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Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom

Page 14

by Elle Boon

  Alexa winked at her from her spot at the table, a knowing smirk on her face. “Can I do anything?”

  Jase gave her shoulder a squeeze, passing her by to pick up Jack from the floor. Watching the two of them play together, father and son as if they’d done the same thing dozens of times, had her missing things they’d never get back.

  “We got this under control. It’s routine for us. Have a seat,” Coyle said, putting plates out on the counter. His incredible green eyes showed evidence of his mixed heritage in his dark complexion. Both he and Sully had the most amazing eyes. Combined with their African American heritage, their dark good looks, and towering heights, they were gorgeous men. Yeah, blending wouldn’t be easy for any of them.

  “They’re all dreamy, right?” Jaqui asked from her seat at the table, her chin resting on one palm.

  The sound of silverware dropping had Brooke looking toward the sink to see Tay bending down to pick up something from the floor. He stood, pointing a fork at Jaqui, a frown on his face. “No, they are not dreamy. I’m dreamy,” he stated stabbing the tines of the utensil toward his chest.

  “Yes, dear,” Jaqui agreed batting her lashes at him.

  Tay was across the room, lifting Jaqui into his arms, and settling back into the chair with her in his lap.

  “Jesus, can’t you two not be doing that in front of children?” Kai asked, his eyes going over everyone in the room. Brooke had a feeling he didn’t miss a thing.

  “Hey, we’re just making sure there’s room for everyone.” Tay didn’t look the slightest bit sorry.

  Kai rolled his eyes but bent and kissed his Alexa on the forehead. “If that chair breaks under your ass, you better make sure Jaqui doesn’t get hurt.”

  “Hey, you saying something about our weight?” Jaqui glared at Kai.

  “Not yours, no. That one,” Kai pointed a finger at Tay, then dodged the balled up napkin the other man lobbed at him before continuing with a grin. “Hey, where’s the respect?”

  “Alright, everyone gather round, supper is ready. I ain’t your mama so come and get it,” Oz broke in with his booming voice.

  Brooke looked to Jase for protocol. She wasn’t sure if there was a pecking order or if it was a first come first serve. She shouldn’t have worried as Oz pointed his spatula at her. “Does little man like chicken fettucine alfredo?” he asked.

  Nodding, she watched Jase walk their son over and smiled when Jack slurped up a pasta noodle loudly, making both men laugh.

  “Now that’s the way to eat,” Oz said placing a small helping onto a plate for Jack.

  “Yummy,” Jack announced.

  Heart full of love and joy for these men, who were taking such great care to make sure Jack was welcomed and happy, she lined up behind Sully.

  “Ladies first.” Sully’s tone suggested he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  Her stomach growled loudly, putting a smile on Oz’s face. “This smells and looks delicious. Thank you, Oz.”

  Oz tipped his head in acknowledgment. Brooke took her plate, which he’d overfilled, to the table, sitting next to Jack. “Go ahead and get yourself a plate, Jase.” He had to be as hungry as her, although his stomach wasn’t rumbling loudly like her own.

  Jase kissed Jack’s head, ruffling his hair as he whispered in his ear. “Eat it all, kiddo, then we’ll play a game afterward.”

  Brooke knew he had other things he needed to do. Things that were pressing, but he seemed to want to spend as much time with Jack as he did her. Lord, let them have time. Time to do more than have a few stolen hours or days, she prayed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jase helped clean up after they finished eating the delicious dinner Oz cooked. His little family and his old team gelled. That was a word he hadn’t expected to use when it came to him and life. If he was honest, he thought he’d be the last bachelor among them, watching as they all got married and had kids. That was until three years ago. After that fateful night when his life became one shitshow after another, he was convinced he’d never have a chance at a normal life, let alone one with a woman who looked at him the way Brooke did. Now, he had a chance for more with a woman who loved him, and a son he couldn’t wait to teach how to do all the things a dad taught him. If there wasn’t a huge cloud over them, namely a traitor who was still working inside their government, possibly at this very moment plotting his and his family’s death, life would be close to perfect.

