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Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)

Page 7

by Maggie Mundy

  Sasha came to the rescue, stating she was going to make modeling dough with him from scratch, and she would not scold if he ate some. Tommy ran off to the kitchen, leaving Cassi to fill her overnight bag. The underwear was a problem. She had seen no reason to buy anything overtly sexy for a long time. Comfort was what she liked. Hopefully the light would be off when he discovered her sensible cotton undies and slightly lacy bra.

  She put in a nightie with a cat on the front that said ‘purrfect nights’. Dear God, she was no good at this. There was nothing in her wardrobe, and the skimpy top Sasha offered would have covered only one boob. Her jeans looked good and her ankle boots were trendy enough. The top she decided on was a flowy, blue one that hid any bulges, but dipped at the front to show some cleavage. She threw in her swimsuit, some sandals, and a dress. It wrapped around and showed off her waist, and there was a split at the front to show a bit of leg when she sat down. It was eleven o’clock and it was at least an hour drive to Zuma Beach.

  She walked out to the kitchen and found Tommy having fun. She went across and gave him a hug.

  “Now, be a good boy for Sasha, and Mommy will be home tomorrow.”

  “I’ll make a turtle out of dough, and cook it and paint it for you, Mom.”

  “I’d love that and I’ll think of a name for it while I’m away.”

  An hour later, she got closer to her destination. She thought she would have been excited, but she wanted to throw up. This was not going well. All of the sudden, it seemed a big mistake. Well, not all of the sudden. This had been a mistake from the beginning, but he was so lovely, and she didn’t want it to stop. She pulled over on the side of the road and sat on a bench looking out over the ocean. Taking in large gasps of air, Cassi started to calm down as she watched the waves crash on the shore. She couldn’t do this. She would go home and send him a message. Her phone rang.

  “You okay, or are you lost? I can come and find you or send a search party if required.”

  His voice as always charmed her. “I’m getting cold feet. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  “I guessed you’d be thinking that. Come to the house and have a cold drink on the deck. We can just talk, and if you want to leave, that’s fine. Just think of it as two friends having a chat.”

  He was being so reasonable and she was being childish. They were grownups, but she didn’t want to just chat and that was what scared her.

  “Okay. I’m about ten minutes away.”

  Cassi got back in the car and her stomach gave a flip as her mouth went dry so it was almost impossible to swallow. She put the key in the ignition before the fear totally consumed her. All she needed was to get pulled over by the cops for erratic driving behavior and her life would be complete. Ten minutes later, her phone directed her into the driveway of a house overlooking the ocean. It was not one of the millionaire’s mansions one would see closer to Los Angeles, but big enough. It had two stories and a deck with steps leading down to the beach.

  She checked in the mirror to see if the red wig was still on straight. It was, though it made her look pale. There was no point in dawdling, so she got out, walked to the front door, and rang the bell.

  Chapter Six

  A lump developed in her throat, as he came to the door. At this rate, she would not be able to get a word out. He was there, and all the memories of the weekend came back as she gazed at him. Neither of them said a thing and stood there for what was most likely ten seconds, but it seemed like forever. He was even better looking than she remembered. No, that was not true. He was ridiculously handsome, and the panic was back as to why she was there with this drop-dead gorgeous TV star. She was there because he had asked her to be. She needed to keep reminding herself of that.

  “Hello, Cassi.”

  He had no idea what his deep voice with its Australian accent did to her. It was as if her stomach did a little flip of excitement when he said her name. He reached out to take her overnight bag and stood sideways to let her in. They gently brushed against each other, but it sent a tingle of anticipation through her. He watched as she looked around the room, but didn’t say anything. Could he be as nervous as she was? Did he want her approval? The place was simply furnished in blues and whites with a nautical theme. She thought it might be flashy, but it was homey.

  He placed her bag down on one of the blue couches and turned back to stand in front of her. Cassi stared at the floor and bit her bottom lip. Her breath quickened. Why did he have to be more breathtaking than she remembered? She had been intimate with him in the shack, and talked dirty on the phone as they played with themselves. Now she felt nervous as if she were on a date with him for the first time. In truth, they were so far beyond that.

  She wanted him to take her in his arms, kiss her, and make love to her all afternoon. The problem was not that they didn’t want each other. It was more that they didn’t know each other. She’d essentially agreed to meet a stranger and they should talk, but she didn’t want to talk. Cassi peeked up at his face. He was smiling. Dear God, she could feel an ache between her legs for him and he hadn’t even touched her yet.

  “The wig’s cute, but I reckon you look great as a brunette. It’s how I remember you.” He smirked and she noticed a dimple on one cheek she hadn’t noticed before.

  Cassi pulled the wig off, threw it on the counter, and then roughed her hair up. It probably looked a mess, but she wanted bed hair by the end of the afternoon anyway.

  “To be honest, it was really itchy.”

  “If you want to sit down, I can get us some drinks or something to eat, though I’m not much of a cook.”

  “I’m just about stopping the panic. I think you need to kiss me before I run.” Food, drink, and talk were for later as far as she was concerned.

