Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)

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Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) Page 9

by Maggie Mundy

  She pulled into the parking lot at the hospital and looked for the entrance to the Emergency Department. The triage nurse pointed her in the direction of the children’s section. As soon as Tommy saw her, his good arm went out to her, and tears poured down his face.

  “It’s okay, Mommy’s here,” Cassi said, as she cuddled him, avoiding his bad arm.

  Sasha stood on the other side of the gurney. She was so pale. Her friend would have done what she could, but this little boy needed Mom.

  A doctor pulled back the cubicle curtain and walked over. Cassi introduced herself. He talked about Tommy’s arm and showed her the x-ray. She signed the paperwork and accompanied them as they took Tommy into the operating room. The nurse and doctor were lovely as they let him drift off to sleep.

  “You can give him a kiss on the cheek now he’s asleep,” the anesthesiologist said.

  She managed to hold it together until the nurse took her out of the operating room, and the tears fell. The surgeon explained what he would do, but her brain couldn’t take it in.

  She sat with Sasha as they held hands and waited.

  “I’m so sorry. I thought he was still in bed until I heard the crash in the kitchen. He was trying to get to the candy jar.”

  “It’s not your fault. I should have been there, instead of off with some guy.”

  Sasha stood up and folded her arms in front of her. “No. You’ve been one of the best mothers I’ve ever seen, even though you went through all that shit with Steve. Tommy loves you, and you work so hard. You deserve a little time for yourself.”

  They were grand words, but she didn’t believe them right now. In her mind, she’d fucked up. She should call Declan. The picture of concern on his face when she left his place really touched her. He was probably thinking she was lying in a ditch somewhere after swerving off the road.

  “I said I’d ring the guy and let him know I got here safe. He was worried I was going to crash.”

  Cassi got out her cell and sent a text.

  At the hospital. Tommy is in surgery with a broken arm. He should be okay.

  Within a minute there was a reply.

  Just let me know if there is anything I can do.

  Sasha sat back down and squeezed her hand. “Did he know about Tommy before today?”

  “No. Oh hell, I don’t know what I’m doing, Sasha.” The tears started up again as she grabbed a tissue from the table. “My life just goes from one mess and one bad choice to another.”

  “I know it’s weird, but if this hadn’t happened with Tommy, how would you say things were going with him?”

  Even through the tears Cassi smiled at the memory of Declan. “I was having the best time in years. He was caring and funny, and sexy as all hell. I just don’t know what I’m doing. It can’t go anywhere. The longer I pretend it can, the more I’m going to get hurt when I tell him I can’t see him anymore.” Her stomach kept clenching.

  “Why can’t you have a new man in your life? You’ve been through crap and deserve some happiness.”

  Sasha handed her another tissue now the one she was holding was mush.

  “He’s well-known and I’d end up with my pictures on the Internet. If I was seen with him, Steve would find us and I can’t risk that.” She needed to think of Tommy, even if she was falling for Declan or not.

  “So that’s why you’ve been keeping him secret. What is he? Some kind of rock star or movie idol?”

  Cassi sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. Once she told her, there would be no turning back.

  “What the heck, he is. How the heck could you keep that secret from me? Okay, spill the beans. What’s his name?”

  Cassi took a deep breath, but when she thought about it, she should have told Sasha before. What if she hadn’t been able to contact her when Tommy had been hurt? She needed to start being rational again.

  “His name is Declan Reed.”

  Sasha’s mouth hung open. Cassi was tempted to put her finger underneath her friend’s chin and close it.

  “You’re fucking kidding me. These messages and everything have been from one of the hottest guys in L.A. and you didn’t tell me?” Sasha was up and pacing.

  “At the moment, there’s only one little man in my world, and he’s having his arm fixed up. I shouldn’t be getting involved with someone no matter who they are.”

  “Okay, so I am impressed you were with him, and get that Tommy is your life. I just don’t think you should give up on someone just because he’s a star, but obviously cares.”

