Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key

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Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key Page 14

by Morgan, SL

  “I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

  She was acting like a child, but she didn’t care. Wherever she looked, she saw beauty; clean, white snow, and cold, fresh air.

  Levi stood tall by her side. “This is my hiding spot.”

  She smiled up at him, remembering their conversation on the day when the foal had adopted her. “Well, I can say I would never have been able to find you, as you did me.”

  His mouth quirked up into a grin so attractive, Reece felt a momentary urge to place her lips on his, just to feel their softness. As suddenly as this unexplainable desire came over her, she conquered it, and brought her attention back to the scenery before them.

  “So, is that the Palace over there?” She asked as she started taking notice of the structures off in the distance.

  “Yes, it is.” He pointed to the forest of trees that surrounded it, “Those were the trees we came through, and we followed along the Pasidian River, which led us up to this location.”

  “The women brought me into a town, and after visiting it for three days in a row,” she cocked her brow, and added dryly, “I figured it must be where you all do your shopping. Can we see it from where we are now?”

  Levi laughed as he watched her animated expressions, “You will not be able to view it from here; that town is farther west from the Palace. He looked out and pointed to a hillside in the distance, “Out beyond those trees, is where that town sits.”

  “Ah.” Reece crossed her arms and took in more of the countryside.

  “Reece, I must say, I am very sorry that you had to endure so many day trips with those women. After their display of rudeness upon our return, I can hardly imagine how miserable you must have been to be out in their company; not to mention being at the Palace in their company.”

  Reece felt his eyes on her, but the concern in his low, smooth voice, told her she shouldn’t dare look at him. For fear of her emotions overruling her logic, she continued to gaze at the scenery. “It wasn’t that bad, really. I tuned them out for the most part after the first carriage ride into town. Once we were going through the shops in town, they went ahead and left me to take my time browsing the stores on my own, in peace.” She looked at Levi and saw him staring off into the distance, jaw clenched. “Levi?”

  He looked at her, his eyes seemed darker now, and his brow creased. Reece realized that the women’s poor hospitality had upset him once again. “Levi, you seem upset, but you shouldn’t be. I really did enjoy myself. The people in the town were very kind to me; and the local silversmith, Allan, I think was his name, was one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.”

  Levi’s face softened and he laughed softly, “If that truly is the case, I will be sure to thank that particular silversmith, personally.” He let out a soft exhale. “Well, I have to say that I am embarrassed to learn that the merchants in town have proven to be more respectable than our friends and family.”

  “It really is fine, Levi.” She smiled.

  His lips twisted up into the smile that Reece was starting to find irresistible. Does he always have to smile at me like that? She thought, as managed to keep her emotions intact.

  “Reece, did you want to return to the Palace from here, or would you like to remain outdoors for a little longer?”

  Reece’s eyes narrowed as she studied his face; there was something behind his grin, but she couldn’t figure out what it was.

  Levi laughed, “Reece?”

  She lifted her chin, “Well, since we just got here, and I haven’t seen the outdoors in almost a week, I was hoping we wouldn’t have to go straight back.” She continued to study is amused expression, “What did you have in mind, Levi?”

  “I plan to introduce you to a city in my world the proper way. Would you care to join me for lunch?”

  “Are you asking me out on a date?” She laughed, “The Emperor’s son? The most sought after man in all of Pemdas…having lunch with the girl from Earth?” She teased.

  “Is that what those thoughtless women talk about all day long?”

  Reece raised her eyebrows, “That and marriage. I figured that’s pretty much the life of the young women here in Pemdas. All the ladies dress up with the expectation that the Emperor’s son will notice them and want to marry them one day.”

  Levi shook his head disbelievingly, “I don’t think I want to know anymore. With what I have already heard, I only hope I can redeem any good opinion you may have had of me, before those women destroyed it.”

