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One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2)

Page 14

by KL Donn

  “Hey, Evie,” one of her regulars, Steve, called to her.

  Walking towards him, she plastered her fake smile into place. “How you doin’, Stevie?” He loved that she called him that corny nickname. He was a nice enough old man. Never crossed a line, never pushed her for more than she was willing to give. He just loved to talk to a pretty woman, or so he said.

  “Good, good,” he said smiling his same smile, but he looked a little sadder today.

  “How’s Irene doing?” His wife had been diagnosed with brain cancer six months ago. Shortly after that, he started coming to Hardy’s Dolls. Watching the woman he loved slowly die was hard on the man. Ev could tell of his devotion when they talked about her.

  Taking a deep breath, he said, “She slipped into a coma this morning. Won’t be long now.” A lone tear escaped his eye, trailing down his cheek.

  Placing her hand on his, Ev squeezed his in support. “I’m sorry to hear that, hon.” She was, too.

  Steve was different from a lot of customers that came in. He wasn’t there because he wasn’t getting something at home, or for a good time, or to belittle women. He honestly came for the company. His wife’s cancer accelerated quicker than doctors had anticipated, and he was lonely. One night a week, he had a nurse that would sit with her so he could unwind.

  “Always so sweet, Evie. Tell me what’s new with you. You have some pep to your step tonight.”

  “Oh…umm…well, I think I found a man.” She smiled, knowing she had, in fact, found a man.

  “That’s great!” he exclaimed. “He good to you?”

  “Real good. Would you like to meet him?” she asked spontaneously.

  “He works here?” the man seemed shocked.

  Laughing, she said, “Not at all. He likes to watch me dance. Also, to make sure no one gets out of hand, I think.”

  “What does he do then?” Steve wondered.

  “He’s a veteran and currently does investigative research for his friend.” A proud smile graced her face as she talked about him.

  Warm hands encircled her rib cage. “I see a smile not aimed at me,” Case whispered in her ear.

  “Speak of the devil.” She laughed.

  “So you’re the man making my Evie’s face light up?” Steve aimed his question to Case.

  “Yes, sir, I am.” He stuck his hand out to shake.

  Ev felt a blush slowly creep up her chest and into her face. “Casey, this is my favorite customer, Stevie.”

  “A pleasure, young man,” he replied completing the handshake.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, hold onto your hats as the showstopper, our very own Evie, takes the stage in five minutes!” The DJ’s voice bounced through the speakers, breaking the moment.

  “Well, boys, looks like that’s my cue to get ready.” Bending down, she kissed Steve on the cheek and whispered in his ear, “Give Irene my love.” His watery smile matched her own. She’d never met the woman but felt like she knew her through his words and stories.

  “Stay decent,” Case warned her, giving her a light kiss on her neck.

  Grinning at him, she winked as she ran backstage to get ready, learning her lesson the last time she got brave. She would never again bare herself so completely.

  Pixie greeted her as she entered the dressing room. “You ready for this, girl?”

  “Yes.” She smiled back. Her final dance of the night was just for Casey. Her hands were shaking with excitement, which was why Pixie was waiting for her. To do her hair and makeup.

  A couple of nights ago, Casey admitted to a fantasy he had of her dancing for him. Strangely, it was something she’d thought about, too. Striptease was one of her favorite movies of all time, and there was a particular scene where Demi Moore was dancing to an Annie Lennox song called “Little Bird”. She was getting her curled and pulled back by Pixie, then putting on a little black number and glittering her body to the point that she looked like Tinkerbell had bathed her in fairy dust.

  Once she was ready, about thirty seconds before she was set to go on stage, her friend slapped her ass and said, “Go get him,” before running out to put Case in the center of the room. Ev wanted a spotlight on him so it looked like she was dancing solely for her man.

  Wrapping the white feather boa around her shoulders, she waited to be announced. Peeking through the curtains, she saw Casey was where she needed him with a confused scowl on his handsome face.