  “I don’t know what I think. It’s mainly physical. That’s not true. I think we are both starting to go beyond that and we’ve only met each other twice.”

  Cassi kept looking to the door, hoping the nurse would come and tell her how Tommy was.

  “Now you’re trying to make me jealous with the physical bit. What did his text say?”

  She showed her the phone.

  “He’s offering friendship, and just wants to be of help to you. As far as Steve goes, worry about that later. You’re not on the covers of magazines yet.”

  The doctor who performed the surgery came into the waiting room. Cassi’s hands went cold and clammy. It might only be his arm, but the thought that her little boy was in pain was heartbreaking.

  “I’m just letting you know Tommy is out of surgery, and everything went well. He will be in a plaster cast for three weeks, but after a day or so in the hospital, he should be able to go home. One of the nurses will come and get you in a minute.”

  “Thank you,” Cassi said.

  The doctor left and for the first time in the past few hours Cassi relaxed. Her little boy was safe.

  Sasha stood up. “I’ll phone work in the morning and say what happened. I’ll tell the boss you’ll be off for the week.”

  “I can’t do that. They won’t pay me enough for the hospital bills. They’ll find someone else. You know what he’s like. He replaced the last cleaner because she missed a couple of days. I’m not a great cook like you.”

  Cassi knew she was panicking, but she needed to keep things going as they were. That was the way she dealt with things. No more getting side-tracked with hot men. That madness needed to stop.

  “I’ll threaten to leave them with an empty kitchen if he is going to get funny.”

  “Well, all I want now is to go and see Tommy.”

  The nurse came in and Cassi gave Sasha a hug.

  “I’ll go home and get some of his things. Give the little pest a kiss from me.”

  Cassi followed the nurse down the corridor to the recovery ward. Tommy was still drowsy and pale. There was a plaster cast on his arm, but her little boy was okay. They were moved to a private room, and as the night went on he drifted in and out of sleep with the painkillers on board. Cassi couldn’t help thinking about how much it was all going to cost. Sasha did the right thing by bringing him to the nearest hospital, but there was no way her insurance was going to cover this. For now, she needed to push the thought to the back of her mind and look after Tommy.

  When Tommy was awake, the nurses were already falling in love with him. Two said they would adopt him if they could. It was nice to think she was doing a good job bringing her boy up on her own after their bad start. Her phone went with a text. It was Declan.

  How is Tommy doing? Which hospital is he in? I’d like to send a gift. Does he like anything special?

  She always thought most guys would run a mile once they knew a kid was involved. Declan was taking it in stride. They had no commitment, so she wouldn’t have been surprised if he had said it was over.

  He loves the Rory the Raccoon cartoon.

  She told him which hospital, and as much as she would love to see him, she hoped he didn’t turn up.


  Cassi slept on a make-up bed next to Tommy’s. When breakfast came, Tommy was thrilled to get Cocoa Pops. She rarely let him have them at home. When his food was taken away, the other nurse came in with a large Rory the
Raccoon cuddly toy. Tommy whooped in delight. The card said, “To Tommy. For being a brave boy, from Declan.”

  “Who’s Declan, Mommy?”

  “He’s the friend I went to stay with on the weekend. He heard you were hurt and I said you liked Rory.” She hoped that would be enough for her little boy.

  “Will Sasha bring turtle in?”

  “She said she would bring it in after work so you can sleep with it tonight.”

  She got out her cell to text Declan.

  Thank you so much. He loves it. We should be home tomorrow. Everything went well.

  She didn’t expect him to reply, but her cell went ping almost immediately.

  It was my pleasure. Would love to do more. By the way, this changes nothing for me. I still want to see you again, but only if it’s okay with you and your little boy.

  She wanted to see him so much she kept forgetting common sense. If he was being a complete ass now, it would have convinced her to walk away, but he was being lovely. She so wanted lovely in her life, especially when it didn’t mind she came with strings attached.

