One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2)

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One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2) Page 19

by KL Donn

  Seeing the wrinkles on her fingers, he gave her body a quick rinse, cupping water with his hands and spreading it all over her repeatedly. Reaching for the fluffy towel she liked to use, he stretched a hand out to help her up.

  Thankfully, no words were needed through the whole process. He loved that about them, neither had the urge to fill in dead silences. They just were.

  Scooping her into his arms, he carried her back to the bed. Sitting her on the edge, he dried off her feet and legs, moving up her body as he went. Patting her dry, he went to work on brushing her hair. She laid her head against his stomach, wrapping an arm around each of his thighs.

  It was moments like this that he was grateful he’d been such an asshole to women before her. He’d always pushed them away, never ready to give them too much of himself. There were things he regretted saying or doing but nothing he wouldn’t do again if it meant this was his end game. Evelyn was everything he needed in a woman. Strong, caring, selfless. She happily put him in his place when he deserved it.

  “Casey?” she called softly, rubbing her cheek against him.

  “Yeah, Ev?”

  “Am I really so unlovable?” A shiver of pain wracked her entire body.




  The calm he’d been feeling evaporated like smoke on a breeze. “Evelyn,” his voice was hard. He couldn’t soften it if he tried. “I love you with every fucking fiber of my being. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Quite frankly, I’m tempted to go slit that bitches throat for putting any doubt in your mind. If it weren’t for the hurt it would cause you and Andy, I’d damn well do it, too.” He had to take a breath to calm down so he didn’t scare her. “The way I feel for you is unlike anything I’ve ever known. As corny as it sounds, you complete me. Without you I was hurting, I pushed everyone away. I wanted nothing to do with love or a woman to tie me down. You aren’t just my person. Ev, you’re my fucking lobster.”

  She searched his eyes, a smile slowly transforming her face. “Your lobster?”

  “I knew that damn Friends episode would haunt me,” he grouched.

  She’d made him watch the damn show and that shit stuck with him. Standing on her tiptoes, she said against his lips, “You’re my lobster too, Casey.” Kissing him with all the passion and pain she was feeling.

  He was going to take things slow, love her like she deserved, but she had him so worked up he couldn’t. “Lay back, legs spread wide, Ev.” His dark tone must have shocked her. “Now!” he barked.

  Ev had been full of so much doubt and pain when they’d left the hospital, she didn’t think it’d go away. She should have known better. Case had said exactly what she’d needed to hear. The intense demand in his voice now had her body awakening with lust. A need so deep she could feel the pull in every part of her body. This man was everything she would ever need in her life.

  Doing as he wished, she watched as he quickly stripped away his clothes, ripping a button off his jeans in his haste to be free of their confines. Once naked, he took off his prosthesis. She found it oddly sexy, watching as he stripped away all of his barriers for her. When they met, he’d been her broken soldier, now he was her hero.

  “This ain’t gonna be no love fest, Ev, I need you. I need you hard.” She nodded, completely on board. “Rough,” he growled. She still wasn’t scared. “Raw. I want everything you have to fucking give, baby.” She nodded again. “When you think there’s nothing left, I’m going to take even more.” By the time he was done taunting her, she was out of breath. The husky tone of his voice had her body readying itself for him. “Today, sweetheart, is the day you and I are one. There is no longer just you or just me, it’s us, you understand me?” His voice deepened with every word.

  “Yes,” she whispered breathlessly. There was nothing else she could say. She was his. There was never any doubt.

  “Good,” was the last thing he had said before his mouth captured her clit in one long hard suck, making her scream out in pleasure. From that simple act, she felt her body begin its ascent into bliss.

  “Not fucking yet, Kitten,” he hissed letting her go and climbing up her body. She felt the head of his cock begin to penetrate her, his hands gripped her thighs, spreading them further than they were meant to. “Fuck you feel good,” he whispered as he entered her, eyes closed in pleasure.

  “Oh God,” she moaned when he was all the way in. He felt larger in the position they were in. The veins on his cock could be felt against her walls, every beat of his heart, every move of his body. She felt it all.

  He started a slow rhythm at first, pulling out in a sensual slide before gliding back in so their pelvises met in a kiss. When he began to pick up speed, her heart stalled with anticipation. Her body vibrated with hunger. Her eyes closed in bliss as he pounded in and out of her, taking everything he wanted and giving her everything she needed.

  Laying fully on top of her now, he slid one hand under her, forcing her to arch her back while fisting her hair in his other hand and pulling her head back so the column of her throat was on display. Their grunting and moaning were mixed with the scent of their lovemaking and further turned her on. As her climax tore through her, it could be felt shaking her entire body. Her limbs tightened, toes curled, mouth opened in a soundless scream as her eyes snapped shut to savor every moment of pleasure.

  Her walls pulsed around him, tightening so he was barely able to move. She felt him pull out before slamming back inside her one last time and letting go of his own release. Aftershocks rocketed through her system, her heart beat so fast she thought she’d pass out.

  “I have to tell you something, Kitten.” Nothing but pure joy coated his words.

  “What?” she breathed.

  “We’re having a baby.” He leaned up and smiled down at her.

  “What?” She was confused now.

  Clearing his throat, he genuinely wasn’t expecting her confusion. “In the hospital, they did all those tests? When you fell asleep, the nurse came in with the results confirming you’re pregnant. I didn’t want you stressing about one more thing, so I was going to surprise you.”

  Shock. Happiness. Worry. They all shot through her like a machine gun. She didn’t know what emotion to settle on.

