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Trouble in Loveland

Page 13

by Jennifer Peel

  I narrowed my eyes at her and she laughed. “Good luck,” she said.

  “I’m not going to try and catch your bouquet.”

  “Yes, you are. Now get out there.”

  I found myself being drug back out to the dance floor by Maviny. “Stand right here,” she demanded. I was in the middle of the group of desperate girls and women all clamoring for the bouquet. I wanted to tell them all it meant nothing to catch one. Believe me, I knew. The only time I’d ever caught one, my whole world came crumbling down in a matter of hours.

  Not only did I find myself smack dab in the middle, I was also flanked by Maviny, Dana, Tasha, and Amy, and they kept looking at each other conspiratorially. Ok, something was definitely up.

  “Maviny, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” She grinned. “Just get ready.”

  “Ready for what?” I asked, but it was too late.

  The bouquet was tossed and sailing right toward me, and the ladies around me pushed out from me, leaving a clear path for it only to come to me. I had no choice but to catch the dumb thing, and the worst part was, I found myself having to pretend like I was happy about it. I smiled toothily and held it up like it was a prize, but what I couldn’t understand was why it was so important to Krissy that I catch it. That is, I didn’t understand until I watched a well-coordinated plan unfold with the tossing of the garter.

  To my horror and embarrassment, I watched as the other bridesmaids went and grabbed my neighbor, who obviously didn’t want to be tossed the garter, and drug him out to the dance floor. I also noticed that his date looked none too happy about it, either. I watched as Chance seductively reached up Krissy’s dress and removed the red satin garter. He obviously enjoyed himself, as did she. He stood to the hoots and hollers of all the pigs in the crowd, and by pigs I mean Chance’s brother and his idiot friends. Krissy looked at me, winked, and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”

  I gave her a questioning look, but then I realized what she meant as the garter sailed directly to Ryan and he clumsily caught it. I don’t think he knew what to do with it, poor guy. He kind of held it up as several men around him patted him on the back. Once the commotion settled down, the DJ announced it was time for the final dance, and he invited the recipients of the bouquet and garter to take their rightful place together on the dance floor and start the dance off.

  My heart pounded erratically as Ryan looked up at me and smiled. The butterflies were beyond excited and swearing like sailors. I bit my lip nervously and watched Ryan walk my way. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I knew it didn’t mean anything to him, but not to sound cheesy, it was like a dream come true for me. All I needed was some smoke behind him as he sauntered over to me.

  He held out his hand as soon as he approached me. “Will you give me the pleasure of dancing with me?” I think that was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard in my life.

  I couldn’t talk very well, which was saying something. I always had something to say. I nodded my head and held out my hand, that I prayed wasn’t sweaty. Before he led me away, I tossed the bouquet in my hand to Amy, who grinned at me slyly.

  As we made it to the middle of the floor, I heard the DJ say, “Now don’t they make a lovely couple? Maybe there will be another love connection tonight.” I think I turned about ten shades of red. Ryan didn’t seem fazed by it as he pulled me to him and held me firmly, but gently. His hand rested on my mid-back. With his other hand he took my hand, and instead of holding it out, he brought it in, more intimately, against our bodies. Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” began to play; Ryan was obviously an experienced dancer as his steps kept in time with the rhythm of my new favorite song.

  Ryan’s eyes seared into mine. “I was hoping I would get to dance with you tonight.”

  “You were?”

  “Yes, but you’ve been quite popular.” He pulled back a tad and looked down at my dress. “You look very …”

  “Please don’t say grown up.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “I wasn’t going to say that, I was going to say …” he tried to think of something.

  “You were going to say it, weren’t you?”

  He sighed. “Charlee, you really know how to make a guy feel inadequate, don’t you?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I find I like it.”

  “You do?”

  He nodded his head. “I also find you to be very …” he hesitated.

  “Very what?”

  “Beautiful and annoyingly charming.”

