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by Richard Miles

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  Abibaal, meaning of name

  Abibaal, king of Tyre

  Acca Laurentia, tomb of

  Achaean League

  Acherbas (Zakarbaal), wife of Elissa

  Achilles, iconography of

  Acra Leuce (near Alicante), founded by Hamilcar Barca

  Acragas, Sicily

  Carthaginian siege of (407–405 BC)

  ephebe (statue)

  First Punic War

  taken by Carthage

  temple of Heracles

  Adad-Ninari III, king of Assyria

  Adherbal, Carthaginian admiral

  Adys (?Oudna), Tunisia

  Aegates Islands


  Romulus and Remus as descendants of

  in Vergil’s Aeneid

  Aeolian Islands


  Carthaginian exploration

  Phoenician circumnavigation (7th century BC)

  afterlife, expectations of

  Agathocles, Greek general


  invasion of North Africa

  mutiny of army

  surrender to Carthaginians


  after First Punic War

  Carthaginian hinterland

  Mago’s treatise


  Phoenician hinterland


  see also food

  Ahab, king of Israel

  Al Mina, coastal trading station


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