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JUDE: Book 2 The Justice Brothers Series

Page 25

by Taylor Lee

  At her wailing entreaty he lifted her up higher against the wall and then lowered her over the end of his weeping cock. Unable to hold back, he pressed his iron-hard staff into her cunt. At her passionate cry he began to thrust in and out, trying to contain his throbbing need to take her hard. At her sobbing cry begging him to make her come again, he gave into the passion storming him. Overcome by his erotic need for release, he fiercely pistoned deeper and harder into her tight channel. When he couldn’t hold his powerful orgasm back another second, he threw his head back and roared, the primal sound of a man burying his soul in his woman.


  Jude shook his head, then burst out laughing. The joyful sound echoed over the lapping waves of Lake Superior. “Skylar, as long as I live I will never forget the look on your father’s face when I tossed you over my shoulder and started smacking your gorgeous ass. Especially when I told him that I wanted your ass as close to my hands as possible. I should have said, my hands and my mouth!”

  Wiping at the tears of mirth flowing down his cheeks, he chortled. “Christ, honey. Can you imagine the nightmares that uptight martinet’s gonna have tonight? There’s no way that he’ll be able to squash the visions of your overgrown, brawny associate having at your ass and other intimate parts of your body.”

  Skylar knew she should at least pretend to be aghast at Jude’s irreverent crowing, but she couldn’t help joining in his laughter. It was inconceivable that her father could imagine the shockingly erotic acts Jude was capable of. The memory alone made her blush.

  Sky reveled in Jude’s strong, muscular body wrapped around her. She buried her face against his chest, reliving the outrageous things that this powerful man had done to her in broad daylight on the deck of his yacht, no less. Not to mention how she had shamelessly begged him for more. She shook her head in disbelief.

  “Dear God, Jude, I don’t think my father has even heard of a tenth of the things that you did to me, much less done them! I think, or at least I hope he can’t imagine you doing them to me.”

  Jude chuckled. “You’re probably right, Sky. After meeting your father today I wouldn’t be surprised if he undresses in the dark so as not to acknowledge that his dick might have additional uses other than pissing. Hell, I can just see him slapping it down with a ruler if the pitiful knob dared to get erect.”

  Skylar laughed then agreed. “I think you’re right, Jude. My father made it perfectly clear to me in words and deeds that animal instincts, as he calls anything sexual, were to be ignored, if not abhorred. According to him, such base desires were beneath intellectual men and women and not worthy of contemplation by highly intelligent human beings.”

  “Jesus, Skylar, what a debilitating way to live and an even more devastating lesson to teach a young girl.”

  Sky frowned, remembering her father degrading the physical side of her nature. From the time she was a young child he insisted that only her intellect was worth cultivating. He got positively rabid about the issue when she reached puberty and started to disagree. Particularly when she challenged his blanket assertion that the only interests worth pursuing were intellectual.

  Jude ran a gentle finger over her brow and smoothed the hard creases. “Jesus, darlin’, I hate thinking about the ugly messages that insufferable man fed into that innocent brain of yours. All in an attempt to distort the sexual side of your nature. What astonishes me, Skylar, is what an utter failure he was.”

  When she startled he tipped up her chin and smiled at her. “Baby, you are the most sensual woman I’ve ever known, not to mention the most eager, receptive lover I’ve ever ravished.”

  Sky sniffed. “So are you saying that all those times my father warned me that I looked wanton, or was acting like a loose woman, or worst of all that I was acting like her, he wasn’t successful in achieving his intended goals?”

  Jude’s jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed. “No, Skylar, he was egregiously unsuccessful. You are a joyously, gloriously sexual woman. But it is worth taking a look at how your father tried to tamp you down when he saw you becoming an enticingly sensual young woman. Think about the loaded words he used. Wanton? Hmm, if that means sexy, provocative, and saucy, then, hey, I’m all for it. A loose woman? Think that might mean you are open to all the outrageous things I want to do to you? I sure as hell hope so. Or, how about his saying that all of those ‘bad’ things remind him of your mother?”

  Jude was quiet for a moment then raised a quizzical brow. “I don’t know about you, Sky, but that makes me think I would like your mother. That I would find her attractive and hopefully a healthy role model for her lovely daughter.”

  Sky was quiet, then nodded and sighed. “I remember my mother. She was pretty. She had a beautiful smile. And…she loved me. I know she did. She loved to take me to the park and would let me swing as high as I wanted to. She held me in front of her and we rode the big curvy slide together, shrieking when it made our tummies flip. It was after he saw us at the park that my father insisted my mother leave. I knew that was the reason even then. I missed her terribly when she left. But my father didn’t like her and wanted to be sure I understood why he made her leave. He only told me negative things about her. How she focused on all the wrong things, like clothes, looking pretty, having fun. Now I know that he was intimidated by her. By her exuberance. Her loving nature.”

  “Hmm, how old was she? Younger than your father?”

  “Oh, yes. She was one of my father’s students. She was only nineteen when they got married. He was in his early thirties. She left when she was twenty-four.”

