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The Dark Scarlett

Page 25

by Aven Jayce

  As we pass the Scarlett and make our way toward another house, I can’t help but notice a car’s been behind us since we left the Lafayette Park area. The front grill screams Chrysler 300. Black, with tinted windows. I’ll be damned if that’s not Marcus, following us around, trying to get a rise out of me. What an ass.

  “How much farther?” I ask.

  “About five blocks South.”

  I take a sharp right and she grips the dash, uttering a string of non-swear words, like the kid from, A Christmas Story.

  “Finger-popping-red-heck-toe-bash-son-of-a-peach-pie. What the heck? You trying to give me whiplash or make me puke my lunch?”

  “Sorry, change of plans.” I hit the gas and this time actual swear words gush from her mouth. Bad idea on my part, there’re probably kids or animals around and I’d hate to get in an accident. I let up on the gas and turn down another side street as the GPS locates an alternative route. The fucker’s still behind us. Yeah, that’s him.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I think we have company.”

  “What?” she looks behind us. “Is it the guy from last night?”

  “Must be, unless you know of someone else who wants to intimidate me?”

  “Shit, pull over. Let me talk to him.”

  “Hell, no.”

  “I have the check, let me give it to him.”

  “Are you crazy? Do you honestly think I’ll let you out of this car and allow you to get close to that dickhead? And why do you have the check on you?”

  She pulls out her phone and I hear a ring through our Bluetooth. I forgot her cell’s hooked up to the system as well.

  “Everything okay?” Haverty’s voice fills the car.

  “No, some nutjob’s following us and Cove doesn’t know what to do.” Sophia shouts.

  “Where are you guys?”

  “We’re fine. I’ll take care of things, don’t worry.” I flash her an intimidating look so she keeps her mouth shut and then head back toward the Scarlett.

  “We’re a few blocks South of the bar. Come save us Haverty!”

  “Soph, knock it off. The guy’s not dangerous, just an ass.”

  “I’m on my way,” he says and the line goes dead.

  “Damn it, you gave him the impression that I’m a pussy.”

  “First, I hate that word! And second, I’m pregnant! If you’re not going to save me and the baby, then Haverty will.”

  “Sophia! He’s not going to hurt us! He just wants the goddamn money!” I yell and she falls back against the seat in a huff. I park the car, turn to my wife, and she looks behind us.

  “He’s gone.”

  I turn around and the Chrysler’s vanished. I was too busy yelling at her to see where he went. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “Why did you get so angry with me? Is Haverty just for show, like a trophy wife?”

  I shake my head and run a hand though my hair while expelling a deep breath. “I was wrong, I’m sorry. He stressed me out and I didn’t want anything to happen to you... I lost my cool.”

  “Well, I don’t want anything to happen to you either, so next time, call Hav, okay?” I nod and she looks behind us. “Clearly, by your reaction, the guy is dangerous, even though you keep saying he’s not. Start telling me the truth.”

  “Listen to her Cove. I’m tired of you being a peckerhead as well.” Haverty’s voice cuts in.

  “I thought you hung up.”

  “Fuck that, I’m not losing you from the line. I need to know what’s going on, especially if I’m headed into an unstable situation, and I’m referring to the fuckface tailing you guys, and the two of you. Now, I’m at the Scarlett, where are you?”

  “Drive two blocks South and turn right.”

  “Good, stay put. I’ll be there in a second. And Cove... without taking offense, I only consider you part pussy, not a total pussy.”

  “Gee, thanks, plug fungus.”

  “Eeew! Cove, that’s gross. I can’t believe you just said that.” Sophia’s disgusted as she squirms in her seat.

  “That was your best comeback ever, buddy. Good one,” Haverty says.

  “No, not a good one,” she shakes her head. “Oh my God, can we go home now so I don’t have to listen to the two of you act like wiener waffles.”

  “You guys are killing me,” Haverty sounds like he’s between laughter and tears. “What the hell’s a wiener waffle, Sophia?”

  “Don’t ask her that, you’ll get such a detailed description that the image will be stuck in your head for days,” I say.

