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February The Fifth (The Glothic Tales)

Page 19

by Derek Haines

  ‘Yes it is odd Snurd. But it depends on whose orders he is following.’

  ‘Must get a bit confusing for him,’ String added.

  ‘Yes indeed,’ Snurd agreed.

  Glutz was waiting as the Erdean Salmon Conglomerate transporter landed. Once the hatchway opened, Feb and April could see May and June standing beside Glutz. Smiling and waving. April went running towards them. Snurd and String also moved a bit quicker than normal to greet Snikkle and Likklet who where also aside Glutz. Feb trailed behind, and greeted Glutz with a firm handshake before hugging his sisters and shaking Snikkle and Likklet’s hands. As they moved off, Feb was already in deep discussion with Glutz. The situation on Gloth was becoming worse. Glutz informing him of a wave of arrests by the Grand Council Guards that had begun earlier in the day, shortly after the election of Kortek. Already six Grand Councillors who opposed Kortek were in custody as well as four of Glutz’s own senior officers.

  ‘So what about you?’ Feb asked. ‘Do you think you’re on Kortek’s arrest list?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Undoubtably sir. Kortek knew Lefroy Overload was my relative. Not a very well kept secret I’m afraid.’

  ‘And what of Dagnion?’

  ‘Well sir. To be honest I think his days are numbered. I believe Kortek and Umblicat were disappointed in what he delivered.’

  ‘My father?’

  ‘I’m afraid to say that that there are rumours that he may have been involved.’

  ‘Yes. Well we can attend to him later. I’m more concerned for you. I presume it’s not entirely safe for you to return to Gloth.’

  ‘Until recent events, I wasn’t concerned sir. But yes. As some of my senior officers have been taken by Kortek, I can well imagine I’m high on his list. If Kortek wants to take control, one of his first objectives must be to weaken the Gregorian Guard and have the Grand Council Guards in full control.’

  ‘And Glothic High Command?’

  ‘General Durrgan Dirrth will obey official orders sir. So if Kortek has been duly elected and no Supreme Potentate is in place, he will take orders from the Grand Council President.’


  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Right,’ Feb said and paused. ‘I think it might be wise for you to return to Gloth with me.’

  ‘Yes sir, perhaps under the circumstances.’

  ‘Good. Send your ship back as planned and on schedule.’

  ‘Very well.’

  ‘And do you believe it’s safe to leave my sisters here?’

  ‘Yes sir. I’ve posted six of my finest men to maintain their protective custody here.’

  ‘Alright. Let’s get things underway.’

  April would have none of it. She was returning to Gloth with Feb, even if she had to flap her arms and fly there herself. Feb could not convince her that she should look after May and June. In the end, Feb relented. He could see he was getting nowhere. He offered Snikkle and Likklet the opportunity to stay on Alternus as well, but neither would accept.

  ‘We started with you sir, and we’ll finish this with you,’ Snikkle said firmly.

  ‘But you don’t have to gentlemen.’

  ‘Yes we do sir. We want our old jobs back!’ Likklet smiled.

  Feb knew he had to be strong now, and focus on regaining Gregorian Rule on Gloth. But no matter what the Dodecahedron had given him, he was powerless against the will of his small party to join him in his battle.

  An hour and a half after landing, the Erdean Salmon Conglomerate transporter was again heading for Gloth – and Feb and his band for the Royal Coach Hangar. An odd place altogether from which to launch a counter revolution.

  Viva La Revolution

  ‘Was it really necessary?’ April asked Feb.

  ‘Yes, I’m afraid so. We need to make sure no one knows we’re here,’ Feb explained as Glutz and Snikkle led the two young Royal Coach Hangar attendants away – bound and gagged. ‘They won’t be harmed.’

  ‘I believe we may need to be prepared for yet more unpleasantries as we proceed,’ Snurd advised April.

  ‘As little as possible,’ Feb added. ‘But we have to be prepared.’

  ‘It’ll take some preparation for only seven of us to re-take a whole empire,’ Likklet added.

  ‘Don’t worry Likklet, I don’t plan on the seven of us doing this alone. We need to get some help arranged,’ Feb explained. ‘When Commander Glutz returns – oh here he is now.’

  ‘All secure. They’re as comfortable as possible.’