  “I present you with…Evie!” the DJ called again.

  Her music cued, the spotlight shone, and she was off.

  Case watched as Ev swaggered back to the dressing room with a little more confidence than she usually had. He knew she was up to something but was distracted by her friend.

  “You better be good to her, boy. Soldier or not, I’ll whoop your ass if you make her cry.”

  The glare he shot Casey was serious. He believed the man would, too.

  “No plans to, sir.”

  “She’s been a godsend since my Irene got sick. She listens to my ramblings, makes me feel less alone.” Casey heard the pain in the other man’s voice. He couldn’t imagine what he would do if something happened to Ev.

  “What’s wrong with her?” he asked cautiously.

  “Brain cancer.” A wealth of emotion hit him. “She slipped into a coma this morning. My Irene won’t be coming back.” Tears clogged the older man’s voice.

  A split second decision had Casey pulling a card from his pocket. Handing it to the other man, he told him, “You need something, you call me. Understand?” He understood Steve meant something to Ev, or she wouldn’t have been so relaxed around him. Looking at the card for a moment, the guy seemed speechless. Putting it in his pocket, he nodded his head with a wavering smile. Gratitude shown in his eyes.

  “I mean it. You made Ev smile. She doesn’t do that for just anyone.”

  Before either of them could say anything more, Pixie was at his side dragging him from his seat. “Come on, soldier boy, you got a spotlight.”

  “What are you talking about?” Her laughter was his answer.

  Soon enough, he was sitting in the center of the room, a spotlight on him, and Ev was being announced to a song he’d spoken to her about a few nights before.

  Sitting back in his chair, legs spread wide and arms loose at his side, he waited with bated breath as she appeared from beyond the velvet curtains.

  Fuck. Me.

  She looked like a fallen angel wearing all black except for the white boa around her neck. Glitter adorned her entire body, making her glow ethereally. The music beat, and he was lost in the sway of her hips as she danced about the stage. Her eyes were directly on his. To her, he was the only person in the room.

  He had no idea what she was doing, just that it was flawless, and she kept circling in closer to him but never enough for him to grasp her. Gripping the arms of the chair, he sat in tightly and watched transfixed as she floated around the room on flawless feet.

  The muscles in her calves rippled with the effects, her hair flowed around her as she twirled in a circle with one hand on the pole. Finally, she danced to him, coasted actually, dropping her boa across his shoulders. Grabbing his hands, she placed her feet on his and bent backwards. Lifting her hips high in the air, her back contorted in a way he thought would be painful, but she simply smiled as the room broke out in applause.


  His woman was stunning when she moved.

  Boisterous cheering interrupted his admiration of her body—from her sleek lines to her pillowy-soft breasts. His dick was harder than it’d ever been, and he was ready to take her right then and there. Her song was winding down as she went back to the pole and damn near made love to the fucker. Rubbing her body all up and down it as she watched him.

  He was sure his hardening cock was evident behind the tight jeans he was wearing. Climbing up the pole to bend backwards and glide back down seemed to be her signature, as she ended every show with it.
He had a hard time between loving it because her entire body was on display but also hating it because everyone else saw it as well. As the final chords played, she took a quick bow before collecting the massive amount of money that had been dropped on stage.

  Jumping off the platform, he ripped his button-up, flannel shirt off and followed her. Catching her in the hall, he ordered her, “Let’s go,” as he wrapped his shirt around her.

  “But, I have to get my stuff.”

  Crowding her against the wall, he rubbed his hard length into her so she felt how worked up he was to be inside of her. He needed to claim her. Make sure every man that breathed in her vicinity knew she belonged to him.

  “All right,” she whispered breathlessly.

  She wasn’t walking fast enough for him so he spun around, put his shoulder to her stomach, and carried her out of the club like the fucking caveman she had turned him into. He could hear Ace, Pixie, and Steve laughing as they left the building.

  “Casey,” her husky voice called him.

