Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key

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Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key Page 13

by Morgan, SL

  He stood and offered Reece his hand. She accepted, and prepared to leave with him. As Levi stood, he announced, “Ladies, after tonight’s events, rest assured, we will finish the conversation at a later time. Until then.” He spun on his heel, and followed Harrison and Reece out of the room.

  As the door closed behind him, Levi quickly came up beside Harrison. They strode down the hallway, turning down a corridor that Reece had never explored. Harrison exhaled. “Excuse me for this, Reece, but what in all of hell has gotten into that woman?” He demanded, looking at Levi.

  Levi’s face softened and his mouth quirked. “Perhaps she was right in her accusations about you, my friend; it seems your mouth has become as foul as your manners are shocking!” He laughed, and Reece joined in. The cousins seemed to have changed places; now it was Levi’s turn to lighten the mood.

  Harrison looked at Reece. “I will say, I am impressed with how you handled yourself tonight.”

  She smiled up at him. “I’ve had quite a few days of practice,” she laughed.

  The room they entered was unquestionably a man’s domain, complete with deep burgundy leather sofas surrounding a fireplace. The room had dark wood paneling throughout, dark green curtains covering the windows, and a large billiard table, which sat off in a corner on its own. “Allow me to offer you a more comfortable place to relax,” said Harrison.

  The soft leather engulfed Reece luxuriously. Levi sat across from her as Harrison busied himself with glasses at a small cabinet in the front corner of the room. When he offered to pour drinks, Reece requested a glass of wine. Harrison and Levi both had snifter glasses filled with an amber liquid.

  Harrison sat down in a tall-backed chair. His shoulders relaxed, and he seemed to melting into his seat. “We should have taken our dinner with Samuel in the command center.” Harrison announced, still utterly annoyed.

  Levi took a sip of his drink, and laughed at his cousin. “You look as if you came from a battle, Harrison.”

  Harrison took a large gulp, and with wide eyes, gestured back at the dining room with his glass. “You feel that was far from one? I believe we should send Simone in to battle the Ciatron; she may be the greatest weapon we have ever had, and we didn’t know it.” He took another big gulp of his drink.

  Levi looked at his cousin as if he were seriously considering the idea. “That is an alternative. Though, I fear the horses would sense Simone’s character, and not allow her to ride them. She would never make it across the borders.”

  Everyone laughed and relaxed even more. Reece found comfort in having both men around again. It was the first peaceful evening she’d had since the older members of the household had gone.

  Chapter 12

  The next week passed without any trouble for Reece. By the time Navarre and Allestaine arrived back at the Palace, Harrison and Levi were being dispatched to resume their duties on Earth.

  Upon their return, Navarre was rarely around, and Allestaine made a special effort to entertain Reece. Her first discussion with Reece when she returned was in regard to a conversation she had with Levi before he returned to Earth. She told Reece that he informed her about the young women’s detestable behavior in their absence. Allestaine expressed her embarrassment for the way Reece had been treated by Lillian, Simone, and Catherine. Without going into detail, she assured Reece that the three women understood they were fortunate to remain in her home after displaying such behavior.

  In the days following Navarre and Allestaine’s return, the weather became bitterly cold. For the next three days, Reece was unable to venture outside, to take her usual morning run, or visit her new friend, the colt. A storm made its way into the area, bringing snowfall and dropping the temperatures even farther. The snow accumulation was not much; however, it was the bitterly cold winds that forced Reece to remain indoors. Is it possible to get cabin fever in a palace? Sure, the Palace was large, and there was plenty to do, but Reece had always found her solace outdoors.

  Fortunately, Allestaine kept her occupied; they gardened together in the greenhouse, and every once and a while, Allestaine took Reece into the kitchen with her to make a special dish—usually a favorite of Navarre’s.

  Reece was grateful for Allestaine’s efforts, but she grew tired of remaining inside all day. Every morning she would wake up to find the sun covered with thick clouds, daring to snow again. She would make her way out onto the balcony, only to find the temperatures were still stinging cold.

