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Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Fiona Archer

  Flynn traced a finger up her other arm, burning a trail through her sweater. A two-pronged attack. Do. Not. Squirm. What was wrong with her? She should snatch her hand away. Tell them to get lost. Guilt knotted her stomach. She lowered her gaze to her plate.

  “Chloe, look at me.”

  Noah’s forceful decree sent another rush of moisture straight to her panties. For a second she closed her eyes. She could handle this. They were just two men, not superhuman. She lifted her chin and met his gaze.

  “Let’s clarify a couple of things. We don’t have a scheme to date you. We have an absolute commitment to make you our woman.” He ignored her sharp intake of breath. “As for tactics, we’ll use whatever’s necessary, barring anything that would cause you actual physical or mental harm, to achieve our goal. That includes asking a friend to ring us when you’re in his diner for your regular Saturday morning breakfast. You should know we have a lot of friends in this town and we’re not above calling in favors.”

  Flynn sipped his coffee and leaned back against the booth. “Luv, I’m guessing you don’t know the motto of the Special Air Services Regiment. It’s ‘Who Dares Wins.’ Never underestimate the thrill of the chase. You can run all over town, but eventually we’ll catch you.”

  Chased by these men…these strong, lethal men. And, when they caught her? Her mind whirled with the possibilities. Flynn would hold her against his hard body, her desperate struggle no match for his overwhelming strength. She envisaged Noah walking toward her, his stride slow, deliberate. Wearing a crooked grin, he would run a length of rope through his hand. She would kick out at him, try to gain—

  “Chloe?” Noah’s prompt dragged her back with a thud.

  Heat scalded her face. She ducked her chin. Was it possible to die from embarrassment?

  “Little one, whatever it is that’s got you blushing so pretty, I’d love for you to share it with us.” Noah chuckled when she lifted her head and scowled back at him.

  “Not a chance in hell. You don’t need my help to stroke your egos.” She snatched her hand away from his grasp and started in on her rapidly cooling eggs and mushrooms.

  “So you were thinking about us, and it made you blush? Well, that’s made my day.” Flynn’s cheeks creased in apparent satisfaction.

  “What makes you think you’re both irresistible? You’re not the only men in town.” She lifted her chin a little bit higher.

  Precious seconds later, her smirk faltered as Flynn’s gaze turned hard. “If any other man in King’s Bluff gives you cause to blush the way you did just now, he better start running. You on the other hand, will be over my knee as I turn your bottom a sweet shade of pink.”

  Like hell!

  “Listen, you Neanderthal throwback, who do you—”

  Noah pressed two fingers against her lips. Her clit pulsed at the forceful action. She forgot to breathe. It was as if he’d flicked on a switch deep inside.

  Gently, he turned her face to his and stroked her jaw with his thumb before dropping his hand back to the table.

  “I think what Flynn’s trying to say is we’re both developing feelings toward you. We want to take care of you and keep you safe as we get to know you better.” Noah offered.

  “There’s a big difference between protective and possessive, Noah. Either way, I’m an adult who’s managed to take care of herself for quite a few years. Thanks for the offer, but I’ll continue to run my life without your assistance.”

  She counted the beats as Noah stared at her long and hard before answering. “Since I don’t want to argue with you, I’ll let that slip go. But rest assured, sweetheart, you’ll be encountering our assistance in the future.”

  Just what kind of assistance did he propose? Someone for her to lean on or someone to control her?

  “Baby, we want the chance to take you out on a date, have a meal, and show you how a lady like yourself should be treated. Will you let us do that for you?” Flynn’s voice had taken on a silky quality, deep, enticing, and dangerous.

  From underneath her lashes, she sneaked a peek at both men. Common sense fought with her desire for not one, but two men. Was she seriously considering this?

  “What is it you’re afraid of, Chloe? An intelligent woman who knows her own mind wouldn’t be scared of a simple date.” Flynn smiled, his gray eyes full of challenge.

  “Is it impossible for you to believe I don’t want to go on a date with you?” No way was she treading near the minefields hidden within his question.

