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Bad Move The Lucid Dreams

Page 6

by Clark, Wayne


  We then sat down in the living room, my mother then walked back.

  “Once I tell you the truth about this place, I want you both to move out, never look back, even if

  You have to stay at mine”

  But we knew we would carry on staying here as we have a great

  opportunity coming up at the bed and Breakfast.

  “John do you know who this place belonged to?”

  “Yes it was a family in the Victorian days mum?”

  “Yes Dr carter john”

  I didn’t have a clue how my mother would have known such information,

  even Jennifer looked at me as if my mother was insane ha-ha.

  “How would you know this mum?”

  “Doctor Carter was our relation john, I then married your father, then changed your name”

  We was in shock, my mother had explained everything clearly.

  “Your Nan used to tell me stories of this house and about our family”

  Doctor carter was a very close relative to my great nans mother,

  somehow the house had been passed To me. My mother tried to explain

  that she didn’t understand why the house was passed on to me. My

  mother did also say if we had told her about this house before we had

  even taken it she would had told us the whole story. Mother had

  No reason to even tell me about this house or about doctor carter as she

  wanted to faze it out of our new generation. Jennifer ran upstairs to the

  bathroom and throw up.

  “I’m sorry you had to know this john”

  “Mum it’s not your fault, I’m just confused”

  “I had no choice but to tell you john”

  Jennifer then came down stairs and sat down. She said all this information

  is way too much for her and she would rather not no anymore about

  doctor carter. Jennifer then went to the kitchen to let Jack out in the back

  yard. As she opened the door she then turned around.

  “I thought I killed you?”

  she came running in and told us what she had seen, my mother sat her

  down, explained that this will happen, you just have to show no fear. I got

  up to check the kitchen, the door knocked, I went to answer the door

  while my mother was talking to Jennifer about what had just happen.

  “Hi can I help you?”

  “Hi, yes, john my name is Len from the estate agents”

  I then shook his hand and invited him in, I wasn’t sure what he was doing

  here? sure hope this was good news though.

  “Would you like a drink Len?”

  “No thank you john, I just really need to speak with you alone, please”

  He sounded scared, his voice was stuttering uncontrollably, sweat

  dripping from his forehead, I then told him we could speak in the kitchen.

  “Are you ok Len?”

  “John I need to give you some important information about this house”

  I hope he wasn’t planning on telling me what I already know… he then

  told me to stay calm with him.

  “Please john, after I tell you this you must not say a word to anyone, including Sargent Jackson”

  So he then asked me to shut the kitchen door and take seat so he could

  explain something really Important? So I then shut the kitchen door and

  sat down.

  “Right I’m telling you this john because I feel you need to know, You need to be careful with Sargent Jackson, He is a very dangerous man, he wanted me to break in your house to kill you and your Wife, Now Sargent Jackson has got the whole village believing the village is a curse, he had Somehow brain washed the whole village, I’m telling you you’re being watched by everyone here”

  “But why would he want us dead Len?”

  “Because you’re going around asking questions john”

  “Are you going to kill us Len?”

  “No john. I am not a killer”

  “Ok, tell me more Len”

  I didn’t know what to make of his story right now, but I am concerned for I

  and Jennifer’s safety, I Could see a knife close by, I needed to protect us?

  But I just want to see what he has to say.

  “The doctor never got admitted john, I’m telling you all this now because I’m leaving the united Kingdom, the Sargent plans to kill me weather I kill you and your wife or not?”

  “Sounds confusing”

  “What I’m telling you is the truth john”

  “How much do you know about doctor carter Len?

  “I don’t know if you’re aware that you are related to doctor carter?”

  “Yes my mother told me this today, but how did you know?”

  He explained that this house was to be sold with in the family only, the

  papers where signed and they chose us because he had been told we was

  looking for a house witch he cannot give no names. Len said they decided

  to try sell us this house as cheap as they could, the only person that

  Knows we are related to doctor carter is Sargent Jackson, the village our

  unaware of this.

  “Ah, john before I forget, I have this map witch is a tunnel underneath your house”

  “I know of this tunnel? Is this the whole map?”

  “Yes, but take a look closer”

  I looked but couldn’t see what he was saying, he did explain the tunnel’s

  lead from the house to the police station, and that if I’m cleaver at around

  three in the morning I would here stuff down there.

  “So is this house haunted or not then”

  “Yes it is john, the whole village worship the spirts, and the village has a legendry story to it”

  “Why though? I just don’t understand any of this? Look I want you to leave now before I call the police”

  He then said they is nowhere to escape weather you like it or not, you are

  cursed so even if you leave the spirts would follow you. He also said that

  four corpses have to be recovered, doctor carter, his wife and the two

  twins, once we have them he said we needed to perform a ritual on the

  families corpses in the tunnels, after that we needed to find a way to

  escape this village without being seen and to act as normal in the

  meantime and stop asking questions.