  ‘Very good commander. Let’s get started then.’

  On route back to Gloth from Alternus, Feb and Commander Glutz had laid their preliminary plans. Glutz would arrange for as many Gregorian Guards as possible to report to barracks. The main Gregorian Guard’s barracks were within the palace grounds, which was probably now vulnerable to Grand Council Guards. But by good fortune there was a training barracks adjacent to the Coach Hangar. He would use Feb’s borrowed Q’muniktor to contact Lieutenant Grubbilli to send the order. Glutz would then secure his Gregorian Guards within the training barracks and the Coach Hangar – and have Grubbilli send some side arms to Glutz as soon as possible.

  Snurd, String and Snikkle were to go, as discreetly as possible after nightfall, to find Tylonilic Arundaplast, the under deputy vice assistant to Dagnion. It was Snurd’s task, as he was acquainted with Arundaplast, to convince him to come back with them to the hangar. It was Snikkle and String’s task to make sure he indeed did if he refused Snurd’s polite invitation. Snikkle would carry the only sidearm, as he was trained in their use. April and Likklet were charged with maintaining watch at the hangar and over the two captured guards until Glutz could arrange for Gregorian Guards to take over responsibility for security. As for Feb, he had a friend he wanted to visit.

  Glutz had been busy on the Q’muniktor for more than twenty minutes, and it was clear that he was not entirely pleased. ‘Just get as many as you can then Grubbilli and get out of there yourself. There’s no point going back to the palace barracks. Contact as many guards as you can who are either on leave or off roster. Then get yourself here at oh-six-hundred,’ he said and clicked his Q’muniktor off angrily.

  ‘Trouble?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Yes sir. The Grand Council Guards took over the palace barracks an hour ago.’

  ‘And your guards?’

  ‘At least seventy-five are being held. Maybe more. They’re being transferred to somewhere more secure is all Grubbilli knew.’

  ‘So he was lucky.’

  ‘Seems so. He was due to report for duty this evening. So it seems we may only be able to assemble less than fifty guards if we’re lucky.’

  ‘Still better than seven,’ Likklet added as he and the others listened intently to what Glutz was saying.

  ‘Well, we’ll do what we can do,’ Glutz replied. ‘Grubbilli should at least be able to get some sidearms to us before nightfall anyway.’

  ‘Well, so long as he arrives, we’ll proceed with our plans for this evening,’ Fed said firmly. ‘Until then, we wait.’

  Everyone was becoming impatient as six o’clock arrived and passed with no sign of Grubbilli. By six-thirty Glutz was concerned. Not nearly as concerned as he was minutes later when the first flash of Turgon small arms fire whizzed through a window of the hangar and fizzed luckily into the side of a Royal Coach.

  ‘Everyone, down!’ he shouted as all instantly obeyed and hit the floor.

  ‘Council Guards?’ Feb yelled above another burst of fire.

  ‘Not sure. If we’re lucky, yes.’

  ‘And if we’re not?’ String asked.

  ‘If they’re Glothic High Command troopers, we’re in real trouble,’ Glutz replied.

  The firing continued for another minute or two and then suddenly stopped.

  ‘This is Sergeant Clufferdikk,’ a voice over a loud hailer bellowed. ‘By order of the President of the Grand Council, I ask you to surrender immediately.’

  ‘Well, there’s your answ
er,’ String said but with a noticeable tremble in his voice.

  ‘Yes young man,’ Glutz replied.

  ‘Come out one at a time with your hands raised,’ Clufferdikk bellowed again and with no response after fifteen seconds, he had his men start firing again.

  ‘Any ideas?’ Feb shouted to Glutz.

  ‘I’ve got the only side arm. At least I can make it a little uncomfortable for them if they try to enter.’

  ‘That probably won’t be enough to discourage them for long,’ Snurd shouted from his prone position on the floor.

  ‘What was that?’ April said as the fire subsided a little, but a clear burst of a different sounding fire started outside the hangar.

  ‘Not High Command troopers I hope,’ String yelled.

  ‘Quiet!’ Feb said as the firing stopped hitting the hangar, but continued outside. Then one small explosion at a rear door of the hangar had Glutz turning with his side arm drawn and aimed. The lock of the door blew apart and splintered into the air just before the door flew open. Glutz was ready to fire, waiting for his target to appear through the now open and dangling door.

