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The Dark Scarlett

Page 10

by Aven Jayce

  His hand covers the side of my face, and I can feel a brush burn begin to form from the pressure of the hard surface.

  “Settle down little shit. We’re just about finished. I just want my money.”

  “What money?”

  He laughs and secures my arms behind my back while I surrender; lying still, shitfaced, feeling tortured by him, and betrayed by my wife.

  “Are you sure you love that woman? Sounds like the two of you aren’t very open with one another. Does she even know you’re here? As far as I can tell, you keep her around so you have someone to fuck. Why don’t you find yourself a nice fake pussy? I have some at the company and could pass a used one your way.”

  “And I thought Paul was a dick,” I whisper.

  He laughs again, in a total state of elation with his torturous games. “Don’t you think Paul passed some of his badass genes down to his daughter? You think she’s different from him? Boy, are you fooled. Are you sure you’re part Rosen? Or are you only full of those Everton genes, ‘cause I can’t believe my niece would spawn a man as gullible as you.”

  “Don’t bring my mother into this.”

  “No? Maybe another time we can chat about family. So your wife... Paul left her high and dry last year. Not a dime to her name when the two of you left Vegas. What else was she going to do? Live on the streets? Think about it. She won’t be in that big penthouse of yours for long, now that the money’s finally flowing in from her father’s estate. She’s been using you, dumbass. Waiting for her daddy’s money.”

  I try not to listen to his piercing words. He’s lying. She would have told me if the estate was settled and she had money coming in. I haven’t noticed anything in our bank account either. What the fuck? “If that’s the case then why did she marry me?”

  “People can make a lot of money from a divorce settlement, you’ll find that out soon enough. She’s a gold digger, will do anything for a buck just like her father. With your money and her father’s, she’ll be set for life.”

  I’m released again but unable to stand, or possibly too beaten down to do so. I lie on the floor feeling wounded by every person in my life.

  “The state fucking seized Paul’s assets, including the house,” David says, “but luckily not the casino money, which is a shitload. Two separate accounts. As far as I’m concerned, all of that money from the porn company was mine, and I got screwed up the ass. It was my initial investment, my business, and my profits, and who ended up with the stuff that wasn’t seized and forfeited? His fucking kids, namely Sophia. I want what’s mine, and since your wife’s giving me the cold shoulder, and I’m not gonna show my face in your wussy wine bar or break into your building with your entire family around, you’re my next step in reaching her. Get your fucking wife to hand over her share of the money so we can move forward.”

  He pulls me from the floor and straightens my clothing, fixing my shirt and brushing my sport jacket free of lint. My phone rings inside my pocket and I ignore it, hoping it’s not Sophia.

  “You got people looking for you, Cove?”


  “Anyone know you’re here?”

  I shake my head and stare at his gun, then at my throbbing fingers.

  “I’ll be in touch. Talk to your wife and get me what I need... all of it. But for now, I’ve got other business to attend to. There’s a woman in the kitchen that was about to fuck my leg when I walked through the door earlier. I’ll let her have my dick and a pocket of green to settle her down, and then everyone in this house will be as happy as a clam. Right?”

  I nod and stumble toward the door, only to have my shoulder gripped on the way out.

  “Oh, and Cove,” he whispers in my ear. “It wasn’t that difficult to get your father out of prison. I’d say it’d be even easier to put him back in, don’t you think?” he pats my back as I step outside. “Take care, little fuck.”

  The door slams as I head for the sidewalk. I take out my phone to see that it was Haverty who called. I tap his number and walk down the street, too drunk to make it much farther. I’m in no mood for the shit he’s gonna give me, and now, on top of everything else, a downpour soaks the city.

  “Hey, I’m on Missouri Avenue next to Lafayette Square, I need you to pick me up.”

  “You fucker. You went to Kaitlyn’s house didn’t you? Goddammit, I told you to hold back for a while. What happened?”

  “It’s fucking pouring outside, just head down this way, alright? I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  “Drunken bastard,” he groans and hangs up.

