One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2)

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One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2) Page 18

by KL Donn

  “Fucking delicious,” she heard Casey mumble through what felt like a tunnel. Her body went into relax and crash mode, and it wasn’t long before she felt herself drifting into slumber.

  Ev being in his life was unlike anything he’d ever done, felt, or had before. She made him feel alive. She made him want to have more than he ever thought possible. She made him want to be better. Fuck, she just made him.

  The way she took care of him, not shying away from the sight of his half leg was more than he could have ever asked for. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve her in another life, but he was hella glad she was his.

  When they met, they were both so broken, and she’d put up far more of a fight than he had. Case had always been headstrong, though, and knew what he wanted and went for it. No questions asked. Watching her come apart from his mouth gave him a high better than any drug. She’d fallen asleep before her body had stopped vibrating with pleasure.

  He had plans to let her sleep as much as possible the following morning so he could monopolize her time for the rest of the day. There was a fair in Annapolis he wanted to take her and Andy to before they went to the hospital to check on her sister.

  He had a bad feeling about Lacey. Not being conscious yet wasn’t a positive sign for her. While it might prove to be easier on her body as the drugs left her system and save Ev the heartbreak of everything Helen, the social worker, had warned them about, he feared she might not wake up period and knew that would devastate Ev and Andy.

  Laying back with Ev in his arms and a light rain beating down on the roof, Casey knew he would do anything to shield and protect them from pain.

  The warmth of sunlight woke Ev from one of the deepest sleeps she’d ever had. The room was aglow with daylight, the window was open to let in the crisp fall breeze, and the smell of coffee and cinnamon wafted throughout the house.

  Recognizing that it was later in the morning than she normally woke up, she slipped on a pair of shorts before going to find her boys.

  Cartoons quietly played from the TV in the living room, and the clatter of dishes being washed was coming from the kitchen. “Mmm,” she moaned softly, seeing fresh cinnamon rolls on the counter and steaming coffee in a carafe on a hot plate next to it. “That smells divine.”

  “Morning, Kitten,” Case smiled, walking to her and kissing her on the lips. It was slow, heartfelt. Something she could get used to every morning.

  “I could get used to mornings like this,” she whispered against his lips.

  “Good,” he murmured back. “There’s a fair in Annapolis. I thought you and Andy might like to go before we see your sister.”

  Just the mention of Lacey’s name had her stomach in knots. Pushing her palm into her belly didn’t help the queasy sensation. “I think I have the flu or something,” she commented, narrowing her eyes when Casey fought back a smile. “What?” she snipped.

  “Nothing, Kitten, absolutely nothing.” He was still fighting back a smile.

  “Whatever.” Sitting down at the table, she poured herself coffee and grabbed a cinnamon roll. “You better not be hiding something from me, mister, or there will be hell to pay.” She didn’t know what kind of hell, but there would be.

  Eating breakfast, or brunch rather, followed by more vomiting wasn’t how Ev envisioned her morning going. She would push through it as usual. She had to. With a little boy needing her and a sister playing Sleeping Beauty, she had to get past whatever was wrong with her.

  They were just arriving at the fairgrounds when Andy fell asleep. She hated to wake him because his nightmares had been brutal. The night before was the first time he’d slept all the way through. Ev knew that he would be sad to miss the rides, though, so she knew she had to get him up.

  Jumping out of Case’s truck, she climbed back up the monster to wake him. “Andy, sweetheart, we’re here.”

  He shook his head from side to side a couple times, not wanting to become lucid. As soon as his eyes began to open, she could see the excitement in them. “Der’s wides, wight?” he inquired while she unbuckled him from the four-point harness.

  “Casey says there’s five!” She held up her fingers for him to see.

  “Yay!” His happy cheer could be heard throughout the fair she was sure.

  Hands on her hips had her airborne before she could pull Andy out of the truck. “Casey!” she squealed.

  “I’ll get him.” He sounded like he was scolding her.

