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Deception (Tamia Luke)

Page 16

by Naomi Chase

  He paused, carefully watching Tamia’s face.

  Though her heart was slamming against her chest, she managed to keep her expression neutral.

  A slow, cunning smile curved Dominic’s mouth. “So you see, love, I’ve come to realize that you were telling the truth. You didn’t kill Isabel. But I think you know who did. And when I find out who that person is, I’m gonna make damn sure you both go down.”

  Chilled by the ominous threat, Tamia forced herself to look Dominic in the eye. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. But even if you were right, I can’t be tried twice for the same crime, remember? It’s called double jeopardy.”

  “That may be so,” Dominic countered mildly, “but if it can be proven that you deliberately concealed the identity of Isabel’s killer, you can be charged as an accessory to murder. So, technically, that’s a different charge than the one you stood trial for.” He smirked at her. “But maybe you should ask Brandon. He’d know better than I would.”

  Tamia stared at him.

  He stared back.

  “You need to leave,” she told him.

  “Or what?” he taunted. “You’ll call the police?”

  She hesitated. “I’m expecting someone any moment,” she bluffed.

  “Nice try, but I saw your little roommate leave before I came up.”

  “That’s not who I was talking about. My best friend’s coming over for dinner.”

  As if on cue, her cell phone rang from where she’d left it on the foyer table after she and Honey returned from shopping.

  Dominic glanced over at the phone, then back at her, his eyes narrowed speculatively.

  “That’s probably Shanell calling to say she’s on her way. Do you really want her to see you here when she knows I’ve got a restraining order against you?”

  Dominic wavered.

  Tamia waited tensely.

  After several moments, he slowly climbed off her and stood.

  Deliberately ignoring his outstretched hand, Tamia got to her feet and marched to the door. Snatching it open, she glared at Dominic. “Get out, and don’t ever come back.”

  He chuckled softly, taking his sweet time walking to the door. “You haven’t heard the last of me, love.”

  “Stop calling me that,” Tamia snapped. “I’m not your ‘love.’ I never was.”

  “I beg to differ. Despite the way things ended between us, we were good together. We turned each other out, Tamia.”

  She twisted her lips scornfully. “Having good sex isn’t the same as having a good relationship. You blackmailed me, Dominic. Trust me when I tell you that the worst day of my life was the day I met you.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way,” he drawled, “because I’ve never met another woman who rocked my world the way you did. And that’s the damn truth.”

  Tamia shook her head in disgust, unintentionally following him into the hallway. “You’re quite the grieving widower, aren’t you?”

  He laughed softly. “I’m just keeping it real.” He leaned down, pinning her against the wall by the door as he whispered in her ear, “You should try it sometime.”

  Tamia shoved at his broad chest. “You need to back—”

  “What the fuck?”

  Tamia and Dominic whipped their heads around to see Brandon coming down the hallway, clad in a black tuxedo with the shirt unbuttoned and the tie hanging loose around his neck.

  The bottom dropped out of Tamia’s stomach.

  “Hold up.” He laughed in disbelief, glancing from Dominic to Tamia. “My eyes must be deceiving me, ’cause I know this motherfucker has a restraining order against him.”

  As he neared them, Tamia panicked. “Brandon, it’s not what—”

  “Yes, it is,” Dominic taunted, grinding his hips against Tamia’s. “It’s exactly what you think.”

  Before Dominic or Tamia could react, Brandon slammed his fist into Dominic’s face. The force of the vicious blow sent Dominic toppling backward through the open doorway, landing on his butt.

  “Brandon!” Tamia cried out as he charged Dominic again, clocking him twice on the jaw before Tamia managed to drag him back with a strength borne of sheer desperation.

  Chest heaving, eyes flashing with savage fury, Brandon roared at her, “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Tamia suppressed a whimper. She’d never seen him so enraged before. “Baby, listen to me—”

  “You crazy motherfucker!” Dominic exclaimed, cupping a hand to his bloody nose as he eyed Brandon in outraged disbelief. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  Before Brandon could lunge at him again, Tamia jumped in front of him, holding him back. “Leave him alone, baby,” she entreated. “He’s not worth it. You know that.”

