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Indiscretion Page 8

by Jordan Silver

  There was no way to erase the love and loyalty we shared. Or the many times he had stood in the way to protect me at the risk of his own life. Truth is Nicholas has been as close as any brother. So why was I fighting even the idea of this union so stringently? I waited for him to catch up to me but still said nothing.

  The early morning air was cool and fresh as we readied our hawks and the dogs were released. My guards and a few other noblemen went ahead into the forest as we stayed back, both of us in deep contemplation.

  “How is she?” I guess he’d held it in as long as he could. Looking to my side I studied him. His proud carriage and the set stone look to his face masked his inner thoughts well, but not well enough from someone who knew him as well as I.

  “Tell me Nicholas. What do you really feel for my sister?” He’d said once that he loved her but I hadn’t been in the mood to listen or believe him then.

  Since my time with Cecile it was easier for me to see and understand how someone who was so much like myself, could fall victim to that most vicious emotion.

  “I love her, nothing will change that.”

  “You mean that don’t you.” His look when he turned his gaze on me was answer enough. Turmoil and heartache was plain to see.

  “Well hell. How did this happen? I thought you once swore to me that you would never give into that malady?”

  “We were young and in our cups I believe, when I uttered those words. But what man can ever know the workings of the heart? I tell you, I never wanted the trappings of love and all that nonsense. Obviously I knew I would have to marry sometime. After all there’s the matter of an heir to beget to carry on the old family name. But I had believed that I would save that for a later time.”

  “I never would’ve expected it to be the princess. I’ve known her since she was a child for heaven’s sake. How could I know that one day the sun would light upon her hair in such a way that would draw the eye and capture my heart?”

  I looked at him with what I was sure was a stupefied expression. “I know I know, I sound like a bungling arse, but that’s just what happened.”

  “We were sitting in the garden much as we always does, and she was talking about something or other and suddenly I looked at her, really looked at her, and it happened.”

  “I wouldn’t have wished it on my worst enemy. I knew even as I understood what was happening that there was no hope for it. Had I known that she was growing to feel the same I would’ve distanced myself sooner. But by the time I knew the way of it, it was too late, she was proclaiming her love for me.”

  “I tried to dissuade her. I tried to tell her the way of it, but like you she has a stubborn streak a mile wide. There was no talking to her.”

  I listened as he told me how he had tried to let her down easy, how it had torn him up inside to watch her fall apart when he told her that they could never be.

  I have seen Nicholas in many lights, have shared much with him some of it not fit to be mentioned for the very depravity of the act. But I had never seen him thus.

  There was much to think about, but all the thinking in the last few days had gained me nothing. We joined the hunt, which was already well underway. It’s something we hadn’t done much of lately but had enjoyed much in the past.

  The boar was plentiful in these woods and for all that plagued my mind and heart I found that I was looking forward to the day.

  The hounds set up a baying and the company turned in the direction of the sound, rustling through the thick brush and evading low lying branches until we came to the place where the dogs had cornered a most magnificent beast.

  Nicholas and I both grinned at each other our quarrel forgotten as we moved in for the kill, attacking the animal from both sides, spears drawn. This close it was not feasible to use our bows, as it would give the ornery animal time enough to charge us.

  The first kill got our blood high and we put all else aside as we enjoyed the rest of the day. I had occasion throughout the day to remember why I loved my friend so well from our youth. Putting aside his philandering ways, something I too was guilty of, Nicholas was a man of great integrity.

  We were almost to the stables, the other courtiers ahead of us raving about the day’s success. The day had been well spent, and had given me much to think about.

  “Would you take care of her Nicholas?” He did not pretend ignorance at what I was saying, but I did not miss the surprise in his look.

  “With my dying breath.”

  “Then you shall be my brother.” We grinned at each other and exchanged words of jest to lighten the mood. We both understood the importance of what had just transpired.

  “I promise I will never give you cause to regret this day Julian.” There was much sincerity in his words and I accepted them with a nod.