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He was the sexiest man she’d ever met, and she didn’t want him to let her go from this house until he adored her body from head to toe. Cassi moved closer. Declan put one arm around her waist and a hand against her cheek. She leaned into his warm palm as the feel of it relaxed her just a tiny bit. She thought it was probably her imagination, but the room seemed to get hot. It would be another reason for getting naked, not that she needed one.

  “I’ve been thinking about kissing you so much, Cassi. I don’t want to disappoint you. I want it to be wonderful.” He ran his thumb along her lip and she found herself moving closer to him so their bodies touched. He kept saying all the right things. If it was an act to get into her panties, she didn’t care.

  “Just by saying that, you haven’t disappointed me. I came today because I want to be with you. I want you inside me. If that makes me a slut, I don’t care.” Her whole body trembled.

  “As far as I’m concerned, saying that makes you the sexiest fucking woman alive. All I’ve thought about for the past two weeks is being inside you. I want to take it slow and savor every bit of you.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  She thought he would kiss her lips, but he didn’t. He moved her fringe aside and placed little pecks across her forehead, on her temple, and down her cheek. As she bent her head to the side, he traced kisses along her jawline to her chin, and then to her lips. Her breathing was already becoming rapid as her lips opened, waiting to take him into her mouth. He moved his lips back and forth across hers, not pressing, but softly so they could take in each other’s breath. He never took his eyes off of her as he nipped her bottom lip, and then ran his tongue from one side to the other. She wanted him to delve into her mouth and fight with her to see who could get the closest, but he was going slowly. Then he whispered.

  “I’m going to take your mouth, and then I’m going to take your body. Are you willing to give it to me so I can make you go over the edge with pleasure?”

  Her body stiffened for a moment. Steve had said similar things, but offered pain as well. She wanted this, but she needed to say something before it went further. Yet again, it was brought back to her that she didn’t know Declan.
At the cabin, she’d been in charge. On the phone was a safe space, but now all that was changed.

  “Just pleasure. Don’t ask why, but I can’t do the submissive thing. I don’t want any pain.”

  He moved back from her lips and she could see from his wide-eyed expression, he was shocked.

  “I don’t ever want to do anything that will make you feel unsafe. We don’t really know each other, but I want you to believe me when I say that. I want you to be honest with me. Let your wish be my command. You want to stop at any time, you just say. Let’s start as we mean to go on. What do you want me to do right now?”

  “Kiss me. Then I’ll know this is real.”

  He smiled and then his lips touched hers as one of his arms came around her waist again and pulled her close. The other one was at the back of her neck, holding her to him. He ran his tongue across her top lip and then nipped her lower lip, encouraging her to open to him. As soon as he entered her mouth, her body felt as though it melted with need for him. Lips pressed hard against hers as his tongue curled and fought with hers to get closer. They were both breathing hard when they eventually came apart, but not for long.

  Again, his lips were possessively on hers as his tongue explored the moist interior of her mouth. If this might be the only day they were going to have together, then she would hold nothing back.

  His hands were on her butt as he pulled her closer. His erection pressed into her. She wanted him in her to ease the ache building between her legs. When they finally broke apart, her lips were swollen from the kisses and she couldn’t keep the grin off her face. He let her go for a second and then scooped her up in his arms. She giggled as he carried her down a corridor where he kicked open a door to a bedroom. Its main window looked out on the ocean. It was beautiful and added to the incredible situation. He laid her on the bed and then started to undo her boots.

  “I’m going to take all your clothes off slowly. Then I want to kiss you and fuck you until you can’t remember how many times I’ve made you come. I hope you are okay with that?”

  She nodded. At this moment she would have been happy if Declan ripped her clothes off and threw them in the ocean, but he was going to make her wait.

  Each buckle on her boots was slowly undone and removed. To her surprise, he slowly started to massage her feet. It was the most wonderful sensation as her body completely relaxed. He pulled gently on each toe and then slowly licked around the top of her big toe before he put it in his mouth and sucked. She couldn’t stop the groan that came out of her mouth and looked up to see he was watching her. Then he licked her second toe and she giggled as he winked at her. Each toe was given the same attention until she considered she could come from the bliss of this alone.

  When he was done with her feet, he moved up the bed, unzipped her jeans, and leaned forward so he could delve his tongue into her navel. Again, it tickled, but in a sensuous way that was addictive.

  “Lift up for me.”

  She obliged as he pulled off her jeans and threw them on the floor. Right now, she wished for sexy lace underwear, but sensible would have to do. From the smile on Declan’s face, he didn’t seem to mind. He looked at her as if he was memorizing every inch of her.

  “Roll over. I want to make you relax with me.”

  She did and he pushed her legs apart and sat between them. He massaged her right leg and started to run his fingers from the back of her knee to her ankle. It hurt a bit at first, then the aches went away. He repeated the slow movements on the other leg.

  She glanced back and saw him bend down and kiss the back of her knee, making little circles with his tongue. First her feet, and now this. Sensations like little shocks went up and down her legs. Until this moment, she’d been unaware the backs of her knees were connected directly to her clit, but it was true and she loved the sensation. If he could make her feel like this now, she was going to be putty in his hands when he touched her clit with his tongue.