  Brandon’s eyes narrowed dangerously on hers. “I’ma ask you one more time,” he ground out through clenched teeth, deliberately enunciating each word. “What. Is. He. Doing. Here?”

  Before Tamia could respond, Dominic interjected slyly, “Didn’t you know? Your girl invited me over.”

  “What!” Tamia burst out, staring incredulously at Dominic. “That’s a damn lie!”

  “Is it?” Dominic got slowly to his feet, smirking at Brandon even as blood dripped from his nose. “Who’re you gonna believe, bruh? Me, or the woman who’s been lying to you from the day you met her?”

  Brandon divided a glance between them, his eyes narrowed with suspicion and doubt.

  “Don’t believe him, Brandon,” Tamia pleaded urgently. “He came here to threaten me over Isabel. I tried to call the police, but he wrestled me to the floor and started choking me!”


  This time she didn’t stop Brandon as he grabbed Dominic and viciously jacked him up against the wall, one arm locked across Dominic’s jugular like a crowbar. “Nigga, you must have a death wish,” he growled.

  A slow, diabolical grin swept across Dominic’s battered face.

  Brandon scowled. “You think this shit is funny?”

  “I do now. See, before you arrived, I was just telling Tamia how I’ve been struggling financially thanks to you turning the police against me. But now, thanks to your violent temper, I’m gonna be a very rich man again after I sue your crazy ass for assault.” Dominic smiled smugly. “How’s that for poetic justice?”

  Tamia sucked her teeth.“Good luck finding any eyewitnesses, asshole, ’cause I didn’t see a damn thing.”

  “Ah, but they did.” Dominic nodded down the hallway.

  Following the direction of his gaze, Tamia and Brandon saw a young white couple huddled in the doorway of their apartment, watching the unfolding drama with unabashed interest.

  Shit, Tamia thought.

  Dominic continued smoothly, “And the best part is, I never even raised a finger in self-defense. The attack was completely unprovoked and uncontested.” He smirked at Brandon. “So it looks like I’ll be seeing you in court, Counselor.”

  Brandon laughed softly. “Do what you gotta do, chump. Considering that my moms and pops know every damn judge and lawyer in this town, I’d be surprised if your case ever made it to court. But even if it somehow did and you happened to win the lawsuit, it’s all good because, honestly, I have more money than I can spend in a lifetime. Matter of fact, I’d gladly write you a check right now if you promised to fight me back like a man, you punk-ass motherfucker.”

  Dominic’s jaw hardened with anger.

  “Hey, Brandon,” called the guy from down the hallway. “My wife and I are huge fans. Can we get your autograph before you leave?”

  Brandon gave them a lazy smile. “Most definitely.” His gaze returned to Dominic’s. “Now what were you saying, asshole?”

  Dominic spat a mouthful of blood onto Brandon’s tuxedo jacket.

  Brandon glanced down at himself, then back up at Dominic. “That all you got? Spitting?” He shook his head in amused disgust. “Like I said. Punk. Ass. Motherfucker.”

  Barely able to contain her satisfaction at s
eeing Dominic so thoroughly humiliated, Tamia gently touched Brandon’s arm. “Come on, baby. Let’s go inside.”

  “Hold up.” Calmly Brandon peeled off his jacket, removed his wallet and cell phone, then tossed the soiled garment at Dominic’s face. “Keep it. It’s Brioni. After you get it dry-cleaned, you can pawn it to help pay your legal fees. Lawyers can be expensive.” He winked. “Take my word for it.”

  As he and Tamia turned and started toward the apartment, Dominic snickered. “Before I forget, Brandon, thanks for getting Tamia acquitted. I missed fucking her for you while she was locked up.”

  Heat stung Tamia’s face.

  She looked at Brandon and shook her head, silently willing him not to rise to the bait.

  “She may be a cold-blooded killer,” Dominic taunted, “but pussy like that don’t come around every day. Now that she’s a free woman, you’d best believe I intend to resume tapping that sweet ass. She already promised to reenact some of her most popular Mystique scenes for me.”

