of my soul. I know it was getting cliché to say I never thought I'd see this from my wife, but damn. It's hard to describe exactly how I felt in that moment. So many years of fantasizing. Of imagining this. Of thinking about what it would feel like to share this moment with her. And now it was finally happening. It was the culmination of a forbidden sexual fantasy that was so far off the beaten path that I never thought it would be realized and yet here we were.

  "So are you ready?" she asked.

  Was I ready? I had to stop and think about that. This was happening whether I was ready or not, apparently, so it seemed like a silly question. Was I ready to see the most intense fantasy of my life finally fulfilled? Was I ready to see my wife letting another man fill her?

  You bet your ass I was!

  "Let's go," I said.

  And so we moved back to the bedroom. Only this time around it was different from every other time we’d moved back to the bedroom. This time she wasn't turning around and looking at me with a sexy smile on her face. Hell, she wasn't stalking back there angry at me. No, tonight she had eyes only for Michael. She turned and looked at him with the sort of lust in her eyes that was usually reserved for me and me alone.

  And I loved it.

  As soon as I walked into the bedroom I realized I was forgotten. I wasn't needed. And so I moved around the edge and took a seat. I'd had the presence of mind to move a chair into the bedroom in anticipation of something like this maybe happening. I’d gotten a weird look from Megan, but otherwise no comment. I'm sure she knew exactly what I was doing, but I figured her not commenting on it was a good thing. A silent promise that was being fulfilled now.

  Meanwhile, on the bed, they were wasting no time. Megan fell down and he fell down on top of her. She was just in jeans and a T-shirt, her typical uniform when teaching a lab, but she might as well be wearing a négligée for how fucking sexy she looked in that moment with another man towering over her. As she wrapped her legs around him and he started grinding against her in what I hoped was a preview of what was to come. Over and over he grinded into her as his mouth descended onto my wife's. As they opened to one another. As their tongues swirled around as they explored each other.

  The room was filled with gasps. Moans. Sighs. His hands ran up and down her body. Reached up to grope her tits. Moved down to feel her ass. And the entire time I was rooted to the chair. I felt a surprising amount of jealousy as I watched him exploring my wife, but that jealousy just added to the sensation. It's not like there was a chance in hell I was going to do anything to stop this, after all. That jealousy was part of the spice for this fantasy.

  Megan reached down and pulled up on his shirt revealing inch after inch of his dark skin and muscle. This guy looked like he spent every hour of his waking life in the gym. And he positively dwarfed my wife as he pulled away from the kiss long enough for her to pull his shirt off entirely. She reached down and started tugging on her own. I loved how eager she was. How much she obviously wanted this, to be pulling on her shirt like that. Inch after inch of her skin was revealed until her shirt was off and she was there in a black lacy bra. Now that was a surprise.

  Usually when she was teaching one of her lab classes she wore something comfortable rather than something practical. It appeared that in this case, though, she'd been expecting something. I wondered how many labs she'd gone to wearing sexy underwear in the hopes something might happen with this guy. How far back did that go? How long had she so obviously been wanting something like this to happen?

  Did it just go back to that huge fight we had? Or did I go back further than that? I probably wasn't ever going to get the answer, but I was glad to see her dressing just a little more sexy.

  And the sight of her fair skin under his dark muscled body was so fucking hot. He reached a hand under her, she arched her back to help, and her bra popped free. Her he pulled up and off and then it was just the two of them shirtless in our marriage bed.

  Talk about fucking hot. Another man, a huge muscles behemoth, towering over my wife. Dwarfing her body. And I found myself wondering if his cock would it be equally as they did. Though I suppose Megan was a getting one hell of a preview
right now with the way he was grinding against her.

  Gasps and moans filled the room. Megan pressing up against him. Him grinding down against her. The two of them staring into one another's eyes as though they were the only two people in the world. I was forgotten, though I suppose that had happened the moment they stepped into the bedroom together. Megan rolled him around, I was surprised she was able to manhandle him like that, and then my wife was on top of him. Rotating her hips as she continued grinding, but then she started moving down. Kissing along his chest. Moaning as her lips passed across his muscles. Down past his six pack abs. Down to his cock where she reached out and wrapped her lips around it through his jeans.