  Flynn tilted his head. He seemed to think over his next words. “We’re reasonable men, so let’s make a deal. You agree to one date with us. If, afterwards, you don’t wish to go out again, we’ll leave you in peace.” He stared back, confidence adding to the strong lines of his face. Dammit. He’d boxed her into a corner.

  Noah leaned in just close enough for her to get a whiff of his spicy aftershave, cedar wood and…citrus? “That’s fair, don’t you think, honey? What’s the harm? You have some terrible secret you don’t want us to find out?”

  A tickle of panic ran up her side. Something in his eye—a glint of awareness—gave her pause. Had she slipped up? No. She’d been so careful. He was calling her bluff. She let out a long, slow breath. One date, huh? Well, what did she have to lose?

  Don’t answer that.

  “You’ve got yourself a deal, gentlemen. Next Friday night. Where do you want to eat? I can meet you.” If she drove herself, she’d retain some small measure of control.

  “No, luv, we’ll pick you up from your house at seven.” Flynn’s firm tone warned Chloe she wasn’t going to win. “Have you been to Buon Appetito? Opened here about a year ago. Fantastic meals, family owned.”

  She nodded. “Yes, I’ve been with Purdy. I love Italian food.” Chloe smiled. “What’s your favorite—” The chirp of her cell phone cut her off.

  Digging in her purse, she managed to answer before the call went to voice mail.



  She spoke again. “Hello?”


  She pulled the phone away from her ear and frowned at the screen. No caller ID. Wrong number? Sure, but why didn’t they bother to speak? She dragged a hand through her hair and sighed. Maybe they were just rude jerks. No sense getting paranoid.

  Except her paranoia was the thing keeping her safe. After that frantic phone call from her sister-in-law, Anita, stating Trent was leaving her and determined to convince Chloe to marry him, she’d had no choice but to flee.

  “Everything okay?” Flynn asked softly.

  “Just a wrong number.” Chloe shoved the phone back in her bag and sipped some more of her coffee.

  Penny walked over and refilled their mugs. Chloe smiled her thanks and used the opportunity to gather herself. A clear head was her best defense against these men.

  Noah screwed off the top of the small jar Ryan had placed on the table earlier. With a dig of his knife, he scooped out something resembling dark-brown tar then proceeded to spread it over his toast. Yes, she shouldn’t stare, but whatever that stuff was, it resembled something spat up from the bowels of hell.

  When Noah lifted his toast to his mouth and took a bite, she couldn’t hide her wince.

  “What’s the matter, luv?” Flynn cocked a brow before he, too, spread the brown muck on his toast.

  “Err, nothing.” Don’t look. Drink your coffee.

  “Not a fan of Vegemite?” Noah’s lips twitched just before she shot her gaze away from the toast in his hand.

  “Is that what it is?” Chloe cringed at the sound of horror creeping into her voice.

  “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. You don’t know what you’re missing.” Flynn took a huge bite out of his tar-covered toast and laughed at Chloe’s shudder.

  “I’m prepared to stay in the dark on that. Thanks all the same.” She couldn’t keep the grin off her face. Moments like this it was so easy to like these men. Too easy.

  Chloe noticed Noah’s
upper body stiffening as his gaze turned cold. He stared at the diner’s entry. Flynn seemed to immediately pick up on Noah’s change. His hands were free of food and drink by the time Chloe looked away from Noah. She could feel a charge in the atmosphere as other patrons glanced between someone and Noah and Flynn.

  Frustration chomped at the thin cord of Chloe’s patience. Between the high sides of the booth and Flynn’s body, she had no clear view to the doorway.

  Seconds later, she had her answer.

  “King. So this is the new schoolteacher taking up so much of your time. I’d wondered when our fearless savior would bring her out in public.”

  A man, a rather unimpressive man, stood in front of their booth.

  Flynn swore under his breath. His hand landed on Chloe’s knee, giving a squeeze of reassurance. It shocked her how much she appreciated the gesture.

  The fancy shirt and belt inlaid with silver and turquoise screamed desperation for notoriety in a community where authentic scuffed boots earned respect. Thin strands of dull brown hair combed back and frozen in place by a styling product emphasized the bitter twist to the man’s face.

