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February The Fifth (The Glothic Tales)

Page 21

by Derek Haines

‘Well, say hello then,’ Feb smiled.

  ‘Glutz speaking.’

  ‘It’s General Dirrth Commander Glutz. I was wondering if we could have a little chat.’

  Before Glutz could answer, Feb was nodding his head.

  ‘Yes, well certainly General Dirrth.’

  ‘Excellent. I understand things are somewhat difficult at present, so where would it be suitable for you to meet?’

  Feb was wildly pointing with his finger to indicate here. And then holding up seven fingers for the time.

  ‘Sending the address to you now by Scrambler sir. Nineteen-hundred convenient for you?’

  ‘Yes Commander. I have the address now. Yes, excellent. This evening then.’

  ‘Yes sir. I look forward to it,’ Glutz said in ending the call.

  ‘Oh that was perfect timing,’ Feb said. ‘Wonderful.’

  ‘Sir?’ Glutz said with a lost expression on his face.

  ‘Right. Now let’s get back to this evening, shall we?

  ‘Oh just do as you’re told December. It won’t take long,’ Grendaglod told her son.

  ‘But I have polo tomorrow mother.’

  ‘Look, you can’t tomorrow. You’re going to become the Supreme Potentate.’

  ‘Oh well, if I have to I suppose.’

  ‘You’ll be the most powerful man in all of the Glothic Empire, and your uncle Oderly and I will be there to help you. Always.’

  ‘So I can still play polo then?’

  ‘Everyday if you want to December. Just tomorrow afternoon you need to be on your best behaviour and do everything that Uncle Oderly tells you.’

  ‘But I get to live in the palace.’

  ‘Yes December. You’ll certainly live in the palace.’

  ‘You’ve changed Feb,’ April said when she finally got her brother alone for a few moments.



  ‘In what way?’

  ‘You’ve grown up. Very suddenly.’

  ‘I’m still your little brother April,’ Feb smiled.

  ‘Perhaps Feb, but you’re now stronger and more focussed.’

  ‘On what?’

  ‘Only you know Feb. You’ve been changing day by day. But more so since Rom.’

  ‘Ah, my little chat with the Dodecahedron?’

  ‘Yes Feb. What happened?’

  ‘We just had a chat.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘Oh, life. Being Gregorian and surprises.’

  ‘You’ve become cryptic as well Feb,’ April smiled.

  ‘Excellent. Now April, when we get over a few little hurdles, I’d like you to go to Alternus and collect May and June.’

  ‘And then?’

  ‘Help me April.’

  ‘Of course Feb. Of course.’

  ‘What’s the time April?’

  ‘Six forty-five.’

  ‘Good. Nearly time to meet with Dirrth.’

  ‘Be careful Feb. Don’t trust him.’

  ‘Oh April I don’t have to worry about that. It’s his worry. Can he trust me?’

  String, Snikkle and Likklet were preparing to leave. Glutz had arranged a little diversion for them to make their mission a little easier. Just before they broke into the rear of the Grand Council building, a couple of Gregorian guards were to start firing a few stray shots above the offices of the Grand Council President in the building opposite. A sure thing that the Grand Council Guards on night duty in the Grand Council building would react to and come running. A couple of harmless stun grenades tossed at the entrance of the building would add a nice little bit of added confusion. They left with Glutz as he went to collect Feb’s special visitor. General Dirrth.

  April was still busy contacting family. A very understanding family as well. So far she had a one hundred percent success rate. It seemed young December wasn't all that popular a member of the family. Many had said they would contact other extended family members to pass on the request. A half empty Grand Council hall started to look a possible reality. April decided to add a few influential friends and ambassadors to her call list. A late night, but worth it.

  At just after seven, Glutz reappeared with General Durrgan Dirrth. Feb made sure he was at the door to welcome his guest.

  ‘General Dirrth, please come in. Welcome to my temporary quarters.’

  ‘Eh, sir,’ Dirrth said in surprise. ‘I wasn’t expecting a meeting with my Supreme Potentate.’

  ‘Well, it’s seems to be a time for surprises General.’

  ‘Eh, well, after, well, shall I say, recent events sir, it is unexpected,’ Dirrth said politely and gracefully.

  ‘I thought it very gracious of Commander Glutz to agree to a meeting at such short notice. But ...’

