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Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Fiona Archer

  “Our pleasure, ladies.” Noah’s gaze lingered before he turned back to his friend.

  Flynn set two plates on the table, each carrying a huge serving of rhubarb and apple pie topped off with a massive dollop of cream for good measure. Chloe didn’t bother to hide her smile.

  Flynn handed a plate to Noah. “Hey, we’re growing lads. And, our housekeeper-cum-pseudo-mum, Gretchen, baked this pie. We’d never be able to face her again if we passed it up.”

  Noah laughed and nodded. “He’s right. Besides, one thing I’ve come to love since moving here is the way you Yanks make fruit pies. Gretchen’s are the best.”

  Her throat tight with grief, Chloe swallowed. She’d lost her own mother years ago and treasured her memories. The warmth evident in the men’s voices as they spoke of Gretchen, and the obvious respect in which they held her, thumbed a chord within Chloe that resonated deep inside her.

  Forks and spoons clinked on china as they devoured their dessert. Purdy and Chloe finished first and made use of the opportunity to visit the restroom. There was a long line, and it was a while before they returned to the table.

  “Welcome back. We thought maybe you’d skipped town on us.” Flynn joked as he came to stand between the two women.

  Skip town? With their radar-sharp gaze tracking her every movement?

  “No, Purdy and I were just checking out the other male talent. We don’t want to sell ourselves short.” Chloe’s quip drew laughter all round. Men who could laugh at their own expense—another tick on the attraction register.

  “On the subject of checking people out, have you had a chance to get to meet many people here tonight?” asked Noah.

  Purdy rolled her eyes. “Since you two shanghaied the poor woman earlier, no she hasn’t.”

  Noah grunted then leaned over, snagging his arm around the blonde pixie and giving her a hug. “Okay, let us make it up to you both. How about we walk around with you ladies and introduce Chloe to some of our friends?”

  Purdy smiled up at Noah and nodded before turning to face Chloe. “It’s a good idea, honey. They know many people in town and having them introduce you will help break the ice with folks here tonight.”

  “So let them use their charm for good instead of evil?” Oops. Chloe wanted to slap her hand over her mouth. Where did that come from?

  “Careful, sweetie.” Flynn’s low voice sounded dangerously erotic to her ears. She resisted the urge to squeeze her thighs together.

  With her lip between her teeth, she sneaked a peek at Noah. His quiet, solid strength grounded her. She’d be crazy to miss such an opportunity to establish herself in King’s Bluff.

  “Thanks, Noah. I’d appreciate that.”

  “Okay, let’s get crackin’.” Noah’s smile, full and open, transformed his features from badass commando to charming rogue. Chloe’s stomach did a somersault. A pair of wolves in sheep’s clothing, that’s what they were. She’d be damn smart to remember that.

  For the next half hour or so, Noah and Flynn, with Purdy along for moral support, lived up to their promise. As they walked around the hall, the men never left her side. The constant touch of their hands on her elbow or the small of her back teased her resolve to stay indifferent. Their possessive gestures unnerved her. Whether it was for her benefit, or those around her, she’d yet to figure out.

  She tried to feign disinterest in their touch, but inside it was another story. A thousand sparks raced up her spine each time the heat of their caress shot through her clothing. Never had she had such a reaction to a man’s touch. And there were two of them!

  After completing a full circle of the hall, Chloe was in need of a drink and a chair, in that order. She sighed. Flynn took one look and grasped her hand, leading the women to a group of four chairs off to the side. Chloe made sure she and Purdy sat together, their chairs facing those of the men.

  Noah appeared with sodas for the women and a beer for each of the men.

  Purdy gazed over to her left. Chloe looked over and spied Purdy’s parents, whom she’d met earlier. Her friend turned back to her, a silent question in her eyes.

  “I’m fine, Purdy, honest. You don’t have to stay with me.” Chloe hugged Purdy.

  “Catch you later, Chloe. Call me?” Purdy raised her eyebrows.

  Chloe avoided her friend’s searching gaze. Yep, she’d have many questions to answer when they next spoke.