  I lean against an iron fence and slide down until I’m on the ground, letting the rain flatten my hair and drip down my face. The cold water pelting my body makes me shiver while my fingers are a throbbing mess. I can’t believe Sophia didn’t talk to me about any of this shit. I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry with her. Fuckin’ A, I’ve got my father to deal with, plus Ivy, and now this shit, and I haven’t even been back in the city for more than a day. What the hell else could go wrong?

  A puddle of water forms around my ass as I wait for Haverty. I feel like an abandoned dog in the rain, waiting for someone to rescue it; in need of some food and a little bit of love.

  The lights of the Escalade finally shine in my face after what feels like an hour. Haverty opens the back door and I crawl in and crash, completely pissed at the world. I’m not sure if I need to sleep, get laid, or punch someone in the face. Maybe all three. I’ll start with a punishment fuck and move on from there.

  Haverty asks questions the entire ride to the Scarlett and gives me hell for not listening to him. He tries to convince me just to go home and sleep it off, but I won’t. I need to talk to my wife.

  We pull around back of the building as the rain turns into golf ball size hail and dents my eighty thousand dollar vehicle. Yep, a perfect end to my perfect day.

  “Send my wife out here, I need to talk to her.”

  “You’re not coming in?”

  “We need more privacy than my office. I don’t feel like talking over the crowd.”

  “Fair enough. I know I keep asking you this, but you okay?”

  “Never better.”

  He gives me the finger while running to the back entrance of the bar, and as soon as he’s inside, my hand is yanking at my dick. I need to jerk for a minute to ready myself, and all the liquor is working against me. Luckily I’m a rod by the time Sophia’s climbing into the back seat.

  “Hey, what gives, Babe? Too drunk to make it inside?” she asks with a playful grin. She places her hand on my leg and I slide her closer to me, being careful not to put pressure on my broken fingers.

  “Get undressed,” I whisper, with a bite at her ear.

  She laughs and quickly tosses her dress and underwear into the front seat, sprawling back with her legs open in just a matter of seconds.

  “Ahh, this is why you called me out here. A romantic fuck in the back seat while the rain pours down around us? That’s quite sexy, Cove.”

  I pull my dick through my pants and lay on top of her, gliding down until that sweet hole of hers is suctioned around my tip, grabbing at me, and sucking me in. Fuck, that’s what I needed. My hair drips onto her cheek, and soon I hope to replace it with my cum.

  “You’re quiet,” she says softly, running her fingers through my hair. “How’d you get so wet?”

  My dick is like an arrow about to be released from a bow, ready to be shot into her flesh, and with one unforgiving jab, I’m in. She moans and exposes her neck in a state of passion. A second thrust and her nipples are erect. A third, and her pussy’s slick.

  “Cove,” she cries out. “I love you.”

  “Do you?” I whisper, trapping her head between my forearms. She’s unable to gaze anywhere but my face, and questions my words. “Look at me, Sophia.”

  “There’s a mark on your face, what happened to you? Did you pass out earlier and hit your cheek against something?”

�Shh,” I hush her while still pleasuring my dick. My hips thrust and my ass tightens, as my hedonistic mood kicks in. She unbuttons my shirt and exposes my flesh while rain patters the windows. Fuck, she feels good. I’d love to yell at her about everything, but my dick’s in control right now, and all I can think about is cumming all over her body. It’s the only thing that’s gonna get rid of the pain in my fingers and in my heart. I need to cum. Fuck, I can’t wait to feel it.

  “Talk to me,” she whispers, tracing the black rose on my chest. “You’re shitfaced, but I can tell something else is wrong. You haven’t even kissed me yet.”

  I lean in and part her lips with my tongue, circling her mouth. She tries to turn her head, but my arms stay clutched to either side while her body wiggles in an attempt to escape.

  “Cove, either be nice to me, or get off!”

  I slow to a leisurely motion and brush the side of her cheek with my good hand, close to an escape of my seed. “My dick’s pretty happy right now, Soph. The boys are fighting to get out.”

  “Oh Jesus, what the fuck’s wrong with you?”