  Chapter 13

  They rode for close to twenty minutes into a town seemingly the same size, if not larger, than the one the three young women had brought her to. However, this place seemed much more affluent in its appearance than the other one.

  Levi rode through the cobblestone streets, between the tall, elaborate buildings. The individuals walking down the streets, and the many different carriages they were passing, were all exquisite. Reece was thankful they were on their way to lunch, as the aromas now filling the air were that of freshly baked breads, cinnamons, and other spices.

  The town seemed to be getting larger before her eyes as Levi turned down a different road–the buildings seemed to go on forever. For the first time, excluding the horses, she felt as though she were back on Earth. This town was definitely larger than the one that Simone, Lillian and Catherine had taken her to.

  Areion appeared to stand out in the crowd of horses and carriages passing them on the street. Some people stopped and stared, some pointed, and some waved. It wasn’t until Levi stopped in front of a cottage-style building covered in ivy, and he was formally addressed, that Reece realized why they had attracted so much attention riding through the village.

  The attendant took the reins, and Levi dismounted Areion. The attendant bowed, “Your Imperial Highness, our city is once again honored by your presence.”

  Levi nodded, “It is my pleasure, sir.” He turned back to Reece and assisted her dismount from the horse before offering his arm. “Miss Bryant?”

  Reece took his arm, and he led her into the building. When they entered, Levi helped her to remove her cloak, and after he removed his own, he handed them to the waiting attendant. An older woman, well-dressed with gray hair pulled up into a loose bun, made her way over to them. A pleasant smiled spread across her face when she curtsied before Levi. “Your Imperial Highness, it is an honor to serve you and your guest today.”

  Levi acknowledged her greeting with a nod, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Anders. Allow me to introduce to you Miss Bryant, our most honored guest from Earth.” Levi smiled at Reece.

  Reece felt the heat in her face as the lady smiled and curtsied before her as well. Reece didn’t know how to react, no one had acknowledged her in such a way, and she didn’t want to appear rude. She thought it would be best to follow Levi for now.

  “Miss Bryant, it is a great honor to meet you.” The lady looked up at Levi, “Shall I show you to your usual table, your Highness?”

  “That sounds perfect, thank you.” The table was situated out and away from view of the restaurant’s other guests. The dining area was simple, and not very large from what Reece had experienced in the land thus far. She was thankful for the privacy of their table, as more than one person took interest in them as they passed. The table sat in a nook of its own, surrounded by three floor-to-ceiling windows. The view from the windows displayed an enclosed garden area, complete with a white stone fountain, and pebbled walkways.

  Levi pulled Reece’s chair out for her, and then smoothly pushed it back closer to the table once she was seated. He took his seat across from her, however, Reece didn’t engage him in any conversation; her attention was taken by the uniquely crafted gardens just outside the windows to her right.

  Levi helped to ease her curiosity. “The vegetables and fruits they serve here are all grown in those gardens. It has always astonished me, how The Anders’ are able to sculpt their vegetable gardens and orchards so magnificently. I believe they are as impressive as the gardens
of Pasidian Palace.”

  Reece looked back at Levi, “It’s very beautiful.”

  Before they could say anymore, the staff arrived, filling glasses with water, and placing a loaf of hot bread on the table in front of them. Wine was offered, yet both declined and opted for hot tea instead.

  Reece placed her napkin in her lap, “So, Your Imperial Highness, what’s for lunch today?”

  Levi grinned, while a hint of red touched his cheeks, “Well, Miss Bryant,” his eyes sparkled as he laughed softly, “that would depend on what you are in the mood to eat this afternoon.”

  She smiled mischievously, “Ah! They serve hamburgers here?”

  Levi’s brilliant blue eyes danced with humor, “Unfortunately, they do not. However, I can bring you to a location where they would be able to accommodate that, if that is what you prefer.” He finished becoming more serious.

  Reece laughed, “You would get up, leave this restaurant, and cause a scene, all so I could have a hamburger?”

