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Bad Move The Lucid Dreams

Page 4

by Clark, Wayne

  Demons couldn’t escape, we then preform the ritual with a short pray

  witch says I give this blood to the devil, repeated six times every one

  minute, this pray is to open the gates to hell to return the

  Demons, we then puncher the heart of the deceased for the blood to

  drain from the deceased, we then say the pray again another six times

  every one minute, the room would be as bright as the sun,

  When the gates close the demons are returned back to hell.

  That was all George had of the report, what we had seen was enough to

  explain the room in the tunnel, could that bright light we all seen be the

  gates of hell opening? It’s starting to add up now.

  “What does your report say john?”

  I was actually terrified to read the doctors report, I don’t know why but

  the carter funeral report is Intense, god knows what the doctor’s report is

  going to say? I was reading the report of dr carter, I Found some

  Interesting things about the murder of his wife, also he has two twin

  daughters witch also state they were sent to an orphanage in London? But

  the Sargent said the twins had been Killed? So the twins could have had

  children to carry On the Generation then? Interesting.

  Apparently the doctor was suffering with voices and illusions

  Likely Cause of this could be over working or stress? The report said. The

  other interesting thing was the doctor had Killed his wife in the bedroom

  in the house, used here body as an experiment in the Basement, he had

  said to the courts that the voices where saying she was possessed with a

  demon, I must kill her. He tried ignoring the voices till he started seeing

  the illusions. The report also said he removed his wife’s breast? Seems to

  me he is following his father’s footsteps, sick. The doctor had killed

  Twenty seven females in the village, removed there breast in the

  basement, that is sick, thankfully all twenty Seven victims were found and

  laid to rest. The doctor was hung after the court made the sentence.

  Jennifer and I live there? As soon as we have the cash available we are out

  of there!

  “Well I’m off to catch up with Jennifer George, I will talk about this tomorrow?”

  “Sure thing kid”

  I was walking up to the bedroom, Jennifer was watching a film.

  “You’re back?”

  “Yes, I don’t like being out long on my own”

  I went over gave her a hug to say thank you for every think she has done

  for me, she has been a great Part in my life, I wouldn’t Swap her for the

  world, Jennifer and I had a chat about the future, our plans, it

  Is clear she wants to move house, once we come up with the money to do

  so that is.

  “Oh john I think I’m pregnant”

  “How would you no Jennifer?”

  “I went out to get a test”

  Jennifer did say she had booked a doctor’s appointment for the morning, sounds like fun to get the finial say, it will be nice to find out if where

  going to have a baby. Jennifer and I got into bed, she fell

  asleep in my Arms, I just watched television. I had then felt that feeling

  again. I then fell into a deep sleep again, it felt as if I was awake, the thing

  is, I couldn't tell the difference between reality and dreaming. I felt as if I

  had woken up, all I could see around me was pluckley village, It was dark,

  no one’s around.


  What the heck is going on? I had then heard voices like chatter coming

  from the building across the street in a Convenience store? I walked over

  to investigate the chatter. I walked inside to see who was here. I can't see

  a dam thing, nowhere was lite up, not even street lights? I needed some

  sort of light, I walked around inside to see if I could find a torch of some

  kind. I headed over to where they could be, finely found one. I then had

  light, I couldn't find anyone inside so I headed back outside, I then began

  to think that I am the only one here?

  ''Hello! Is they anyone here?''

  I then heard a response, the little girl?

  ''Follow me, this way, hurry''

  ''Where are you?''

  ''I'm behind you silly''

  I looked behind me, there she was, she seemed harmless.

  ''You shouldn't be here Mr''

  ''Where am I?”

  ‘‘You’re dreaming silly''

  She than reached out her hand and took mine.

  ''Come on Mr, let's go''

  ''Where are you taking me?''

  She took me back to the house where I and Jennifer live. I had seen the

  drive way ahead of me, it was covered with thick mist, the little girl was

  running up the drive way.

  ''Little girl where are you going?''

  I lost sight of her, I was worried for her safety.

  ''Wait! Come back?'

  She had vanished, I had got the torch out to go find her. It hit down hard

  with rain, all I heard was this song coming from the house, strange it was

  drawing me in? I headed up the drive way, looking around I had seen a

  grave stone? That was never there before? I was getting closer to the

  door, my heart was beating fast, I walked inside the house, what I had

  seen was out of this world, the family where all tougher eating at the

  table? The doctor was there? I wasn't even noticed, I tried speaking out.

  ''Hello, excuse me ''

  The two twin girls looked at me.

  ''They can't see you silly’’

  '''Why am I here?''

  They had spoken at the same time, kind of freaked me out.

  ''Wait and see mr', we want to show you what happened to us''

  I then felt very unsteady on my feet as I heard Jennifer calling my name,

  sounded so far away from me?

  “John wake up, john!”