  ‘Oh let’s get out of the doorway and find somewhere more comfortable,’ Feb said interrupting Dirrth.

  ‘Yes, certainly sir,’ Dirrth agreed without hesitation.

  Once seated and comfortable, Feb started the meeting.

  ‘Before we get to the complex matters General, I’d like to ask you one question.’

  ‘Certainly sir,’ Dirrth replied politely and Feb already knew he had the man he needed.

  ‘I know you were ordered to peruse and attack the SSGCC-Twelve I was travelling in.’

  ‘That is correct sir.’

  ‘Two things. Who issued the order, and why didn’t you obey it to the letter,’ Feb asked.

  ‘With respect sir, I’m a military man. Programmed to obey orders so to say. So, when I received the order from The Puissant of Croonumble, Lefroy Overload, the President of the Grand Council, I had no choice other than to follow his orders. He was the rightful and duly elected President of the Grand Council, and in the absence of any other orders I followed them.’

  ‘Other orders general?’

  ‘From the Supreme Potentate sir. The only order that could over-rule a presidential order.’

  ‘Very well. Carry on.’

  ‘My orders were to disable the SSGCC-Twelve, and take all aboard into custody sir.’

  ‘But you did neither General Dirrth,’ Feb pressed.

  ‘That is correct sir. For the first time in my career, I altered my orders.’

  ‘Go on general,’ Feb said.

  ‘I witnessed your investiture sir, and after having the privilege of a truly professional and mutually respectful working relationship with your father, I had problems accepting the intent of my orders.’

  ‘But they were from the duly elected President of the Grand Council,’ Glutz added.

  ‘Definitely Commander Glutz. However, I’ve also known Lefroy Overload for a very long time. It was not an order he would have willingly sent. Of that I was sure, and still am.’

  ‘General Dirrth, are you aware of the recent death of President Overload?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Yes sir. I received news that he had died suddenly while on holidays.’

  ‘He hung himself general,’ Feb said directly. ‘Out of shame.’

  ‘Oh sir. I didn’t know that. I’m truly sorry to hear that. However, it does not shock me. I know he had very strong scruples.’

  ‘So, General Dirrth. Back to what changes you made to your orders?’ Feb insisted.

  ‘That the SSGCC-Twelve was to be harassed and prevented from returning to Gloth.’

  ‘And the point of your new orders?’ Feb asked.

  ‘To be seen as following my original orders sir.’

  ‘And was it successful?’

  ‘I believe so sir.’

  ‘Very well,’ Feb said calmly. ‘It was quite successful from our end as well.’

  ‘I’m sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused sir,’ Dirrth replied.

  ‘Well, General Dirrth, you can apologise to my sister later for the bumps she received to her head,’ Feb said in as serious a tone as he could muster.

  ‘Yes sir. I will at the first opportunity.’

  ‘Now about Terranova Two General Dirrth,’ Feb started.

es sir. Taking your Cosmic Cruiser?’


  ‘Well, we did lose you for some time, but began to track you again as you left Sun System Two. So of course, with the order still in place, our Command Centre ordered a new mission to find you. Heading to Terranova Two was quite fortunate as there were three Stealth Hoogs in range. Your pilots didn’t see them coming, so had no choice other than agreeing to a boarding party and seizure.’ Dirrth explained.

  ‘So why did you order Cruiser Commander Cruddlic to return to Gloth with my sisters aboard?’

  ‘Sir, as you can imagine I have been trying to balance very conflicting orders. So when Cruiser Commander Cruddlic correctly sent a search patrol to the surface of Terranova Two and they reported no success in finding you, I decided to issue the order to return your cruiser to Gloth. For one, to ensure the safety of your sisters, and secondly to hopefully leave you safely stranded on Terranova Two.’

  ‘To protect me?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Alright General Dirrth. Let’s leave that for now then. I’m really more concerned about the events currently unfolding. Tell me why you wanted to meet with Commander Glutz so urgently.’

  ‘Well sir, there have been a number of unfortunate events in recent days. Particularly concerning the Grand Council.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘It’s very hard to fathom sir. I have received conflicting advice, and I’m very concerned about the legitimacy of the current regime of President Kortek,’ Dirrth explained.

  ‘So you’ve been sacked,’ Feb said bluntly.