  After the long week of glacial temperatures, Reece finally woke up to the sun peeking through her bedroom curtains. She breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly made her way over to the windows. When she drew the curtains back, she was exhilarated at the site of the brilliant blue sky, and not one cloud in sight. After she went through her normal routine of preparing for the day, she grabbed a thick wool coat, and made her way out onto the second floor balcony. The air was not as bitterly cold with the sun out; however, it was still too cold for her to go trudging through the snow. She hoped by the afternoon, the temperatures would warm more and she could take a walk, even if it was down to the stables where the colt was.

  That afternoon, she was in the greenhouse with Allestaine, picking flowers for the vases in various rooms. She forced herself to concentrate on the aromas of the indoor garden while arranging the vases; but it was difficult. All she wanted was to be outside. Once they were finished, she planned to do just that. Whether or not the temperatures had warmed since that morning, she planned to get out of the Palace.

  As Reece silently planned her day out, Allestaine looked up and smiled lovingly over Reece’s shoulder. She turned to see who was there, and saw Levi standing in the doorway.

  “Levi, it is nice to see that you and Harrison have returned safely. It is good to have you home. Are you on your way to meet with Samuel?” Allestaine said as she brought her son into a loving embrace.

  Levi greeted his mother, and smiled over her shoulder at Reece, whose eyes had locked onto his. “Good afternoon, Mother. No, Harrison opted to confer with Samuel in my place this time. He owes me, and I figured this was the perfect time for him to pay me back, as I was in no mood to sit in meetings this afternoon.”

  “Ah. And instead you have decided to help us ladies fill the vases—how kind!” Allestaine’s smile was as mischievous as Reece had ever seen it.

  Levi laughed. “I think I’d rather sit in meetings with Samuel, than report for flower-arranging duty. I’m here for Reece. From what Father has told Harrison and me about everyone at Pasidian being forced indoors for a week, I believe she could use some time outside the house.”

  Reece looked up as startled as a prisoner suddenly offered freedom. Levi’s eyes warmed as he approached her, ignoring the shocked expression on his mother’s face.

  The way he looked at Reece, his smile igniting the blue of his eyes, her heart raced, and her stomach reacted like she was on a roller coaster. She closed her eyes and tried to get a grip on herself. Was it the prospect of going out that excited her, or was it Levi?

  She did what she always did when her emotions reacted to the sight of him such as they were doing now—and pushed the unneeded sentiment away. It was the only way she could think rationally in his presence.

  “Reece, would you join me outdoors for the afternoon?” He asked politely.

  I bet I look like a kid on the first day of summer vacation. “That sounds wonderful, Levi, but I was helping your mother…”

  Allestaine cut her off. “Go, Reece. But Levi will hear from me if you are too chilled and become ill.”

  Levi offered his arm, and Reece accepted. When she looked back, Allestaine’s sweet smile had been replaced with a more serious and concerned expression.

  As they left the room, Levi mentioned that Jasmeen had an outfit arranged for Reece so that she would not become so chilled outdoors. Levi waited patiently in Reece’s sitting room, while Jasmeen went to work, helping Reece into an entirely different style of dress than Reece had worn before.
  Once completely dressed, Reece looked at herself in the mirror and laughed. The outfit she was dressed in was tailored in more of a masculine style. It was still lavish in its appearance, being rich navy blue, with silver embroidered trim and buttons. Even still, the fitted wool jacket that she was wearing over a long matching skirt was nothing like the gowns she had been wearing lately. Underneath the wool tailcoat, Reece wore a white silk shirt with a black velvet waistcoat over it. Her legs would also be kept warm with black velvet breeches, something she definitely hadn’t worn since she’d been in Pemdas.

  Jasmeen finished the ensemble when she tied a white silk cravat around her neck, covering the last of her exposed skin. After Jasmine ensured that all of the buttons on her jacket were buttoned, she stepped back to admire the outfit, and Reece laughed again.

