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Tremble Book Five (Tremble #5)

Page 3

by Laura Avery

  “Caden,” Jason said slowly. “What happened?”

  Caden didn’t answer, just staring straight ahead, barely paying attention to his best friend at all. It looked like he was in a daze, the same way it had that horrific night all those months ago. I couldn’t help but cry harder when I thought about him slipping back into that place.

  “Would you try to control yourself, please?” Jason narrowed his eyes in on me, shaking his head in disapproval. He ran one hand over the back of his neck as if he was trying to make sense of this whole mess in his mind for about the one-millionth time.

  I knew what he was thinking; it was what he had always thought.

  What everyone had always thought.

  Things would be a hell of a lot easier if I weren’t around.

  Hearing his voice directed at me was jarring. He rarely spoke to me, preferred to act like I didn’t exist at all. More than that, it helped me realize that I had been sobbing uncontrollably on the bed like a child. I instantly snapped my mouth shut, trying to get my emotions under control. Caden and Jason weren’t the kinds of people who cried. They didn’t sit around feeling sorry for themselves, they went out and handled business. They went out and sought out their revenge.

  They would never understand someone like me.

  Hell, I didn’t even understand someone like me.

  “Get out,” Caden said suddenly, snapping his head up.

  I scurried forward. No one had to ask me twice.

  “Not you,” he snapped, clarifying.

  Jason just shook his head and slammed the door shut behind him.

  That was it? Jason was just going to let him go around taking his rage out on everyone and being out of control? No wonder Caden Dean got away with anything and everything, no one ever held him accountable. The world was his fucking plaything.

  And I was one of his favorite toys.

  He didn’t speak for a few seconds, staring straight at the wall instead. “Out of all the places you could have gone,” he said in a low voice as he turned around and glanced out the window. “You come here, back to them. Back to the men who spent the last six months hurting you.”

  He was angry? He was angry?

  He had the nerve to be angry?

  “The only one hurting me is you,” I accused back at him.

  His eyes grew dark and he spun around, grabbing me by the wrist and yanking me toward his body. “Yeah? I’m the only one hurting you?” He tore my shorts down before I had a chance to protest and then ripped the sweater over my head, tossing it across the room. “I’m the one who put these fucking bruises on you, huh?” He pointed accusingly at the black and blue shapes that hugged my skin. “I fucking did this to you, Winter? Is that what you’re saying?” He released me roughly, letting me fall back down onto the mattress.

  I grabbed the sheet off the bed and pulled it over my body, suddenly feeling ashamed. The bruises on my body were one of the things I was the most insecure about, him pointing them out to me in a well lit room didn’t do anything for me except make me even more emotional than I already was. God, how had my life gotten so out of control?

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Why did you come back here, pet, why? You don’t have a thing for one of your stepbrothers do you?” He grabbed the sheet off me and tossed it onto the floor. “You want them to have what’s mine, is that it?”

  “I’m not yours!” I screamed in his face, kneeling on my bed.

  “The hell you aren’t!” he seethed down at me in anger.

  “I’m not,” I spat, crossing my arms. “Jen is.”

  Caden grabbed me by the ankle and pulled my body closer to him. “Would you shut the fuck up about that bitch? No one gives a fuck about her except for you!” His hands were on my knees, pulling my legs apart and letting them hang over the side of the bed so that his large frame could fit between them. “You’re mine, Pet, do you understand me? Mine.”

  I hated myself for the shutter that crept over my skin. How could I still want him after everything that he had done? How could the idea of being his still make the pit in the center of my stomach lunge to life? I wanted to be his; I wanted to belong to him so bad it physically hurt. But how could I share him? I was already insecure enough around him. The thought of another woman touching him would push me so far over the edge that I would snap. “Jen’s yours,” I whispered.

  He pulled back as if I had slapped him, pissed. “The fuck she is.”

  “She’s your girlfriend,” I reminded him.

  “Says who?”


  “Oh, because she’s so trustworthy.” He shook his head and leaned down so that he was inches away from my face. “That bitch is crazy. She isn’t my girlfriend and she never was. I haven’t even seen her since I got out.” He shook his head. “Luke has a restraining order against her he fucking hates her so much.”

  Hope started to creep back into my joints. “If that’s true why didn’t you say that back at the house?” I looked down at my lap, avoiding eye contact with the bruises that covered my body.

  “Because!” He pushed back from me, annoyed. “I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you, pet, that’s now how this thing between us fucking works. You explain yourself to me not the other way around.” He grabbed my chin and forced my lips up so that he could deliver a rough kiss on them. “You belong to me.”

  Butterflies shot up and down the inner lining of my body and I trembled under his touch. Jen wasn’t his girl friend; he still wanted me, only me. “I… I’m sorry,” I found myself apologizing for reasons I couldn’t even begin to understand. I had felt bold and daring for about twenty seconds but as soon as he got close to me again I was a big ball of mush in his hands, willing to do anything and everything he said.

