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Page 16

by Annabelle Weston

  They were words a man in love would say. She took a deep breath, wishing it was true.

  “Thank you, Preston. You aren’t so bad yourself.” She meant what she said. He was the kind of man she could fall for, head over heels.

  “Every time I look at you, all I’m going to want to do is pull you into the nearest dark corner and have my way with you.” He growled deep in his throat. He knew how to make a woman feel desired.

  She loved hearing him say these things. He’d made the last few days an enchantment. Reality would return all too soon. Tonight she would enjoy his company as if nothing else mattered.

  “We better get going before we get distracted,” she said.

  She couldn’t believe she’d put the brakes on another round of lovemaking.

  He nodded and let her go. He glanced longingly at the bed and then back at her. “I’ll take a rain check on the bed play.”

  He didn’t force the issue. She was grateful and kicking herself at the same time.

  I must be crazy, she thought. She turned away and let him open the door. It was an old-fashioned thing to do but she totally wanted him to.

  Once in the elevator, she gave in to temptation and pushed him against the wall.

  “Don’t look so shocked,” she said. “This is the new Cadence.”

  His expression quickly changed to desire. He held her just as forcefully, his jaw tight, his breathing ragged.

  She tilted her head up and their mouths joined together in one long rush of tongue, lips and heat. He moaned, making her bolder, and she rubbed against him, liking how his body fit against hers and how easily she turned him on.

  He pressed the length of his hardness into her, sending waves of pleasure through her.

  She heard the ping of the elevator. The door opened and a man dressed in a three-piece suit entered. He looked from Preston to Cadence, and Cadence could practically see the light bulb as it went off in his brain that the two of them had been doing naughty things on the elevator, forbidden things.

  He flushed red as embarrassment set in for what he had interrupted. He nodded a polite greeting and gave them his back, placing himself right in front of the elevator doors.

  Cadence and Preston exchanged a glance and both of them tried to suppress their laughter. Preston cleared his throat. She bit her lip.

  Finally, the doors opened. Cadence had never seen anyone move as fast as that man as he shot out of the elevator as if he was scared they might start doing something compromising right there in front of him.

  Cadence couldn’t hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

  “Did you see the look on his face?” Preston said, shaking his head.

  “Looked like the top of his head was going to blow off, his face was so red!” Cadence exclaimed between breaths.

  “I’ve never seen anyone look so uncomfortable.”

  “I know, poor guy. What a surprise. He’s just going about his business, gets on the elevator and catches two strangers making out.” Cadence wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “Yeah, I bet he was thinking, if only I waited thirty more seconds, I would have seen the show.”

  They clasped hands and stared at each other, smiling. She hadn’t had such a good time in ages. She’d become alive with Preston, and free. She was acting like a careless teenager with him, something she had never experienced.

  This freedom was so rich, so real, she never wanted to go back to that other life.

  No, Cadence, no sour grapes tonight.

  “What’s the matter?” Preston asked.

  Her thoughts must’ve been showing.

  “Oh nothing, just thinking how much fun I’ve been having with you and how much I’ve been missing in my life.” She gave him a winning smile and hoped he couldn’t see right through her.

  He tilted his head, his eyes squinted a bit, as he studied her. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m positive. Are you going to interrogate me, Counselor?”

  “Your happiness is important to me.”

  She took a deep breath. What a positively lovely thing to say. She reached up and touched his cheek. His hot skin sent a bolt of electricity to all her vitals.

  Man, oh man. I’m in deep.

  “Then prove it. I’m starving! Let’s go before we completely miss our reservation.”

  “You got it.” He lightly squeezed her hand and raised it to his lips, where he planted a very loving, soft kiss with a devilish flick of his tongue at the end.

  She gasped when his tongue, wet and warm, licked her skin. She tried to pull away. He laughed and nipped each knuckle.

  “You really should behave yourself,” she said breathlessly.


  Good question. One she’d grappled with her entire life.

  The night air as they stepped outside refreshed her and brought her to her senses. The city lights all around her, the people who rushed nonstop along the sidewalk, the doorman who tipped his hat, made her smile.

  The city had a definite swagger of its own and she loved that she was part of it.

  Frank greeted her as if she were an old friend.

  “So where are we going?” she asked as they climbed into the limo.

  “It’s a surprise,” Preston said.

  “Give me a hint.”


  “French? Thai? Caribbean?”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  She’d like to unseal them. “At least tell me if you’ve eaten there before?”

  “Yes, I have. I really like the place. It’s special to me. I hope that it can be a special place for us both.” When he looked deep into her eyes, Cadence’s poor heart pounded like a jackhammer.

  She leaned in and kissed him lightly on the mouth, letting her lips linger there, hoping he would consider the kiss as thanks. He seemed to. His hand lightly caressed her leg as he brushed his lips across her mouth. The heat he produced would be her undoing, especially if his hand went any farther up her thigh.

  Chapter Eleven

  The limo came to a stop and Frank dutifully opened the door. Preston stepped out of his side of the SUV and joined Frank. He held out his hand. She reached for it gladly and exited the Caddy.