  “Maybe you should just leave, right now!”

  “I’m going,. Be sure to keep out of Jackson’s way”

  Len had then left, Jennifer had walked in the kitchen.

  “erm john, why are you talking to yourself?”

  “Huh? I’m not?”

  “Darling, they was no one here, I was standing at the door watching you talk to yourself?”

  I didn’t know who to trust or to believe, am I crazy? What the hell?

  “John, who was that at the door?”


  “You was talking to some guy?”

  “You said I wasn’t?”

  “No, I only just asked you?”

  “Jennifer? What the hell?”

  “Never mind john”

  I am really crazy? Anyway, so it was true I was talking to someone, but my

  god what just happen? For all I no he could just be insane. I went back to

  the Living room to spend time with my mother. I was about

  to sit down, had then received a text message, But what was strange it

  had no number…strange?

  “Very cleaver”

  I paid no attention to the text for now, I just needed to think. But maybe

  the text was from Len Saying to be cleaver? I zoned out for a few minutes

  thinking about what had happen, I’m really scared, what if this isn’t real or

  what if it is but I mistake it as not real? I fe
el confused, wouldn’t you? Is

  this life I’m living even real? I really need to think about seeing a doctor as

  soon as possible, I feel I’m losing touch to real life. That’s the scariest part


  “John, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m just tired mum”

  “Ok dear. Look I must get going john, Jennifer told me about the twins, I’m so happy for you both”

  My mother had a date, shopping with friends. Jennifer walked in standing

  there crying.

  “Jennifer what is wrong my dear?”

  “I just want time away from this house, if you lived here you would know”

  “Well you could go shopping with mum? If you don’t mind mum?”

  “Yes I mean I don’t mind you tagging with me Jennifer?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “No, not at all, its fine, come on dear”

  As they were leaving Jennifer came up to me, held me tight, and whispers

  in my ear.

  “I love you”

  “Hay, I love you too ok?”

  As they both walked out the door and got in my mother’s car, Sargent

  Jackson was driving up our drive way, he then pulled up, got out of his car,

  he then waved at Jennifer. The strangest thing is, I was thinking… should I

  believe what Len had said, if he was even real?

  “Ah, john how are we today?”

  “Yes we are great, Jennifer is going shopping with my mother for the day”

  As soon as he walked towards me I had then felt the tension rise like a

  major anxiety attack, I just acted as normal like Len told me I should do.

  “Come in Sargent. Coffee, tea?”

  As he walked in I was about to shut the door, but I had seen Len in his car

  parked up outside our Premises…strange? at that moment I then began to

  think that this may actually be a setup, or maybe this is me looking in to

  things too much. I then actually sat down with Sargent Jackson

  and we had a chat and a laugh. I really don’t think Len is telling the

  truth…they is something about that Len. I wasn’t going to tell Sargent

  Jackson because you can never be too sure.

  “So…what can I help you with?”

  “Ah yes. I managed to find out about that young lady who had died in the woods”

  That moment the Sargent said he found out what had happen to that

  lady, all I wanted was for this to stop, But I guess that wasn’t going to

  happen is it? What a complete mess. The Sargent was talking to me, I felt I

  was drifting to sleep again.

  “Huh? Not this again”

  “John are you ok? John! Can you hear me?”

  I fell to the floor, I could hear Sargent Jackson calling for an ambulance.

  “John, can you hear me, stay with me buddy, try keep your eyes open for me?”

  I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I had passed out again. I felt I had woken

  again, same feelings like before.

  “what the hell? Why is this happening to me again!!? Was I dead?”

  I was trapped inside a coffin, it was dark, I could only hear my heart

  pounding so fast, people crying outside the coffin. Someone’s praying?

  Wait! Am I dead?

  “Help, anyone?”

  No one had responded to my shout, I was terrified, the anxiety rushing

  through my body was some think I couldn’t control, oh my I was scared, I

  felt the sweat dripping from my forehead, I couldn’t breathe, I

  was hitting the coffin as hard as I could in hope someone would hear me,

  shouting as loud as possible. That moment I had no choice but to accept

  fate. I guess this is it for me? One step closer to death. All I

  heard was my favorite song Christina perri a thousand years being played

  while the sound of dirt hitting the coffin if only I was given one more

  chance to live again, just one more time to make things different, all I was

  thinking about was Jennifer and our baby’s, I said one last thing as loud as

  I could as I felt myself passing out, I knew that would be to rest for ever in


  “Jennifer, I love you!”

  the strangest thing was, all that what just happened right there, wasn’t

  real, I had in fact woken up in Hospital, I felt so happy, tears running down

  my face happy to be a live, the doctor explained to me I was suffering

  with lucid dreams and social anxiety. The causes to passing out is down to

  high stress disorder, Really? They has to be more to that surly? Sargent

  Jackson had then walked in to the ward to check on me.