  ‘Don’t fire sir. It’s Grubbilli!’ A quiet but half yelled whispered voice said from behind the open doorway.

  ‘Alright. Get in here,’ Glutz said and with it Grubbilli and two Gregorian Guards leapt into the hangar.

  ‘We’d be safer if we can get to the barracks,’ Grubbilli said quickly as he handed Glutz three sets of side arms.

  ‘Alright. How many are there out there?’ Glutz asked.

  ‘Around twenty sir.’

  ‘And our guards?’

  ‘Five outside distracting our council friends, twenty-three at the barracks and hopefully another fifteen on their way here sir.’

  ‘Not a lot then.’

  ‘No sir.’

  ‘Here!’ Glutz said as he handed Feb, Snikkle and Likklet a set of sidearms each. ‘Do you know how to use this sir?’ He asked Feb.

  ‘No, but I think Snikkle will give me a quick lesson.’

  ‘Certainly sir,’ Snikkle replied.

  ‘Grubbilli, pass me your Q’muniktor.’ Glutz said. Grubbilli immediately handed it over. ‘Now where are our five guards out there?’

  ‘Their left flank sir. There’s some cover there.’

  ‘Alright. You three take a position on their right. Get their attention. I’ll get some guards from the barracks to their rear. Move!’ Glutz said as he already had contact with the training barracks.

  ‘This is Commander Glutz. Get five guards out of there and take up a rear position behind these idiot Grand Council Guards that are firing at me in the Coach Hangar. There are Gregorian Guards already on their flanks.’

  A clear, ‘yes sir’, cracked over Glutz’s Q’muniktor and Glutz took a position near a window and waited for Grubbilli to commence firing. At the sound of the first volley, he fired from his position as well. He could see the confusion created for the Grand Council Guards as Sergeant Clufferdikk prepared for a retreat to safer ground. He could hear him ordering his men back. Another volley from the five Gregorian Guards on the left flank had the Grand Council Guards moving faster.

  Glutz waited as the firing stopped and he could clearly see the Grand Council Guards making for a slight rise directly ahead of the hangar. Just as they reached the rise and the cover that would protect them just beyond, he saw them hit the ground again as a volley sprayed above their heads. Glutz dived through the door of the hangar and signalled for his guards on the right and left to close in behind the retreating Grand Council Guards. As the Gregorian Guards from the barracks kept firing, the Grand Council Guards were forced back towards their original position.

  ‘Cease fire,’ Glutz yelled at the top of his voice and the whole field fell silent.

  ‘This Commander Glutz! Please drop your weapons and raise your hands gentlemen,’ Glutz shouted towards the Grand Council Guards who obeyed readily.

  ‘It’s Clufferdikk Glutz! Don’t fire. We’re dropping our weapons.’

  ‘Alright. Just take it easy,’ Glutz replied knowing that Sergeant Clufferdikk was not in the business of being a hero or a soldier of any kind for that matter. More a public servant who just happened to need to carry a gun. They had worked together often, and Glutz felt sorry for Clufferdikk being caught up in such a political muddle. He walked towards Clufferdikk and his clearly frightened bunch of young guards. All the while, the other Gregorian Guards closed in from three sides with their weapons still drawn, covering Commander Glutz.

  ‘Right Clufferdikk, lets get this sorted out then shall we?’ Glutz said as he shook Clufferdikk’s hand.

  ‘Yes sir. Certainly.’

  ‘Good. Who ordered this attack?’

  ‘It was OK’D.’

  ‘Ah. So Oderly Dagnion is still at work. Then?’

  ‘Eh, yes. He’s the new Special Assistant.’

  ‘Assistant to who?’

  ‘Hadlian Kortek. The new president of the Grand Council.’

  ‘Hmm. I see,’ was all Glutz said. ‘Gather up their weapons will you Grubbilli and escort our guests back to the hangar.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Oh, and all their Q’muniktors too!’

  ‘So what do you want me to do with them sir?’ Glutz asked Feb as they all gathered in the hangar.

  ‘For the moment, can you accommodate them all in the training barracks?’

  ‘Yes. Certainly sir.’