  The Escalade pulls alongside our car and he rolls down the window, finally ending the call to speak face-to-face. I describe the Chrysler Marcus was driving, and Hav follows us around the rest of the afternoon, keeping an eye out for any sign of trouble.

  The final two houses appear almost identical, the classic St. Louis brick tri-level with a steep set of stairs leading to the front entrance, with no front porch or decorative elements, just plain-front square buildings. After we drive by them, Sophia’s late afternoon yawns are a cue to get her home for a nap before dinner. She didn’t sleep well last night after the conversations about Paul and the Marcus incident. I wouldn’t have either except my body and mind were exhausted after being up for what seemed like weeks.

  I can tell she had a good day by the way she caresses my upper leg on the drive home. My dick’s hard from her touch, but I’m going to let her have her nap instead of another fuck so she’s not in a bad mood tonight. She gets bitchy when she’s tired.

  When we park in our building’s underground garage, she’s given a short tease with my tongue of what to expect when we get home from the Scarlett this evening. She says she loves me as our lips release, and I swear if I was sixteen, I’d cum in my pants. Those words fuse my heart into hers and it’s moments such as these when I know she’s mine forever. No matter what happened in my past, or hers, how angry we get at one another, the traumas and anxieties we suffer from, and the stresses in our daily lives, there’s no other person in this world for either one of us.


  Holy hell, they dressed up. Haverty’s in one of his black suits that he wears to work, and Alyssa’s in a dark brown cocktail dress with leopard print heels. He holds the door to the restaurant open with a nervous smile... and I know why. He’s touchy about the stares from the asinine closed-minded shits in this world. I’ve heard some of the college crowd who hang out at the Scarlett call him “Black Irish,” and I know they use it in a derogatory way. With his dark features and pale skin he’s a poster boy for the term, but Alyssa, she’s just the opposite. Her skin’s mocha brown and her hair’s a bright copper, so I don’t know if the students are referring to Haverty’s heritage, or his better half when she’s around. Either way, they know people are whispering about them when we’re out, but there’s another reason as well. While Hav’s a tank with solid muscle, a thick neck, and a doublewide chest, Alyssa’s more like a bowl of Jell-O. Her body jiggles when she laughs and she uses the word “fat” when describing herself. They’re boisterous, love to eat, embrace life, and know how to have a good time. My polar opposites. She’s young too, and works the front desk at a hotel, a job she started in high school and continued full-time after graduation, never attending college.

  As we approach, Haverty tugs a dangling price tag off her dress and tucks it away in his pocket. Damn, I hope she didn’t buy that to impress us. Now I feel like shit that I chose one of the most expensive places in town. She must have other dresses, right? Haverty’s got money. We pay him well. Yeah, I bet his uneasiness is influencing my thoughts.

  “Nice dress Alyssa, you look hot!” Sophia says as they give one another a hug. “I’m pregnant!”

  “Subtle, Soph. That was real subtle,” I laugh.

  “Well, I’m excited. You made me wait like fifteen minutes to tell your parents that night at their house. It was hell. I get to do it my way when we’re around friends.”

; “That’s amaze-balls, Sophia. Is it Cove’s?” Alyssa jokes as the two of them walk into the restaurant arm in arm.

  Haverty grips my shoulder and holds me back. “You feeling better?” he whispers.

  “I’m good,” I nod. “I had a dark moment that passed, thanks to the strength of my wife.”

  There’s a look of relief on his face and his shoulders relax. “I was so worried about you last night that I couldn’t sleep. You know, if you do that again... ,” he shakes his head and exhales. “I can’t stand the thought of losing any family to something so... make sure you... goddamn, I had this all planned out and now I’m at a loss for words.”

  “Don’t worry,” I place my hand on his back and lead him through the door. “The alcohol was warding off the memories, and since I stopped getting shit-faced, my head ended up in the lion’s mouth. Luckily I’m married to a lion tamer.”

  “Ahh, that’s what’s going on. Well, to be honest with you, buddy, I’d rather have a drunk fucker to deal with, than no fucker, but thankfully Sophia’s around to help you with both.”