  “How can somebody be annoying and charming at the same time?”

  “See what I mean?” He winked.

  In my heels, we were practically eye level, and our faces were mere inches apart. I could smell the sweet smell of honey on his breath; I wanted more than anything to taste it, and the way he was looking at me at that moment, I thought maybe he felt the same way. His eyes quickly turned to confusion, though, before he pulled me a little closer. I rested my head against his and swayed against him. It was even better than I imagined. I wanted the dance to last forever.

  “By the way,” I whispered in his ear. “I find you beautiful, too.”

  He laughed low and pulled me a little closer. I also noticed his hand slid down to the small of my back. It was perfect. That is, it was perfect, until I noticed Jacquelyn. She was shooting darts at me with her eyes from across the room.

  “I don’t think your date likes me very much,” I said quietly as the other dancers weaved around us.

  He turned us so that he was now facing her. “No, I don’t imagine she likes you very much at all.”

  I was surprised by his agreement. “Why is that? I don’t even know her.”

  “I have a feeling not many women in this room like you tonight,” he whispered low in my ear. It sent shivers coursing through my whole body. I had never felt such a way.

  “What a thing to say,” I replied.

  He laughed low, but deep. “They may not like you, but believe me, they all want to be you.”

  “Have you been drinking? I think you’re a little off.”

  He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “I haven’t had a drop, but I am feeling a little intoxicated.”

  We both stood still. I was about to tell him I felt the same way, but I guess his date had hit her limit.

  “I’m ready to leave,” she said curtly as she glowered at me.

  Ryan cleared his throat and reluctantly released me. “Thanks for the dance, Charlee.”

  I didn’t want to let go of him, but I knew how tacky and probably desperate it would look if I didn’t right away; for a split second I thought it may be worth it.

  In the end, I stepped back. “Thanks for having good hands.”

  He arched his eyebrow and Miss Snotty Pants clucked her tongue at me. It was then I realized how that could have been taken, but I really was referring to his ability to catch the garter. In the end, I decided not to clarify. He did have amazing hands, and I loved how I felt in them. “Goodnight, Ryan,” I said as I waved. I didn’t even bother saying anything to Jacquelyn. I had a feeling she may have ripped my throat out if I did.

  I walked back to where all the conspiring bridesmaids stood watching me, and they were obviously quite pleased with themselves. Krissy stepped away from Chance for a moment and joined us, too. She grabbed me and hugged me tight. “You guys looked so amazing together.”


  “Oh my gosh, yes. I could feel the heat coming off of you.”

  I hadn’t even noticed she and Chance danced close to us. It was as if for a moment I was in my own little Ryan world. I think I’d like to take up residence there.

  Chapter Ten

  The carton of dark chocolate ice cream came to bed with me that night, as did ice packs for my feet. I sat propped up, indulging in delicious fat-filled calories, enjoying the feel of being in shorts and a tee and no shoes. The wedding was wonderful and everything it should have been, from the cake to the firewor
ks, but I was exhausted and happy for it all to be over with, except for the dance that could have gone on forever.

  I couldn’t get Ryan out of my head. I swear I could still feel how it felt to be in his arms as if I still were. His words kept ringing in my head. He thought I was beautiful and annoyingly charming, all adjectives I was ok with. I sat there and wondered if perhaps it would lead to more or if I were just delusional. Everyone at the wedding was saying how “into” each other we looked as we danced, but sometimes looks are deceiving. I didn’t want to put my hopes into a pipe dream, if that’s what this was, but couldn’t help myself. I hoped Ryan was finally coming to see me as a woman and not just the kid next door.

  I’m not sure when I finally drifted off to sleep, but I didn’t wake up until noon. I don’t remember the last time I had slept in that late, but my body needed the rest. I looked over at the empty ice cream carton and rolled my eyes at myself. Then I looked over at the wilting bouquets on my dresser. I wasn’t sure what to do to preserve them, and besides, I liked having the “one” where I could see it any time I wanted. It invoked a very pleasurable memory. I could still feel Ryan’s warm breath against my skin and the way he gently placed the errant strap from my dress back on my shoulder. It had been sliding off all night. His hand gently glided against my skin as he commented how soft my skin was.