  Slapping his hand on her ass hard, he told her, “Hush, Kitten, or I’ll fuck you right here for all to see.” She quieted up after that.

  Unlocking the truck, he tossed her in the driver’s side and crawled in right behind her. Before she could scurry away to the other side, his mouth claimed hers in a vicious meeting of tongues and teeth. There was no slow lead in. Case was hungry and was going to take what he wanted when he wanted it.

  Out of breath, he finally pulled away and growled, “Don’t move.” She looked dazed as she nodded. Gripping her thigh, he pulled her as close to him as he could get her. Ev curled into his side as he started the truck, and they took off for home.


  Such a simple word, yet, for the first time in a long time, he felt like that was exactly where he was headed. Evelyn was what made the statement, “Home is where the heart is,” true. Because she was his home. He didn’t feel so lost when they were together. Peace finally filled his soul being with her, and that was worth more than anything money could buy.

  Her hands freely roamed his chest and thighs as she rubbed against him. When she started kissing and licking his neck, he damn near lost control of the truck. Biting the pulse at the base of his throat, she grabbed hold of his cock, which he was sure was going to be branded with the zipper of his jeans by the time he got her naked. He had to grip the wheel with both hands as she began rubbing him through the denim.

  “Evelyn,” he warned in a deep groan.

  “Casey,” she sighed on a breath against his ear.

  Taking a deep breath, he warned her through gritted teeth, “I’ll pull over and fuck you against this truck for all to see.” It was an empty threat for two reasons. One, they were on the highway. And two, he wouldn’t want anyone seeing her uncovered.

  Damn, maybe not so empty since he was now dying to pin her against the vehicle and have his wicked way with her. “Fuck it,” he snapped when she squeezed his balls.

  Pulling over into the ditch, he was thankful it was nearing three a.m., and there wouldn’t be much, if any, traffic as he pulled her from the truck. “Casey!” she squealed.

  “Ssshh, Kitten,” he encouraged while guiding her to lean against the passenger side of the truck. Popping her ass back so he would have full access to her, he lifted his shirt so it rested on the small of her back.

  “What are you doing?” She was breathless and full of anticipation as shivers racked her spine.

  Taking hold of an ass cheek in each hand, he squeezed them together. “Enjoying what’s mine,” he whispered back to her. His voice was full of the hunger he felt. Twisting his hand around her panties, he yanked them from her body. Her soft gasp of shock was followed by the scent of her arousal permeating the air around them.

  Bringing the sexy lace to his face, he closed his eyes, groaning in appreciation of her unique fragrance. “Fuck, you smell good, Kitten.”

  “Casey,” she uttered softly. The single word full of all the need he was feeling.

  Dipping his fingers between her legs to test her readiness, he was pleased to discover she was soaking wet. “Mmm,” he moaned unzipping his pants and pulling his cock free. “This is gonna be quick and dirty, Evelyn.”

  “Please,” was all she said. Pushing his cock through her folds, he found her opening pulsing with her desire.

  Rubbing between her tight walls, he knew he wouldn’t last long, so he slowly worked his way inside, careful not to hurt her tender flesh. He gripped her hips just as he felt his pelvis meeting her ass. When he didn’t think he could get any deeper, she pushed her hips back, and he glided in that much more.

  Both panted for breath, the wind cooling their overheated bodies. Her hands had a white-knuckled grip on the box section of his truck. Grabbing her wrists in one hand, he fisted her hair in the other. Leaning back, he was satisfied with the position he’d put her in. “Don’t move your hands,” he commanded.

  Placing his now free hand on the small of her back, he pushed down just as he pulled her head back. Sliding free of the confines of her tight pussy, he slammed back in as far as he could go.

  “Ohhhh…” Her scream had him smiling in satisfaction.

  He fucked her fast and hard, and just when he felt her walls begin to flutter, he slowed it down and took his time. When she started cursing at him, he picked up speed again and gripped her hair tighter, fucking into her heated pussy harder.