  “Wagner.” The soft menace in Noah’s voice signaled danger.

  Chloe stared, speechless, as this power-charged version of Noah was unleashed before her with a deadly calm that chilled her. Why didn’t this fool run?

  Wagner lifted a brow. “Not going to introduce us?” He shifted his gaze to Chloe. An oily smile crept over his face. The way those insipid hazel eyes roved over her…She shivered. Disgust left a sour taste in her mouth.

  Noah didn’t blink as he addressed Wagner. “You already know the lady’s name, and I’d rather not sully her day by extending your presence a second longer.” He stood then stepped out of the booth, crowding the shorter man. “Leave.”

  Wagner’s cheeks flooded red. “You smug asshole. You fly in like the prodigal nephew, make changes to our town, and think we’re going to roll over?”

  “Bloody hell, Wagner, you sound like an actor in a B-grade Western.” Noah shook his head. “With the economy crashing and the old food processing plant closing, King’s Bluff was dying. I didn’t see the mayor and the town council shoving pitchforks in our faces when we helped upgrade services. Where was your family money then?”

  The tic in Wagner’s jaw worked overtime. “Had to buy your way in, didn’t you? How you can strut around when Caleb should have inherited from Duncan is beyond my comprehension.”

  For a second, she spied a haunted flash in Noah’s stare. Did he believe this man’s words? Surely not.

  “Wagner, the list of things beyond your comprehension is too staggering for words.” Flynn rose and moved up beside Noah. Two warriors ready for battle.

  The whole diner seemed to hold its collective breath, Chloe included.

  “Enough, Karl. You need to turn around and leave. I won’t have people coming in here causing trouble.” Parker Gordon walked over to stand close to Wagner. The spitting image of his twin brother, his tall, rangy body appeared fit beyond his years and capable of removing Wagner physically if the man didn’t comply.

  “You’re taking his side?” Wagner’s jaw dropped.

  Parker’s sigh sounded more sad than frustrated. “Karl, you’ve gone too far this time. Despite what you think, you don’t speak for this town.” He nodded toward the door. “Go home, Karl.”

  Wagner’s eyes narrowed to slits. He favored Noah with one last glare before he turned and disappeared from her view. The loud clang on the glass entry door confirmed his departure.

  Parker waved his hand. “I’m sorry, Noah. The man’s an idiot.”

  “Not your fault, mate.” Noah shrugged.

  Parker seemed tempted to say more, but glancing at Chloe, he closed his mouth. With a nod in their direction, he returned to the kitchen.

  Noah and Flynn slid back into the booth.

  “Not one of your biggest fans?” Chloe’s attempt at levity garnered a wry smile from Noah.

  “No. Flynn and I, hell, all of us at King’s Haven, aren’t on that bloke’s Christmas card list.”

  These Aussies had a knack for understatement. “May I ask why he resents you so much?”

  “You remember at the dance I told you my ancestor won the land that makes up King’s Bluff in a poker match?”

  “Yes, and that was how the town got its name.” Kind of cool.

  Noah sighed. “Wagner’s great-great-grandfather was the loser of that hand. His descendants have been traumatized by separation anxiety ever since.”

  Flynn rolled his eyes and made a disgusted sound. “That’s putting it mildly.”

  “Does he make trouble for you?” She pictured Wagner as the petty type.

  “Not as much as he’d like. He’s addressed the town council a couple of times, trying to hold up plans for whatever improvements are under consideration.” As her brows gathered in a frown, he used a finger to tap her lower lip free from her teeth. “Don’t worry, luv, he’s small fry.”

  She nodded. Noah had decided the guy was no threat, and he should know. Still, she hadn’t imagined the shadow that invaded Noah’s eyes when Wagner accused him of stealing Caleb’s inheritance. Did Noah buy into Wagner’s rant? The ranch was Duncan’s to bequeath to whomever he wished. And hadn’t Flynn told her at the dance that Caleb’s family owned a large parcel of land? He wasn’t destitute.

  A quick glance at her watch confirmed she was way behind schedule. She reached into her bag and pulled out her wallet.