  She was having a baby.

  I’m having Casey’s baby.

  Pushing him off her, she ran for the bathroom. “Evelyn!” she heard him call as she twisted and turned her body to try and see the evidence of the tiny life she was now responsible for.

  “Ev?” Casey’s voice held a note of worry as he leaned naked against the door jam.

  She took his entire body in, the dips and grooves, the strength, his passion reserved just for her. Placing her hands over the growing miracle in her womb, she whispered in reverence, “We’re having a baby!”

  Hopping over to her, he turned her so her back was to his front as he wrapped his arms around her middle, placing them right over hers. His head rested on her shoulder as they looked in the mirror together. “Marry me, Ev.”

  It wasn’t a question. He was telling her. “Yes,” she replied anyway. Tears streamed down her face. Happiness filled her heart. She had everything she’d never thought she would.

  One month later

  There comes a time in every person’s life when they know they have to let go of the past. For Evelyn that time had come.

  The day before, she had helped her sister off to the rehab clinic she was going to. For the most part, it had been an optimistic trip. Lacey accepted that she needed to change not only for her but for Andy as well. She was at peace for the first time Ev could remember.

  Proud of her sister for accepting that she needed to make modifications, they had slowly begun working on rebuilding their relationship. It might never be perfect, or they might not be as close as Ev had always wanted, but, at least, they would have each other.

  They had also received word the week prio
r, that Marcus had been killed in a prison riot. When Casey told her, there’d been a gleam in his eye, as if he knew it was going to happen. She felt guilty at first, for feeling relieved that her and Lacey no longer had to worry about him getting his grip on them again. Peace quickly followed because she knew they were finally safe.

  “You ready?” Dee asked Ev from the door. Her baby bump showing through the lovely white dress she was wearing.

  “So ready,” she smiled.

  Reaching for her friend’s hand, they began their march down the aisle for the small double wedding as they married the men of their dreams.

  They both held a single black rose in their free hands. Most people would balk and say it would bring bad luck, that it meant death. But what they didn’t realize was that for them, it signified the new journey they were taking. Their lives were just beginning.

  Dee squeezed her hand as they started to walk to their men; soft music played in the background. Guests rose to their feet as they smiled and giggled their way down the aisle. Ev had been pleased when Casey invited his parents. They smiled as she walked past. He’d even gone the extra mile to invite the only client she liked, Steve. Dee’s parents had shown up, as well as her friend Kennedy and her two men, Creed and Linc.

  Standing next to each of their men were the boys. Andy held onto Casey’s leg with so many people around he didn’t know, while Jaxson seemed to be bouncing with anticipation beside Dominic.

  As they finally reached the altar, the ladies gave each other a quick hug, passing their roses to Pixie, who had agreed to stand up for them both. Before Ev was fully turned to Casey, she felt one hand slip to the small of her back pulling her to his chest as his mouth landed on hers.


  So much heat was conveyed in the act. She could feel the bulge of his erection as it dug into her stomach. His tongue dueling for the dominance he knew he had over her libido.

  A throat clearing broke them apart. “You could wait for that, ya know,” Dom laughed even though Dee’s bee stung lips looked like he’d done the exact same.

  “Piss off,” Case complained.

  “Are we ready now?” The Justice of the Peace laughed at them.

  “Please,” Ev and Dee said at once.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” and so it began. Four I dos, two passion-filled kisses, and more cheering than she thought possible, and they were finally announced…

  “I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Slade, and Mr. and Mrs. Casey Risley. Since you’ve both kissed the girls twice already, how about third times a charm, huh?”

  A toast was made to new life, new love, and new beginnings.

  The End.

  About the Author:

  Like y’all don’t know about me already! Wait, you don’t? We let me tell you!

  I am forever 29 years old (For real my birthday says I’ll be 30 this year, but I refuse) I have been with my amazing husband for 12 years and together we have 4 stunning children! (Biased I know!) For the last 8 years I have been a stay at home mom to care for them and now that they’re all older I can finally do something for me.

  That something is most definitely writing! I love creating stories and sharing them with the world! I don’t get to read as often as I used to but you better believe my TBR list is longer then me! I absolutely love to hear from my fans so please feel free to contact me at anyone of these places:



  Email: [email protected]



  You can also sign up for my newsletter to experience my outrageousness in another way!


  And of course join my amazing reader group!

  PS: Check out the playlist for Case ;) It’s kind of awesome if I do say so myself <3


  More books from KL Donn

  The Possessed Series

  Bullied – Book 0.5

  OWNED by Dominic – Book 1

  One Dance for Case – Book 2

  Tattooed & Alone for Christmas –

  Coming Nov (Part 1) & Dec (Part 2) 2016 as part of two separate anthologies

  Ashley Powers is coming soon ;)

  Lost & Found – Book 3 – Coming Feb 2017

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight

  Emily’s Protectors

  Kennedy’s Redemption

  Sshhhh I’m working on another series to come Spring of 2017!

  Special note from Me!

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read Case and Ev’s story! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it! I absolutely love this couple to pieces!

  I also wanted to give a great big shout out to a few amazing ladies, and hopefully introduce you to a few new authors too! Their support has been the best!

  S Van Horne

  CM Steele

  Alexa Riley

  Winter Travers

  Mary B Moore

  Eve Monte

  Elena M Reyes

  Alana Sapphire

  Dani Wyatt

  Annelise Reynolds

  Ashley Wheels

  Aria Cole

  FG Adams

  Paige Conners

  I hope you’ll give them all a try and see just how amazing they are!!




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