  “You’d better not you sod. Not unless you want to lose your head on the chopping block. I think you should be the one to give her the good news. That little miss is not too pleased with me at the moment.”

  He fair jumped off his horse in his exuberance and I wondered what it would be like to feel what he was feeling just then. Not love, I knew what that felt like. Have known for the past few weeks with my beautiful Cecile, but to know that that one woman would be yours until eternity. What must that feel like?

  We alit our horses and headed back to the hall. “I think a drink of congratulations is in order.” The hall was already noisy with the others regaling the court with their conquests and we were in time for the evening meal, so the hall was filling even as we entered.

  I should go to my bath but the hunt had left me ravenous and it wasn’t like it was the first time I’d gone to table with the blood of the hunt staining my garments.

  We both watched as Cecile entered the hall, her eyes seeking me out immediately. If she did not stop that wild blushing each time she saw me she would soon give our secret away.

  “By the by there’s a rumor afoot that your sister in law’s father will seek an alliance with the old duke now that she’s been widowed and without child.”

  I almost choked on my ale but was just in time to catch myself. “Where the hell did you hear that?” Why hadn’t I thought of that? Apparently she had. It all made perfect sense now. The reason she wanted me to get her with child. She’d never said the words, but her quiet desperation now became clear.

  “There’s been some talk. She’s a good catch having such a close relation to the king.” He had no idea what his words were doing to me. I wanted to take my sword to someone.

  “Why would her father seek to marry her off to that old letch?” The thought sent rage through my soul. No one was ever going to touch her...

  “Because he’s only outranked by yourself perchance? And his coffers are second only to your majesty’s.”

  “I will not allow it.” Turned heads and sudden silence followed my outburst and the lady in question glanced up at me with a questioning look. I gave a slight shake of my head and went back to my meal.

  “Is there any reason why you would be so opposed to such a union your majesty?” It was the tone in his voice that gave him away. I gave him a sharp look but the knave didn’t so much as blink.

  “Sod off Nicholas. Why don’t you go seek out your newly betrothed and give her your good news? You might take her something to eat before she starves herself to death.” He was out of the chair before I was done.

  I thought of his words, my fury growing by the second. I had not once given thought to such an eventuality. Yes her sire had rule over her now that she was a childless widow, but as her king and brother I could certainly put an end to any ideas he had of marrying her off to the highest bidder.

  The old duke, as everyone was fond of calling him was just that, an old doddering reprobate, who was well known at the court for his proclivities. The man had buried three wives in his lifetime and was thrice my age. I’d be damned if he’d ever touch her. He, or anyone else! I had lost all taste for food and the ale soured on my tongue.

  I looked back at Cecile once more and caught her eye, sending her my secret message. I needed her this minute. The thought of her father selling her off to the old man was more than I could bear.

  If I fucked her every day for the next month she was bound to get with child if she hadn’t already.

  But then what? I couldn’t have her, couldn’t seat her on the throne next to me. There had to be a way I could keep her for myself. I am the king after all, who would dare deny me anything? So what it might cause a scandal?

  I knew very well that my advisors had a long list of princesses that would benefit us much in marriage. That a decision like this would cause quite an uproar, but so what?

  She was there ten minutes later and I didn’t give her a chance to speak but laid her across the bed; lifted her skirts and covered her sweet cunny with my mouth.

  I hadn’t removed my garments as yet but no matter. When she came on my tongue I rose up and started to undress. Her hands joined mine and we tore at each other’s garments in our haste to get to each other. She was left in her stays, her breasts pulled out over the top as I couldn’t wait any longer.

  “I will fuck you like a stallion takes his mare from behind. Come.” I helped her to her hands and knees in the middle of the bed and spread her legs.

  I lapped at her like a dog at the stream, her juices bursting on my tongue making my head swim. She loved having her little cunny eaten by her king I know. I can always draw the most delightful screams from her this way. Just as I felt her tighten, ready for her release I pulled my tongue from her.

