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High Seas Hotwife: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  And so I found us I found myself walking across the room, music blasting in the background from the band, and having a seat at the Captain's table.

  3: Teasing

  Melissa only had eyes for the crisp white uniforms surrounding us, but I was keeping an eye on their eyes. My suspicions were confirmed as soon as she took a seat. All eyes were on her. Particularly all eyes seemed to be on her low-cut dress which revealed a generous amount of cleavage to the world.

  Not that I could blame them. I'd been staring at her cleavage all night myself. Of course I was allowed to considering we were married, and they weren't. Not that Melissa would notice or get pissed off anyways. Not that I cared that they were staring. No, I was enjoying them enjoying the show, and I wasn't about to say anything to make that enjoyment stop!

  The couple of guys who I assumed were junior officers were definitely playing the game the right way. They were casting surreptitious glances at my wife, looking her up and down only when they were sure she was looking in another direction.

  The captain, though, he was a completely different story. His gaze never left my wife.

  "Welcome to my table," he said in an accent that I had trouble placing. It sounded vaguely European, though I couldn't place the country. I'd never been that great at separating accents. Maybe Spain? Did they have a lot of sea captains coming from Spain?

  Melissa giggled and blushed. She actually blushed! Even more interesting. She just said she thought this guy was cute, but the way she was reacting was well beyond "cute."

  I was definitely taking an interest in this. Taking an interest in the interest my wife was taking in the captain. There were all sorts of subtle undercurrents going on at this table, though from the way they were looking at each other it wasn't going to be subtle for too terribly long.

  "The Captain's table!" Melissa said. "I can't believe it!"

  "We're always pleased to have a jewel of the sea joining us for dinner," the captain said.

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. That was one hell of a cheesy pickup line! I wondered if he used that line on all the women on the cruise or if this was a special brand of cheesy lines that was reserved exclusively for my wife tonight.

  Through it all he continued staring at my wife. At first I thought maybe it was because he was a little out of practice what with being out in the middle of the ocean all the time, but as I saw her reaction, as I saw the way he commanded the table in much the same way he commanded this ship, I realized that it wasn't that he was out of practice. It wasn't that he wasn't well versed in the subtle art of enjoying a bit of scenery without letting the scenery notice him enjoying her. No, this was just a man who was completely in control of his surroundings and didn't care if my wife caught him checking her out. If anything he seemed to welcome discovery.

  From the way she was giggling, from the way she was acting, it seemed that she was finally noticing a guy checking her out for a change. And from the way she was blushing and constantly looking down she seemed to be enjoying it.

  Thoughts of the captain staring at my wife were interrupted as a waiter finally showed up to take our order. From there the service was remarkably fast, and there was only time for a little bit of small talk. Questions about the ship, Melissa breathlessly asking what it was like commanding a ship and how he got to his current position. Yeah, she definitely seemed to be taken by this older gentleman with the accent. Almost as much as he seemed to be taken with her.

  I sat back and enjoyed the show. What can I say? I enjoyed their eyes on my wife, I enjoyed her shamelessly flirting with the guy. And I knew that all of this was going to be poured into one hell of a sexual escapade when we got back to our cabin later that evening.

  So I stayed mostly quiet throughout the dinner course while I enjoyed the show.

  Shortly after dessert was served the band started playing a faster number. The crew perked up and looked out on the dance floor as people started going out and moving around.

  I turned to Melissa who was smiling at me.

  "What do you say babe? Want to go for a dance?"

  "Sure!" Melissa said.

  I knew how much she enjoyed dancing, but I also had an ulterior motive for inviting her out on the dance floor. I wanted to get her away from all those men so we could have a quick chat.

  "So did you see the way Captain up there was making eyes at you all night?"

  Melissa smiled buried her face against my chest. She let out a breath that was almost a purr.

  "Are you kidding? Even I couldn't miss that!"

  I suppose things might have played out a little differently that night if my body hadn't suddenly betrayed me. If I hadn't suddenly felt an unwelcome stirring down between my legs. My cock was starting to grow rock hard, and that wasn't lost on Melissa.

  She pulled away from my chest and looked up. She cocked an eyebrow.

  "Well hello there friend," she said.

  "What can I say? He's happy to be against you again."

  We continued moving around the dance floor. It looked like most people weren't doing the kind of dancing you would see in a club. No, this was a little more classy, but we were still rubbing our bodies together with interest, let me tell you.

  "Are you sure he's just happy I'm pressing up against you, or are you maybe just a little turned on from watching those guys checking me out over at the captain's table?"

  I blinked down at her. And she smiled when she saw the surprise on my face.

  "You knew about that?"

  She giggled and shook her head, leaning against my chest once more.

  "I didn't know, but I had my suspicions and you just confirmed them," she said. "How long have we been married? Don't think I haven't noticed the way you stare at me when you see other guys looking at me! I'm not blind!"

  I shook my head. "If you noticed then why didn't you ever say something?"