  “Jasmeen, I’m shocked that you would allow me to wear this. This outfit is nothing like the gowns you have been insisting I wear lately.” Reece chuckled, “I guess what I’m trying to say is, this is the first time you haven’t dressed me up like a princess.”

  Jasmeen smiled, “Master Levi has requested that you wear this outfit outdoors with him today. With what he has in mind, you will appreciate the habit.”

  “Habit?” Reece asked.

  Jasmeen giggled. “Oh dear, I almost ruined it. Master Levi has requested I say nothing in regard to his plans for you–he looks forward to surprising you with an outdoor adventure today. Now, let us put on these boots so that your feet will stay dry and warm.” Jasmeen helped Reece into fur-lined boots, and then handed her a pair of black leather gloves.

  Once her ensemble was completed, Reece met Levi, who was patiently waiting in her sitting room. Levi stood as soon as Reece entered. She teased him by twirling dramatically. “Well…what do you think?” She asked.

  Levi laughed, and his crystal eyes sparkled, “I think it will work perfectly for what I have planned.” He approached her, and offered his arm. “Shall we, then?”

  Reece placed her hand on the inside of his arm, and they were soon walking through the Palace. She had no idea what Levi had planned, and she could barely contain her excitement. She didn’t know why he’d have her dress in such an interesting outfit just to walk the grounds, but also she didn’t want to take the fun out of it by asking too many questions. Imagining the freedom of getting out of the house exhilarated her so much that she gripped his arm tighter.

  “Are you that excited, Reece? I’m not sure what I have planned will live up to your expectations.”

  Reece couldn’t stop smiling. “I’m overjoyed to be going out. I really appreciate your doing this for me.”

  Finally, they reached their usual exit at the back of the house. As they exited, Reece stared down past the snow-shoveled steps, and saw that a groom with a black horse stood at the foot of the steps. Reece stared at the horse, filled with sudden doubt. Levi softly laughed, and led them toward the steps.

  “Are you up for a horseback ride today?”

  Reece did not know how to respond. She wanted to be outside, but a horseback ride? She feared how it would turn out.

  Her expression must have shown her trepidation, because Levi laughed aloud. “You have nothing to fear, Reece. Areion loves to travel through the snow, and he is very steady upon it. He has been neglected, while I have been on Earth. I felt you both could use some time away.”

  They approached the large, black stallion. He appeared interested by his new visitor, and Reece admired his beauty up close for the first time. He seemed to be the essence of power—living power, not the dead power of an automobile. His eyes followed her as she slowly reached her hand to him, just as she had to the young colt in the meadow. He nosed her hand and grunted, then turned his attention forward.

  “He likes you,” said Levi. “That’s quite a compliment.” He patted the horse on his muscular shoulder. Reece laughed nervously and stared up at the tall horse, wondering how she would get on without making a fool of herself.

  Levi laughed. He grabbed the thick, black velvet cloak, which had been draped over the horse’s saddle, wrapped it around her, and secured the clasp at her neck.

  “This will help to keep you warm as we ride. The riding habit you are wearing will not be warm enough.” He added as his lips curved up into a tiny grin.

  Reece was too nervous trying to figure out how she would get on the horse to thank him for the gesture. The saddle was different from what she remembered seeing on Harrison’s horse.

  Levi reached up, “This is a saddle that you will be more comfortable on while wearing a gown. Our ride will be different from the first ride you took with Harrison. These saddle horns,” he gripped one of the leather posts, “are what you’ll rest your legs on, and will keep you balanced on the horse.”

  Reece stared at Levi in confusion, “I have to ride sideways? Are you sure I won’t fall off?” She stared up at the long saddle, and by studying it, she could tell it had been custom made to fit two riders.

  Levi chuckled, “I will be riding behind you, and with my arms surrounding you while I rein the horse, there is no way you will fall. It may feel a little uneasy at the start, but you will find it is more comfortable riding this way in your habit, than riding astride, as you did with Harrison.”