  “Don’t you worry, Purdy, we’ll take care of Chloe.” Was it just her imagination, or did Noah’s voice sound a little husky? Both men leaned down and gave Purdy a hug and a kiss on her forehead before she left.

  Regardless of what Chloe’s mind thought of their take-charge approach, her body wasn’t so shy. Her nipples were rock hard, their budded outline surely visible through her light sweater. The tip of her tongue skimmed over her bottom lip as she fought the urge to cross her arms to cover her breasts.

  Her body’s reaction was even more reason to make a clean break from their company—pronto. So many red flags waved before her. The idea of a ménage seemed too fantastic to imagine. She’d never in her life contemplated such a wild scenario, and sure as heck not with ex-SAS tough guys.

  However, even that paled in comparison to the imagined look of disgust on their faces when she confessed the sordid history of her family. A history that would always be there. Always.

  The bitter taste of regret firmed her resolve. No matter how strong the attraction, her new start in King’s Bluff came first. She refused to place it in jeopardy.

  Not trusting her voice, she chose to wait until either man asked her a question.

  A soft smile played across Noah’s handsome face, his eyes gentle as they studied her. He reached across the little space that separated them and took her hand, stroking the skin that covered her tendons. His finger left a trail of fire wherever he touched her.

  “We don’t want you to be afraid of us, little one. You can trust us never to hurt you.”

  God, tiny shivers kissed her body every time he called her “little one.” Small. Feminine. Submissive.

  Still, it didn’t hurt to show some steel, right?

  She snatched her hand back from Noah’s. “I’m not your ‘little one,’ Noah.”

  “Chloe, we want to get to know you, that’s all, for now.”

  Flynn’s declaration offered no reassurance. It was the “for now” that got her attention.

  “Look, gentlemen, you’re two seemingly intelligent, good-looking men, and I’m flattered.” Chloe struggled for a confident tone—no easy feat when her pulse beat double-time as both men looked like they’d wrestle her to the ground if she dared take one step away from them. “Call me old-fashioned, but I’m just not into this sort of thing.”

  “What sort of thing is that? We’re guessing Purdy must have told you some things about us. Why don’t you tell us what’s got you so worried so we can put you at ease?” Flynn leaned forward and rested his hand on her knee.

  “I’m not worried about anything Purdy may have said.” Liar. “I’m not a toy to be played with and enjoyed by two men,” she said. Damn it, why did they have to push her to make a statement?

  Noah sat up straight in his chair, his brows drawn into a harsh line.

  “Neither of us thinks of you as some toy to be played with, Chloe. In fact, your words couldn’t be further from the truth.” Noah glued her in place with the intensity of his gaze. “We think you’re a beautiful woman who deserves to have the attention of two men who want to get to know you, inside and out. We want to find out what makes you smile, what makes you laugh, what excites you.”

  “Chloe,” Flynn said, his voice a whisper across her skin, “if we just wanted to have a threesome, there’s other women we could be with. That isn’t what we want. We outgrew cheap thrills a long time ago.”

  There was no denying the conviction in Flynn’s voice or the scalding heat of his eyes as they challenged her to suggest otherwise.

  “I’m not interested in being shared.”
Yes, you are. Her gaze skittered to the floor. “I’m a one-man woman and happy to keep it that way.” A tickle of panic crept into her voice, not from fear of these cowboy warriors, but of her own weakness. It would be so easy to give in to temptation and surrender, all snug and protected between their bodies.

  “Honey, what’s scared you? Do you think we’d disrespect you if you admitted you’re attracted to the idea of getting to know us? Are you worried we’d tell tales? Baby, why are you hiding from yourself?” Flynn’s hand rubbed back and forth on her knee, firm and constant.

  “I’m not. Is it so hard to believe that I don’t want to date you both?” She stared back, fear of her own weakness taunting her to braver heights. Why wouldn’t they back down?

