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Taken by You (Killer Next Door #2)

Page 9

by Carlie Sexton

  “Yes, I love him more than I thought possible.”

  “Then, what about this is truly bothering you?”

  The waitress brought their food. “Can I get you gals anything else?”

  “No, I think we’re good.” Donna gave a brief nod to the waitress.

  “What’s really bothering me is he didn’t tell me,” Kate murmured. “I just happened to stumble upon the album.”

  “That would bother me too. At least you have the next couple of days apart to get some perspective. Trust yourself. You’ll know the right thing to do for yourself.”

  “Thanks, that’s good advice.”

  “You said there were a couple of things on your mind. What else is going on?”

  Kate had already told her aunt about Roger, but she hadn’t filled her in on the latest developments of him finding her at work and that she had quit her job. She didn’t want to worry her aunt, but she needed to talk to her about it.

  “More has happened with Roger.”

  “What do you mean, more has happened with Roger? Please tell me they’ve arrested him.”

  “I wish I could tell you that. But no, he’s still free. He found me at my new job.”

  “Oh, no. What happened?”

  Aunt Donna took Kate’s hand as she heard the story about her niece’s close call. When it was finished, she said, “You must be terrified. If you need to stay with me for a while, you can. I always have room for you.”

  Kate exhaled a sigh of relief. “Oh Aunt Donna, I love you. Thank you so much, but Neil’s arranged for me to have a bodyguard to protect me when I leave the house. There’s still the possibility Roger could find me at school.”

  “Are you thinking of quitting school?”

  “No. I don’t want to quit. Too much time has gone by. I should already have my degree. I don’t want anything else to delay my education if I can help it.”

  “I don’t blame you. It’s important to get your education. At least you go to a big school. Does he know what your major is or any of the classes you’re taking?”

  “I don’t think so. We never talked about that. It’s a pretty slim possibility he’ll find me there.”


  Aunt Donna paid for lunch and then they went back to John’s house. Eric and John were hanging out, talking about Dad. John seemed to have the inside track on her dad, his uncle. His knowledge, too, was a comfort during this time.

  Kate thought about Neil while she gazed out the living room window. He’d been there for her in such a huge way during the last couple of months. She was so confused. The simple truth was he hadn’t told her the facts. He’d kept this a secret. Secrets were dangerous in relationships. Secrets broke trust. Once trust was broken, it was hard to earn back. Would Neil be able to earn her trust again? She wanted the answer to be yes, but she wasn’t sure. She felt like she had no choice but to take a step back and evaluate their life together. Her aunt had given her good advice, but Kate still wasn’t sure and was contemplating moving out, living with Charlie and Mitch for a while until she could sort everything out. She knew Neil wouldn’t like that idea. She wasn’t thrilled about it either, but she needed to guard her heart. It’d been broken too severely when she’d lost David.

  Taking herself down to her room, she started up her laptop to check email. There were several waiting for her, but the ones most prominent were from Charlie and Neil. She read Charlie’s first since she didn’t want to deal with what Neil had to say.

  She’d asked him not to contact her, but she hadn’t specified all the ways in which she didn’t want to hear from him. At least he was being true to the persistent man she’d come to know and love—he didn’t give up without a fight. She knew he would do whatever it took for her to see his point of view, but could she do that? Really see, really respect, his point of view? She clicked on his email.

  From: Neil Statton

  To: Kate Simmons

  Sent: Thursday, October 25

  Subject: No Excuse


  I know I don’t have a good excuse for not telling you about your resemblance to Elizabeth. I’ve been struggling with how to tell you since our third date, but I wasn’t sure how to broach the subject. I was afraid you would react the way you have. I can assure you I love you for you, not for your appearance.

  I’ve known it would be inevitable to discuss this prior to spending Thanksgiving with my family. As I didn’t want to add any more burdens to your plate, your dad’s funeral on top of everything else, I planned to tell you when you returned from your trip to Minnesota. Please don’t consider my non-disclosure as dishonesty. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you.

  I know you’re going through a lot right now and I want to be there for you. Please call me as soon as you’re ready to talk. I miss you so much. I want to make things right again in our relationship. I love you.


  Tears filled Kate’s eyes as she finished reading Neil’s message. She wanted to believe him, but she still thought it might be a good idea for them to take a step back and slow down a little. Their relationship had been a whirlwind. The situation with Roger had facilitated them moving in together because Neil wanted to protect her. Everything had happened so fast and she didn’t trust herself to make wise decisions about anything at the moment. Her dad was dead, she had a maniac looking for her, and she was a ringer for her boyfriend’s deceased wife. It was all a little too much. She was glad for the distance right now; he didn’t have access to her except through the computer or phone.

  How was she going to respond to his email? Why didn’t life come with a user’s manual for times like this? She could really use it right now. Hitting the Reply button, she wasn’t sure what to write, so instead, she stared at the computer for several minutes. After taking a deep breath, she began to type.