  ‘You’re most direct sir.’

  ‘I don’t have the time to be otherwise General Dirrth.’

  ‘I’m sorry sir,’ Dirrth said.

  ‘No need,’ Feb replied. ‘How did your dismissal arise?’

  ‘I was issued orders I could not follow sir.’

  ‘And they were?’

  ‘To locate, detain or eliminate all members of the Gregorian Guard and take immediate command of the Grand Council Guards. Replacing all members with Glothic High Command officers. Also to locate and detain General Glutz on charges of treason.’

  ‘Oh, it seems I’m not very popular at the moment sir,’ Glutz said to Feb.

  ‘Seems so Commander Glutz,’ Feb replied.

  ‘I’m sure you understand sir, that this amounted to martial law, and the breakdown of all constitutional safeguards,’ Dirrth explained.

  ‘Yes General Dirrth. I can understand your reticence,’ Feb agreed. ‘So I gather it was President Kortek who issued your decommissioning,’ He asked.

  ‘Yes sir,’ Dirrth replied.

  ‘So General Dirrth, what did you want from Commander Glutz?’

  ‘To locate you sir.’

  ‘Oh! So you got your wish,’ Feb said with a hint of sarcasm.

  ‘Yes sir. I did.’

  ‘So now you’ve achieved your aim general, what is it you want from me?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Your confidence sir.’

  ‘As you had with my father?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Knowing my father, you must’ve earned that confidence. Are you prepared to earn it again General Dirrth?’

  ‘Yes. Yes I am sir,’ Dirrth said with conviction.

  ‘General Dirrth. I’m prepared to begin that process.’

  ‘Thank you sir.’

  ‘But, until I’m returned officially to the palace and am restored as the undisputed Supreme Potentate of Gloth, with the confidence of the entire Grand Council, you will temporarily take your orders from Commander Glutz. Can you agree to such an arrangement?’

  Dirrth looked at Feb, then at Glutz.

  ‘I can sir. But, could I be so bold as to ask what my future may hold after your return to the palace?’

  ‘You certainly can ask General Dirrth. But I can’t answer you definitively until that’s achieved,’ Feb said and there was quite a period of silence until Dirrth finally spoke.

  ‘I accept sir.’

  ‘Very good General Dirrth. Welcome to our little group of counter-revolutionaries,’ Feb said with a smile. ‘Can you make sure General Dirrth is made comfortable Commander Glutz?’

  ‘With pleasure sir,’ Glutz replied.

  As promised, String, Snikkle and Likklet heard the commotion promised by Glutz shortly after they arrived at the rear of the Grand Council building. All hell was breaking loose in the street in front of the building and around the building opposite that housed the offices of the Grand Council President. Snikkle jimmied the lock on the rear door, and they strolled in unnoticed to carry out their evening’s handy work.

  While Glutz and General Dirrth sat in the safe house living room, discussing all things khaki and military, Snurd passed the evening playing two-pack solitaire with his double Canasta pack. April found Feb in the kitchen preparing a midnight snack for himself.

  ‘Can you make something for me too?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course April. Some tea too?’

  ‘Thanks Feb, yes that’d be nice.’

  ‘Um, have you heard from Atoth at all?’

  ‘Oh Feb, eh, why should I have heard from him?’

  ‘Because you too have changed April. From the moment we left Terranova Two.’

  ‘You must be imagining things Feb.’

  ‘Well, in that case, I was imaging that Atoth would be a fine addition to my palace staff.’

  ‘Oh, be careful Feb. You sound like you’re trying to become some kind of omniscient godlike fatherly figure.’

  ‘No, not trying April. I am God.’

  The Putsch Potentate Party

  Three o’clock approached and Kortek made his way to the Grand Council Hall to conduct the investiture of his new cooperative Supreme Potentate. December the Thirty-Second. It didn’t matter that there would be no throbbing, pulsating bright blue glowing things today. Kortek was quite happy that he would ceremonially place his hands on the silly black thing and have the idiot December hold his Orb and recite his pledge. All that was needed was to get the formalities over and done with, keep all the traditionalists happy with the theatre of the investiture, and then he could get on with the business of running the Twelve Sun Systems of Gloth.