  “You know what, Chloe? You might have stood a chance of me believing that bullshit if I hadn’t seen the way you reacted to being near the two of us tonight.” Flynn challenged. His gaze swept over her from head to toe. “Can you deny that your nipples aren’t hard from the thought of being held by both of us? That you don’t want to know what it would be like when Noah and I kiss you to the point that you don’t give a bloody damn about what your brain tells you is right or wrong?”

  “God, you’re a conceited bastard.” She sat forward. His manner was a sharp reminder that he was trained to observe, to question everything, to seek out lies.

  “Little one, he’s stating what we can see for ourselves.” Noah held up his hand to cut her off when she gasped aloud. “Don’t even bother to deny it. We feel the same way. Remember, we want to get to know you as both a person and a beautiful woman we desire. We’re willing to go as slow as you want if that’s what you need.”

  “That’s magnanimous of you, but don’t bother.”

  “So, you’re going to lie to yourself and us and deny you want to get to know us better and see where things can lead?” Flynn’s soft tone should have been a clear warning.

  Chloe nodded. “That about sums it up.”

  Before she could guess his intention, Flynn grabbed Chloe’s chair, dragging both her and her chair up against their legs. They leaned in close, crowding her. Buoyed by her temper, she refused to cower. Instead, she firmed her chin and looked straight at them.

  Flynn raised a finger and traced a work-roughened tip over the softness of her mouth. Pushing down on her bottom lip, he forced her lips apart. Dipping his finger to tease the tip of her tongue, he sketched a damp trail over the stubborn curve of her chin, then down the slim column of her throat to stroke the pulse beating a wild tattoo at the base of her neck. After what seemed an eternity, he lowered his hand to once again rest upon her knee, his thumb tracing circles on top of her thigh.

  The men met Chloe’s stare, their eyes hypnotizing. For one crazy moment, she imagined their tongues replacing Flynn’s finger on his lazy exploration of her face and neck.

  How red must her face be? Her hard and sensitive nipples pressed against the lace cup of her bra, the friction almost painful. Worst of all, her clit was swollen and throbbing from the need to experience the tease of their tongues, a constant reminder of how much she wanted both men. Just the thought of them spreading her legs and relieving her torment sent another rush of cream along her pussy. Holy moly, she’d leave a wet spot on the seat before she got out of here.

  A quick look at both men confirmed she couldn’t bluff her way out. They’d seen her reaction.

  “We know you’re new and want to fit in, not make any waves. Are you worried what people would think, seeing you with both of us? Is that the truth, luv?” Noah asked.

  She blinked. Where was the smug comment she’d expected?

  “Yes,” she answered. What? Damn it, he’d routed her defenses in one go.

  “We would never tolerate anyone disrespecting you, and sure as hell not for the perceived sin of being our woman.” His voice rang like thunder rolling in before a storm. The forcefulness of Noah’s statement shocked Chloe, and not for the first time tonight, she acknowledged she’d underestimated them.

  Their woman? Oh boy.

  “But don’t you see? I’m a teacher for God’s sake. I can’t go out with two men on the same date.”

  Flynn growled. His grip on her knee tightened a fraction. “No, luv, it’s you who doesn’t see. We won’t let you get away from us because you’re scared of some gossip. Don’t let your own fears cloud your judgment. You can trust us. Nobody here worth a minute of your time is going to think worse of you. Don’t forget the history of King’s Bluff. The people who settled here wanted to escape society’s dictates on how they should live their lives. The whole ethos of this town embodies tolerance. Bloody hell, woman, this is the last place you’d ever be judged for dating two men.”

  He leaned forward, and his body seemed to absorb all the air around her.

  “You’re a school teacher? So what? We’re involved in this community, Chloe. People notice everything we do. Sometimes, gossip is hard to avoid.” Flynn’s jaw locked firmly.

  “He’s right, Chloe. This isn’t a town open to pious judgment. But, if anybody was stupid enough to make trouble for you, they’d find Flynn and me more than willing to persuade them in the strongest terms possible to adjust their outlook.” Noah’s threat, while camouflaged in polite language, nevertheless managed to convey its dangerous intent.

  “Bloody oath,” Flynn muttered.