  She looked around her and saw they were in front of a building, not a restaurant, and then she realized it was an apartment building. Not just any apartment building, it was the Dakota with a view of Central Park.

  “Preston? What are we doing here?” She gaped at the famous building of pale-yellow brick and contrasting dark-brown masonry with the image of a Native American carved in the facade.

  “This is where I live.”

  “John Lennon lived here.”

  “Several floors below mine.” The streetlight cast a twinkle in his eyes. “That’ll be all tonight, Frank,” he said.

  She winked at Frank. “He’s pretty sure of himself, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Frank winked back.

  Still holding her hand, Preston led her to the entrance complete with a sentry box. A doorman in top hat and uniform stepped out of the box and opened the door for them.

  “Good evening, Mr. Night, madam,” he said with a bow.

  “Thank you, Jimmy,” Preston said. Cadence smiled and they walked into the building.

  The interior of the Dakota was an amazing mix of Gothic and Victorian architecture. An inner courtyard led to separate lobbies and passenger elevators.

  “Good evening, Mr. Night, madam,” the elevator man said.

  “Evening, Larry,” Preston said.

  The man opened the elevator for them and pressed a button. The top button. The penthouse. He lived in the penthouse? He really was doing well for himself.

  If he’d brought her here to impress her, he’d succeeded.

  She needn’t worry about him dating her for her money. He seemed to have plenty of it on his own. They rode to the top in silence. Not an uncomfortable silence, a pleasant silence filled with

  What was he planning for her? Butterflies flitted around in her belly. She was nervous, excited, even curious, and fidgeted with the strap on her handbag. He’d planned something romantic for her in his space. Was he ready to take the relationship to the next level?

  She didn’t attempt to hide the smile that came naturally to her now. Except, she didn’t know why but her apprehension was always there, ready to surface at a moment’s notice.

  She had never had a man do so much for her, try to impress her so, and she wasn’t sure why she second-guessed his motivation. A lifetime of habit, she mused.

  Please let this be for real.

  “What do you have planned for me?” she asked.

  “Just you wait and see, babe. It’ll be a night to remember.” He caressed her face and kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

  She’d no doubt.

  The elevator opened into a spacious foyer decorated in dark browns, deep greens and beiges, with splashes of black and gold. Postmodern furniture lined the walls and included an oil painting by Yves Klein.

  “My humble abode,” he said.

  “I like it.” She hadn’t imagined what kind of place he’d live in and she was wowed.

  His taste was most definitely masculine but with touches of elegance she hadn’t expected. He took her handbag and set it on a small gilded table.

  “Are you a fan of Klein?” she asked.

  “The painting came with the condo,” he said.

  At least he was honest about his art. “And the Hockney in your office?”

  “A gift from an appreciative client.”

  She winced. Of course he had rich clients but she had to wonder what he’d done to command that much appreciation.

  He studied the Klein. “I like the color blue.”

  She blinked. “You don’t find many people who’ll admit it’s the color that attracts them to a piece.”

  He laughed. “I’d never try to fool you by pretending I have superior knowledge about the art world.”

  “I won’t act as if I know a thing about the law,” she said, laughing with him.


  Moments later, a man appeared—from where, she couldn’t say. He was wearing a dark suit and his expression was blank. “Sir.”

  “Edwin, this is Cadence Burke.”

  “Miss Burke, I greatly admired your father,” Edwin said with a posh English accent and the stiffest posture Cadence had ever seen.

  “Thank you,” she replied. He referred to the mayor, of course. She couldn’t get used to the fact he wasn’t her father.

  The man bowed his head slightly.

  Preston had a valet and British, no less. Preston had been more successful than she’d imagined. The downside was, she’d thought they’d be alone.

  “Sir, may I suggest cocktails in the drawing room?”

  “Yes, good idea. Champagne?” Preston asked turning to Cadence.

  She smiled and nodded. “That would be fabulous.”

  “Champagne it is,” Preston said.

  Edwin retreated to wherever he’d come from, not making a sound.

  “You have a drawing room?” she asked. She was reminded of Victoria’s fake accent and the image of cultivation she tried to convey. Was Preston the same kind of person?

  Preston shook his head. “The man won’t call it a living room no matter how many times I tell him.”

  “Then we’ll indulge his fantasy,” she said.

  “You would make him a very happy man,” Preston admitted.

  Cadence put her doubts aside. In fact, she admired how well Preston treated the people who worked for him. He remembered their names. Greeted them as if they were old friends. Let Edwin believe this West Side co-op was an English manor house.

  It made her like him all the more.

  A flashback of their day popped into her head. He’d indulged her fantasies big-time, pampered her, even held her hand when she’d thought her world was falling apart. What she was feeling was more than like. She was falling in love with him.

  She should probably take her time and get to know him better. She couldn’t help her impatience. He was everything she could have ever wanted in a man. Insanely handsome, kind, sexy, smart, funny and a body to die for. As for the bedroom, he was a true artist. Did they have anything else in common? She didn’t care. She couldn’t ask for anything more in a lover.