  I jab in then bite her neck with a whimper. “Fuck.” My chest and legs lock, and my cock’s like a brick. “Fuck.” I pull out and rub off, as the first shot lands between her tits. “Do you love me?” I ask in a distorted voice as I cum.

  “Yes,” she whispers.

  “No, you don’t.” I fall on top of her as my dick pulsates between us. “Why didn’t you tell me about David Rosen?” I pant. “Why, Soph? What the fuck’s wrong with you?”

  She’s silent as I lay on top of her. My chest heaves for air and as soon as the rush of the orgasm ends, the pain returns. “I can’t believe you did this to me.”

  “My words exactly. Get the fuck off of me,” she says in a harsh tone. She reaches for her dress and has it on faster than she took it off.

  “I’m done talking to you. You’ve really pissed me off,” I say.

  “You haven’t done much talking at all, asshole,” she yells in tears as she heads back to the bar. “Apologize to me when you’re sober and maybe I won’t leave you!”

  “Soph, wait!”

  “Fuck off!”

  She disappears through the door and I’m left alone. Okay, so that’s the end to my perfect day. I sit in the back seat and call for Haverty. Shouting his name at the top of my lungs until he finally steps outside and runs over to the car.

  “What the fuck, man? Your wife’s inside sobbing. Your family is like a goddamn soap opera today.”

  “Take me home,” I whisper.

  “Screw you, we’re busy inside now. I wanted to take you home earlier. Sober up and get your ass back to your business and stop fucking around. And for Christ’s sake, button your shirt and hide the jiz on your stomach before your parents wander out here,” he yells over the rain.

  “My father’s here?”

  “Yeah. And I’ve never seen Sophia cry before. What the heck did you just do to her?”

  “I fucked her,” my words slur as my body sways.

  “Well you sure as hell didn’t do a very good job, now did you?”

  I nod like a child.

  “You gonna pass out on me?” he sighs.

  I nod again and tumble onto the back seat.

  I hear him exhale and a few moments later the car starts and we pull away.

  “I’m not a very good husband,” I groan.

  “No, you’re not, but I have a feeling it’s the liquor more than you. You think you’re a pleasant drunk, but the reality is you’re nothing more than a miserable bastard. Then again, you’re like that even when you’re sober, so who knows.”

  “Don’t fucking swerve so much.”

  “We’re stopped at a red light, idiot.”

  “Shit Hav, I can’t believe I did that to her.”

  “What the hell did you do back there?”

  “I disciplined her with my dick, but it wasn’t playful like this afternoon. I used her body for my own enjoyment. I could’ve cared less if she came or not. I just wanted to hurt her. Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever been so harsh to her before. I’m always good to her when we make love, but this time...” vomit shoots out of my mouth and down the edge of the seat before I can finish my sentence.

  “I knew that was coming. You tanked in my car, man. I’m not cleaning that shit up. Damn, you and your wife puke every fucking day. The two of you are like vomit machines.”

  “It’s my car, and I’ll clean it up,” I mutter and wipe my mouth. “You’re just borrowing it.”

  “Oh, I see. Is that how it’s gonna be? You better sign up for rehab tomorrow, or I’ll quit and you can find another punk ass bitch to drive your ass around all hours of the day and night. What happened to me being your bodyguard anyway? What the hell’s wrong with you, going to Kaitlyn Moore’s house alone? You’re no match for her and her hormones.”

  “No,” I whisper. “I’m no match for David Rosen.”

  He slams his foot on the breaks and pulls to the side of the road. “What did you say?”

  I’m silent, still close to blacking out and tired of having to move my mouth. It literally hurts to talk. Haverty mumbles something about my silence as he opens my door.

  “Can you get up?” he says in a more sympathetic voice with his arm extended. I grasp onto him, forgetting about my fingers.

  “Fuck!” I pull back, holding my wrist.

  “What in God’s name happened to you tonight? Is that from Sophia or Kaitlyn? Those things are the size of eggplants, and just as purple too. Let me see ‘em.”

  I hold out my hand and he examines the two fingers, bending one gently until I cry out in pain.