  Backing away, she heard them whispering to each about fickle women thinking they needed to do it all. “Remember when you’re older, Andy, always do things for the woman when you can. Like lifting small people out of cars, opening doors, and pulling out chairs. Chivalry is not dead.”

  She was amused at the by-play between the pair. There was no doubt that Case was completely serious about what he was saying, and the way Andy watched him, hanging on his every word, she needn’t worry that he would forget those important facts.

  “You boys done with life lessons or what?”

  She laughed when Casey puffed out his chest, and Andy mimicked him. “These are things he needs to know early.”

  “Yeah,” Andy agreed.

  Shaking her head, she began to walk towards the ticket booth. They followed behind her still talking about those lessons.

  “Wow,” Andy whispered as he saw the small tea cups ride spinning in circles. “I wanna go in doze!”

  “You got it, little dude.” he and Case ran over to wait in the small lineup. There was no way she was going on with them. It would become a very messy scene if she did.

  The pure joy that lit up Andy’s eyes was enough for her to push everything else aside. His happy screams as Casey spun the tea cups made her heart sing. Knowing that he was enjoying it every bit as much as her nephew was icing on the cake.

  She loved that they were bonding. Her only fear was how they would all be affected if her sister woke up? When she completed rehab? If she were being honest with herself, she worried how her relationship with Lacey would turn out once all was said and done. Would she hate Ev the way she seemed to when she left?

  She had more questions than answers, and the run-around was making her feel sick again. Not realizing she’d been thinking for so long, Case and Andy coming up to her shocked her. “Whatever it is, Ev, let it go. Enjoy today.”

  God, how she loved this man. He always knew just what to do or say. Smiling, she rubbed a finger down his cheek. “Are we in an episode of Frozen now?”

  “Who?” he asked genuinely puzzled.

  “Ice Queen?” How could he not know?

  Shaking his head, he told her, “Not a clue.”

  “We’ll watch it one day.”

  His laughter followed as Andy led them to the next ride, a mini rollercoaster, that he could go on by himself. He was absolutely thrilled. She enjoyed watching his little body vibrate with excitement as he was strapped in. The joy in his laughter rang loud as the ride started. It was the perfect afternoon.

  As soon as they entered the hospital, Case felt a change in the air. He knew something had happened with Lacey given all the activity around her room.

  “Let me out of here!” They could hear her screaming.

  Andy heard his mom’s voice and shriveled up into Case’s arms further. Almost as if he didn’t want to see her.

  “Well,” Ev started, sounding resigned, “I guess she’s awake.”

  “You sure you want to do this?” He had to give her an out.

  She looked from him to Andy then to the room they were only feet away from. “I have to, but would you keep Andy out here?”

  He didn’t want her going in alone but knew the boy needed someone with him. Someone he trusted. So he nodded his head. Her grateful smile held no reflection of joy. She was dreading what was about to happen.

  Seeing that there were a doctor and another nurse in the room, he felt marginally better. When a nurse he recognized walked past him he
asked, “When did she wake up?”

  They’d been there enough times that she knew who he was. “About three hours ago. We’ve been trying to calm her down since.”

  “Shit,” he cursed under his breath so his little ward didn’t hear and give him shit for it again.

  “Pretty much sums it up. She has a choice to be here or jail. Either way, she’s not going back on any drugs for a while.” Watching her walk away, he didn’t feel any better about it.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” could be heard as soon as Ev walked in the room. Andy covered his ears, and for the first time in nearly ten years, Casey felt helpless.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” the screech of Lacey’s voice before the door clicked shut behind Evelyn was worse than nails on a chalkboard. The sheer hatred in those few words had her head pounding with dread.

  “How are you feeling?” she tried to ask, attempting to ignore the hate filled words that were going to be strewn at her.

  “Oh, now you care? You’re such a bitch, Evie.” The way she sneered Ev’s stage name had shame rolling through her body. She had never been proud of dancing for money, but she loved to dance.

  “I’ve always cared, Lace,” she told her sister softly. “It’s why I looked for you.”