  We walk inside and stand behind two magnificent women. I watch as Hav slides his hand along Alyssa’s ass and gives her a quick spank. She laughs, slapping his chest in a playful interaction, and when the host seats us in a candlelit alcove, the two bump against one another; inseparable.

  Sophia and I have been to this restaurant in the past and we enjoy the private setting, warm burnt orange walls, and dark hardwood floors. Each seating area also has a flat screen on the wall that displays a digitized flickering fire. Okay, I admit, the last aspect of the decor is fucking odd, but the food’s good, so I can overlook the fact they don’t have a real fireplace. But, the screen has caught the attention of Alyssa, who seems mesmerized by the fake flames.

  “You should ask Haverty to buy you one. He can install it on the wall next to your bed,” I grin and kick him in the shin, not at all serious.

  “Listen up, scrawny white boy,” she says in her ass kicking voice. “Jimmy’s the type of man who’ll snap the branches off a tree with his bare hands and then whack pieces of flint together until the sparks start a fire. Then he’ll kill us some wild animal, cook it over that fire, and for dessert, he’ll screw me good.” She points her finger at my face and we stare at one another, while Haverty sets his finger and thumb on the crown of his nose and closes his eyes. His shakes his head and sighs.

  I can’t help but burst out laughing. This is Alyssa. She’ll pull up her panties and set a person straight; which is why she and Haverty are perfect for one another, but that’s not why I’m laughing.

  “Did you just call him Jimmy?” I crack up, and Sophia and Alyssa join me while Haverty, I mean, Jimmy, continues to shake his head.

  “Muffin Mama, I told you not to say that in front of him,” he finally says, clearly getting her back by using her pet name.

  “Oh hell no. Nuh-uh,” she waves her finger in the air toward him. “Don’t you dare call me Muffin Mama right now unless you’re actually offering me a muffin. Like, you wanna muffin, Mama? Then I’d be like, hell yeah, I want a muffin.”

  “Umm,” Sophia cuts in. “What the hell are you guys talking about?”

  “Sophia, girrrl. Make sure you exercise those brain cells of yours,” she rolls up her sleeves, raring to go. “That child inside your belly might be eating away at your mind as we speak. What you gonna do in a few months from now when nothing’s left inside your skull? I can see that little baby inside you right now, he’s got a drinking straw stuck up into your head and he’s just reclining in your womb, sucking away. That’s what children do, you know? Somehow, they’re all wide-awake and crazy and shit ‘cause they suck the energy straight from us, and they control our minds too. But to answer your question, we’re talking about muffins.”

  “Wait... what? I’m confused. You want a muffin?” Sophia turns to me for clarification as I’m tearing up from my deep enjoyment of Alyssa’s words. I’ve been meaning to call Haverty, Jim, for a while, but Jimmy’s even better and to hear it come from her is priceless.

  Our waiter breaks up the conversation by putting a bottle of wine on the table along with a basket of bread; a common practice by the owners. I request a cup of coffee to get me through the long night at the Scarlett as well as San Pellegrino’s for Sophia and me. I nod to Haverty that it’s okay to drink the wine, but he passes and orders Cokes for the two of them.

  “Go ahead and drink it. Wine will be better than soda with your meal.”

  “No, we’re fine,” he winks. He’s being way too nice about everything and now I think his apparent nerves have more to do with my thoughts of suicide than his other insecurities. It will be nice if he’d call me an asshat or the like so we can get back to being dicks to one another. This whole back and forth lovey-dovey shit’s annoying.

  “Jimmy, drink the fucking wine,” I finally say.

  “Well, if you insist, dick waffle,” he laughs and takes two slugs from the bottle before passing it along to Alyssa. “I was only trying to be nice.”

  “It’s wiener waffle. Get it right, you guys,” Sophia says.

  “I know you’re trying to be nice, and I appreciate it, but we’re buying you dinner tonight as a thank you. Drink up.”

  “Why don’t they have any prices on the menu?” Alyssa asks. “I mean, what if the soup here is like fifty dollars? I’m not paying fifty bucks for soup.”

