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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

Page 15

by Lexi Archer

  I considered trying to throw a punch. I dismissed that idea as it occurred, though. That seemed like a good path to a beating and an assault charge rather than a path upstairs to Megan.

  So I pulled out my phone and dug in my heels. I’d run out of options.

  "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Give me a minute. I'm texting my wife."

  "Fine," the guy said. "Go ahead and send your text, but when you're done I'm calling the campus cops and having them cart you away for trespassing."

  I fixed him with my best glare. "Go ahead and call the campus cops to a house where you have a bunch of underage people drinking. I'm sure they'll love that."

  "I’m sure they won’t mind one bit. They’re big fans."

  I started to sweat. If that wasn't Megan up there then I'd just put myself in a pretty untenable position. Stories of guys on the beloved basketball team getting away with anything short of major felonies were pretty common. I'd never believed any of those stories either, but now that I'd witnessed an urban legend about the basketball team come to life with my wife as the centerpiece I worried that maybe there was some truth to other stuff I'd heard.

  I sent the text. "I'm at the address you sent. Where are you?"

  There was a pause where I wondered whether or not she might be too preoccupied to answer my text. Were they up there fucking her for everything she was worth? Was her phone in her back pocket lying in a crumpled heap on the floor where she wasn't going to hear it or be able to answer it even if she could hear it buzzing?

  I was about to turn and make a run for it, whether or not this was the right address I wasn't going to stick around for crooked campus cops to give me trouble, when my phone buzzed.

  "Where are you? I thought you’d text me when you got here!"

  "I thought I'd find you when I arrived," I said. "Why? Is that a problem that I didn't text you?"

  "Everybody’s waiting for you," she sent back. "You're holding up the fun!"

  I felt elated even as I was hit with one hell of a sinking feeling. They hadn't started yet. Whatever was going on up there, it wasn't going on while I was down here wasting time in a vain attempt to track her down. A vain attempt that I knew was ridiculous.

  That also meant there was still very much a show happening, and they were waiting for me to get up there before they start ed. I thought back to all the times she told me I’d created a monster. All the times she asked if I really wanted to go through with this. All the times she acted as though there was danger in indulging this fantasy.

  I'd brushed it off and thought she was being ridiculous. Well it didn't seem so ridiculous now! She was up there, I had a feeling this was going to happen, and just like a few days ago when she brought Michael home it was going to happen whether I wanted it to or not. All I could do was enjoy the ride.

  I created this situation. My obsession brought me here. Going behind Megan's back, pushing her, was finally coming back to bite me in the ass. This was the least I deserved for what I'd done to her.

  "Why aren't you up here right now?" Megan texted.

  "There's some jackass working security at the front door keeping me from going up. Says he's not allowed to let boyfriends or husbands up."

  Another pause. I held my breath. Looked up at the door guy who was smirking at me. I wanted to punch him in his smirking face, though of course he wasn't the one I was really angry at. Hell, I wasn't even angry at Michael or Megan. I wasn't angry at the basketball team.

  No, the person I was really angry with was myself for getting us into this situation in the first place. For creating this monster and not realizing things might quickly spiral out of control. Might become more than even I was comfortable with.

  And now here we were. I would have to deal with the consequences.

  Assuming I was even allowed to have a seat at my wife's first gangbang. That thought caused my stomach to clench again. Caused my dick to throb. I desperately wanted a seat at that gangbang, even if I was a little trepidatious about the whole experience.

  Someone appeared from upstairs. Looked down and grinned when he saw me. I didn't recognize the guy, but I had no doubt he was out there to get me. He came down and called the doorman up to meet him halfway.

  They had a whispered conversation I would've loved to be in on. It seemed pretty intense. Doorman kept glancing down at me, looking more and more nervous with each passing moment. Finally he broke free from the new guy and walked down. His entire demeanor had changed. He had a huge grin on his face. He held his arms out wide like he was greeting an old friend instead of some guy he’d just tried to kick out of the party. And he kept glancing over his shoulder, looking nervously at the guy who'd come down to chat with him.

  Yeah, it would've been very interesting to listen in on that conversation.

  "Sorry man," he said. "We get a lot of people making crazy claims to get up there. I didn't know you were the one responsible for the entertainment tonight."

  I bristled at that. Hadn’t I told him that was my wife up there? The prick.

  "I can't say I get it, getting off on letting your wife fuck other guys, but if it makes for a good party, right man?"

  I didn’t return his smile. Both because he was a first rate asshole and because I wanted to get down on my knees and empty the contents of my stomach. Not that I'd eaten much tonight. No, I'd gotten that text well before dinner time.

  But more than the desire to throw up there was that pulsing desire to watch my wife. The obsession was taking control. It was asserting itself. It was telling me that it didn't give a fuck what I thought. I was going to watch my wife getting fucked by multiple guys, and from the way my cock was throbbing I was going to love every minute of it.

  Even if it wasn't exactly what I'd initially signed up for. It was a new fantasy. A new obsession.

  Yeah, I really should've listened to Megan when she tried to warn me how fucking dangerous this could be.

