Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)

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Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) Page 8

by Maggie Mundy

  He kissed her, pushing his tongue inside her mouth as he thrust the head of his cock into her. He groaned and she hoped he was struggling, too. He kissed deeper and more passionately as his tongue swirled with hers, and then he possessed her body as he slowly drove into her. Again he thrust, and this time he stretched her further as he rammed in deeper. She wanted him more now than ever.

  “I want you deeper.”

  He thrust into her as he took control of her mouth again. This time he was in her completely. He moved his hand down between their bodies and then looked her in the eyes.

  “I can feel myself moving in and out of you. It’s all I’ve wanted to do. It’s all I ever want to fucking do.”

  Cassi ran her hands down his back so she could cup his buttocks. Wrapping her legs around his thighs, she encouraged him to thrust even more. Each movement in and out of her caused her body to spasm in delight. His lips came down on hers again as his fingers moved to her clit and gently rubbed. It was enough to send her over the edge again. The pulsations built in her body and her mind was lost in an incredible orgasm. It started at her clit and reached out to every part of her body as she yelled her release. He was there with her as he thrust harder and harder and expelled himself into her.

  “Ah, fuck,” he yelled.

  This had just gone so far beyond lust. She gazed into his eyes, unsure what she would say.

  Declan put his finger to her lips and said, “Shush.” Then he placed small kisses on her cheeks, nose, and lips. Tears came to her eyes at the way he was melting her heart. For a while, they lay there with bodies wrapped around each other, as they pulsed together, celebrating the moment of complete closeness.

  He moved off her and went to the bathroom as she lay on the bed, slowly coming back to her senses. She heard the shower start up and then he came to the door of the bathroom.

  “You want to join me?”

  “Is that a trick question?” She wasn’t quite sure she could move as he winked at her.

  He smiled when she opened the shower door and stepped in to join him. No one had ever washed her before, and the way his hands slid with the soap over her body was exquisite. When he was done, she returned the favor. His body was beautiful and she would happily spend the rest of the day running her hands over it, but then her stomach gurgled out loud. Declan burst out laughing.

  “It seems I’ve been remiss at not looking after all of my guest’s needs. You finish your shower and I’ll make us something to eat. Then maybe later we can take care of these more personal needs again.”

  “I’d like that.” Cassi could not keep the smile off her face as he left the bathroom. This day was turning out to be wonderful and more than she could have hoped for.

  Chapter Seven

  By the time Cassi came to the living room, there was a tray of food and a cup of coffee waiting for her. Declan flopped down beside her and the two of them started to demolish the cheese and bread. The sex had given them both an appetite. He couldn’t keep the grin of contentment off his face as she stared at the view in front of them.

  “I was thinking about what you said about sharks, and yet this place is by the ocean. Do you ever go for a swim?” Cassi asked.

  “No way. I like swimming pools. I have one at my place. Maybe one day I’ll convince you to come visit.”

  “This isn’t your house, then? Where do you live?”

  “Burbank. In a house with high walls and security. It’s why I like this place. My brother, Jack, is a stunt artist. He bought this place years ago. It’s nice to get away from it all, even if it is next to the ocean. I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me where you live?”

  Cassi shook her head. “I like this place. It’s friendly and not over the top. I feel relaxed here. Or maybe it’s the company.”

  So far things were going well and Declan didn’t want to mess it up. He still wanted to know more. “You know it’s not fair. You have an unfair advantage over me. You just have to look me up on IMDB or Wikipedia.”

  “Would that tell me the truth? Like you can’t hike, and swear a lot during sex. Oh and you’re afraid of the water.”

  “I accept the swearing, but I’m good at bush walking. Did it all the time back in Aus. I just slipped that day. The water I can’t deny. I’m dreading the day when a script says I have to swim in the sea.”

  “I’ve only ever lived in the US.”

  “I lived outside of a city called Adelaide, in South Australia. It’s beautiful. You can drive for ages and see nothing but vineyards on either side of the road. The beaches are great, apart from the sharks, and the weather can be bloody hot.”

  Declan peered out at the ocean, reminiscing. He loved Australia, but this was where his life was. It wouldn’t be the same if he went back now; his face was known. Declan hoped Cassi would risk telling him a bit about herself.

  “When I was young, I had this idea I would travel the world. It didn’t happen, but I’ve seen a bit of America. I did go to Canada once. It’s the only stamp I have in my passport.”

  “If you’ve finished eating, I’ve a surprise for you. My brother has left his motorbike in the garage. Do you want to go for a spin up the coast?”

  Cassi sat forward and couldn’t keep the grin off her face. He took that as a positive.

  “I haven’t been on a bike for years. I’d love to. Have you got some gear I can wear?”

  If he couldn’t drag her back off to the bedroom, then going on a ride was the next best thing. Cassi followed him back to the bedroom to dress but then stopped and put down the motorbike jacket. She stood with her arm folded protectively in front of her as she bit her bottom lip.

  “What’s up?” He asked as he turned to her.

  “What if someone sees us? In the house, we are safe from prying eyes. What if someone recognizes you?”