  Smiling without effort, she walked hand in hand with him to the drawing room. The décor was a continuation of the same style as the foyer with one important exception. A fire was lit in the oversized marble fireplace, adding to the romance of the evening.

  She saw a gorgeous vase of yellow orchids on the table in front of the large brown leather couch. She leaned down to smell the delicate blossoms and noticed a long blue box with a small card attached to the top with her name.

  Not just any box, a Tiffany & Co. bracelet box. She looked up at him and caught the amused smile on his face.

  “Yes, it is for you.”

  “How did you arrange all this?” she asked.

  “Wasn’t easy but luckily you took your time getting dressed.” His gaze slid down her in a way that had her squirming. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  “So that’s why you were on the phone?” she asked.


  It was the simplest of explanations and yet she’d assumed the worst.

  “Don’t you want to know what’s in the box?” he asked.

  “Do you really need to ask?” she replied.

  She took a deep breath. They were definitely on the fast track. They’d only known each other a couple days and he was already getting her jewelry. She pushed any negative thought aside. These past couple days had been amazing, she couldn’t deny how wonderful they’d been.

  She picked up the box and card and sat on the leather sofa. She sank in, the cushions soft as butter. He sat next to her, just as Edwin came in with the champagne. The butler didn’t make a sound as he set down the silver cooler with an already opened bottle of champagne in it. He didn’t wait to be asked but poured a glass for them both.

  She could get used to this pampering.

  “Will there be anything else?” Edwin asked as he handed them their glasses.

  “We’re both starving,” Preston replied.

  “Very good, sir.” Edwin left them.

  “To fate,” Preston said as he tipped his glass to hers.

  She celebrated the sound as their glasses clinked together. She hadn’t known this kind of happiness before.

  “To fate.” She took a small sip. The champagne was delicious.

  She looked at the bottle. Veuve Cliquot. Of course. He’d remembered her celebration in her hotel room. How she loved champagne. Add to the list of his admirable qualities, a man who could be sensitive to her needs. She could thoroughly get used to having him around.

  “Don’t you like your champagne?” he asked.

  “I love, love, love it.” She emptied her glass. As expected, the champagne was not just good, it was outstanding, like liquid gold as it slid down her throat.

  He was watching her. “You can open your gift now.”

  She set the glass on the tabletop and removed the card from the envelope. The writing was small and sloped to the left.

  My Dear Cadence,

  These past few days have been a dream fulfilled. A dream I hope never ends.



  Cadence tried to steady her hand. What was he doing? Wooing her? Was it possible he shared the same feelings she did? Yes, of course it was possible. Probable? That was a question she couldn’t answer.

  She turned to him. He’d stretched out his arm across the top of the sofa and his fingers were inches from the back of her neck. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

  “You always know the right thing to say,” she said sincerely.

  “Open the box,” he said eagerly.

  She turned to the box and slow
ly lifted the lid. Inside, on blue velvet, sat a dazzling diamond bracelet catching the light of the fire.

  “Set in platinum,” he said as if she needed to be convinced the bracelet was valuable.

  “Oh Preston, it’s beautiful.” She pulled it from the box and draped the cold metal across her wrist. He reached forward and helped her with the clasp.

  “I’d hoped you’d like it.”

  “I love it,” she whispered.

  “It reminded me of you, delicate, innocent, sweet and beautiful,” he said.

  “Much as I like to hear the sound of your voice…”

  She leaned in for another kiss. He succumbed to her waiting lips.

  This was definitely a reason to melt down, Cadence decided as he extended his arms to her. Swirling, conflicting emotions ran through her brain. Her body wasn’t helping. This sexy man had just given her a gorgeous, expensive gift. That meant he cared, didn’t he? Meant “for keeps” in her book, unless he was used to handing out such lavish gifts to his women friends.

  She wasn’t going to go there, not tonight.

  His wet tongue rubbed against her neck, bringing swirls of pleasure, wreaking havoc with what was left of her self-control. Every inch of her was in a state of pleasure as he kissed her repeatedly. Tender, mind-blowing kisses she hoped would never stop. His fingers traced the curve of her breast and she closed her eyes, waiting for his tongue to take their place.

  To hell with it. She sat astride him, hiking the skirt of her dress up as she did so.

  “What about Edwin?” he said. “Aren’t you afraid he’ll walk in on us?”

  “Let him. It’ll loosen his stiff upper lip,” she replied with a laugh.

  His hands slid up her bare thighs. “That’s my girl.”

  She settled onto him, loving that he was already at attention, waiting for her heat to claim him.

  His head snapped back. His eyes were wide. “You’re not wearing any…”

  “Not what you expected?”

  He replied with a wolfish glint, “You’re full of surprises tonight.”

  “We both are.”

  She unzipped his pants to free his swollen cock, stroking her hands up and down his length. From his pocket, he pulled out a condom.

  “Always prepared?” she asked with a teasing snicker.


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