  I made my way past the doorman to the guy who’d come down to read him the riot act. He put his arm around me and grinned.

  "So you're Megan's husband?"


  "That's pretty awesome what you're letting her do," the guy said. "You don't find many guys as open-minded as you!"

  Open-minded. Yeah, I suppose that was one word for it. Though the more I thought about it, the more words like "crazy," or maybe even "insane" came to mind.

  The guy led me up and back into the upstairs. The entire time I wondered what I might see. What forbidden pleasures awaited me. I wondered if Megan already started the fun, or if she was really waiting for me. He led me to a door just out of view from the stairs. Opened it and motioned for me to go inside. I took a deep breath. Terrified and turned on by what I might find.

  I stepped in and found about what I'd expected. The room was bigger than I would've anticipated for a college house, but then again that seemed like a theme in this place. Everything was huge, whether it was the guys who lived here or the rooms they lived in.

  Megan reclined on a large bed. She looked up at me with a smile that was almost hesitant. I imagine she must've been feeling about the same way I felt when I'd first gone to Michael to give him pointers on how to seduce her. If she felt at all like I did then she knew she'd done something I might not be thrilled with, exactly, but at the same time she had to try it.

  She was surrounded by a bunch of guys from the basketball team, all of them in just their boxers with their hard cocks pointing out towards her. Yeah, I recognized that look in her eyes. That was the look of someone overcome by an obsessive fantasy. That was the look that had been in my eyes whenever I imagined her with other men.

  It was the look of a person who was too far gone. Of someone who was going through with this no matter what, just as I'd suspected. Just as I'd feared. Just as I'd anticipated.

  "Glad you finally made it honey," she said. "I have a bunch of new friends who are ready to join me for some fun. Are you ready for some fun?"
/>   The look on her face was a challenge. It said I'd better be ready for the fun, or else. Not that there was any worry on that score. No, I needed this as much as she did. The obsession had taken me as well. It had extended from watching one man fuck my wife to watching multiple men fuck my wife. And not a moment too soon, because it looked like that fantasy was about to start.

  I looked to Michael on the other side of the room. He glanced at all of his friends and then down to Megan and finally back up to me.

  "You heard the lady guys. It's time for some fun!"

  18: Watching

  So I was pretty sure that I was about to suffer from the first clinically proven case of dying from anticipation. I'm sure that would've been an interesting call into the hospital.

  But now Brian was finally here. And I realized that I probably should have been a hell of a lot less cryptic about where I was and what was going on. I'd worried that if I did tell him exactly what was going down, though, that he’d refuse to come. That he wouldn't be interested. That he’d be so pissed off that I was going behind his back to make this evening possible that he'd avoid it entirely.

  Which would be a pretty shitty thing for him to do. After all, wasn't he the one who'd gone behind my back? Wasn't he the one who'd conspired with Michael, completely without my knowledge, giving him pointers on how to get me in the sack? I got more and more angry thinking about it. Thinking about how he'd essentially gotten away with it. He'd gotten everything he wanted. He got to watch me fucking another guy, and the only downside for him was that I got pissed off for a couple of nights. And even then he got to jerk off to naughty pictures and send them to another guy.

  Yeah, Brian owed me. He deserved to have a taste of his own medicine. Maybe I wasn't thinking entirely rationally as I made this decision. Maybe I was thinking more with the brain between my legs than with the brain between my ears, but I didn't care.

  I looked up at the men surrounding me. Staring down at me. Licking their lips in anticipation. Looking at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. They'd been staring at me like that for a good half hour. Ever since Michael and I arrived at this house where the party was already going. Apparently there was a party going on at this house at all hours of almost every day. It was a wonder they managed to keep their grades up enough to stay on the team, but I knew from direct experience with Michael that he did the work.

  The only real disappointment was that I hadn't seen Chelsea anywhere this evening. I kept hoping she would join in the fun, but she was nowhere to be seen. And with all those guys standing around me I wasn't about to ask about her anyways. There was plenty of fun to go around without her jumping into the mix.

  The only problem? None of them were making a move.

  "What the hell are you waiting for?" I asked.

  Some of them were glancing nervously towards Brian. Obviously our exchanges had made them nervous. I wondered if more than a few of them had visions of a jealous husband coming back to the house later with a shotgun or something and exacting his revenge, even if there wasn't a chance he was going to do anything now. But what none of them could possibly know was that he was into this. So very into it. There was the look in his eyes. The same lust fueled gaze that I saw when I was spinning out a fantasy scenario for him while bouncing up and down on his cock. Telling him about how much I'd love another man to fuck me.

  Yeah, I knew that look so very well. It was a look that said he was ready. That he wanted nothing more than to watch me fucking these guys. Sure it wasn't a look they’d recognize, but I knew we were in the clear.

  "You heard the lady," Michael said. "What are you waiting for?"

  And then they were surrounding me. Muscled bodies on all sides. The bed creaked and groaned under their weight, and I wondered if it would be able to hold up under the powerful pounding I was about to receive. These were powerful guys, and while I was light and petite not a single one of them probably weighed in under two hundred pounds of pure muscle. And from the way the bed protested I could already tell it was having trouble holding us, let alone adding fucking into the mix.