  “The same age you are now?”

  Sky sighed again. “Yes, the same age I got enough courage to leave and come here.”

  Jude hugged her closer to him and stroked her cheek. “You know I would never pressure you, Sky, but if you ever want to contact your mother I’d be all for it. It must have been a hard choice to leave you. Having met your father I can only assume that, like you, she must have known that in order to survive she had to escape his tyrannical presence.”

  “It’s interesting you say that Jude.” Sky hesitated then forged ahead, “My grandmother called me after the press conference. Like my father, she was horrified. Not because I’d shamed her, but because of the danger I’d been in. And, Jude, she…was actually crying when she told me how scared she’d been and how proud she was of me.”

  Skylar wasn’t sure she could continue, but Jude’s quiet presence and strong arms around her gave her courage. “She…my grandmother also said that my mother had seen the television coverage. She asked my grandmother if she thought it would ever be possible for her to see me.”

  Jude let the silence stand for a long moment then said carefully, “That’s a big decision, Squirt. You gotta have mixed emotions about that.”

  When she pressed her lips together and nodded, tears swimming in her eyes, he pulled her closer to him. “Take your time, baby. You’ve got enough turmoil in your life at the moment.” He chucked her under her chin and smiled at her. “Not the least of which is me.”

  He was surprised when she responded with a serious frown.

  “Jude…thank you for coming and getting me this morning.”

  “Jesus, darlin’, how could you possibly think that I wouldn’t?”

  She shook her head. “No…no, I…I knew you would. Just like I knew you would come to the Parker Mansion. I’m…just so glad you did.”

  She gazed up at him and didn’t bother to swipe at the tears she couldn’t hold back. She gave him a watery smile. “Can I tell you that not even the Human Torch could have looked fiercer than you did striding across the garden to take on my father? And, Jude, I know it sounds crazy, but he was even scarier to me than those sick sisters were.”

  Jude emitted a hard sigh and grimaced. “I’m not surprised that you say that, Sky. The Parker women were merely twisted, evil, maniacal, serial murderers. But they could only hurt you—make that kill you—in that moment. Your father, on the other hand, ha
s spent a lifetime chipping away at your psyche and sense of being. He was almost as maniacal in his intent as the Parker women. Like an envious artist seeing a gorgeous statute that he knew he wouldn’t have been able to carve, he was determined to destroy it. But instead of taking a hammer to it, he tried to take it down piece by piece so as not to let anyone know how threatened he was by the beautiful sculpture that he could never have created.”

  Jude was quiet for a long moment then said after a hard sigh, “I love my brothers and my grandfather with all my heart. I’ve always known how lucky I am to have them. But, Skylar, I will thank Jared every day of my life for discovering you and bringing you here. In an odd way, at some unfathomable level of wisdom, he saw a woman who could heal his hard-bitten, cynical brother. And God knows how or why, but some crazy, smart angels convinced you to shuck off that insidious barnacle of a father and come halfway across the country to a place you’d never been. To top it off, instead of kicking me to the curb, insufferable asshole that I am, you let down your guard and let me in.”

  He added with a watery smile of his own, “Hell, honey, you even took off your glasses and those ugly ass clothes and flashed your curvy butt at me. Damn, adding in that outrageous dress you wore, talk about baiting the hook! This unsuspecting wolf fish didn’t have a chance.” He pinched her bare bottom and grinned at her squeal. “By the way, how did you know that I was an ass man?”

  She sniffed. “I understood that given your required rack to ass ratio, you’re an ass and a tits man.”

  “Ouch! Jesus, Sky! How to hit a guy with his craven past.” He hugged her. “Please note, feisty woman, that the insufferable asshole said, craven past!”

  Skylar glanced up and smiled at him shyly, her cheeks flushing a rosy pink. “Yes, I did notice that. I also noticed that you said not once but twice to my father that you love me. Um, do you, Jude? Do you love me?”

  He sucked in a deep breath and let it out in a long, audible sigh.

  “Yeah, Sky, I love you. Looking back on it, I fell for you the first time I saw you. Even with your crazy glasses and God-awful clothes, or maybe because of them, you got under my skin in a way no one ever has.” He raised his hands in a helpless gesture. “But then, I’ve never loved a woman before.”

  At her startled gasp, he studied her, then cocked an inquiring brow. “How about you, Squirt? Do you love me?”

  She slammed her eyes shut, not wanting her emotional tears to ruin the moment. She swallowed hard and managed to nod. “Yes, Jude. I love you…with all my heart and soul.”

  He hugged her then said with a grin, “Okay, now that we’ve got the mushy stuff out of the way, on to the more important things.”

  He cast a salacious glance at her bottom. “Before we take off for our glorious adventure down the Saint Lawrence Seaway, I need to make good on my threat. In all of the amazingly erotic things we did to one another in the last twelve hours, I haven’t yet made good on my promise to spank your bare ass. In that we are both stark naked, that takes care of the bare part. How about I sit over on that chair and you stretch your gorgeous bod over my knee so I can go to work spanking the hell out of you?”