  I threw off my covers and got out of bed. My feet said, You’ve got to be kidding me! I promised them a short walk to the bathroom where I would take a bath and soak them. I spent an hour in the tub, and when I got out, I threw on some cut-offs and an old college tee. I figured I wasn’t going anywhere, and no one was coming over, so it was ok to look like I didn’t really care about my appearance. I didn’t even bother with makeup; my hair was lucky to get combed and a little bit of styling spray.

  I found my dad in his usual position on his leather recliner, watching a game.

  “She lives,” he commented when I opened the basement door.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “You hungry, kiddo?”

  “Yes,” I said enthusiastically. I had been hungry for six weeks.

  He chuckled. “I’ll make you something.” He started to get up.

  “Relax, Dad. I’ve got it.”

  He sat back down and smiled as I walked up to the kitchen to find something to eat that would require hardly any effort.

  “What do you have on tap for today, my little troublemaker?”

  I looked down at him from the kitchen. “Troublemaker?”

  “You caused quite the stir last night.”

  I shook my head in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “Let’s just say your dance with Ryan set off a firestorm.”

  “I’m still confused. All we did was dance.”

  My dad grinned up at me. “It didn’t look like you were just dancing.”

  “And what did it look like we were doing? We were completely appropriate!”

  “Calm down, baby girl, I wasn’t implying you were anything but appropriate.”

  “Then what are you implying?” I said as I ripped the peel off of my orange.

  “Honey, it’s just you and Ryan didn’t look like just friends. There was a low buzz that perhaps the superstition was true and you both would be the next to marry, and to each other. His date didn’t take it well.”

  “Oh … well, that’s completely ridiculous. It was only a … dance.”

  My dad smirked. “If you say so, but his date really let him have it as they walked out. I felt kind of bad for the guy.”

  That made me feel horrible. “Really? I didn’t mean for that to happen. Ryan said she didn’t like me, though I’m not sure what I ever did to her.”

  My dad laughed.

  “Why are you laughing at me?”

  My dad stood up and met me in the kitchen, where he sat on the stool closest to me. “Honey, Ryan and every other guy there last night, with the exception of the groom, had eyes only for you. And again, I already had my suspicions that Ryan was attracted to you. Last night just confirmed it. He did a terrible job hiding that from his date.”

  My spirit soared at the thought. “I don’t know, Dad.”

  “Again, I may be old, but I have eyes.”

  “I feel terrible that I ruined his date.”

  My dad shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It was probably good for him. He has lousy taste in women.”

  I raised my eyebrow at him.

  “That is until now.” He winked. “Again, just be careful.”

  “I’m not sure there’s anything to be careful about.”

  He tapped my nose. “You didn’t see the way he was looking at you last night. It was the first time I’ve ever had any negative feelings toward him.”

  “I’m not going to lie, I really like Ryan, but I don’t want to do anything to rock your relationship with him. You know, that is if he likes me, too.”

  “Believe me, he likes you, and don’t worry about the end game. Ok?”

  I nodded.

  “Great, how about we watch some baseball?”

  “Sounds perfect, just let me make a sandwich. Do you want one?”

  “You’re going to spoil your old man.”

  I found I wanted to.

  We spent a great afternoon yelling at the umps, even though they couldn’t hear us through the T.V. It didn’t do any good—the Rockies still lost. After the game my dad put on some old western starring Ronald Reagan. It was enough to make me doze off. In my dream, or what I thought was my dream, I heard the doorbell ring, but I was too out of it to move. I wasn’t quite sure if I was awake or asleep.

  “Cherry!” I heard before I felt the cutest kid ever pounce on me.