  From: Kate Simmons

  To: Neil Statton

  Sent: Thursday, October 25

  Subject: Re: No Excuse


  Just read your email. I have to say I don’t know what to think about the situation. Obviously, I realize you would’ve been forced to tell me before I met your parents. They clearly would’ve noticed you were dating a woman who looked just like their dead daughter-in-law. Something like this is too big to keep secret. Even if you had asked them not to say anything, it would’ve eventually come out. I wish you’d trusted me enough to tell me sooner. The way I found out was shocking to say the very least. But that’s what I get for taking something without asking. I shouldn’t have done that. Then you would’ve had the chance to tell me.

  Right now I just need time to figure things out. I will call you on Sunday before I leave.


  Kate deliberated over whether to say I love you at the end of the email, but sent it hoping Neil would give her the time she needed to wrap her head around this latest development. One thing she knew for certain—life was never dull. She turned off her computer and went back upstairs to join her family. Time with them would take her mind off the troubles awaiting her in California.



  Neil read her email. He’d hoped she would tell him it didn’t matter and she was still his. But she didn’t say anything to that effect. He didn’t like the sound of her needing time to figure things out. But what could he do? He left his office and headed straight for his dad’s. It was time to bring in the big gun and get some advice from his father. He may not have been father of the year, but he was an admirable husband and Neil respected him for that.

  His father was reading a brief when Neil knocked on the open door, but the man warmly motioned for Neil to enter.

  “Dad, I really need your advice. I’ve screwed things up royally.”

  “Sure, son, anything you need.” He set the brief on the table and leaned his arms on his desk, leaning forward. “What can I do for you?”

  Neil explained the situation with Kate. His dad listened intently, not interrupting. When Neil was done
, his dad rubbed his chin for a moment.

  “Are you sure you love Kate and not just the idea that she looks so much like Elizabeth?” he asked.

  “Yes, dad, they’re two completely different women. The only thing they have in common is they’re both strong willed. Otherwise, they’re not similar at all except for how they look.”

  “Well, I must say you’ve been happy again since you met her, and for that I’m grateful. I hated seeing you go from woman to woman, living an empty life. Your mother and I want to see you in a loving relationship with a family of your own.”

  “Me too, Dad. What should I do?”

  “You need to fight for her, son. Tell her how she’s different from Elizabeth. Help her to realize you want her, not a ghost.”

  “Okay, she’s in Minnesota for her dad’s funeral. She wants space right now to think and figure things out.”

  “What’s there to figure out? You love her and she loves you. Get on with it, already. One thing we know for sure, life is short. Stop pussy-footing around and go after the woman you love.”

  “You mean I should go to Minnesota?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Go to her and show her what she means to you.”

  “But I have court tomorrow.”

  “Not anymore. Have Laura give me your schedule and files. I’ll fill in for you in court. It shouldn’t be a problem.” He shooed Neil away. “Go, tell her now and have her book a flight, hotel, and car for you. Fly out tonight.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? She told me she wanted time and asked me not to contact her.”

  “I’ve been married long enough to know that when a woman asks for space, it means the exact opposite. Trust me. You need to show her how much you love her by being there for her in the hard times. This is a perfect opportunity. That’s the best way to win her back.”

  Neil got up. “Okay, Dad. I’ll do it.” He turned and left his dad’s office. He heard his dad calling “good luck” as he walked through the door. He immediately went to Laura’s desk. She smiled at him, anticipating his request.

  “Laura, I need you to email my schedule for tomorrow to Magnus and give him the files he’ll need for court. I also need a round-trip ticket to Minnesota, flying out tonight and returning on Sunday. Please book me at the best hotel you can find near the airport. I’ll need a car too.”

  “Very well, Mr. Statton. Anything else?”

  “That’s all I can think of for now. I’ll let you know if I need anything else. Please let me know as soon as the reservations are made. Thanks, Laura.”

  Neil went back to his office to organize his files. He did a cover page for the case his dad was taking over for him. He wanted his dad to have the main points without having to read the entire file. Once that was done, he put on his suit coat and went back to Laura’s desk.

  “How are you doing? Do you have the reservations done?”

  “Yes, I have the flight done. I’m still checking hotels and I have the car booked. Your flight leaves at six-thirty. I’ll text you the hotel info and will have a car waiting for you at Avis.”

  “Very well. I’m going to take off to pack and get to the airport. I don’t have much time.”

  With that, he left the office in a hurry.



  Rose had given Neil’s name and address to Roger. He was waiting outside of Neil’s condo for him. He wanted to confirm that he lived there. He planned to follow him and get to know his comings and goings. After all, this was his competition for Kate’s love. He needed to figure out his enemy.

  Neil drove up and pulled into the parking garage. Roger presumed Neil would leave to get food or go out sometime during the evening. Paulina and Jacob were visiting friends of hers, so he had a few hours to kill. Jacob had been talking about playing with Brandon, the son of Paulina’s friend Heather, since he’d returned from Germany.