  He hugged her close and swiped at the tear on her cheek. “Is that a deal, Squirt?”

  She brushed at the tears on his face that he hadn’t tried to hide and nodded.

  “Yes, Detective Justice. It’s a deal.”


  Loved Jude and Skylar?

  Want more of the

  Justice Brothers?

  You’re in luck!

  All FIVE books in the

  Justice Brothers Series


  Summer, Fall and Winter 2016.




  Book 2








  Thank you for reading Jude. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. I always love my characters but Jude and Skylar really got to me. Jude is arrogant and cynical, as tough as nails. Of all the Justice Brothers he is the most hard-edged. But he has a soft side that his brothers and the Judge know but it takes Skylar to get him to acknowledge it. And then there is Skylar. I don’t know where in my imagination she came from—but I’m sure glad she did. She is as quirky a heroine as I’ve written. She intrigued me as much as she intrigued Jude. What I liked best about them both was that separately they were challenged individuals. Together they blossomed.

  If you enjoyed Jude do a huge favor for me. Click on this link and write an honest review of the book. Authors live and die by their reviews. The few extra seconds it takes really helps us authors out. Many, many thanks! AND please go to my website www.taylorleebooks for my publishing schedule and lots of FREE stuff! Sign up for my newsletter. It is the way I stay connected to my glorious readers.

  And for a FREE taste of Red Rock Rises, Book 1 in the Red Rock Collection, click here.

  The Justice Brother Series:

  Taylor Lee’s HOT NEW Suspense Collection

  Other books in the Series

  JARED: Book 1; The Justice Brothers Series

  To PURCHASE Jared: Book 1; click here:

  JUDE: Book 2; The Justice Brothers Series

  Coming Soon

  JORDEN: Book 3; The Justice Brothers Series

  JAKE: Book 4; The Justice Brothers Series

  THE JUDGE: Book 5; Justice Achieved

  Taylor Lee’s OMNIBUS


  Ladies of the Night Series

  To purchase Sapphire: Book 1 (FREE) click here

  To purchase Ruby: Book 2 click here

  To purchase Topaz: Book 3 click here

  To purchase Diamond: Book 4 click here

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  The Man in the Arena Collection

  Includes: The Courage to Dare, The Courage to Love, The Courage to Triumph

  To purchase The Courage to Dare: Book 1 (FREE) click here

  To purchase The Man in the Arena Collection click here

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  The All Fired Up Omnibus Collection

  Includes: Playing With Fire, Trial By Fire, Fire and Ice, Ring of Fire,You Light My Fire, Special Ops and Cops Christmas

  To purchase Fire and Ice: Novella (FREE) click here

  To purchase Playing with Fire: Book 1 click here

  To purchase The All Fired Up Collection click here

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  The Blonde Barracuda Collection

  Includes: Big Girls Don’t Cry, In the Still of the Night, Every Breath You Take, Nights in White Satin, Blue Christmas, Love me Tender plus Short Story Finale: When a Man Loves a Woman.

  To purchase Nights in White Satin: Prequel (FREE) click here

  To purchase Big Girls Don’t Cry: Book 1 click here

  To purchase The Blonde Barracuda Collection click here

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  The Red Rock Collection

  Includes: Code Name: Red Rock, Red Rock Rises, Red Rock’s Revenge, Red Rock’s Rebel, Red Rock’s Redemption and Red Rock Rules

  To purchase Code Name Red Rock: Prequel (FREE) click here

  To purchaseRed Rock Rises: Book 1 click here

  To purchase The Red Rock Collection click here

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  The Dangerous Affairs Collection

  Includes: The El Paso Incident, The Moscow Affair, The D. C. Incident, The Bangkok Affair, The Rio Affair and The Paris Incident)

  To purchase The El Paso Incident: Prequel (FREE) click here

  To purchase The Moscow Affair: Book 1 click here

  To purchase The Dangerous Affairs Collection click here

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  The Grandmaster’s Legacy: Masters of Love and War

  Includes: Struck by Thunder, Race for Redemption, The Frenchman’s Woman, The Frenchman’s Revenge

  To purchase Struck by Thunder: Book 1 (FREE) click here
/>   To purchase Race for Redemption: Book 2 click here

  To purchase The Grandmaster’s Legacy Collection click here

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  The Bad Ass Brigade

  Bad Guys Beware, The Good Guys Are on the Prowl

  A Sampler of Sizzling Romantic Suspense.

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  About the Author

  USA Today Best Selling author Taylor Lee writes Suspenseful Mystery Thrillers – with a heavy dose of Sexy to Sizzling HOT Romance.

  In the four years that she has been writing, Taylor has written more than forty books. Her eight series track her Special Operatives, Covert Agents, Cops, Firefighters and other iconic heroes and heroines, through the harrowing situations that make up their lives. From human trafficking rings to corrupt politicians, Taylor investigates the underbelly of society and the criminals who flourish there.


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