  “I have full-face helmets. No one will know. I’ll make sure if we stop I choose a place where no one is around. You still want to go?”

  Cassi hesitated and wrung her hands, but then beamed and nodded.

  Ten minutes later, he pulled out of the driveway on a big cruiser and headed up Highway One. The road was stunning with hills on one side, and ocean on the other, as he swerved around corners. He grinned, listening to Cassi holler in what he hoped was delight as she clutched him around his waist. The sun shone and the waves glistened. After about an hour, he pulled over and got off the bike. He helped her off the bike and took her hand in his. They sauntered down to the deserted beach and sat down. She leaned against him as he put his arm around her. It was so peaceful and calm. He had been riding fast on a motorbike, and yet her body appeared relaxed next to him. This woman affected him in ways he hadn’t thought possible. He didn’t think he would ever open up to anyone again.

  “This has been a wonderful day. Thank you,” she said, turning and kissing his cheek.

  “I need to tell you I was shitting myself this morning. I didn’t think you were going to turn up. I know you want your privacy, but I wanted to see you again.”

  He needed to convince her it was a good idea to get involved with him. He wanted her and desired for the feeling to be mutual. Was he getting turned on by the fact she wouldn’t tell him everything? If he did find out, would he get bored and not want to see her again? He didn’t believe so.

  “Why me? The more times we see each other, the more difficult this will become.”

  He understood she needed to know this wasn’t a game for him.

  “When I was in Australia, no one knew me. I had a few girlfriends. Here, people are either in awe of me or want to use me. I had one girl for a bit. It finished when she fucked me and another famous actor who was doing a guest appearance on the show. All in one night at the same hotel. The press cottoned on and it was messy. After that, I’ve just had one-night stands.”

  “How come you didn’t keep us to a one-night stand?”

  “When I met you, it was normal again, plus, you have great tits which was a bonus. Always been a tit g
uy, though your butt is good, too. Look, I didn’t mean to be flippant. I don’t know where this is going. I just don’t want it to finish yet.” He squeezed her hand.

  “Me neither.” Cassi kissed him.

  His tongue pushed passed her lips and he could feel himself getting hard again. “I think I need to get you home again or we may get caught naked on the beach.”

  “Not too keen on that as I’ve heard it can be uncomfortable to get sand in places it shouldn’t go.”

  The two of them walked back to the bike hand in hand. She put her helmet on and was doing it up when Declan noticed two young women coming up from the beach. The women ran screaming with delight toward them.

  “Oh my God. You’re Declan Reed. Dark Storm is my favorite show. Our friends are never going to believe this. Can we have a selfie with you?” The tall blonde one said as she latched onto his arm.

  Declan breathed a sigh of relief as Cassi put down the visor on her helmet so they could not see her face.

  “Yes, sure,” Declan said, and posed with the girls.

  The girls both reached up and pecked him on the cheeks. Not the shy, retiring types, thought Declan. The two women were both skinny with tops showing their tiny midriffs and shorts that didn’t quite manage to contain their buttocks. Cassi had folded her arms around her abdomen and he guessed she would not be happy with what was happening, and he couldn’t blame her.

  Declan extricated himself as quickly as he could and then was on the bike. Cassi hopped on behind him. As they drove away, he glanced back to see the two young women snapping away on their phones. If he wanted to see his world demonstrated in front of her, he just did. Cassi held onto him with her arms around his waist. He reached back and gave her leg a squeeze. He didn’t want to think about it now. He wanted to be back in bed with her. He was not going to let those girls ruin this day.

  As soon as they walked back into the house, Declan turned to her and was going to apologize. She put her finger against his lip as he had done to her before. She raised an eyebrow as he frowned at her.

  “I told you before. Don’t say anything, just kiss me.” Cassi said.

  His hands were on her cheeks as he gazed at her. He gave a slight shake of his head as he tried to fathom her. His mouth on hers. Everything always seemed so perfect when they touched. He scooped her up and she was in the bedroom within seconds. The two of them were naked and that was what he craved. By some miracle, he remembered to grab a condom at the last minute. Their lips and their bodies again fought to get closer to each other. He didn’t know why he needed this as much as she did, but knew they were both filling a void in each other.

  Afterward, they lay quietly together on their sides. He could feel her body up the length of his and it was so fucking sexy he didn’t want to give it up. He ran his hand slowly up and down over her hip. She sighed.

  “I’m mad about you, Cassi.” There, he said it and would take the consequence. She didn’t turn to see if he was looking at her and he thought he had fucked up moving too soon.

  She took a deep breath and, for a moment, he thought she would say something, but she stopped.

  She sighed and turned to him. “Let’s keep it simple and not say too much. Do you want to go for a walk on the beach? If there is no one around, that is. Even dip your toes in the water.” She smirked as she peered back at him.

  “Okay, but I think we should put some clothes on first.” She wasn’t running, so that was good.

  The beach was pretty much deserted as the sun went down. Declan held her hand as they slowly walked along in the balmy heat of the evening. It all seemed so natural, a couple just strolling along a beach after making love. He would believe for now that was all they were. The two of them stopped for a second and watched the sun setting, the sound of the waves splashing against the shore.