  “Broken. Come on, let’s get your ass inside,” he sighs.

  I stagger into my building and somehow make it into the penthouse without having to lean on him for support. He glares at me the entire way and shakes his head in disappointment.

  “Sit down,” he demands when we step inside. “You have a medical kit? A bandage?”

  “In the pantry, but a band aid’s not gonna fix ‘em.”

  He digs through the box but comes up empty handed. “Ice?”

  “That would be good,” I say, taking a seat on the sofa next to our fireplace. I close my eyes and listen to him rummage through the freezer, then follow his footsteps on our hardwood floor as he walks over to the sound system. There’s a pop and a buzz as he finds some music to play.

  “I’m fucking in pain and for some reason you’ve decided to serenade me with sweet tunes? What, so you can take advantage of me in my intoxicated state?” I joke, waiting for a laugh that never comes. “Oh come on, Talking Heads? How fucking retro of you.”

  “You own it.”

  “Soph owns it.”

  “Place this on those broken bones and shut the fuck up, you little drunken shit.”

  “A popsicle?”

  “It’s fucking cold isn’t it? Damn it, you’re like a three-year-old. I’m trying to take care of you so I can get back to my job. I don’t like to leave Hollis by himself on such a busy night, just like you never leave your family there, but for some reason you decided to wander the streets and have a fuck behind the building instead of your usual spot indoors. Now tell me what’s going on so I can help.”

  “Life is the same as it ever was,” I reply, thinking about the music. I open the popsicle and take a bite while continuing to use it on my hand. Haverty gets one as well, and we sit opposite one another in front of an unlit fireplace. Two grown men, listening to 80s music, eating frozen sugar water.

  “I feel so badass right now and slightly better after vomiting.”

  “Speak, Cove. No more clowning around. I’m concerned, and you need to bring me out of the dark so I can do my job, then we can go back to being friends. My mood has changed because I feel like I failed you. I don’t want to see you hurt... Sophia either. You guys are like family to me, even when you’re at your worst. Now open your god-damn-fucking-asinine-vagina-sucking-mouth and spill yo
ur guts.”

  I set the popsicle stick on the coffee table between us and he immediately picks it up and rinses both his and mine in the sink. He comes back with the two sticks dried off, a roll of medical tape, and takes my hand in his.

  “Stretch your fingers as straight as you can get ‘em.” He takes hold and quickly sets them in place as I scream my brains out.

  “FUCK! Aww! You Bastard!” I wish I could cry in front of him, ‘cause I sure as hell can’t handle this pain for much longer. I need some morphine, or codeine, or pot, or something.

  “Hold still.” He lines the sticks along each side of my fingers and wraps them up. “Good as new.”

  I look at the homemade splints and exhale. “Not bad buddy. Damn, that hurts. Fuck... you’re right, I’m sorry,” I say with a pant and a sweat.

  The room spins; I believe from the pain, but maybe the alcohol is finally taking me down, or it’s a combination of the two. “I’m gonna wake up tomorrow morning and regret this entire evening,” I say.

  “Tomorrow? You mean you have to wait that long?”

  “True. I’m already ashamed, you know that.”

  “I’m sure you’ll make it up to Sophia when you see her. Buy her some chocolates or something.”

  “Yeah, fool me once and only once with that chocolate prank,” I laugh, a sense of relief taking over my body now that I’m in my own home. Now, I can pass out. Yep, just fine to do so now that I’m on my own sofa.

  “Well, for now you can start by telling me what I need to know.”

  I nod and lean against the sofa with my arm up on the back, my foot resting on my upper thigh, and seeing double of Haverty. “Let me start by telling you about a man named David, someone you’ve heard very little about,” I grip the sofa, still furious, and dealing with throbbing fingers and a heavy heart. “He’s a great Uncle of mine. Then when we’re finished discussing my mother’s side of the family, I’ll let you in on one of my father’s dirty little secrets.”


  My head pounds as I attempt to rise from the sofa. I must’ve passed out and can’t remember Haverty leaving last night. What the hell time is it?


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