  As she began to crumble in his arms, he let go of her mane, leaning forward so his chest was to her back and murmured into her ear, “Let go, Ev. I’ll catch you.” Wrapping his arms around her, he continued the slow pumping in and out of her channel. Her orgasm came swift and hard, and her walls crushed his cock as she vibrated. His hands smoothed up and down her body so she wouldn’t fall.

  “Oh God, Casey,” she moaned when she finally collapsed in exhaustion.

  “Don’t let go, Ev.” He made sure she had a tight grip on the truck before he held onto her hips again. Pistoning his hips in and out had him as close to the edge as he needed to be. Just as he pulled free of her depths, he pushed her down so she was leaning completely against the truck.

  Coaxing her hands around to the back, he had her pulling her ass cheeks apart. “Open for me,” he murmured as he began to pump his cock with one fist while the other circled her rosebud. “I’m going to fuck you here real soon, baby.”

  “Mmmm,” was her only response.

  A tingling in his spine let him know of his impending release. Pumping his cock faster, he came in large rivulets. Every jet landing on her little hole and sliding down into her pussy lips, dripping on the ground beneath them.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, rubbing his cock between her cheeks, making sure his cum was spread all over her. Sinking one hand between her legs, he rubbed their excess passion all over pussy, making sure she was covered in their essence.

  She shocked him when she spun around and dropped to her knees, taking his cock into her mouth and suckling gently to clean him off.

  “Fuck, woman.” His hips began to pump of their own volition as she licked and nibbled on his now softening dick. When she pulled back, she had a small drop of cum on her plump bottom lip. Before she could do anything, he pulled her up and drew it into his mouth.

  When he was sure he’d gotten all of his essence, he kissed her with everything he had. Slipping his tongue between her lips, they tangled in a sensual glide of give and take.

  Pulling from her, she asked, “Can we go home and do that again?”

  “Only,” he paused to slip a hand down to her ass, pressing one finger through her tight puckered whole, “if I get in here,” he paused as she moaned., “Tonight, baby.”

  “Anything you want, Casey.” He liked the sound of that.

  Their impromptu stop and lovemaking session still had Evelyn’s body humming with pleasure. She hadn’t thought he would actually stop to fuck her on the highway, yet she was so glad he did. The way he
’d controlled her, took what he wanted while giving her what she needed was mind-blowing.

  She’d never experienced anything like it before. He’d taken her beyond her comfort zone and shot her straight into no man’s land. She couldn’t wait for more. Which he promised when they got home.

  The ride was tense and filled with anticipation of the pleasure to come. She’d never dreamed of doing anything like what he wanted with anyone else. Her trust and love for him were absolute, even if she hadn’t said the words. She didn’t know what was holding her back from confessing her feelings for him. He didn’t complain that she hadn’t said I love you back. Unfortunately, he also hadn’t said it to her again, so she worried he might regret it.

  As they drove up to the farm, the property was dark and quiet, and the stars shone like beacons in the sky. Owls and bats could be seen flying and hunting for their prey. Coyotes were howling a song only they understood in the distance.

  The truck stopped, and almost before it was shut off, Casey had the door open and was pulling her into his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he gripped her ass in both hands, rubbing her heated core against his abs.

  “Ohhh,” she sighed as the friction from his shirt rubbed on her sensitive clit. She could feel herself getting wet for him again.

  “You ready for more, Kitten?” he whispered in her ear.

  Nodding her head vigorously, he slammed his way through the front door. Not bothering to make sure it closed, he went straight for the bedroom. Dropping her on the bed, he started tearing his clothes off.

  As soon as he was naked, he prowled towards her as if he were hunting. She began to crawl backwards in the bed when a sexy smile appeared on his face holding her hostage. He took hold of her ankle and pulled her forward. Ripping her shirt open, buttons popped and pinged as they hit the floor. Shimmying her out of it, he was quick to unhook the front clasp of her bra. He straddled her hips and tied her hands above her head with the garment he’d just withdrawn from her body.


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