  “We’ll finish up in here. Why don’t you go spend a little time with your boy, then come to the weapons room so you can tell us your plan.” Kai took the dishcloth from him.

  “Thanks.” He dried his hands on a paper towel then tracked Brooke and Jack by the sound of giggles, finding the three women on the floor around the coffee table while Jack stood on the coffee table. He leaned on the wall watching as Jack clearly was acting as if he were some sort of monster.

  “I know, you’re a barbie doll,” Jaqui guessed.

  Jack shook his head, growling and stomping his little feet. “I’m big. Huge and green.” He made more growling noise.

  Alexa raised her hand. “A flower?”

  His son giggled. “Flowers don’t growl, silly.”

  “How do you know? Have you heard of Horton Hears a Who?”

  Jaqui put her head on her upraised knees, snorting. “You need to get out more.”

  “I know, you’re The Incredible Hulk.” Brooke clapped like she had the answer.

  Jack looked up and saw Jase. “Jase, do you know?” He repeated the stomping and growling. “I’m big and green, and I stomp on things.”

  Jase moved away from the wall, pretending to think. “Hmm, let me see. Big and green and growls. Does he also shoot fire out of his mouth?”

  His son jumped up and down. “Yes.”

  “Godzilla,” Jase answered.

  Three feminine groans filled the room as Jase swooped in and lifted Jack into his arms. “Godzilla, who is most definitely a dude. Right?” He held his hand up for Jack to slap, acting like it hurt a little, which had Jack beaming proudly. God, he loved his kid.

  “Want to go outside and explore? Maybe we can find some deer tracks.” He held his hand out to Brooke, wanting her to go with them.

  “Oh, let me get my shoes on,” she said shyly.

  “Jack and I’ll wait for you on the porch,” he told her, watching as she hurried back toward their room.

  They spent the next hour traipsing through the woods around the cabin. Jack picked up sticks and stones, sure he’d found Godzilla tracks. Now, leading the way back toward the porch, he stopped Brooke with a hand on her arm. Jack had fallen asleep a few minutes ago in his arms, something he wouldn’t normally feel comfortable with on a mission; outside and exposed with his arms not free, but with Kai and the guys surrounding them, he knew they were safe. Oh, he was aware that Oz and Sully were shadowing them, making sure they had cover in case shit hit the fan. That’s what they did as a team. A buzz in his ear had him remembering Erik, his partner for the last several years, the one man who hadn’t thought him a traitor.

  “Hang on. My partner’s trying to get in touch.” He pointed at his ear. With a touch of his finger to the small device, he turned it on. “What’s up, Erik?”

  “And a good evening to you, too. I’m well, thank you for asking.” Erik’s snarky tone was grating in his ear.

  “Sorry, man. I’m glad to hear you’re good. Did you do anything fun?” Jase smiled over at Brooke. She grinned back at him. The little exchange felt intimate until Erik grunted.

  “Oh for fucking crying out loud, man. There’s some new intel. Where should I send it?”

  Jase narrowed his eyes, staring at the cabin with the lights blazing inside. Darkness was closing in, which was why they’d decided to head back. He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t want to have any information coming into the place where his son would be staying. “Email it to me. When I get service tomorrow, I’ll look at it. Until then, give me the run down.” He started walking as
he spoke, feeling the need for Kai and the others to be in on the conversation.

  “Tyler, no matter how secure I think this connection is, there could still be people with skills like me. I’ll send you the files. They’re encrypted and won’t be easily hacked.” The last word was their code that was exactly what was happening. He picked up the pace, hurrying toward the door.

  “I think you need to get laid, maybe get out of your lair more.” Holding his finger to his mouth, he motioned to the door for Brooke. She took his cue and went inside ahead of him, holding her arms out for the sleeping Jack. Jase shook his head, moving into the house and going straight for the bedroom. He laid their son in the middle of the bed, staring down at his perfect little face. They should’ve probably brought him in earlier and given him a bath, but he’d been having too much fun. With one last look, he let the back of his fingers run down one soft downy cheek.