  Not that I gave much of a fuck. If the bed broke then it broke. Not my problem. All I cared about was their hands running up and down my body. Feeling my breasts, moving down to cup my ass. I was still covered in a négligée that left nothing to the imagination, I'd been less than surprised when Michael pulled that out. I had no doubt he'd had the thing prepared in anticipation of something like this happening. I felt every touch, and fuck was it sending me into a frenzy.

  "Hold on," Michael said. His voice was a sharp command. It filled the room. Instantly the hands running up and down my body came to a stop.

  "What's wrong Michael?" One of them asked from somewhere up by my head.

  "I want you to stare at your husband while we're doing this," Michael said.

  I licked my lips. Looked past all of the muscular college studs in nothing but their boxer shorts with their cocks were tenting. I very much wanted to enjoy that show. It was like being surrounded by Michael on all sides, though he was easily the hottest of this group. Not that there were many slouches. The idea of them being so overcome by lust that they had to have me, that they needed to use my body, was driving me wild. The idea was so powerful that it was overriding everything else. It was clouding me in a lusty haze.

  Still, if Michael wanted me to look at my husband then I’d look at my husband. I locked eyes with Brian. I bit my lip.

  "This is what I tried to warn you about," I said.

  He stared into my eyes. "I know."

  "Are you ready to watch?" I asked, though the question was more for the benefit of the guys surrounding me, feeling me, than it was for my husband. I already knew from that look that he was ready for this. I just wanted everyone else in the room to know he was ready.

  "Fuck Megan," he said. "I've never wanted something so much. I want this more than I wanted to see you with Michael!"

  I squeezed my eyes shut. It was so delicious hearing him say that. Coming to the realization that this was the natural extension of this fantasy. The realization that he might as well enjoy the monster he’d unleashed.

  I was brought back to the reality of the moment by hands clamping down on my arms. Almost I turned back, but Michael interrupted that thought.

  "Keep your eyes on your husband," he said. "All of us guys are going to have a little bit of fun with you here in a minute, but first I wanted to put on a little show for everyone."

  I kept my eyes locked on Brian. I was really getting off on the sensory deprivation angle of this whole experience as much as I was enjoying anything else. Then again I shouldn't be surprised. Michael seemed experienced in driving women wild. He'd had plenty of time to perfect his art, after all, considering the number of women he'd probably been with.

  "Keep your eyes on hubby for another minute darling," Michael said.

  And so I did exactly as he asked. Only Brian was looking down and then back to my eyes. He was breathing harder. There was anticipation written plainly on his face that had me getting more and more turned on. If he was looking down between my legs and getting turned on by whatever this "show" was that Michael was putting on then it had to be something good. The anticipation, once more, was in very real danger of killing me!

  I felt hands at my waist. Wrapping around the thin strip that held my lingerie bottoms on. Those hands felt odd. There was something about the nails that seemed different. And the hands themselves were smaller. I wondered if it was one of the smaller guys down between my legs disrobing me. Getting a look at my engorged and oh so wet pussy. Fuck that was hot thinking of some random guy down there!

  I knew one thing for certain. That definitely wasn't Michael between my legs enjoying my treasures. No, there’d be no mistaking his hands. His thick fingers. And so my breathing picked up. I was mirroring the anticipation Brian was showing.

  I felt breath on my pussy. I wanted to scream, but instead I bit my lip and kept it under control
. Brian wasn't even looking at me anymore. No, his eyes were rooted between my legs. I desperately wanted to look down there, to see what was going on, to see which of these lucky guys was the one getting the first taste of my pussy tonight.

  It was going to be an interesting taste considering Michael had just fucked me in my office not an hour before. His load was still deep inside me. But that was for the guy to discover. If he was going to go down on me then he was going to have to deal with the consequences. Besides, I was so blinded with lust that I wasn't going to stop him no matter what, and if Michael wasn’t going to say anything then I wasn't going to either.

  Finally lips pressed against my pussy. Wet soft lips. A tongue pressed out and ran the length of my pussy. Fireworks went off. An explosion. Fuck!

  My back arched and I squeezed my eyes shut. Let out a scream. My breasts pressed out against the négligée. I heard guys around me gasping, and the only thing that kept me rooted to the bed was that there were still a couple of guys on either side of me holding down my arms. I realized they weren't holding me down because they wanted to make sure I stayed in place for whatever this surprise was. No, I was being pretty good about that. The real reason they were holding me down was because Michael had anticipated me reacting like this. He knew exactly how I was going to act. And he wanted to make sure that I stayed firmly in place when it happened.

  The man was like some sort of sexual psychic.

  That tongue in my pussy moved up and down and stopped. Swirled around as though exploring. And I knew in that moment that whoever owned that tongue was discovering Michael's come still deep in there. Still filling me even an hour after we'd fucked. I gasped under that tongue. Fuck it was hot. It felt different too. Everything felt different. Off just a little from what I was used to when a guy went down on me whether that was Michael or my husband. What was going on here?


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