  Fuck! I know his jeans were in the way, but just seeing her mouth on another man's dick was enough to cause my own cock to throb. It was enough to make me very nearly come in my pants!

  I had a feeling that nearly coming in my pants was a problem I was going to have to keep under control every step of the way while I watched them. This was all that overwhelming. Just that intense.

  There was an obvious hunger, an obvious desire, that was going on here. And it was obvious Megan couldn't wait to continue. She quickly undid his pants and pulled them down, his cock springing free. My eyes went wide and hers did as well as it sprang up. Stood up tall and proud. It was like a fucking skyscraper reaching for the ceiling. Definitely a big one!

  I’d never been one for the whole size aspect of this fantasy, but I had to admit that the idea of seeing my wife descending on that massive cock definitely had a certain level of appeal. I was starting to understand why that was such a part of the fantasy for some guys.

  "Damn," Megan said. "I knew it felt big, but… Damn!

  "Glad you like it," he said. "Now let's get started!"

  Megan almost seemed hypnotized as she stood and started undoing her own pants. It was as though she was mesmerized by the sight of his cock. And why not? She'd been fighting this desire for so long, and I imagine that finally giving in to that forbidden desire was giving her one hell of a thrill.

  That lust fueled mesmerized look continued as she kicked her jeans off to the side along with her panties. As she moved up and fell down over him. As I was treated to the incredible sight of my wife on all fours hovering over another man's cock which was pointing straight up towards her pussy. Her breasts were hanging down over him and he stared up at her as though she was a goddess. He was staring up with the sort of disbelief I'd always imagined on the face of whatever man was lucky enough to get with my wife. In that respect they were certainly delivering on this fantasy in one hell of a major way. And then it happened.

  He reached down and gripped his cock while at the same time Megan started moving down. Her sopping wet pussy made contact with the head of his dick and she squeezed her eyes shut as those lips wrapped around his cockhead. As she started sliding down.

  She must've been ridiculously lubricated to be able to take that much of his cock. Then again, if she was even a fraction as turned on as I was as I stared at her finally fucking another man then she probably had plenty of lubrication to spare!

  I stared at the spot where their bodies were coming together and tried to memorize this moment for all of eternity. I briefly thought about pulling my cell phone out and taking a picture, but ultimately decided that would probably be more trouble than it was worth. I hadn't asked either of them if they were okay with being recorded, after all, and it might ruin the moment if I whipped out my phone and tried to create a permanent record. No, better to sit back and put this one in the memory hole even as he was filling my wife's hole.

  Megan had a look of intense concentration on her face. She was panting and gasping. Her hair flailed this way and that as her head moved from side to side. She was rolling her neck and her shoulders, she was gyrating her hips, her entire body was in motion as she concentrated on taking his huge cock inside her.

  And boy was the sight of that massive cock splitting my wife down the middle incredible! It seemed impossible that a girl with a body as petite as my wife's would be able to take that thing, and yet here she was with that cock moving up inside her. Filling her. I felt lightheaded watching it.

  And then finally it was done. He was buried inside her. They held themselves together for a moment. Michael looking up at her with intense concentration. As though he was trying not to blow his load. It was a sentiment I could certainly sympathize with.

  That moment didn’t last for long, though. No sooner was he bottomed out than he started pulling her up and back down on his cock. In a few moments they were going at it at a regular clip. Her tits bounced up and down as he filled her. As she gasped every time his cock bottomed out inside her. I almost thought I could see her stomach pressing out every time his cock moved inside her. He was so huge that I didn't see how he wasn't rearranging her insides every time she bounced. Up and down, her gasps coming in a steady repeat. Her eyes squeezed shut as she moaned. As her body shuddered. As I realized she was close to an orgasm.