  Levi took a sip of his water. “Miss Bryant, you must understand, at the moment I have only your best interest in mind. As I told you earlier, I plan to introduce you to one of our cities the proper way.”

  Reece let out a soft laugh, “Well, this could get interesting.” She stared at him, studying his amused expression. She exhaled and decided she should probably stop giving him a hard time. “Well, you’re in luck; this bread smells delicious, and I don’t really like hamburgers. So, Your Royal Majesty, there’s no need to cause a scene.”

  Levi nearly choked on his water, and coughed out a laugh.

  Reece couldn’t help but to laugh in return, “I really didn’t think it was that funny.” She watched him, as regained his composure.

  “Miss Bryant—”

  “Reece.” She demanded.

  Levi’s eyebrow arched, “Levi.”

  “Fine,” she smiled. “Levi it is! Now, since we have reached an understanding with our names, when are you going to cut into that bread?”

  Levi laughed, took the knife, and sliced into the warm bread. She took the piece he handed her, buttered it, and took a bite. It was a bit sweeter than the breads that were served at the Palace; however, it was equally delicious.

  “This is my favorite place to dine in the city. Not only for the privacy, but their soups and toasted sandwiches, are my favorite in all of Pemdas.”

  “And all the other dimensions you’ve visited, of course.”

  Levi chuckled, “Of course.”

  “Well, then, I grant you permission to order for me. Soup sounds like it would hit the spot. Do you have a favorite?”

  “Yes. I prefer the tomato basil soup above any other they serve here.”

  “Tomato basil it is.”

  Levi motioned for the staff, and gave them their order. Along with their soups came a variety of fruit and vegetable salads, grown from the garden outside their window. The intensity of the food’s flavors was similar to the Palace’s, but there was a unique richness in every bite she took, and she was starting to become full a lot sooner than she would have expected.

  While they ate, the conversation was kept light. Levi mostly informed Reece about the specifics of Casititor, the city they were in, and how it was one of the most populated cities in Pemdas. When Reece inquired as to why the women hadn’t taken her to this city, Levi simply grinned and let her know that in order to get into the city by carriage, they would have to travel five more hours outside of the small town they had taken her shopping in. Fortunately, by horseback they were able to come into the southernmost part of the city. By horseback, the journey back to the Palace from this location was only an hour away.

  Once Reece had finished eating, she took a sip of her freshly refilled tea and sat back in her chair, watching Levi as he finished the last of his soup. She grinned as he sipped it silently from the side of his spoon. Poor guy, that soup has got to be ice cold by now. He was so attractive, watching him do something as simple as eating his soup sent butterflies swarming throughout her stomach. He must have noticed her studying him, as he looked up and grinned at her innocently.

  “Forgive me, I believe I have talked the entire time, and now I am keeping you while I eat.” He said.

  The sympathetic look on his face sent her heart racing. “It’s fine. If I didn’t have fifty million questions for you all of the time, you probably would have been able to eat your soup while it was warm.” She laughed, “I should be the one apologizing.”

  Levi shook his head, “If I were in your position, I would not have let anyone out of the room until all of my questions were answered. It’s perfectly understandable, Reece.”

  “Well, good; maybe you can answer something else for me then?”

  Levi laughed as he took a sip of his water and leaned back in his chair, “Ask away.”

  “This dimension,” Reece began, “Where exactly is it? I mean, like, in the universe?”

  “Well, we are simply in a different dimension on the planet Earth. Where we are in the dimension of Pemdas is actually in the same location as what you would refer to as Western Europe.”

  “So we are still on Earth, but not really on Earth?”

  Levi grinned, “That’s one way to think of it, yes.”

  “I guess that must be why, even though it’s obvious I’m in a very foreign place, I see so many similarities between here and home. It does seem very ‘seventeenth-century Europe’ here.”