  He moved up the inside of her thigh. Each touch of his tongue was leaving her skin cool where the air touched it, and she kept shivering with delight. In comparison, her core heated up and she wondered if he would get burned when he finally got there. He pulled her panties up so her butt cheek was out and nipped her as his palm went between her legs.

  “You’re so fucking hot. I can feel the need coming off you. I intend to take care of that need, Cassi. Now flip back over for me.”

  “You’re being bossy, but as you have given me such a nice massage, I’ll let it go. I’m sorry they’re not very sexy undies. I’m a practical sort.”

  He shook his head and raised his eyes.

  “You don’t care, do you?”

  “Nope. They’re coming off anyway. It’s what’s underneath I want.”

  She flipped over and he placed himself again between her legs. It was a place she was happy to have him. Everything he was doing was about her and her needs. Steve had been good in bed, but it had always been about him.

  Declan pushed up her top and kissed from her hip with the tip of his tongue, across her abdomen, and to kiss her other thigh. He kissed her groin, which sent tickles through her that made her laugh.

  He sat back and pulled off his t-shirt. His body was beautiful and her eyes watered as she admired him. How could a woman not want such a glorious man, especially when he seemed to know all the spots on her body where he could send her mad with desire? There was the smallest amount of hair across his chest that disappeared in a trail down his abdomen and into his jeans. She could see the bulge where his cock was restrained. She didn’t want it restrained. She wanted him in her, thrusting and thrusting until she came. He offered his hands for her to sit up so he could remove her blouse. He slowly moved the straps of her bra off each shoulder and unhooked them. It was thrown away. Her mind went to how many times he would have done this with other women, but it didn’t matter. He was hers now, even if only for an afternoon. She felt embarrassed now she was almost naked. The brandy that first night made her forget her overly curvy figure. She put her hands up to cover her breasts.

  “Now I’m really going to get bossy. Let me see them. I’ve been fantasizing about them the last three weeks, and it would be cruel to keep them away from me.”

  How could she say no to guy who had been thinking about her body and what he could do to it for weeks? This wasn’t just a guy. He was a star with women throwing themselves at him, but he wanted her breasts. She wanted him. He cupped her breasts in his palms and ran his thumbs over each nipple until they peaked in yearning for him. He gently pushed her back, and when he lay on top of her, he smirked.

  “You look like you’re planning something,” Cassi said.

  “Could be,” Declan said as he raised an eyebrow.

  That deep voice was sending her over the edge into ecstasy. He kissed her and delved into her mouth again. She was being claimed by this kiss, and she gave in willingly. Cassi didn’t think she would let someone break through her barriers again, but she was. Declan’s need was obvious in his passion as he kissed her deeply, as if the equal yearning in him meant he would never get enough of her. Would this game they were playing be too much for both of them?

  When he left her lips, she was panting as he moved to her neck just below her ear. His tongued swirled and she closed her eyes. She would have purred with the way his tongue made her feel. Then his lips came down upon her breast. He sucked and nipped and pulled on her nipple, and she reveled in the sensation. His hand cupped the swell of her other breast as his thumb rubbed the tender peak. Never in her life had her breasts felt so sensitive. He stopped for a minute and gazed at her.

  “That first night when I saw you naked, I thought your nipples were fucking incredible. I wanted to lose myself sucking on them. Can I bite you?”

  She nodded and couldn’t keep the smile off her face as his lips resumed their attention to her puckered nipples. He pulled her nipple into his mouth, nibbling so it hurt slightly, but it was a good pain and made her core ache even more,
if that were possible.

  From there, he made his way down her body with little kisses, and then dipped his tongue in her navel, making her giggle again. He sat up between her legs and slipped his fingers into the sides of her panties. Cassi lifted her legs so he could take them off. She brought her knees up and let them fall sideways as he settled himself at her core. She could feel his breath on her. It wasn’t enough and she wanted his mouth on her.

  “The scent of you is enough to make me come. I’m going to taste you and fuck you with my fingers and tongue until you scream. Is that what you want, Cassi?”

  “Yes, now.”


  “Please, Dec. Touch me now.”

  As soon as his tongue touched, her legs twitched. He was delving inside and her body was craving more. He licked his way to her clit where he flicked his tongue back and forth. Her whole body seemed to have disappeared as the feelings were focused on the one spot. He pushed a finger into her, and she gripped the sheets as he slowly moved it back and forth. Then he added a second finger and she could feel the slight stretch. Slowly, he moved in and out of her body with his fingers as she clenched onto him. This time, he flicked and sucked lightly on her clit and she was gone as her orgasm washed over her. Wave after wave surged over her as she groaned her release.

  When her body calmed, Declan moved away and stood up. Within a moment, his jeans were gone and his boxers with them. He was magnificent, and all she wanted was to have him in her. He grabbed a condom from the bedside and covered himself. Then he grabbed the pillow from beside her head.

  “I want you to lift your butt so I can put this under you.”

  She was more than willing to comply. He lay down on top of her so his body covered hers, and she could feel his cock pressing against her. She wanted him to plunge into her this minute, but he hesitated. It was the most wonderful torture.


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