  Flynn’s hand imprisoned her own, stilling her movements. “It’s taken care of, Chloe.” She swept her gaze up to his. Her skin tingled under his possession.

  “I…okay.” She cleared her throat and tugged her hand free.

  “Thank you for breakfast. Now I have lots to do. So if you don’t mind, Noah?” She waited for him to move.

  “Well, luv, I do mind, however I’ll try to be the gentleman my mum raised me to be and let you run away.” Noah paused. “But only for now.” With a grin, he slid out of the booth, as did Flynn.

  She followed and stood between them. A warm marshmallow sensation seeped into her bones as their large bodies crowded against her. Even when wearing her new boots with a two-inch heel, the crown of her head didn’t come close to reaching the top of their broad shoulders.

  “I guess I’ll see you next—mmph.”

  Noah’s kiss silenced her, his technique thorough, hard, and to the point, like the man himself.

  The second he released her mouth Flynn stepped in, claiming her lips for his own. He was a tiny bit smoother in his approach but no less devastating as she scrambled to maintain a coherent thought.

  She opened her eyes. Both men gazed down at her, wearing indulgent smiles as she blinked her mind back into focus.

  “As you were saying, little one, next Friday, seven sharp.” Noah flicked the end of her nose with his finger.

  “Right,” she managed to choke out. She gripped the strap of her bag as if her life depended on it, then walked out of the diner, ignoring the amused stares of the other patrons who’d witnessed her being kissed by not one, but two men. Guess the cat was out of the bag where that was concerned.

  Chapter Five

  Chloe examined herself in her bedroom’s full-length mirror.

  The silky material of the sapphire dress was cut on the bias, minimizing her hips and waist and falling just below her knees. She smiled at a glimpse of cleavage revealed by the V-neckline. Less is more, right? Noah and Flynn were men, not teenagers who needed everything on show. She shook her head at her own reflection.

  The last touch, a pearl pendant and matching stud earrings, set the look. They were a gift from her mother and had been passed down through four generations of their family.

  Chloe ran a finger underneath the delicate gold chain. Mom. Grief, sudden and harsh, cinched tight the muscles in her throat. She blinked against threatening tears. The heartache, the regret, never lessened. Pamela Morgan had fought her death from cerv
ical cancer right up until her last breath. Thirty-eight, so young—too young. That one event had set in motion so many others that had changed Chloe’s life irrevocably.

  She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on her loss. Tonight she must be on guard.

  Time for one last check. The tortoiseshell combs used to hold up her hair at the sides were fixed in place. She smoothed her hands down the front of her dress and glanced around her bedroom. Her lipstick? Where had she put…No, hang on, she’d placed it in her evening bag earlier. Okay, she needed to grab her cell phone. Was there anything else she—

  Knock. Knock.

  She spun around to face the hallway, a hand pressed against her stomach. Her gaze darted to her bedside clock. Right on time. What else should she have expected? One deep breath. Then another. On the third, she headed to the door.

  What was wrong with her? This was just a date. She’d have dinner with Noah and Flynn. That was their bargain. One date. Then they’d leave her alone. Simple enough. She clamped her hand around the front doorknob and turned.

  She froze at the sight of the two gorgeous men who filled her doorway and then some.

  The light on her front porch emphasized every handsome detail, from Noah’s tousled honey-blond waves and Flynn’s shorter, darker, hand-combed hair, right down to their polished boots. They wore dark jackets with matching dress pants. Noah was dressed in navy while Flynn had chosen black. Cotton button-down shirts stretched across their chests, accentuating the power beneath.

  The slight evening breeze wafted past the door, bringing with it a tease of their scent, an intoxicating aroma of aftershave and alpha male mixed with a hint of danger. So…addictive.

  “Hello, little one, you look beautiful tonight.”

  Noah’s deep voice tugged Chloe out of her momentary stupor.

  The strong line of Noah’s shoulders and the hard square of his jaw exuded authority. Her skin tingled with a heightened sensitivity, as if someone had trailed a feather over her exposed flesh, priming her for more, so much more. Not even out the door and her body was begging for their touch.


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