  “We do have many similarities to that time period on Earth, and its culture. There was a time when the Pemdai and those on Earth were very close, and we shared many different ideas with each other.”

  She set her tea down and crossed her arms, “That is truly amazing...more than amazing…mindboggling. Well, I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. I guess I can cross that off my bucket list.”

  Levi chuckled, “Well, Pemdas is not really Europe…but hopefully it is close enough to satisfy that desire.”

  Reece smiled in response. Levi’s lips curved up into that stunning grin again, and his eyes smoldered as he gazed at her. A few more of those smiles and this guy isn’t going to know what hit him when the Earth girl impulsively kisses him for no apparent reason.

  “If you don’t mind my asking, why do you and Harrison choose to serve on Earth, or whatever it is you do? You’re both royalty, and given that his father is a king, and yours the Emperor, you’re seemingly next in line for the thrones here, right?”

  “Being a Guardian on Earth is the one of the highest honors a Pemdai can receive. We are honored to serve.”

  “Wow, you guys really are passionate about protecting Earth, aren’t you?”

  “The Pemdai are very passionate about our love for Earth. It is why you may see so many similarities between Pemdas and Earth. In Earth’s earlier days, as I just mentioned, our people were very close with a select few there.”

  Reece smiled, “That’s pretty cool.”

  Levi laughed, “Yes, it is very cool.”

  Reece grinned, “Are you making fun of me?”

  “I would never consider doing such a thing.” He tossed his napkin on the table, “Now, Miss Bryant—” Levi stopped to correct himself, “Forgive me…Reece; I would like to take you on a tour through the shops, would you care to join me for a walk?”

  She sat up, “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  As they walked down the streets that had been recently cleared of snow, they were stopped more than once by townspeople wishing to meet the Emperor’s son. The people seemed elated to see Levi; even more than that; they seemed star struck by him. Levi must have sensed Reece’s uncertainty about how she should act when they were approached. He kindly introduced her, and told the people that she was an honored guest, esteemed above all others at Pasidian Palace. She was shocked to see how he held her in such high regard, considering how Simone and the other women treated her in public.

  She watched how patient and generous Levi was to the people who were interrupting the tour he was atte
mpting to give Reece. His humbleness and kindness were delightful to witness. He had every right to brush off the people who were disrupting him, if he wanted to; however, he did not. He was compassionate and genuine to each person that approached them, and there were many.

  As they were about to enter a silversmith’s shop, they were stopped by a silver-haired gentleman with two young women at his side.

  “Your Imperial Highness! What a great honor to have you visiting us today.” The man proclaimed loudly, forcing Levi to stop and turn to acknowledge him.

  Levi’s entire demeanor changed in the instant he turned to answer the man. His body was rigid, his jaw tightly set, and for the first time since walking through the city, Reece noticed Levi’s appearance had changed dramatically. He now held himself with an air of utmost superiority while interacting with the man.

  A crowd had gathered around as Levi spoke, “Mr. Sterlington, it is always my pleasure to visit Casititor. Allow me to introduce our highest guest of honor, Miss Reece Bryant, from Earth.”

  The man grinned and nodded to acknowledge Reece, yet he seemed to be analyzing her carefully with his gaze more than anything else. The two women on either side of him did the same. They appeared to be Reece’s age; they were beautiful, and dressed to display their wealth. Reece felt their scrutinizing glares even when she wasn’t looking in their direction.

  Looks like I’m about to meet the women who are after the most sought after man in Pemdas. This should be interesting.

  The man nodded his head toward Reece somewhat dismissively, “Miss Bryant,” he managed.

  Reece didn’t know much about formalities in this land, but from want she had witnessed thus far, never once had she been introduced to someone by Levi and received only a curt nod in return. The reaction by whomever she was being introduced to was not of importance to Reece; however, after feeling awkward by all of the bows and curtsies that came with every introduction, the man’s forced gesture made it plain to her that he was not so enthusiastic about making her acquaintance.


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