  And why not? There was so much pent-up tension between the two of them. So much sexual energy that had been building up since the beginning of the semester. I was sure that would be enough to make her come in no time. And it looked like it was going to be another earth shattering orgasm on the same level as the one she'd had the night she talked about him while we were fucking.

  Maybe even more intense than that night.

  I leaned forward, my own mouth hanging open, my cock throbbing in my pants, as I stared at the two of them coming together. His muscles tensed. Over and over he lifted my wife and pulled her back down on his cock. She was like a rag doll. Like fuck toy he was using. Her pussy was his to command by virtue of the lust he inspired in her. He was the one in control as he set the pace. It seemed it was all Megan could do to hang on for dear life.

  With a final grunt he pulled her down one final time. She leaned over him and her body started shaking. This was it. The moment of truth. The moment I’d fantasized about so often and yet never thought I would see.

  He was coming inside her. His cock was buried as deep as it could go and he was exploding over and over, coating the inside of her pussy with his seed.

  And they weren't even using a condom. Not that we had any condoms that would fit him anyways. It's not like I kept magnums in my nightstand drawer. He held her in an impossibly tight grip. She stayed there shuddering, her mouth open, but there was no sound coming out. The moment was so intense that she'd gone past the point of screaming and it was just a silent declaration of pleasure to the universe. Fuck!

  They both released at the same time. One moment they were stuck in that intense coupling. Staring at one another. Their bodies shuddering and his muscles tensed to the point that I thought he might explode. And then they were gasping for air. Both of them loosened up. She fell over him, her tits pressing against his chest, as they tried to catch their breath. Tried to recover from that incredible moment.

  Michael looked over to me. Grinned.

  "Damn. Your wife is one incredible fuck! Better than some of the cheerleaders Chelsea and I have had fun with," he said.

  "She's also hotter than the cheerleaders the guys and I pass around at our parties."

  I felt a twinge at that. Now that was interesting. That was a feeling almost as intense as when I first discovered this fantasy. Like all fantasies it got to a point where I was used to it. Where it wasn't as intense as before. Sure there were ways to chase that high, the time I revealed it to Megan almost created a new high like the first time I realized I was into this. I'd also felt that high tonight hearing her on the phone and watching her with another man. I was a junkie, though, always getting used to things and forever chasing a new high.

  And the mention of a gangbang at a basketball team party was creating that new high even as it terrified me. I looked at my petite wife on top of this man with his cock lodged inside her, and imagined her being passed around at a party. Imagined her being the center of attention. Imagined coc
k after cock sliding inside her as they high-fived one another and thought how lucky they were that they got this hot petite TA to submit to them over and over again.

  Now that was very interesting. I was feeling that mix of worry, arousal, and terror that had lain dormant since a couple of weeks ago when I'd realize this fantasy was actually very close to becoming reality.

  "Really? You actually do that stuff at your parties? I'd always heard, but never…"

  There was an interest in Megan's voice that was mildly terrifying. It was one thing to know that on one level that sort of thing went on at those parties despite all of the official denials from university officials and the guys on the team, but it was another thing entirely hearing that it did happen and hearing my wife acting interested in getting involved in that sort of thing. And I knew as I looked at her that she was thinking some of the same things I'd just been thinking. Wondering what it would feel like to be in the middle of a team gangbang. Wondering how it would feel to let man after man in between her legs.

  "I don't know about all that," I said with a nervous laugh. Tried to play it off as a joke. "Seems like getting you with one man was enough of a chore. I can't imagine more than one!"

  Megan looked over at me and giggled. "Yeah…"

  Only there was something about the look in her eyes. Something about the way she said that. Something that told me this wasn't over. Not by a long shot.

  That was something to think about later too, though. Right now there was just the fantasy right in front of me. And from the way Michael was looking up at her all that talk about a gangbang had gotten him hot again. I wondered how often that really happened. Even as Michael was rolling Megan over to climb on top of her my mind was filled with the image of multiple men doing the same to my wife.

  Damn it. Was this becoming a new obsession? I wished I could get rid of it, but then again I'd felt the same way about the fantasy of my wife with another man when it first hit me, and look how hot that ultimately turned out.


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