  He had been patient over the years, and even though his plans had been thwarted initially by the calamity of the August incident at the inter-planetary shuttle station in the Seventh Sun System, and then the mistakes made following the fool February’s investiture, all was now in place. His fortune simply waited on one short ceremony. His seat on the board of the Musciadantropica Standard Bank would finally be assured, as would beginning the process of making it the Royal Bank of the Twelve Sun Systems of Gloth. Kortek had taken great pleasure in personally inviting the chairman of the Musciadantropica Standard Bank, Greedilli Covetous the Third, to witness the investiture ceremony.

  With a ten guard escort, Kortek was accompanied by Alsiatious Umblicat and Oderly Kerth Dagnion with Major Snerlic in tow as he entered the side entrance to the building that led to the President’s ante-room – to be dressed for the ceremony.

  ‘Any security issues Snerlic,’ he asked.

  ‘No sir. Everything is running smoothly.’

  ‘So what was the problem last night?’

  ‘Just a couple of stray Gregorian Guards sir. Nothing to worry about. They were just trying to make a scene. No damage done at all. They ran off as soon as my men arrived.’ Snerlic explained.

  ‘Good. Look, there’s no need for you to be here now then. You should be double-checking all the security arrangements.’

  ‘Yes. Yes sir,’ Snerlic said, but felt he was being dismissed. He left however, knowing that staying in favour with Kortek was rule number one for his future prospects.

  ‘How many heads do we expect?’ Kortek asked Dagnion.

  ‘Five thousand three hundred invitations were sent sir.’

  ‘So you have confirmations from them all?’

  ‘No need sir. An invitation to an investiture is alway
s seen as an obligation,’ Dagnion said smugly and confidently.

  ‘Very well, I’ll take your word on that. Now, what about your nephew?’

  ‘All is in order sir. My sister and I have been helping young December prepare for his small part today. All he has to do is hold the Orb, and recite the pledge.’

  ‘Alright. Anything else?’ he asked Dagnion and Umblicat.

  ‘No, all is in order I believe,’ Umblicat replied.

  ‘Everything is under control,’ Dagnion added.

  ‘Good. Let’s get this over and done with then,’ Kortek said with a rare half smile.

  With the official ceremony due to begin at precisely four o’clock with the entrance of December, Kortek and Umblicat made their way to the assembly area to join the other eighteen Grand Councillors at ten to four. Dagnion went to take his front row seat in the main hall. Just behind where December was to sit. He entered the hall and was aghast to find it only one fifth full. At most. Huge gaping holes of empty red velvet seats. The voices of the few people seated in the hall, echoing in the emptiness. The Royal Gregorian seats completely vacant except for one lonely looking soul sitting by himself in the plush section reserved for those with royal invitations. Dagnion recognising him immediately. Greedilli Covetous, and he looked seriously unhappy.

  Dagnion had a passing thought that all the guests must be waiting to make a last minute entrance, or were held up in long lines awaiting security checks. He ran to the entrance with the hope of his passing thought being correct. He was terribly disappointed to find a singular reptilian ambassador seemingly lost on his first visit to Gloth.

  ‘Excuse me. Could you help me please? I’m looking for the toilets,’ the elderly reptilian asked Dagnion.

  ‘Over there,’ Dagnion said pointing, and then wondered why he was bothering. He raced back inside as he caught a glimpse of December and Grendaglod making their arrival. His face glowing in an unpleasant kind of livid iridescent red colour. The colour only intensified as Kortek led the Grand Councillors to their seats on the elevated rostrum. The look of shock on Kortek’s face and the deathly glare he gave Dagnion sent a shiver of fear down Dagnion’s spine.

  The main doors of the hall opened, with December and Grendaglod ready to take their first step into the Grand Council Hall. Ushers at the ready. Twenty Grand Councillors rose to their feet, as did the ever so light sprinkling of people scattered around the enormity of the hall. An elderly reptilian rushing to his seat in the seventh row, stumbled and then went crashing loudly to the floor, breaking the eerie silence. Ignoring the noise, two immaculately dressed ushers began to roll out the red carpet from December’s entry point, down the gently inclining central aisle of the hall, to his assigned chair just below the rostrum. Once they had completed their last little unrolling push, they stood to attention, signalling it was ready for the Supreme Potentate in waiting to proceed forward. Grendaglod holding December back for a moment, waiting for the invitation from the President to proceed.


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