  Reece exhaled. “Well, I’m not going to make you any promises, but I really don’t think this is going to work.”

  Levi grinned, “It will work. You will be fine, or else I wouldn’t have considered taking you on a horseback ride with me. Now, if you’ll allow me.”

  Levi reached down, gripped her at her waist, and effortlessly placed her up into the saddle. Man this guy is strong, Reece thought, as she wrapped her right leg around the upper saddle horn. Levi stood at the horse’s side, and helped to position her left leg between the upper and lower saddle horns. He finished by guiding her left foot, and helping her place it into a stirrup just below. It was not as uncomfortable as she imagined, and with her left foot in the stirrup, it helped even more for her to maintain her balance. The horse remained perfectly still while she sat waiting for Levi to join her. The saddle had more cushion than she imagined, and the leather ridge, separating where Levi would sit behind her, lent enough support for her to be comfortable.

  Once Levi was assured she was settled into the saddle, he turned to the groomsman, who handed him his long, black greatcoat. He pulled on the coat, two leather gloves, and walked over to mount the horse.

  He grabbed the reins, a handful of mane, stepped his foot into his stirrup, and in one swift, powerful motion, he hoisted himself up onto the horse, and positioned himself behind Reece.

  Her heart reacted for a short moment, being in such close proximity to him.

  Levi tapped his heels to the horse’s side, and they began to move forward. “You may hold onto Areion’s mane for added support, if you wish.” He said as the horse began to pick up his pace.

  Levi guided the horse out of the gardens at the back of the Palace, and onto a trail that led them into the forest that surrounded the Palace. Reece was slightly uncomfortable riding this close to him, and it wasn’t because of anything he was doing. Levi’s face was serious and focused; he had done nothing for her to believe that this was anything more than a usual horseback ride for him. What Reece was having difficulty with, was the fact that every time she inhaled of the scent of his rich, masculine cologne, it gave her an overwhelming desire to lean into him, bringing her face in closer to where his black silk cravat covered his neck. It was ridiculous, and she knew it. She decided to ignore the irrational desire, and bring her mind to other things, like the scenery around them.

  “Well, I guess you were right; this ride is a little more comfortable, and I can see everything so much better than when I rode on the back of Harrison’s horse.” She said.

  Levi grinned, yet maintained his focus on guiding Areion through the forest. “That is good to know. Once we get through the forest, the countryside will open up, and there will be more sights for you to see.

  Once they were through the hillside forest, Levi allowed the horse to gain speed. With one hand gripping Areion’s mane, and the other securely gripping the top saddle horn, Reece found herself thoroughly enjoying the ride.

  They rode past creeks, along the shore of the ice-bound lake, and headed toward a steep mountain. She looked at the thick trees at the base of the mountain, wondering if they were going there. As quickly as she pondered it, the horse entered the trees, and slowed to a walk.

  Levi leaned into Reece, and squeezed his arms tightly around her, bracing her as they started up the steep mountain trail.

  Reece instinctively leaned into Levi’s strong chest and closed her eyes, not wanting to see what was before or behind them until Areion stopped. When he did, they were at the upper end of a large clearing. They dismounted, and Areion wandered over to nibble at a patch of green, where sun or wind had uncovered some grass.

  Reece turned away from him to look at the clearing, and found she was looking out over the whole mountainside, and the land below it. She hadn’t known how high they were. It appeared that all of Pemdas was before her eyes, and the entire land was blanketed with snow. Forests made dark patches, and rivers and lakes shimmered like silver on white velvet.

  She was speechless. She turned and Levi stood behind her, his eyes sparkling like the rivers and lakes below them. “Well, what do you think? Is this a better view than the inside of the house?”

  He smiled down at her, cocking a brow. Impulsively, she stood on her toes, reached up, and threw her arms around his neck to hug him. “Thank you so much!”


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