  “I’ll just bet you are.” His jaw relaxed, finally hearing something that he liked. “But that doesn’t mean much to me since in the end you still defied me anyway.” He grabbed my wrist and yanked my body up off the bed and into his defined chest. “But I want to make one thing very, very, clear, Winter. If you ever come running to any of those pieces of shit again when you get angry at me I swear to God I won’t hesitate to kill them next time.” He ran his finger up and down the inside of my leg. “Jason or no Jason.”

  I nodded slowly, I believed him. I knew him well enough to know that he didn’t make empty threats. I bit down on my lip and exhaled. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to say it again. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know, pet, I know.” He leaned down and licked my neck slowly before starting to nibble on it roughly. “But…” His hand was working its way inside of my panties, teasing me. “You still have to be punished.”

  I still had to be what?

  My heart started grinding fiercely.

  Oh, no.

  He picked his large body up so that he was standing straight, easily towering over me. His thick lips were perched outward slightly in anticipation, his inked arms clenching and unclenching at the side of his body as he let his deep green eyes trace up and down every inch of my skin. His large hand reached down and started playing back and forth over the lump that was starting to grow in his pants. “Damn, Winter, I’m already hard.” He smirked when he saw me blush.

  “Caden,” I whispered, ashamed to admit that, I too, was getting excited.

  He shook his head. “Now isn’t the time to start acting all innocent, Winter. You want to misbehave than you’re going to be treated like it.” He gestured toward the head of the bed. “Now lay flat on your back and spread your legs as far apart as possible.”

  My body was full on quivering now, confused and excited about the possibility of what was to come. I found myself obeying him, moving backward until my back was flat and my legs were so far apart I feared he would be able to see the liquid forming in my panties.

  “W-What are you doing?”

  Caden was on the other side of the room, pulling his own shirt over his head and tossing it onto the floor
before he bent over and wiggled the floorboard loose next to my door. I almost choked on my own saliva as I enjoyed the view.

  Hot enough to melt my panties off.

  “What is that?” I asked with wide eyes at the wooden box he had between his hands. “When did you put that there?” I was startled that he had been in my room; shocked he had hidden something in there.

  Did that mean he had found my stash of money?

  He moved closer to me, his dark hair sticking up in all different directions as he raised his eyebrows in a devil like manner. “Did you think I haven’t thought about this day, Winter? Planned for exactly what I do to you once I got my hands on you?” He tossed the box onto the bed with a heavy thud and chuckled. “Oh, Pet, I’ve planned more than you could imagine.”

  My mouth hung open in shock. “What’s in there?”

  He smirked. “These are some…”

  “Some what?” I practically cried in anticipation.

  “Some toys,” he finished with a wink.

  “What kind of toys?” I gulped.

  He pulled out a white vibrator and switched it to the on position. “Oh, trust me, you’ll see.”

  And something about the way he said it made me want to cum.

  Chapter Four

  “Tell me you’re never going to leave me again.”



  Caden pushed his hands to my ankles, yanking them even further apart until they stretched to the edge of my bed. “Now, it’s time for you to show me just how sorry you are, little pet.” His finger was moving up the front of my leg and starting to trace small circles around my inner thigh.

  I felt like every ounce of anticipation and tension was building up inside of me, struggling to understand both what was happening and the effect it had on my body. “What-What are you going to do to me?”

  Caden laughed darkly, sliding his finger so close to my center that I tensed underneath him. “I’m just going to show you what happens when you’re a bad girl, Winter.” He moved his hand away from my center and threw his body down on the bed, placing both of his arms on either side of me and leaning in so close that I feel his breath all over my neck.

  Unlike Michael, Caden’s scent made me tingle with anxiety and desire.

  What was he going to do to my body this time?

  This whole thing was so dirty.

  He locked his deep green eyes into mine, holding my gaze for so long that I thought I was going to explode. His fingers came down on my wrists, holding them in place. “I want you to listen very carefully, Winter, don’t ever run away from me again. Especially not to another fucking man. If you do, I promise you there will be deadly consequences. You’re mine now, every fucking inch of you, and if someone tries to take that from me then I’ll destroy everything good in their life.”

  My eyes grew wide as I took his words in. “I’m sorry.” I cringed, cursing myself. Why did I keep apologizing to him? There was something so deeply captivating about him that it kept me wanting more, no matter how dark things seemed to get.

  “That’s cute.” He moved even more into me, pressing his hard cock into the bottom part of my stomach as he released one of my hands to reach up and twirl a piece of my hair around his finger. “But I don’t want you to be sorry, I want you to be clear.” He moved his nose down to my hair and inhaled deeply. “Now tell me you’re never going to leave me again.”

  I closed my eyes, emotions I never knew existed were swirling inside of my veins and rushing to the surface, threatening to come out and expose me for the fraud I had been all these years. I had been so hurt when I thought he was with Jen, so deeply that I felt like I wasn’t even alive anymore. I was like a blank shell of a person who was numb, walking around but being unable to actually feel.

  It was an art I had perfected over the months but Caden being so close to me threatened all that; he made me actually feel again. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted that. If I kept this whole situation going with him I was sure to get my heart broken so bad I might not ever recover.