  Tamia whirled around. “You lying motherfucker!” she shrieked furiously.

  Now it was Brandon’s turn to hold her back. As he dragged her into the apartment, he shot one last warning glare at Dominic. “You’re trespassing on private property and violating a restraining order,” he said coldly. “I suggest you take your black ass home before I call the police.”

  Dominic chuckled, shaking his head at him. “You got some interesting taste in women, bruh.”

  Brandon’s eyes narrowed. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  Dominic merely smiled, nonchalantly hooking Brandon’s jacket over his shoulder. “I’ll be seeing you around.” He blew a kiss at Tamia. “Both of you.”

  Seething with fury, she slammed the door in his face.

  Chapter 20


  By the time Tamia turned around, Brandon was already punching out numbers on his cell phone.

  “Who’re you calling?” she asked him.

  He held up a hand. “This is Brandon Chambers,” he growled to someone on the other line. “I just arrived at Tamia Luke’s apartment and found Dominic Archer here. Do you mind telling me how the fuck that happened when you’re supposed to have a guy sitting on him?”

  He impatiently listened to the response as he stalked from the entryway.

  Tamia followed him, shaken by how quickly the situation had gone from bad to worse.

  “Do that, Sergeant,” Brandon barked into the phone. “Or the next call I make will be to Chief McClelland.”

  Snapping his phone shut, he turned to face Tamia. His expression softened with concern. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” She tried to smile. “I’ve only been living here a week, and I’ve already brought the hood up in here, thanks to you.”

  Brandon wasn’t amused. Carefully examining her throat for bruising, he muttered darkly, “That crazy motherfucker could have killed you.”

  “I know.” Tamia swallowed with difficulty. “What’s gonna happen to him? Are the police picking him up?”

  “Hell, yeah! He’s not supposed to come anywhere near you, especially considering that he may have murdered his wife.”

  Guilt gnawed at Tamia’s insides. “I don’t want to press charges against him.”

  “What?” Brandon demanded, his thick brows slamming together. “Why the hell not?”

  Tamia faltered. “I don’t want you to get in trouble for hitting him, Brandon. If I try to press charges, he’ll just counter by saying you assaulted him.”

  “Let me worry about that.”

  “No. I’d rather just leave things alone. At least this time.”

  Brandon stared at her, his eyes filled with incredulous fury. “I don’t believe this shit. Are you protecting that motherfucker?”

  “No!” Tamia cried vehemently.

  “Yes, you are! After everything he’s done to you—after he came over here tonight and choked you—you don’t wanna press charges against him because you’re trying to protect him!”

  “I’m not—”

  “The hell you aren’t! But guess what, sweetheart? He violated the restraining order, so that means he’s getting arrested and spending the weekend in jail whether you like it or not!”

  “I never said I didn’t—”

  “WHAT IS HIS HOLD ON YOU?” Brandon suddenly roared, looking so ferocious that Tamia wanted to run and hide. “What is it, Tamia?”

  “Nothing!” she insisted as tears sprang to her eyes. “He doesn’t have a hold on me!”

  “Why the hell did he have you up against the wall when I got here?”

  “Because he was trying to intimidate me! Didn’t you see me push him away?”

  Brandon sneered. “Maybe you saw me coming down the hallway.”


  “You heard me. Maybe you really did invite him over here.”

  “I DID NOT!” Tamia shouted, trembling with wounded outrage. “How can you even believe that?”

  “Hmm. Let me think. Maybe because you used to sneak around behind my back to fuck that nigga!”

  Without thinking Tamia slapped him across the face, the sound echoing sharply around the room.

  “Fuck you, Brandon!” she screamed. “I’ve apologized a thousand times for cheating on you! If you think I’m gonna spend the rest of my damn life groveling for your forgiveness, you’d better think again, ’cause I ain’t that bitch!”

  Brandon glared at her, a muscle flexing in his tightly clenched jaw.