  “As if, you whore. You only want what I had! You even stole my son from me! Give him back, give him back right now!” Her screaming escalated in pitch to an ear-piercing level.

  Feeling lost and scared, Ev lashed out, knowing full well she shouldn’t have. “Maybe if you weren’t always so doped up on drugs, this wouldn’t have happened. You wouldn’t be lying here, and I wouldn’t have been wondering if you were going to die or not!” She felt the emotion pulse through her entire body. She was so tired and sad.

  Lacey seemed to mull her words over in her mind. She actually looked like they penetrated the recesses of her subconscious.

  “How dare you!” Her words were low, almost deadly, as she strained against the bonds holding her down. “There’s a reason mom left you.” Shock must have shown on Ev’s face. Lacey’s laugh unnerved her. There was no humor, just malice rolling off of her in waves. “She hated you! The moron that spawned you paid Mom to kill you after birth. Instead, she snorted another line and after that, it was always about how much she hated you. That’s why she left. You’re the problem in everyone’s life.” Her sick laughter rang true. It was all of Ev’s worst fears come true. She had always convinced herself that her mom left to give her a better life.

  Tears flowed down her cheek as she whispered brokenly, “You’re wrong.” Turning to the doctor, she asked him, “I don’t have to come back do I?”

  “Well,” he hesitated looking between her and Lacey. “Technically, no. We do have a rehab clinic willing to take her at the end of the month. You just need to sign off on it with them.”

  “I’ll do it, but I won’t be back unless absolutely necessary.” She was trying to ignore the harsh words Lacey was throwing at her.

  “We’ll call once we’ve got all the paperwork from the clinic for you or if there are any changes.”

  “Thank you for everything.” She shook his hand quickly. Turning back to Lacey, she told her as calm as can be, “I love you, Lace. I want to be able to help you, and I will, but not until you do your part. Once the doctor has confirmed you won’t be like this, then Casey and I will bring Andy to see you.”

  She didn’t wait for a response. Turning on her heel, she almost broke down when she heard a whispered fear-filled, “Evelyn, please.”

  It took all the strength she had not turn and run into her sister’s arms, but she couldn’t. She didn’t have the strength to handle her nastiness. Walking from the room, Lacey spewed more hate-filled words at her. She felt like her heart was going to snap in two.

  Her defeat permeated the air. She wouldn’t even look up at Casey when he wrapped his free arm around her since Andy had fallen asleep on his shoulder. When he felt her tense, he wanted to pound his fist through a wall. That bitch had beaten her down to the point she doubted herself, and he was pissed the fuck off.

  Case didn’t need her to tell him what happened. He’d heard most of Lacey’s screaming. Hell, most everyone in the hospital had. They were prepared for how hostile she would be, just not expecting that experience after such a wonderful afternoon.

  “Can we go home, please,” she whispered so low he almost didn’t hear her.

  “Yeah, Kitten, we can.” Her arms wrapped around herself for protection, and her shoulders slumped with her sadness. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was fighting back tears, too.

  As soon as they were outside, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Head tilted back, face towards the sky. Bags lined under her eyes while her sadness lurked in their depths.

  After getting Andy buckled into his seat, he lifted her up into hers, snapping the belt into place as well. Leaving a lingering kiss on her forehead as he climbed back out, a small smile lit her face, giving him hope she wasn’t totally beaten.

  Before he climbed in, he sent a quick text to Dom asking if they’d take Andy that night instead of on the weekend. Thankfully, his best friend was no dumbass and knew immediately that they needed this time. He was going to prove to her why all those things her sister said were wrong, and that she was absolutely perfect and completely lovable.

  By the time they reached the farm, Ev had passed out from her silent crying she thought she’d hidden from him, and Andy was in the backseat trying to sing along with Carrie Underwood on the radio. Turning to face the boy as they parked in front of Dom’s house, he asked quietly, “Want to have that sleepover with Jaxson tonight?”

  “Yeah!” he cheered quietly knowing Ev was sleeping.