  ‘Good. Now Sergeant Clufferdikk.’

  ‘Eh, yes sir,’ Clufferdikk hesitantly replied knowing exactly who was addressing him.

  ‘I want as few people hurt as possible during the time of this little problem.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Good. We understand each other then. So please go with my Gregorian Guards and do as you’re told, be nice. – and behave,’ Feb said in a very warm and friendly tone.

  ‘Eh, of course yes sir.’

  ‘Or you’ll be executed under my order within minutes,’ Feb said firmly, staring into his eyes and making it clear to Clufferdikk that he was certainly not making an idle threat.

  ‘We’ll be no trouble sir. I promise,’ a now less than confident Clufferdikk replied with a waver in his voice.

  ‘Good. Alright Glutz. Get them moving. Oh, could you take the two young hangar attendants too. Feel sorry for them being tied up and all.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  After Grubbilli left, escorting the now very cooperative Grand Council Guards and the two young hangar attendants, Feb looked at the twenty Q’muniktors laid on a bench. He picked one up and looked at it for some moments.


  ‘Yes Feb?’

  ‘I’d like you to do me a little favour.’

  ‘Sure Feb. What?’

  ‘This is Clufferdikk’s Q’muniktor. When you push here it will contact Clufferdikk’s superior in his control room.’


  ‘If you can do a reasonable impression of Clufferdikk’s voice, screaming in panic that all his men have been killed or wounded and that you’re surrounded by two hundred heavily armed troopers, it would be nice,’ Feb smiled.

  ‘I could do some groaning if it would help,’ Snurd added.

  ‘Me too,’ Snikkle said.

  ‘I would love to try a dying scream,’ Likklet added.

  ‘Good. I think you’ve all got the idea then,’ Feb smiled. ‘When we’ve finished with our little pantomime, we can all get back to our evening’s original itinerary.’

  ‘Now Commander Glutz.’

  ‘Yes sir?’

  ‘I believe we might need to find safer temporary accommodation. Any ideas?’

  ‘What the hell is going on?’ Kortek screamed at Dagnion as he burst out of his office and into Dagnion’s new plush surroundings.

  ‘What sir? I don’t know what …’

  ‘Twenty dead or dying Grand Council Guards!’


  ‘You sent them you idiot!’

nbsp; ‘I’ll have to check sir, I ….’

  ‘What? Check how damn dead they are?’ Kortek continued screaming.

  ‘I’m sorry sir. I received an intelligence report that Glutz and possibly the February fool had landed back on Gloth near the ….’

  ‘Doesn’t sound very intelligent to me. By whose authority did you order the mission?’

  ‘Well, eh,’ Dagnion blubbered. ‘Eh, yours sir.’

  ‘Without asking me? Who the hell do you think you are?’

  ‘But sir, ….’

  ‘Imbecile! It was a trap you idiot. There were god knows how many armed troopers there. Two hundred by Clufferdikk’s account!’

  ‘I’m sorry sir, I didn’t …..’

  ‘Idiot!’ Kortek barked as he stormed back to his office.

  It was just after eight-thirty when Glutz led the way to a Gregorian Guard safe house. What looked like a charming small shoe repair shop had a well kept secret. Quite spacious and comfortable accommodation below it and conveniently located as well. A little over five minutes walk to the Palace and a minute or two more to the Grand Council building. Getting there had been somewhat of a fancy dress party, as they had raided the hangar stores before their departure and made their way two by two. Just within sight of each pair in front of them in the fading light. Glutz and April arm in arm leading the way. Snurd had taken great delight in faking a nasty limp all the way there, telling String that his real limp was not convincing enough. A true sign that they had become very good friends to be able to joke about String’s slight handicap.

  Once everyone was settled, Snurd, String and Snikkle set off on their errand – to collect Tylonilic Arundaplast. Glutz, April and Likklet stayed, but Feb left shortly after Snurd. No one knowing where he was going. April asked, as did Glutz, but Feb didn’t say anything other than that it was personal.

  ‘It’s Kortek. Get over here right now!’ Kortek barked into his Q’muniktor at Umblicat.

  ‘On my way.’

  Kortek clicked his Q’muniktor again.


  ‘It’s Hadlian Kortek, General Dirrth.’


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