  Jennifer had shock me as I wasn’t responding to her, I then had woken

  from that dream.

  “You really need to see the doctor john, you scare me when you deep sleep”

  “I’m sorry Jennifer, your right”

  It was the next morning we had woken up, we was about to go downstairs

  for breakfast, then we had a Phone call from the police saying we are able

  to go back to the house, they said that we hadn’t set the alarm before we

  went away, I feel very bad for that, because I Know Remember not setting

  it, if I had, that boy would still be alive, Jennifer said not to beat myself up

  about it as everyone makes mistakes like that. We had to meet the officer

  at our house after Jennifer’s doctor appointment. We told George

  we are great full for his and his wife’s help, he said he loved having us

  here, if we ever need a break from the House we are more than welcome

  to stay here anytime, George and his wife are such lovely people. Hour

  past, we had arrived at the doctors waiting to be called in, we are both

  excited to find out if she is pregnant, the doctor called Jennifer’s name.

  “You must be Jennifer? Take a seat”

  “Yes that’s me, I’m really nervous doctor”

  “No need to be, I’m very laid back doctor, relax”

  He had a great sense of humor, I’m really nervous for her, but I know

  everything will be ok.

  “You ok Jennifer?”

  “Yea I’m just really nervous john”

  she looked worried beca
use she always wanted to start a family, we had

  tried so many times in the past. The doctor then did some tests, the great

  news is Jennifer is Pregnant, but Jennifer is far gone? I froze, because

  wouldn’t you know how far gone you would be?

  “I’m going to refer you for a emergency scan today, Jennifer”

  “Ok, well is that bad?”

  “No, no, it’s because your far gone, I can’t really do much here for you until you go for your scan”

  “Right, I see know, I just get worried as I’m pregnant”

  I didn’t want to see her worry, I had to assure her things will be ok.

  “You will be fine Jennifer”

  “John, this is strange?”

  “Everything will be ok Jennifer you will see”

  Jennifer and I made are way back to our house to meet the officer before

  we head to go the Hospital for the emergency scan, the officer said we

  need to make sure in future are alarm is set when we are out, or when we

  are in bed so this doesn’t happen again, he also reassured us, if the alarm

  is sounded, a signal will be sent to the station, they will be round Within

  seconds. Jennifer made a good point to me, what if the boys spirt is here

  with us, I didn’t know what to say to her, only we will never know we just

  have to carry on as normal. It was almost time for Jennifer’s scan.

  “Are you ready john?”

  “Yea, let’s get out of here”

  After the taxi had driven at least five miles to the hospital, we had finely

  arrived, we headed to the reception to Book Jennifer in for her scan.

  “Hi, I was referred for an emergency scan?”

  “Do you have a letter from your doctor?”

  “Oh, yes, sorry I almost forgot”

  The lady at the reception had then checked us in, now for the waiting

  around, the nervous, anxious moments of our lives, to say the least, we

  are happy to be here of course, we had been sitting here for

  at least an hour now, Jennifer was getting irritated, I then got up to ask

  someone how long the wait Would be, so much for an emergency scan.

  “Excuse me”

  “Yes, can I help?”

  “My partner Jennifer has a scan, we have been sitting here a hour now?”

  “Ok, what’s the second name, I will find out for you”

  “Jennifer Greyson”

  “Ok, Take a seat, I will find out for you”

  I had then gone back to sit down with Jennifer while we wait to be called,

  ten minute’s had passed, Jennifer was then called, thank god.

  “Jennifer Greyson!”

  “Yes that’s me”

  “Hi there Jennifer, would you like to follow me please”


  We had then walked in to the scan room, Jennifer was very anxious, she

  had then looked at me worryingly, I could see why Jennifer was worrying.

  “Would you like to lay flat on this bed for me please”

  “Yes, sure”

  “Is this your first or do you both have children already?”

  “This is our first, we had been trying for some time now”

  “Well it’s worked this time, I’m just going to put this gel on your tummy, might be a little cold”

  The nurse was using the ultrasound to see the baby, Jennifer held on to

  my hand so tight.

  “Seems to me you are having twins guys”

  I couldn’t help but ask questions.

  “I’m so sorry to ask, do you know what Jennifer is having”

  “I will try to find out once I have done some measurements”

  “I think my husband is excited”

  “Ha-ha, yes I can see, by the way you are at least thirteen weeks pregnant, so I can’t tell what you’re having at this time guys, that is all that needs to be done for today, congrats to the both of you”

  Well that was the best moment of our lives, Jennifer and I couldn’t wait to

  tell family, think having twins are going to be such hard work though, but

  one thing that was bothering me though, was the dream I had been

  getting about the twins, strange don’t you think? Anyway I didn’t want to

  think too much about that, right now our lives are getting better, well I

  sure hope so anyways, Jennifer and I thanked the nurse for what she has

  done for us today. We headed outside to call a taxi to go home.