  Let me get Tommy home and sorted, then we can work out what to do next. Thanks for the lovely day.

  She knew her answer was skirting the issue, but it was all she could offer right now.

  I’ll be waiting.

  This guy was seriously worming his way into her heart. The rest of the day was spent with Tommy being spoiled by the nurses, and her dozing when he did. At dinner time, they brought in French fries. Her boy was in heaven. The door to the room opened and Sasha walked in holding Tommy’s fluffy turtle toy in her arms. Tommy reached out with his good arm and snuggled it to his chest.

  Sasha glanced at the huge Rory Raccoon and picked up the card. She read it, bent down next to Cassi, and whispered, “Oh my goodness. I am definitely thinking this one’s a keeper. His looks are enough, but he seems a real sweetie, too.”

  Cassi shook her head, not planning on having discussions about Declan with Tommy so close by.

  “It was considerate of him. So what happened at work? Do I still have a job?”

  Sasha sank down in the chair on the other side of the bed. “Yep, the boss said it’s fine to take the week off. His niece will work as it’s school break and she wanted the cash for something. You’ll still get paid as caregiver’s leave.”

  Cassi was glad there was good news on the money front. “I’m still not sure how I’ll pay for this.”

  “I’m sorry. I just brought him to the closest place. I was freaking out so much, I just came here.”

  “You did good. They’ve been wonderful and I would have done the same.”

  “Audrey says when he’s home, she wants to come and visit.”

  “Does she know our place isn’t fancy like the village?”

  “She said she doesn’t care, and she asked if she could draw a turtle on your cast, Tommy.”

  “Yes, but only when my arm stops hurting.”

  Tommy watched cartoons until the nurse came back with more painkillers and he started to yawn.

  “I’d better go and I’ll see you at home tomorrow. Do I get a kiss from my favorite man?”

  Tommy gave her a kiss and lay back on the pillow. His eyes were drooping before she left the room. Cassi followed her out into the corridor.

  “You look tired and I can’t imagine you’re going to get much sleep tonight either,” Sasha said.

  “I’ll be fine. I can nap when he does and when we get home.”

  “When you get home, we’re going to have a serious talk about telling your friend and housemate more. I may seem like I want crazy band members or some up and coming struggling artist. I would be equally happy with an actor who has money. See if Declan has any friends in need of comfort.”

  “We’ll see. I haven’t agreed to see him again yet.”

  “You will.” Sasha smiled, leaned in, and gave her a hug.

  The problem with her friend was she knew her too well. For now Cassi just yawned and walked back into Tommy’s room. There was a single bed next to his and she knew this was where she wanted to be, even if she didn’t get much sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Tommy was home two days and was starting to get bored already. The two of them watched most of his DVDs at least twice and his arm didn’t seem to be painful to him. He let the whole world know he was annoyed. He couldn’t run and climb and didn’t want to rest for the week. Sasha was on the early shift at the retirement village and was bringing Audrey around after work. It would be fantastic to have the adult company.

  Cassi cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom and hoped it would be good enough. The front door opened and Sasha yelled out their presence.

  “They're here, Mommy,” Tommy yelled.

  From the smile on Tommy’s face, he was happy for new company, too. Having Mom at his beck and call was obviously not enough. He would now have another two adoring females. Audrey was dressed beautifully as usual. She came in, hugged Cassi, and then went over to sit next to Tommy.

  “Oh, you poor thing, Tommy. I hear you were saving a cat’s life when it was stuck up a tree,” Audrey said with a wicked grin on her face.

  “No, I was after candies. Sasha hid them.”

  “Don’t believe a word of it. I didn’t hide them. I told you they were there and not to touch them.” Sasha wagged her finger at him.

  “Well, I believe someone said they wanted me to draw a turtle on their cast. You must let me know if it hurts and I’ll stop.”

  “It won’t hurt. Mommy says I’m brave and the turtle will protect me.”