  “And speaking of bitches,” Tamia jeered, too far gone to stop, “shouldn’t you be somewhere playing house with Cynthia? Why the hell are you here worrying about what I’m doing when you know that trick is waiting for you at home?” She pointed toward the front door. “Don’t let that shit hit you on the—”

  Without warning Brandon lunged at her, seizing her face between his hands and slamming his mouth down on hers.

  Tamia gasped, her entire body shuddering with shock and instant arousal. She threw her arms around his neck as he sucked on her bottom lip, sending delicious sensations to her pussy.

  “Brandon—” she whispered.

  “Shut the fuck up.” His hands moved down her back, roughly squeezing her butt cheeks. “You think you running shit up in here? You ain’t gonna tell me to leave. I’ll leave when I’m good and goddamn ready.”

  His authoritative words, combined with the pressure of his hard dick, had her pussy creaming faster than a tricked-out butter churn.

  Breaking the kiss, he knelt and yanked her leggings all the way down and off her French-pedicured feet. His eyes glittered with lust when he saw that she wore no panties. She trembled as he stared at her smooth-shaven mound for several seconds, as if he were beholding a priceless work of art.

  After another moment, he touched the inside of her thighs, capturing the glistening wetness that had leaked out of her body.

  Lifting his feral gaze to hers, he growled, “That motherfucker got you this wet?”

  “No, baby,” Tamia whimpered, shaking her head. “That’s all for you. Every last drop.”

  “Better be.” He stroked her hard clit before easing first one, then two fingers inside her drenched pussy.

  Tamia cried out hoarsely, her knees buckling just as Brandon caught her and lifted her off the floor. He carried her over to the cherry dining table and laid her down on her back, dragging her hips to the edge.

  Her legs were shaking violently as he draped them over his broad shoulders and lowered his head. She watched as he inhaled deeply, his eyes closing as he savored her scent. And then he licked the plump folds of her sex, sliding his hot tongue between the creases before sucking her clit into his mouth.

  Tamia’s hips bucked off the table. “Ohhh shit ... baaaybeee ... !”

  Brandon muttered unintelligibly before getting down to business, licking, nibbling, and sucking her pussy. She moaned with pleasure and writhed against him, alternately grabbing his head and fistfuls of his tuxedo shirt. />
  He feasted on her, using his fingers to spread her lips wider before his tongue snaked inside, devouring her nectar.

  She screamed his name as she exploded in a hot rush, basting his mouth and chin with warm honey as her thighs clamped tightly around his head. And still he kept lapping at her like a hungry cat licking every last drop of cream from a bowl.

  After several moments, he lowered her legs from his shoulders and hooked them around his waist as he slowly stood. His lips glistened with her juices, and his long, hard dick tented the front of his black pants. Planting his hands on either side of her head, he leaned down and kissed her, a deep, erotic kiss that had her feenin’ for more.

  “Brandon,” she whispered pleadingly as she tightened her legs around him, “make love to me, baby. Please.”

  “Nah,” he taunted her. “You told me to leave, remember?”

  “I didn’t mean it!”

  “No?” He ran his lips down her throat. “Sounded pretty damn sincere to me.”

  Tamia wanted to scream with frustration. “Come on, baby. I want you, and I know you want me, too.” She rubbed against his thick erection. “You gonna let all this good dick go to waste?”

  “Nah. Like you just pointed out, I’ve got someone waiting for me at home.”

  Tamia felt sick at the thought of him going home to fuck Cynthia, but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. Summoning her pride, she propped herself up on her elbows and smirked at him. “Then I guess you’d better get going.”

  Brandon eyed her darkly. “What’d I tell you about that? I’ll leave when I’m ready to leave.”

  Tamia sucked her teeth. “Well, I’m ready for you to leave, okay?”

  “That’s fine,” he said mildly, stroking her face. “But you need to know something first. If I ever catch that nigga around you again, I’m gonna kill him. Straight up, Tamia. I’m taking his ass out—no questions asked. So you’d better make damn sure he doesn’t get any more crazy ideas about coming over here.”


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