  “For future reference, if you have to ask the price, then you probably can’t afford it,” Haverty responds. “Cove, we need to talk about David.”

  The waiter interrupts to put four salads, a sampler of dressings, and our drinks on the table.

  “Wait, I didn’t order this,” Alyssa picks up her plate and hands it to him.

  “It’s okay,” I say to her. “It’s alright,” I nod to the waiter and he moves promptly away. “Wine, bread, and a salad are served to everyone when they arrive. It’s all part of your meal. Think of it as a package deal.” I turn back to Haverty. “What do you need to tell me about David?”

  He drinks more wine before beginning, which tells me it’s not good news. “I met one of my friends from the force for breakfast after I left your place. He said they towed David’s rental car from a side street by the Scarlett late last night. Did you know he was being investigated for tax evasion, money laundering, obstruction of justice, and on top of that, a group of women from Jameson Industries accused him recently of aggravated assault and rape? The list goes on from there. His wife left him too.” Sophia closes her menu, leans forward and listens, as Haverty lowers his voice. “He was fucked. I’d say he was collecting as much money as he could to disappear, but my friends on the force believe a shot to the head was his way out. What do you think? They don’t know about Sophia’s check, and if they did, things would change. Right? Why the fuck do you think David shot himself when he was about to get a shitload from you guys? I’d believe the same thing as my friends on the force if I didn’t have inside information. And I do believe you, Cove. But something’s still wrong with this picture.”

  I rub my eyebrows and bow my head. “I think Marcus Wild killed him,” I whisper.

  “What?” Sophia asks. “Is that the guy?”

  With a nod and a knot in my stomach, I answer with a yes.

  “Jesus Christ, Cove, you said he wasn’t dangerous,” she yells, then looks around the room and regains control of her emotions.

  “I don’t know for sure, he made it sound like he killed him, but I think he’s fucking with my head. He’s acting strange and wavering between good and evil. I can’t believe he’s changed that much from when I knew him years ago. Like everyone else, the money could’ve gotten to his head, or perhaps it’s a power trip.”

  “Oh, hell no,” Alyssa puts her fork down and pours a glass of wine. “You white people need to learn how to take control of your lives, and that goes for you too, Jimmy. You’re like mountain goats spending your days hanging out on the ledge of a cliff. At any moment you’
re gonna take a tumble and land on your head. Next time you see this guy, call me. I’ll stick his head up between my butt cheeks and squeeze, and squeeze, and squeeze until he pops. He’ll take off running when he sees me coming.”

  “What do you mean I need to learn how to take control of my life?” Haverty says under his breath.

  She looks at him with wide eyes and a tilted head like he should know what she’s referring to. He puts his hands in the air not understanding her words. “You’ve proposed to her twice already,” Alyssa says. “Why can’t you just ask me, and not her? It’s ridiculous.”

  “Who?” Sophia cuts in. “Are you a cheater, Hav? I’m gonna kick your ass if you are.”

  “Shh, come on. Not now,” he says to Alyssa. “We were talking about David, not us,” he turns back to me. “It’s obvious the guy wants something other than money, or he would’ve already taken the check and left.”

  “Well, I’m not surprised he was finally being investigated for all that shit. It’s about time. But if Marcus did kill him, so be it. Let him have the money all to himself if that’s what he wants, and that’s that. He’s not going to stick around for anything else.”

  “Bullshit. My girl’s right,” Haverty says. “We need to take care of this guy and stop jerking around before we’re hunted as game.”

  “That’s my Jimmy,” Alyssa grins, swapping her empty salad plate for his full serving. She digs in and waves her fork in the air for us to continue.

  I point a finger toward Haverty and change my tone so he knows I’m not talking about this tonight. “No, this discussion’s over. He gets the check, period. We didn’t invite you out to devise a plan against Marcus Wild. I’m not going to live my life that way.”

  “His name sounds familiar. Did we meet him in Vegas?” Sophia asks. “Was he at the big pleasure party in my father’s house?”

  “I can’t remember. It was too crowded,” I reply.

  Haverty takes another swig from the bottle of wine and unbuttons the top of his shirt as if he’s loosening his clothing for a fight.


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