  A few days have passed, I was in the garden sorting out the shed roof, it

  was leaking really badly, Jennifer came out, just stood there watching me

  as I was fixing the shed roof.

  “John can we go visit my mums grave later?”

  “Sure, let me just finish this and we can go”

  I no she missis her mum a lot, her mum was a nice person, Jennifer

  Doesn’t speak much about her Mum. Other than that, we managed to get

  a new car yesterday, it’s not a sports car, just a basic Nissan

  Micro, it gets us places, the fact we live out here in the middle of

  nowhere, we need it. I walked back inside after finishing the shed, next

  time it leaks I will break it down for fire wood, I Really don’t fancy fixing

  that again, sheds are nothing but problems, I was also thinking maybe

  getting a dog after we visit Jennifer’s mums grave, might be a great idea

  for us, it will cheer her up no doubt.

  “Jennifer are you ready, we can head out now”

  “Yes I’m ready john”

  I asked Jennifer about getting a dog, she thinks it’s a great idea, as long as

  she can pick, bless her why not, as long as the dogs cute. Everything

  seemed calm since we have been back in our house, dreams have

  somewhat calmed also, fingers crossed it stays that way, if all is good, we

  will stay. The day we was Allowed back we had spoken out to the Spirts

  saying, if you don’t leave us alone we will leave this house and burn it

  down, funny though the Spirts haven’t bothered us since, you would have

  thought that would had provoked them more, however we do still speak

  about the tunnel, even Cathy, Jason, and David phone to talk about it, we

  was all in that situation, still puzzles us all to this day. Jennifer and

  I got in the car to make our way to Jennifer’s mums grave in Maidstone

  Kent, we had arrived at the cemetery, Jennifer’s dad mark was there, she

  don’t get on with her dad at all, she was surprised to see

  him here, he lives all the way in Scotland, I never met him, only her mum.

  “Dad? What are you doing here?”

  “Jennifer, I am not here to start any trouble, please let me pay my respects”

  I didn’t know what to do, be nice or be blunt, don’t want Jennifer to think

  I’m taking sides here?

  “Guys, I will leave you both to talk, I will wait in the car Jennifer”

  I just sat in the car with the radio on texting my mum, being in this

  cemetery makes you think about how much family is important, I miss my

  mum, glad she is still alive, I was watching Jennifer and her dad talk,

  my phone then Rang, it was our house phone? I answered.


  “You shouldn’t be there mr”

  I felt so much anxiety rushing through my body, my eyes felt so heavy to

  keep open, my body began to feel paralyzed, I felt the phone slowly slip

  away from my hand, my body began to feel numb, I tried so hard to stay

  awake, I couldn’t fight it, I had fallen asleep, I had woken again.

  “Huh I’m still at the cemetery? Wher
e is Jennifer? Not this again grr”

  I had heard a laugh near a grave stone, someone shouting at me, I then


  “Who’s there? Show yourself!”

  I then heard a deep male voice echoing around me.

  “You shouldn’t be here! Ha-ha-ha its time for you to leave”

  It then began pouring down with hard rain, there was mist ahead, I could

  just see someone walking towards me as the hard rain was falling down,

  blocking the view in front of me, it began to thunder.

  “Hello, who’s there? Show yourself now!”

  I then heard a voice behind me, it was the twins.

  “You shouldn’t be here mr, you need to hide, he will kill you, come with us”

  The twins ran as the dark figure in front of me was walking towards me

  even closer.

  “Hurry, this way, you shouldn’t be here”

  I ran as fast as I could, whilst I was running I noticed gravestones being

  thrown at me, just missing me by an inch, what the heck? I lost sight of

  the twins, more gravestones where being thrown at me, again

  missed me, I really need them twins to help me right now.

  “this way, follow us, come on mr, he is going to kill you”

  I felt the dark figure getting closer and closer, I was hiding behind a grave,

  in hope I wouldn’t be spotted, I than felt a hand on my shoulder, it was

  the twins, every think went slowly bright, my head felt heavy

  like so much pressure was rushing to my head, I stood up, losing my

  balance as I was covering my ears from this sharp pitched scream of the

  twins, I than looked ahead of me again, I had seen what I was running

  from, it looks like me, but with black eyes, white veiny face?

  “You shouldn’t be here brother”

  “Who are you, what do you want?”

  “Your life”

  I then heard Jennifer call my name again, I than new where I was, that it’s

  time to leave this world.

  “John, john wake up, please just wake up”

  Jennifer had shook me until I had woken, I then woken from this dream.

  “John? How, why?”


  “You need to see the doctor, john book it tomorrow please”

  I thought the dreams would have stayed away, its starting again? I can’t

  tell her what the dreams are about, she don’t need the stress, it isn’t good

  for the pregnancy so I’m going to ignore it for Now. Jennifer got back in

  the car, she looked angry, she just wanted to get out of here.


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