  Roger assumed Neil would be the one to pick up Kate from the airport, so he needed to keep him alive for the moment. After he had his sights on Kate again, he could decide what to do with Neil. For now, he was useful.

  Once Neil was tucked away in his parking space, Roger got out of the car to look through the iron garage gate. He saw Kate’s car parked adjacent to Neil’s car. Bingo. She’d left her car here. But did she live here or with Charlie? He’d know as soon as she returned from her trip. He went back to his car to wait for an hour or so in case Neil went out.



  Neil took out his suitcase and began packing. He didn’t need too much as he was only going for a few days, but it was colder in Minnesota. He packed warm clothes and his leather jacket, heading for the airport soon after.

  His thoughts were focused on Kate and the appeal he’d make when he saw her, so he didn’t notice the car following close behind. He’d do anything to prove to her he loved her for way more than her appearance. He hoped his dad was right and this grand gesture would prove his love. He wanted a life with her and he would move heaven and earth to make that life happen.

  Thankfully due to the early time in the day, he made it to the airport in record time. After parking his car, Neil checked in with the skycap just as Kate had the day before. He got his boarding pass and then sprinted for security. The line wasn’t too bad, which was a relief since he only had forty-five minutes until takeoff.



  Roger didn’t bother to follow his nemesis into the airport. It was obvious to him Neil was rushing off to be with Kate. All he could do now was give it a week or so and then begin his surveillance. He didn’t have to be in a hurry. He figured in this situation, patience would pay off. He did hate that Kate was with someone else, but he couldn’t change that at the moment. He would use the time to make his plans. Decisions needed to be made about Paulina and Jacob, and there was also Rose to consider, and how he’d deal with her.



  Neil made it to the gate with a few minutes to spare. They’d already called first class, so he boarded immediately. The flight attendant offered him a glass of champagne, which he gladly took. The beautiful blonde woman sitting in the window seat lifted her glass to his and said, “Cheers.” He responded in like fashion and fastened his seatbelt. He’d already stowed his laptop case under his seat, but planned on using the flight to do some work.

  “Hi, I’m Jill,” she said, extending her hand to shake his.

  “I’m Neil. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Are you traveling for business or pleasure?” she asked, flashing a coy smile.

  “Pleasure. I’m going to surprise my girlfriend.”

  “How romantic,” she said, flipping her hair. “Have you two been dating long?”

  “A few months,” he said.

  “Ah, new love is always the best.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  The plane took off and Neil counted the minutes before he could turn on his laptop. He tried not to make eye contact with Jill, as he wasn’t interested in having a conversation with her. All he could think about was Kate. This proved to him how much he loved her. In the past, he would’ve been interested in pursuing something with a hot woman like Jill, but Kate had changed things.

  Once they were given the all clear to use electronics, he took out his laptop and began working on a file. That helped pass the time. Before he knew it, they were being served dinner. He put his laptop away when he saw the flight attendant with trays.

  “Sir, would you like prime rib or the sea bass?” she asked.

  “I’ll take the sea bass.”

  “How about you, miss?”

  “I’ll have the sea bass too.”

  “Mm. This is delicious,” she commented, as they ate side by side.

  Neil nodded. She must’ve been able to sense he wasn’t interested because she stopped trying to converse with him after that. The rest of the flight occurred in silence as Neil continued to work on his laptop.

nbsp; Upon landing, Neil checked his email, opening Laura’s with the hotel confirmation along with the time and place of the funeral. She’d looked up the obituary online and found the information. Laura had also found the address for Kate’s cousin. Good thing he had an unusual last name that Neil had remembered. He hoped to make it to Kate’s cousin’s house before they left for the funeral, but he wasn’t sure how early they were leaving. The funeral started at eleven, so he planned on being at her cousin’s house just after eight.

  He found the Avis counter and picked up the keys for the rental, along with directions to the hotel, and then braced himself for the frigid Minnesota air. It was colder than he expected and it took his breath away momentarily. How people lived in cold climates like this was a mystery to him.

  Having tossed and turned all night, the morning came sooner than expected. He was anxious about seeing Kate and making her understand his love for her, and despite not being a man of prayer, he thought this would be a case that required he make an exception. Please, God, allow her ears to hear what I have to say. Please don’t let this break us up.

  Google Maps had provided good directions to John’s home. He parked across the street and sat there for a few moments, summoning the courage to face Kate. He felt a twinge of nervousness when he knocked on the door. He heard Kate yell that she'd get it.

  She opened the door and stared at him like he was a mirage. Neither of them said anything for a long moment. “Kate, who’s here?” someone, a man, called from upstairs. Probably her cousin, Neil thought.

  “Neil, you’re here,” Kate whispered, blinking at him in disbelief. “My boyfriend Neil is here…unexpectedly,” she called upstairs. Relief surged throughout his body when he heard her say “boyfriend.” That was good news.

  “Wonderful,” they heard the same man say from the top of the stairs. He bounded down the stairs to meet Neil.


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