  Audrey sat down next to Tommy as Cassi made some drinks. He sat patiently as she drew and colored in the turtle. It was not so much a drawing as a work of art. As she watched the two women before her with her little boy, she realized how lucky she was to have people like them in her life. A few years back, she would never have believed it.

  Sasha had picked up a new DVD for Tommy on the way home and they sat and watched it with him. After dinner, Cassi got him ready for bed. Once he was in his pajamas and snuggled down in under the covers, Audrey read to him. Cassi stood at the door to the room and listened as tears came to her eyes. When he was all tucked in, Audrey followed her back out to the kitchen.

  “I should be going soon. Are you all right, Cassi? You look as though you’re going to cry,” Audrey said as she touched her arm.

  “I’m fine. It was just lovely seeing you both together. He hasn’t known what it’s like to have a grandmother in his life, and he seems to have taken to you.” Cassi wiped the tears away.

  “I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t realize you’d lost your mother.” Audrey squeezed her arm.

  “I didn’t. I still have both my parents, but when I left home and went to live with Tommy’s dad, they disowned me. We haven’t seen each other since. I’ve tried, but they’re very religious and think I’m wrong. They were right about Steve being bad for me though. When I left with Tommy, I thought they would have helped, but they said no.”

  “Sometimes people are foolish. My son and his wife are very rich and live in another state. I don’t fit into their lavish lifestyle. I visited a few times, but my grandson was always out. I felt in the way, so now I don’t bother.”

  Cassi gave Audrey a hug and considered how they were both feeling the same about how their lives had turned out. The ones who should have been there for them seemed to have let them down. For now they had found each other, and that was positive.

  “When my husband was alive, I didn’t notice my son becoming so distant. I suppose we were always busy with this and that. It’s the old statement about how you choose your friends and not your family.”

  Cassi embraced her. “Sasha said you’d like to come back again on Saturday. I think Tommy will have more energy by then. He’s getting better each day, and will be back to his old naughty self soon enough.”

  “I would like that every much, but do tell me if I’m being a nuisance,” Audrey said as she grabbed her pu
rse from the counter.

  “You can come here and be a nuisance all you want.” Cassi walked her outside and waved as Sasha drove Audrey off to the village.

  Back inside, she sat on the couch and sighed loudly. The thought crossed her mind she was trying so hard to organize everything so her life would be safe with Tommy. Life had a way of messing up her plans anyway. She actually had to live and not just exist.

  She could not deny the constant checking of her cell phone the past few days. Declan said he was busy and would message her when he could. Most nights there was something, plus the odd text during the day. He kept everything friendly, and she assumed he was worried Tommy might see something. It was impressive he was staying around, even though he knew almost nothing about her. She so hoped this wasn’t just a physical attraction, even if she didn’t know what she would do with more. As if the universe was sending her a sign, her cell went off to show there was a text. It was Declan.

  Crazy day here. Hope the little guy is doing okay. Miss you.

  He was wonderful always asking about Tommy, but it was little things like, ‘miss you’ that made her heart skip a beat like a young girl again. Okay, she was getting seriously stupid as far as the romance went. She was thinking ‘miss you’, meant ‘let’s be together forever’. She needed to get her level head back. It seemed to have gone out the window the night she had sex with him in the mountains. Was there such a thing as a soul mate, and had she found someone special? The idea was wonderful, and who would not want to run with it? That aside, she needed to reply.

  He is getting better and being a pest sometimes. Says it hurts and I give in. I miss you too.

  After she sent it, she developed second thoughts about the last bit, but it was too late. Was she leading him on? This was too friendly, but she couldn’t stop herself. Well, she could, but she didn’t want to. She went and made a cup of tea, but found herself staring across the room at the cell phone waiting for it to make the sound of a new text from him coming through. She could tell him to call. Tommy was in bed, but she didn’t want to risk hearing his voice right now. This guy made her reckless, and reckless had been a bad road to follow in the past. Another text came through.


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