  Getting Andy unbuckled, he anticipated that Dee would have gone to his cabin to grab the boy’s stuff. “Hey, guys,” she called from the door.

  “You sure this is all right?” he didn’t want to intrude.

  “It’s fine, man,” Dom told him coming up from behind Dee. “How’s she doing?”

  He hadn’t filled them in entirely on what had transpired, but his friends knew where they’d been. “She took some stuff hard. Especially about her mom. I'm not sure if it’s true, or if we’ll ever find out.” That part killed him. He’d love nothing more than to have those answers for her.

  “Fuck,” Dom cursed. Andy pointed at him in warning making them all bust out laughing. “Duly noted, little dude. Jax is in the kitchen waiting for you. Get to it!”

  “Thanks, guys!” he called going back to his truck.

  They waved as he left for their cabin. Shutting the truck off, he jumped out, running to the other side, hoping not to wake Ev. He’d wanted to surprise her about their baby in some huge, fancy way, but he now knew she was going to need all of his love and reassurance before he told her.

  Opening the door, he carefully walked through with his precious package. Pushing it closed with his foot, he went right to their room. Laying her down in the middle of the bed, he slid her shoes and socks off. He was amazed she hadn’t woken with the amount of jiggling he’d done.

  Leaving her there, he went to the bathroom to start a warm bath and light her favorite hazelnut candles on the counter. Once done, he went back to the room and proceeded to remove the rest of her clothing. After she was nude, he slowly began to kiss her body anywhere he was able to touch.

  He kept going back to the place that was currently holding his baby safe. Just the thought of them sharing that bond had his cock growing with the need to show her how much she was loved. Kissing her stomach, he whispered, “I’m gonna be your daddy. And your momma? She’s something special, just you wait.”

  A little moan had left her lips before she woke. “Casey?” Her words wore husky with exhaustion. “Why am I naked?”

  “Hi, baby, I have a bath filling for you.” She smiled at his words. “Can I help you?”

  “Mmhmm,” she hummed.

ng her in the tub without jumping her as she walked was an act of severe self-control. The way her hips swayed, and the little dimples right above her ass cheeks were begging for his touch.

  “Ohh, this is so considerate,” she whispered, closing her eyes as she sunk to the bottom, wetting her hair and popping back up as he shut the warm water off.

  “The temperatures not too bad?” he asked not wanting to burn or freeze her.

  “It’s perfect,” she hummed. “Where’s Andy?”

  “With Dom and Dee for the night.”

  “Was he upset?”

  “He fell asleep a few minutes after waiting for you. Woke up as you fell asleep in the truck, and now he’s all hyper for them.” He laughed knowing it wasn’t true. He went to bed when he was told without a problem. It was the nightmares that got them all.

  “So he didn’t hear anything?” The pain in her words was clear.

  “No, I took him away once he started flinching.”

  “Ok,” her eyes closed to hide the tears he could see.

  “Sit up, Kitten. I’ll wash your hair.” She did as he said while he squeezed the peach shampoo in his palm. Rubbing his hands together, he began to massage her scalp. Her moans of pleasure were torture to his libido.

  “That feels exquisite,” she whispered.

  Running his fingers through her hair, he made sure to wash every strand. With her eyes still closed, he helped her lay back into the water to rinse off. Once done, he pampered her the same way with the conditioner. Her non-stop moaning was going to be his death.

  Grabbing the loofa she liked to use after rinsing her hair again, he lathered her vanilla-scented soap onto it. The smell hit his senses almost immediately, and he felt like he was being tortured to slake his lust with no end in sight. There was, it just didn’t feel like it.

  Calm the fuck down, dickhead, he repeated to himself.

  Beginning with her feet, he slowly rubbed circles up her legs, to her thighs, then over her delectable mound. Circling her belly with extra care—he couldn’t wait for the bump to start showing—darting a look up to her face, a serene smile of contentment made her glow. Case was glad to be able to take care of her in that small way.


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