  “Pet,” Caden hissed. “Tell me.”

  “I’m never going to leave you again.” I found myself giving into his commands just like always. Who was I trying to kid? As soon as Caden came back around I was in a haze, hypnotized by everything dark and captivating he was.

  “Good girl,” Caden praised me, satisfied. He pushed his body off me way too soon, leaving me feeling cold and empty. He let his eyes move up and down my skin and bit down on his lip. “Now flip over.”

  “W-What?” My blood pressure must have been through the roof.

  “On your stomach, pet.” He raised his eyebrows. “Now.”


  “Because I said so,” was the only explanation I got.

  I slowly turned my body over so that my ass was straight up in the air and clawed at the edges of the mattress. I wasn’t sure how much more of the game I could handle, my panties were already super inflamed. Just the thought made me blush. I had never considered myself an overly sexual person before but that was rapidly changing now that Caden put his hands on me so freely and consistently.

  I heard a soft clinking behind me and then my ankles were being yanked further apart, a cold piece of metal clasping over first one and then the other. “If you can’t be trusted to stay where I tell you then I’ll handcuff you to the bed like the bad girl you are, Winter.”

  I gasped as he linked the other sides of the cuffs to both sides of the bedposts before moving to the front of the mattress and doing the same to my wrists on the headboards. “Jesus,” I whispered. “How many pairs of handcuffs do you have in there?”

  He chuckled and leaned down, running his hands over my ass through the fabric of my panties. “As many as it takes to make you behave.” He slipped his fingers through the side of my undies and yanked them down roughly, pinching my bare ass between his fingers in the process. “Fuck, your ass is all red from all the other lessons I’ve had to teach you, pet.” He shook his head as he leaned down and ran his lips over the marks, kissing first one cheek and then the other. “If I didn’t know any better I would say that you liked being spanked like a bad girl. Why else would you keep disobeying me?”

  I blushed, thankful he couldn’t see how red my face was growing.

  It was like he was inside of my head, reading my thoughts.

  “Is that it?” he asked, moving away from my body again. “Do you like when I teach you a lesson, Winter?” I could hear him moving around in his box of toys and a second later he shoved the vibrator between my legs without warning, cranking it up to full speed.

  A shot of electricity shot through my stomach and my body tried to clamp together off impulse. The sting of the metal holding me in place shot through my body and I gasped loudly, overcome with feelings that I had never experienced before.

  Caden leaned his body down next to me; still busy rubbing the toy up and down my cunt. “Did you think I was going to take it easy on you just because you’ve already gotten punished today, pet?” He shook his head and moved his mouth to the side of my face, kissing me hard and deep. “I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. When you break the rules you don’t get any breaks from consequences.”

  My pussy was throbbing, unaware of how to deal with all the attention it was suddenly getting. I had gone years with doing nothing but touching myself under the covers of my own bed, safe in the darkness. And now Caden Dean was shoving his massive cock inside of me and teasing me with a toy so rapid it was sure to leave me sore for days.

  My legs started to shake, already wanting to cum from the pleasure he was inflicting on me. As silly as it was to admit I had never used a vibrator before, I was always way too scared one of my stepbrothers would find it and use it to embarrass the hell out of me.

  But now I might have to rethink it.

  Actually, you don’t now that you have Caden.

  I hated the thought because I knew it wasn’t true.

  I yelped in fury w
hen Caden yanked the toy away from my tenderness right before I came. “Hey! What…” I trailed off, annoyed at the orgasm that was starting to settle back into my body.

  “Open your eyes,” Caden soothed next to me, digging my cheek further into the mattress as I did and pushing my hair out of my face so that he could hold my gaze. “Bad girls don’t get to fucking cum anytime they want.” He shoved the vibrator back into my center and I screamed in shock and ecstasy. “Does that feel good, pet?”

  I wanted to answer but I was having trouble forming words.

  Caden leaned in and kissed me as he kept playing between my legs. “Keep those pretty eyes open, Winter, I want you looking at me while I get you off.” He smirked and pushed his thumb back and forth over my jaw. “That’s it, just like that, you’re so cute when you obey, baby, maybe you should try doing it more often.”

  My lips parted and I tried to glue my eyelids open, not wanting to disappoint him. Maybe if I was a good girl he would let me cum. It was getting too hard not to. I was too inexperienced, too fresh to the scene to fully be able to control my hormones. I was trying my best but my body kept betraying me, flying more and more off the handle.

  I needed to cum, I craved it so much it made me want to scream. I thought if I played by his rules, gave him exactly what he wanted, then he would cut me some slack. Let me explode all over my sheets so that at least I would be able to think straight again. “I will,” I moaned. “I will obey from now on, sir.” I forced my eyes open, trained on him the whole time.

  Oh, God, right there, baby.

  Yeah, keep doing that.

  Let me cum.

  He dug the toy deeper into me, his face growing serious. “Oh, yeah, you will? You’re going to do everything I say just like a good girl, huh?” He twisted the tip to the side, letting my juices flow freely all over.

  “Yes! Yes, master, yes!” I told him, knowing exactly what he liked.


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