  Brooke stood next to the bed, fright in her gorgeous eyes. He bent and kissed her cheek. “I’m gonna go check on things in the other room. All is well, I promise.” It wasn’t a lie. Whoever was tagging into Erik’s conversations were clearly professional but not on their level. However, they had to take extreme care in case they could hear Jase.

  He shut the door then walked to the weapons room, meeting Kai’s dark eyes across the room. Oz, Coyle, Sully, and Tay were gathered, their arms crossed as they waited for him to enter. He looked behind him, expecting the women to follow their men. The quiet snick of the door echoed in the room.

  Kai pressed a button, making the earpiece buzz a sharp sound. “What the fuck?” Jase lifted his hand to his ear.

  “That’ll take care of any interference on this end. Who you talking to?” Kai’s glare was cold.

  Jase leaned back against the door. “His name is Erik. He’s been my partner for the past three years. He’s the one who got me out of Leavenworth. None of that has anything to do with the information he just gave me. He said there’s new intel, but he’s got a tag. That means whoever this is, is good. Or rather really bad.” He paced away from the door. The weapons room was a good size, but having six large men in it, made it cramped.

  “Erik can get into any system without anyone being the wiser. It was how we knew what missions were going where. I knew whoever set me up had an agenda. He’s worked really hard to kill you guys, mission after mission. However, I don’t think it’s personal because of where you were sent. If he succeeded, it would’ve been a national incident. Possible war between nations. We intercepted more than just your missions. I mean, not that I don’t love you guys and all, but there’s more. A few well-placed shots here and there, and those missions went off without a hitch. The reason you fucktards were such a pain was because you knew how I worked. You boys had a hard on for me.” He pointed his finger at Kai. “That first mission in Mexico was the beginning; this one will be the last. My family has to come first. I can’t keep risking my life anymore. Before…before I found out I had a son and a chance with Brooke, I’d have continued, but after this, I’m out. You guys want to continue, it’s up to you.”

  “Where did he say he was sending the information?” Tay broke into the quiet room.

  Jase looked over at the computer expert of the team. “He said he’d email it to me, but I don’t want to open any communication where my son is.” In that, he would hold strong.

  Tay sat back in one of the computer chairs, folding his arms across his chest. “What, do you think I’m that big of a loser I don’t know how to make sure it isn’t hacked?” he asked, putting air quotes around the word hacked.

  He opened his mouth to tell Tay that Erik was an expert, but shut it. Tay was an expert as well, and they were sitting in a room that was equipped with enough computers that would make NASA look at them twice. Hell, he’d even noticed Kai had been using facial recognition software when they’d walked in but hadn’t asked why. Now, he felt the need to know everything. “Full disclosure, guys. Erik works for one of the alphabet agencies. Which is a mystery that I gave zero fucks for. I didn’t push for answers, and he didn’t offer them. Now, what the hell were you doing when I walked in?”

  Kai moved to the side, showing him the screen. “We were running images of everyone who passed the cameras around Brooke’s building the day after you took her and Jack, seeing if anyone popped into the database for terrorist or sent off an alert.”

  Knowing it was best to allow others to give you answers than to ask, he waited.

  “Her mother came by and a few men who we couldn’t get a read on. They seemed to know where not to look. Now, what’s your plan, and don’t piss me off by this silent shit. We’re a team,” Kai growled.

  Jase grabbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Tomorrow, I’d like to take Brooke back and see if we can’t get into her father’s home office. As for Jack,” he paused, meeting each man in the eye. “It would mean the world to me if you would keep watch over him. If I didn’t have to take Brooke with me to get access to the house, I’d leave her here too. Who am I kidding? I’d leave her if she’d allow it.”

  Tay and Kai both let out a dry chuckle, which Jase was coming to know meant the women were truly the boss.

  “Your son couldn’t be safer, unless you were here with him, that I can assure you,” Kai stated.

  The other men nodded, telling him they would protect Jack with their lives.