  “Hay john, how are you felling?”

  “You want the truth? Like shit”

  “ah, anyway I have some great news, Jennifer is on her way in an ambulance, looks like you might be a daddy today”

  “Wow, really?”

  “Well Jennifer’s waters had broken while shopping with your mum, I didn’t tell Jennifer you are here at the moment, only your mum”

  A hour passed by, I had been told by the doctor, who came to check on

  me that Jennifer had arrived and someone will be around to take me to

  see her. He also explained that blood test will need to be done again in a

  week from now to see if my blood cells are normal. I was just lying on the

  bed thinking about that nasty dream I had, I really don’t want this

  happening all the time, it was way to real, I mean the

  doctor saying it was a dream… I don’t know what to believe right now my

  head is a complete mess.

  “Oh, nearly forgot about you, you must be john right?”

  “Yes that would be me?”

  “I’m the porter, I was sent for you to take you to your wife?”

  I was being taken to my wife in a wheel chair to the deliver ward where

  Jennifer is, I was being wheeled in Jennifer’s room, just seeing her smiling

  at me as I came through the door made my day.

  “John, why you in a wheel chair?”

  “Ah, well…I kind of fell over, but don’t worry about it, look I’m fine though, I can still move my arms”

  “Ok, you’re funny, well anyway baby, it’s nearly time”

  Jennifer was in so much pain, hearing her scream the hospital down made

  me feel hopeless. As time passed they were a few problems, the midwife

  had said they need to take her into theater to get the twins out as soon as

  possible or they could be a chance that Jennifer and the twins could die.

  Jennifer was crying, tears where rolling down my face, nothing could

  explain the fear I was feeling.

  “John, I’m really scared”

  “I no, it’s ok to be”

  “I heard your favorite song today on the radio, I missed you john?”

  “Oh, I see… can we forget about that song please Jennifer?”

  “Sure, but why?”

  “I will tell you some other time ok?”

  Ten minutes had passed, Jennifer was in more pain than ever, the doctors

  had no choice but to rush Jennifer in to theater, the midwife took me to

  the window where I could observe Jennifer’s progress.

  I was looking through the window had then seen Jennifer under the knife,

  as they call it. But what I had Seen as one of the doctors was about to cut

  open Jennifer, was doctor carter standing over Jennifer, I Panicked in fear,

  screaming and banging on the window to grab everyone’s attention.

  “Doctor Carter is there? Get him out of there?”

  “Can someone remove Mr. Greyson now? Or ca
ll security!”

  Then I had seen doctor carter laughing away as if this was funny, waving

  at me, I shouted at carter. Everyone thought I was going crazy, I kicked the

  window had then caused Jennifer to get cut really badly causing her to

  bleed out, that moment I was then sedated by one of the doctors because

  I was showing signs of mental behaviors. Hours passed I had woken up

  from sudation, I was strapped down to the hospital bed? I was shouting at

  the doctor, I was trying to free myself.

  “Get me the hell out of this now!”

  “Mr. Greyson you need to calm yourself down now”

  “Where’s my wife, I need to see my wife!”

  “If you calm down I will then explain to you, right now you are in no fit state”

  “What’s that meant to mean? Don’t walk away from me!”

  I was lying there hopeless, if I wanted to know what happened to my wife

  I needed to calm down right away, all I want to know is if my wife and

  baby’s where ok. I had then calmed down, the doctor had

  come back to talk to me about my wife Jennifer.

  “I have some bad news john, about your wife”

  “What! What do you mean?”

  “Your wife suffered a lot of blood loss during the operation, unfortunately your wife had died, we could only save the baby’s. I’m truly sorry john”

  My ears just shut off, my body felt numb, I couldn’t feel my heart beating,

  I broke down in tears, I couldn’t breathe, I was hyperventilating so badly

  I felt rage, swearing at the doctor with all words I could think of, not

  really knowing what I am saying, felt as if my body had been taken over.

  The doctor than tried to explain I need further treatment at a different

  hospital, had then seeing doctor carter clapping his hands at the bottom

  of my bed knowing I am hopeless to be chained down like a dam

  dog unable to move. I was then taken to a metal facility for future

  treatment, the twins where in my mother’s care until I am better again, I

  didn’t even get a chance to meet them nor say goodbye. Will I ever meet

  them? Will I ever go back to pluckley? Maybe one day, just not right now.

  Chapter four, a dark place

  It’s been two weeks since Jennifer’s death. How I’m coping? Not that

  great. Today is Jennifer’s funeral, I will be going but will be under

  supervision. You see the thing is, I wouldn’t hurt a fly. But these guys...


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