  This admission was causing thoughts to run through my head. Impossible thoughts. Fantasies that had remained just that: fantasies. Thoughts of other men staring at her. Thoughts of other men doing a hell of a lot more than staring. If she knew then that was opening up a whole new world of possibilities in my mind, even if there was a more rational part of my brain that was a telling me those thoughts were impossible. That those fantasies were never happening.

  She shrugged. "I figured I'd let you have your fun. Besides, I play oblivious and you get a little thrill when guys stare at me. Later we have amazing sex. What's not to like about that?"

  I blinked again. "You've just been playing at being oblivious?"

  "Like I said, I'm not blind! I know when guys are staring at me. I particularly know when you're staring at guys staring at me."

  I felt lightheaded. I felt as though my mind was swimming in a sea of fog. She'd known all this time! And that also caused a sudden panic to rise up in my chest. If she knew about this then what other small things that I thought I was pulling over on her did she know about all along? Of course I wasn't hiding anything serious, nothing relationship threatening or anything like that, but it was definitely an unpleasant revelation to realize I wasn't half as sneaky as I thought I'd been over the years.

  Melissa looked up at me, her eyes locking with my own. "You know I really want to get you hot and bothered tonight. I can't wait to get back to our cabin, and you're always so much more… Vigorous after I've been just a little naughty…"

  The song coming to an end. In a few seconds we were going to break away. We'd go back to the table. Only now that she'd admitted she knew how turned on I got by how she acted around those men, well I wasn't sure what was going to happen at the table.

  "What are you saying babe?"

  "I'm saying that I think from the way you're reacting down here," she punctuated that by reaching down to give my cock a squeeze that very nearly had me coming in my pants. "It has me thinking that maybe if I'm just a little naughty at the table, maybe if I put on a little show for you, I might get a very special treat later when we get
back to our cabin?"

  That last bit seemed like a question, though I was so preoccupied by her hand on my cock, I was so preoccupied by desperately trying not to blow my load in my pants which would necessitate a trip back to the cabin right now and would probably short-circuit any of the fun my wife seemed to be looking forward to having, that I wasn't sure how to react.


  She smiled and leaned up on her tiptoes to peck me on the lips. "In that case I think I'm going to have some fun with being a very naughty girl tonight!"

  And with that she swirled around giving me an excellent view of her ass. She was starting back towards the Captains table, but I managed to reach out and catch her before she'd gone too far. She pulled up short and turned to look at me, a question plain in her eyes.

  "What's wrong honey? Don't you want me to be naughty?"

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I let it out in a long shuddering sigh. This was all happening so fast that I wasn't getting time to react properly. I opened my eyes and locked with hers.

  "I very much want you to," I said. "But why here? Why reveal this to me now?"

  She moved in closer and her body was pressing against mine once more. The delicious feel of her tits, her slim stomach, her pussy grinding ever so subtly against my cock, was driving me to distraction. But I had to have an answer. I had to know why she was doing this now of all times.

  "I've known about this for awhile," she said. "I guess it just seems like if I'm going to be a little crazy, if I'm going to be a little naughty, then what better time to do it than when we're on a cruise thousands of miles away from anyone we know? Besides, at the end of the day it's just a little bit of innocent flirting and fun and then you get to enjoy all the benefits!"

  I certainly couldn't argue with that logic. It was an echo of the same logic she'd used to justify wearing that super skimpy bikini, after all, and that had worked out pretty well for me so far. It also worked out pretty well for every other guy who looked at her out on the pool deck, but that also worked out for me.

  So why wouldn't this work out as well? I got to watch my wife flirting with this older foreign guy who obviously had the hots for her, we'd get worked up, we'd go back to our room and have one hell of a good time. It seemed like a winning scenario all around. Everybody got to have some fun.

  So why did I find myself hesitant to go along with this? Why did I find myself just a little worried as I looked back to the table?

  "I suppose you're right baby," I said.

  I wasn't going to let those worries get in the way of some of the fun though. It would be fun for Melissa and for me. A hell of a lot of fun for me considering how many times I'd fantasized about something exactly like this happening. And why not while we were off on vacation?

  "I guess it would be fun baby," I said.

  She smiled, leaned up to kiss me one more time, and then she was pulling me back to the Captain's table where they were all waiting. Where they were all staring at the hypnotic sight of her body swaying as we made our way back. As soon as we sat down the Captain applauded. His eyes twinkled as he stared at Melissa.

  "That was fantastic!" he said. "Where did you learn to dance like that?"

  Melissa looked over to me and grinned. Then she turned back. "I used to be in dance classes, but mostly it's just stuff I picked up here and there at clubs."

  "Well it was magnificent!" he said.

  I had to hold back laughter. I had a sneaking suspicion she could be brushing her teeth and he would think it was magnificent. And Melissa wasn't helping things. I noticed she'd leaned forward ever so slightly. It was a subtle motion, one that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been looking for her pulling some sort of mischief.

  Leaning forward like that caused her dress to pop out ever so slightly. And that caused her cleavage to be on prominent display. I blinked as I stared. God I loved my wife's tits, but more than anything every other guy sitting at the table with us seemed to be thoroughly enjoying my wife's tits being on display. They were perfect swells, and I wanted nothing more than to rip her dress down and run my tongue over one of those sweet nipples that I loved so much.