  “We’ll leave after breakfast and be back by bedtime, if all goes well.” His gut clenched at the thought of it taking longer. Brooke hadn’t said if she had ever spent a night away from Jack or not, but he’d just found them.

  “Tell us exactly what the plan is and what plan b and c is, ‘cause we all know you got them.” Coyle rubbed his hands together. “Also, what else do you know about Erik, let Tay do some digging and see if he can verify his credentials.”

  Tay held his hands over the keyboard, his fingers dancing in the air. “Give me his name, and I’ll get my bot on it.”

  For a moment, he felt as if he was stabbing his friend in the back, but thoughts of Brooke and Jack had him giving the other man what intel he had on Erik, down to his age and physical details.

  “Alright, while my bot goes to work, let’s check out this email, and before you get your panties in a twist, this server is more secure than the one at the White House.” Tay sat tall in the chair, his all American good looks and southern drawl fooled many into thinking he was a hillbilly without schooling, yet he was one of the smartest and technologically savvy men the Navy had.

  Once Tay had the email, Jase sat back with a loud exhale. “This shit is gonna make my hair turn grey,” he remarked, running his hand over his head.

  Kai kicked his feet out in front of him, resting his hands on his stomach. “Saw you acquired some ink during your time away from the SEALs.”

  Jase rubbed his hand over his chest. “A little,” he agreed.

  Tay’s fingers tapped away then stopped. “Well, what do we have here? Looks like there’s been someone looking for us.”

  Jase and Kai both moved closer, reading the words on the screen. Grainy footage of the night Jase had been set up became clearer. An email with the admiral’s name on the top came next. The words ‘TARGET ACQUIRED’ in bold letters made ice settle in Jase’s veins. “That fucker set me up.” He thought of his contact, the one who’d sent him to watch over Brooke, the shadow figure with the computer voice. “Tay, if I gave you my cell could you trace a call?”

  “It’s possible, but highly unlikely unless I had a trace on it at the time of the call, and even then, if the person was using a scrambler…” Tay trailed off.

  Jase pointed at the screen. “What about that?”

  Kai shook his head. “This was to the admiral, not from. We don’t know who sent it to him or if he responded. Right now, we don’t have anything except that he was sent a video and this letter. The man is dead, but whoever was on the other end isn’t.”

  He sat with his elbows on his knees, his hands dangling down toward the floo
r in a room filled with men he’d hated for the past three years. A feeling of betrayal washed all over him again as he thought of Brooke’s dad. The admiral had been more than just a dad and soldier. He was the one Jase wanted to be like, the reason he was a SEAL. Even more, Mark had been his son’s grandfather and the father of the woman he loved and hoped to marry someday. “How do I break this to Brooke?” He didn’t look up as he voiced his concern.

  Sully slapped him on the shoulder, squeezing the tense muscle there. “You just do and when it’s all over, you pick up the shattered pieces of her heart and put it back together again with your love. I saw you two with your kid. Love like that don’t just come by every day. You’ll weather this storm together, coming out the victors on the other side. Maybe a little rougher from the journey, but nothing worth having comes easy.”

  Jase looked at the one member of their team who was the quietest and smiled. “When you decide to talk, you sure don’t mince words.”

  With a shrug, Sully went to the door, glancing over at Jase. “My mama didn’t raise no fool. She told me if you ain’t got nothing good to say, don’t say it. Most times, y’all are jawing away.” He motioned to the room then walked out.

  Oz laughed, then sobered. “He’s right. We’re a right chatty bunch. Like, almost like…a bunch of chicks,” he gasped.

  Jaqui stood by the entrance, glaring at him. “Oh please, you’ve always been more girlie than me.”

  Jase stood up, knowing they could go for hours back and forth like teenagers. He met Kai’s gaze and knew without words his old friend had his back. Kai stood and held his hand out. When Jase took the outstretched hand, Kai pulled him into a hug, the other man’s arm circled his head, bringing their heads to rest on each other’s shoulders. “You take Brooke and get the evidence you need. If you don’t get it, you get the hell out, and we’ll get it as a team. You’re not alone anymore,” Kai said, his tone implacable.


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