  Their threats were disquieting. But the way they vowed to defend her reputation made her stomach do flip-flops. Good? Bad? She couldn’t pin down her thoughts, not when her body went haywire every time she thought of them pinning her down. Pushing her thighs together just wasn’t cutting it.

  She needed to make a tactical retreat. Some breathing room would allow her to rebuild her defenses. She licked her bottom lip and cast a look toward both men.

  “Guys, I, ah, I think I need a little time and space to absorb this. I didn’t come here tonight looking for any kind of date or relationship. Whatever this is”—she waved her hand to indicate the three of them—“it’s more than I was expecting or am ready for. So I’d like to go home now.”

  Instead of arguing for her to stay, Noah surprised her by nodding, granting permission for her escape. Flynn likewise released his hold on her knee. Both men rose before her. Flynn took her hand and helped her to her feet.

  Noah waited for her to adjust the strap of her purse over her shoulder before he clasped her other hand.

  “We’ll walk you to your car,” Noah said.

  “No, there’s no need, I—”

  Both men moved forward in unison, leaving her with no choice but to keep pace. Being towed or dragged to her car just seemed so undignified.

  “A lady is always escorted to her car, Chloe.” Flynn smiled down at her.

  Clutching what was left of her frayed composure, she claimed her coat and they walked out the glass entry doors.

  Noah scanned the parking lot, then turned to face her. “Which one is your car?”

  “The small blue Honda near the minivan.” Chloe inclined her head toward her car. With the men by her side, they strolled the few yards across the well-lit parking lot.

  Both men had their Y-chromosomes on full display, carrying out a quick visual inspection of her car. Chloe could tell from their indifferent expressions that the late model hatchback, with its pre-loved exterior, didn’t impress. Not that it mattered. She wasn’t assigning them ownership of her or her car. In truth, it was none of their damn business.

  Walking around to the driver’s side, Noah stood silently as she opened her car door and leaned across to place her handbag on the front passenger seat. Flynn walked around from the other side and came to stand behind her. Whether sitting or standing, she somehow always ended up between them.

  Deciding a quick good-bye was in order, Chloe let out a deep breath before turning to the men.

  The heat projected from Noah’s gaze robbed her of all sense of urgency in her good-bye. She stood frozen as he slowly stepped forward, allowing her the chance to move away i
f that was her choice. But it wasn’t. She knew it and so did they.

  Now he was so close his breath wafted against her lips as he looked down at her. Chloe fought the urge to lay her hands against the impressive expanse of his chest. She curled her fists at her sides and stared at the base of his throat. The muscles of the strong column moved as he swallowed, the skin tanned dark from many hours spent outdoors.

  With a gentleness that belied such a powerful man, Noah placed a finger under her chin and lifted her gaze to his. “Little one, unless you move away, I’m going to kiss you.”

  True to his word, he waited, giving her enough time to step back if she wanted. She stood still, aware of the implications of not moving away, yet knowing that she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t experience a kiss from at least one of the deadly attractive men.

  Inch by inch, Noah dipped his head until his lips covered hers. With deliberate skill, his mouth moved over hers before using his tongue to press her lips apart. Its silky softness roamed. There was nothing teasing about Noah’s kiss. His manner, controlled yet persuasive, drew a soft moan of pleasure from her as she submitted, returning his kiss. After a night of anticipation, this had sure as hell been worth the wait.

  Noah raised his head and studied her features. One corner of his lips lifted in seemingly wry acknowledgment. Of what, she hadn’t a clue. He traced a finger over her cheek, then placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face Flynn.

  Sandwiched snug between their hard bodies, Chloe was reminded how handsome these men were as she stared up at Flynn. As his hands rose to cup her face, his fingers ran though the strands of her hair, his fingertips rubbing against the base of her scalp.

  “Would you like one more good-night kiss, baby girl?”

  Nodding seemed easier than trying to speak. Flynn didn’t waste time. He lowered his mouth and nipped at her bottom lip before licking the sting away. His teaser sent a zing right down to her clit. Covering her lips, he kissed her long and slow, drawing out her response until she was kissing him with equal enthusiasm.


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