  As I looked around at everyone at the table, as I looked at their hungry eyes devouring my wife, devouring her body, I realized they must be thinking the same thing. Yeah, she was definitely being naughty. She was definitely putting on a show. And I loved it as much as they did!

  "I get to dance so seldom," he said. "Duties of the office and all that."

  Melissa turned to me and I saw a twinkle in her eye. A twinkle that made it obvious exactly what she was thinking.

  She turned back to the Captain. "Would you like to join me for a dance?"

  He looked at me and then back to my wife. A smile split his face. Then he was looking back at me again.

  "With your permission," he said with a gracious nod.

  I froze like a deer in headlights. I wasn't sure quite what to do. Having her flirting with this guy was one thing, but having her going out and dancing with another guy was another thing entirely! I was fine with a little bit of teasing, but this was quickly escalating well past a point I was comfortable with.

  Only I could tell from the look on my wife's face that it was an escalation that was going to happen whether or not I wanted it to happen. Already she was standing, and I had no say in the matter as she made her way around the table and took the Captain by the hand. He grinned up at her and then pulled her hand forward and brushed his lips against her fingers.

  Well that move certainly got my cock's attention. I knew he was just being gentlemanly, but my cock was throbbing as another man's lips brushed against my wife's skin.

  Melissa blushed and then she was looking over at me with an uncertain smile on her face. An uncertain smile that was so fucking sexy. We were definitely in uncharted territory here, but it was territory I was enjoying charting so far. As long as we didn't go too far off the charts. The last thing I wanted to go to in our forbidden explorations was the relationship equivalent of "here there be dragons."

  I had a feeling with the fantasy we were exploring right now those dragons could potentially destroy our relationship. That definitely wouldn't be a good thing!

  Melissa grinned and waved as they made their way out onto the dance floor. The bandleader saw the Captain making his way out and they struck up a new song that was slightly slower than what they'd been playing, but not so slow that it would be scandalous for him to dance to it with another man's wife. He took Melissa's hand in his own and then they were moving across the dance floor.

  I wanted to concentrate on watching the dance, because for some odd reason seeing the Captain with his broad shoulders and his powerful arms wrapped around my wife was giving me one hell of a raging hard on, but I was distracted from the sexy spectacle for a moment by a gentle pat on my leg.

  I turned and saw one of the junior officers looking at me, then glancing out to the dance floor. He had an odd look on his face. Not exactly worried, but definitely not happy either.

  "You need to be careful," he said. He had the same sort of odd accent I couldn't quite place as the Captain. Or hell, maybe it was a completely different accent and I was just so bad at placing them that I couldn't tell where the hell he was from any better than I could tell where the hell the Captain was from.

  He was whispering, so I decided to whisper as well. "What are you talking about?"

  "The Captain," he said. "He does this on every cruise. Finds a pretty girl to invite back to the table. Sometimes married, sometimes not, but the result is always the same."

  I felt a chill settle in my spine as he said that. Sometimes married, sometimes not, but the result always the same. And from the way he was looking out at the Captain and my wife dancing I had a pretty good idea of what "the same" result was. My eyes moved from him out to the dance floor. Out to where Melissa was dancing with her body pressed against the Captain. She was pressed against him a little closer than I would've thought
was strictly acceptable for a man and a married woman dancing together.

  I glanced back over to the man who'd been whispering to me, but he was turned back to his companions. It looked like he wasn't saying anything more to me. Interesting. Very interesting. At the very least he'd given me something to think about.

  I turned back to the dance floor. Melissa had her breasts pressed up against the Captain's chest. Her mouth was open as though she was gasping, but as I looked closer that didn't seem to be the case. She looked over at me with a guilty look and then back up to her new dance partner. I found myself wondering what had happened out there to make her gasp like that while I wasn't looking.

  My eyes traced down the curve of her body, down to the hard planes of the Captain's body pressing against hers, and I looked down to between her legs. I blinked. She actually had her leg up ever so slightly and he was running his hand up her thigh for a just a moment and then it was gone. It looked very much like his cock was grinding between her legs. Damn!

  Okay, this was definitely far more brazen than I would've imagined for a quick dance with the Captain. I wondered how much of that brazenness was the man, and how much of it was Melissa deciding to act a little "naughty" just like she'd promised when we were out on the dance floor together.

  The Captain, it was funny but I realized I didn't even know the name of the man who appeared to be trying very hard to seduce my wife out of there on the dance floor, dipped her and I imagined I could hear her gasp in surprise and pleasure even though it was completely ridiculous to think that I could hear anything at this distance and over the music.

  Then they were twirling around again. Their bodies were right against one another. And as I saw them dancing so close I found myself imagining what it would be like if he was that close to her in another situation. If his body was on top of hers. If instead of dancing their bodies were coming together as he was thrusting in and out of her.

  Now that was interesting. It was something I'd considered from time to time, something I'd fantasized about, but I'd never been this close to the fantasy actually happening! And now that I was seeing my wife engage in this forbidden dance out there I found myself wondering how far she would take things. How far I'd be willing to take things.


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