  “When I was small, I would go rock-pool combing with mom. We found so many things we forgot the time until Dad arrived and…” Cassi stopped mid-sentence as if she had been about to reveal something but then realized where she was. He had no intention of pushing it. She would tell him what she needed to when she was ready.

  “What’s it like being famous? Because I sort of think it’s like being the most popular guy in the school.”

  He laughed. This was safer ground for them both to talk about.

  “I was scrawny with acne at school and no one was interested. I got into sports and there were a few girls I dated. They didn’t think I was much of a catch. When no one knows you, it’s great to be recognized as you walk down the street. Then it gets crazy some days when you just want to chill. People want to come up and talk all the time. Look, I wouldn’t be where I am without fans, so I can’t complain. Most of the time people respect your privacy and are happy with a photo, like those girls.”

  “What about the paparazzi?”

  “You get to know most of them, and they know how far to push it. There’s one called Mitch, who even helped me get away from some annoying people once. He’s one of the professional ones, if they can be called that. These days, everyone with a phone wants a shot. You should know I don’t blame you for being hesitant about getting involved.”

  “If it was just me, I would be so tempted, but there are others affected by my decisions.”

  “Then we’ll just have to keep having clandestine meetings here. I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I want to ask one thing.”

  He stopped and looked her straight in the eyes. There was something he needed to know and it would be the only reason he would walk away.

  “Are you married? I want to know if some guy is going to come and beat the shit out of me. Plus, my Dad was a real shit with Mum, and I don’t know if I could do that to someone else.”

  “I may not be telling you everything, but I can assure you I’m not married.”

  His shoulders relaxed and he hugged her close as they stood on the shore. The longer they were with each other, the more questions would arise. He couldn’t deny he wanted to know more about her, but it would make it harder to say goodbye if she said it was over.

  They walked back to the house and Declan poured them two wines as he put some pizza in the oven. He brought out the pizza and sat next to her on the lounger.

  “I thought after your question earlier. I would like to tell you a bit about myself.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I don’t care about before. I just don’t want to lose now by keeping you completely in the dark.”

  “It’s okay. This feels right to tell you. I haven’t always lived in L.A. I came from the East Coast originally, but a friend of mine lived out here. When I wanted to move, she suggested I come and share a house with her.”

  “I’m glad she did. How long have you been here? Sorry, you don’t need to say. How about I just eat.”

  Declan picked up a piece of pizza and started to shove it in his mouth. Okay, he was going to asphyxiate but didn’t want to freak her out.

  “Two years. I never finished the degree I was doing for various reasons, and I’ve been doing an online course instead. I’d like to set up a catering business with my friend. I’m not very arty, but I’m good with numbers.” She grabbed the last piece of pizza.

  “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this.” He reached across and wiped a piece of cheese off her lip and ate it off his thumb.

  “You’ve earned it with the way you’ve treated me since we met.”

  “You mean with the way I do this?” Declan pulled her hair aside and kissed her neck, doing little swirls with his tongue, sending tremors he hoped went straight to her core. She tipped her head sideways to give him better access. He stood up, took her hand, and led her back to the bedroom where he spent the next hour worshiping her body. She was a drug he was not willing to give up just yet. As they drifted off to sleep, he knew they would have to see each other again.

  Chapter Eight

  Cassi came awake hearing her cell phone ring beside the bed, and grabbed
it. It was Sasha, and immediately Cassi’s stomach flipped and her body went cold. She knew it would be something to do with Tommy, as she could hear him screaming in the background.

  “I’m sorry to call you so early, but Tommy got up and tried to climb up on the counter. We’re at the hospital. The doctor thinks he’s broken his arm.”

  She couldn’t stop shaking, but there was no time for nerves. She enjoyed her respite, but this was reality. “I’m coming now. Which hospital are you at? I’m on my way.” Sasha gave her the address and Cassi knew the place. Cassi got out of bed and grabbed her clothes to get dressed. Where was her bag, and the car keys? Declan turned on the light and came around to her side of the bed.

  “What’s wrong?” he said as he rubbed his eyes.

  “I’ve got to go. My son’s hurt.”

  “Your son?”

  She pulled on her jeans and realized the cat was out of the bag now. She could hear the shock in his voice. Cassi didn’t care. She needed to be with Tommy. This was all some stupid schoolgirl fantasy anyway. “I’ve a son, he’s hurt, and I need to go now.”

  “What can I do? Are you sure you can drive? You’re shaking, Cassi, listen.”

  He held her arms and he was right. She was trembling at the thought that her boy needed her.

  “I’ll be fine. I don’t think you turning up at a hospital with me is a good idea right now.” She grabbed her bag and headed to the front door. He followed her out to the car and placed his hand on hers as she opened the door.

  “Cassi, take a breath before you drive, for your boy’s sake. Text me when you get there, and let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

  He was right. She had to stay calm. Tommy needed her. As she drove down the road, Cassi took deep breaths to relax. It didn’t work. She should have been with Tommy and this might not have happened. Guilt washed over her as tears streamed down her face. She was a mother and she left him for a hot guy. Was she any better than Steve?


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