  I opened my eyes to find a grinning Josh inches from my face. “What are you doing here, big guy?”

  “I want you to play with me.”

  I sat up and realized his dad was with him, which I should have known, but again, I was kind of out of it. I nervously ran my hand through my hair, prayed I hadn’t slobbered in my sleep, and smiled at Ryan who was standing near my dad. Ryan smiled, but he seemed nervous, too. I decided to turn my attention back to Josh. “So what do you want to do?”

  “We’re sorry we woke you up,” Ryan said before Josh could answer. “Josh really wanted to see you.”

  I looked back up to him and smiled. “I’m glad you both came over.” Even though I probably looked like a wreck.

  “I want to jump,” Josh said loudly.

  “Josh, I think Charlee’s tired.”

  Oh I was, but for Josh I would muster up some energy. “It’s ok. I need some fresh air anyway.”

  “How about I throw some burgers and dogs on the grill?” my dad asked.

  I looked at Ryan to answer. I more than liked the idea, but I wanted to see how he would respond.

  Ryan looked at my dad. “Thanks for the invite.”

  I guess that meant they were staying for dinner.

  Josh was impatient and pulling on my arms, trying to get me up. I quickly complied and took his hand. We walked toward the stairs and up to the kitchen. My dad and Ryan let us pass before they followed. I noticed Ryan seemed unsure whether he should look at me or not. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it because I definitely wanted to look at him, and I wanted him to reciprocate even though I looked like a mess. I wished I had at least put on some mascara and maybe pulled my hair up, but, oh well, I guess he’d seen me with sweat dripping out of every pore. He, on the other hand, looked perfect in cargo shorts and a tight t-shirt.

  Josh dashed out the patio door, and I walked after him. I wasn’t running anywhere today, my feet were already threatening to strike. They even balked at the thought of flip-flops, so I stayed barefoot. Josh waited for me at the trampoline, and I lifted him up and placed him on it before joining him. It really was a beautiful day, or rather, evening. I looked at my mountains and sighed; I loved this place.

  “Ring around da rosies,” Josh said, getting me out of my ow
n thoughts.

  “Sure, but I’m going to sit down ok?”


  “Josh,” Ryan said.

  I turned to him, I hadn’t realized that he had followed us.

  “Let’s give Charlee a break tonight,” he said as he joined us on the trampoline. He sat crossed-legged across from me; Josh was in between us bouncing.

  “Hi,” I said to him.

  “Hi,” he smiled.

  “Cherry, you’re not singing,” Josh cut in.

  “I’m sorry. Are you ready?”

  He vigorously nodded his beyond adorable head.

  “Ok … Ring around the rosie pocket full of posies …” This went on a few more times. I even got his daddy to sing.

  Ryan finally grabbed his son and placed him on his lap. “Let’s take a break for a minute.”

  Josh didn’t think that was the best idea, but he was obedient.

  “How are you?” Ryan asked me.

  “Besides tired, I’m well. How about you? Did you have a good day? Did you enjoy the wedding?”

  “Josh and I spent a fun day at the zoo.”

  “I saw zebras, and lelephants,” Josh excitedly told me.

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “More fun than the wedding,” Ryan interjected.

  I bent my head slightly. “I take it you didn’t have a good time last night?”

  “Not really.”

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  Dawning illuminated his handsome face. “I did enjoy part of the evening very much.”

  “The cake was good.” I smiled.

  His eyes danced with delight. “Some of the best I’ve ever had.”

  “I brought some home with me if you want another slice.”

  “Maybe later,” he responded.

  Josh wiggled out of his arms; he was tired of grown up talk and being ignored.

  I took Josh’s hands, and he jumped as high as he could while I kept him upright and steady.

  “Charlee?” Ryan said.

  “Yes?” I peeked around his son and looked at his smiling face.

  “Thanks for the dance last night.”

  The butterflies in my stomach felt like throwing up. “My pleasure.”


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