  Without warning I rose up behind her and sank into her pink jewel. As usual my unbridled lust caused me to take her roughly but this time there was an added edge of desperation in my thrusts.

  She didn’t cry out, except in pleasure; didn’t complain at my ungentlemanly treatment of her, she never does. Instead she took me, took my wild pounding thrusts and begged for more with her body’s own wanton acceptance. Pushing her cunny back onto my cock hard. Her need of me helped calm the beast, but not much.

  While I fucked my sweet country lass my mind worked feverishly. I won’t let anyone else have her, not ever. If it was a child she wanted I’d do even better. I will keep her belly swollen from here to eternity.

  “I’m taking you away somewhere until I’m sure you’re with child.” I stroked sweetly into her, enjoying the tight grip of her pussy around my shaft as it slid in and out of her.

  I didn’t tell her why I was making that decision and if she knew anything of her father’s plans she didn’t mention them to me.

  The thought of her being as this with anyone else was like a hot poker in my chest; I will not allow it. Pulling out of her I turned her to her back and slammed back into her. “Will you come with me?”

  She screamed and plastered my face with kisses. “When my lord, when do we leave?” She rolled us over in her excitement so that she now sat atop my cock, taking it all the way in as she had learned to do in the last few weeks of fucking.

  “Before first light the day after tomorrow. Before the castle awakens, I don’t want anyone knowing what I’m about. I will take only a few of my men with me and you must not tell anyone where we go.”

  “Yes your majesty, thank you.” She lowered her head and took my mouth as she rode my cock most magnificently.

  “It serves our purpose better if I fuck you as opposed to you riding me.” I flipped her back over and rode her hard and fast until I emptied my seed inside her.

  It was not unusual for a king to move residence at will if he so chose. But where I planned on taking her might come as a surprise, and the fact that I wasn’t taking the entire court with me this high in the season.

  I cared not one wit for any of it. In fact the only reason I wasn’t leaving anon was because I had the matter of my sister’s wedding to see to before I go.

  I couldn’t keep her hidden forever I knew, but once we are away from here I will have time to think, to come up with something. If I did not care so much for her reputation I would say to hell with it and make her my mistress.

  Chapter 13

  Princess Cecile


  My excitement could not be contained. Thankfully everyone thinks it’s because of Princess Lillian’s pending nuptials. And though I was happy for my little sister, my excitement had more to do with the king.

  Since the day he promised to take me away, there has been something different in his manner towards me. It was as if he too felt something more for me than just the bargain we had made.

  He has been overly watchful, sticking close to my side or having his eyes on me always, even in the hall. I no longer worried about court gossip. My happiness was worth that and more. After having despaired of ever knowing the love of a man, of ever feeling this desirable to someone, I could not easily give it up.

  The only darkness in my otherwise bright day was lady Georgina. She seemed bent on plaguing me here of late for some unearthly reason. I’ve been avoiding her presence at all cost.

  I knew from the many whispers following her about that she had been in the king’s bed. It rankled but I had no say. Our arrangement did not give me any authority over what the king did in his bedchamber no matter how I might wish it otherwise.

  He has not taken her to his bed since the night I went to him though of that I was sure, because from then ‘til now he has been in my bed or I in his.

  That did not keep her from making me uncomfortable and no more so than now as she made her way to my side. I watched the newly wed couple and sipped on the punch that wasn’t sitting too well with my stomach, her presence only made that feeling worst.

  “Lady Cecile, how drawn you look. Are you not well?” I swallowed the bile in my throat and turned to face her. The glare in her eyes belied the smile on her face. What was her game? Did she suspect that I shared the king’s bed?

  The lady had never had much to say to me in the past, so why now? And what did she mean that I looked drawn? “Quite well thank you lady Georgina, and yourself? You are well?” She preened and gave me a sly look out of the side of her eye.

  Her hand went to her middle in a most suggestive way and I felt my gorge rise as my head grew light. “I am superbly well my lady. I carry the king’s seed and soon I will be his queen.”

  I lost all color from my face and the only thing holding me upright, was the sheer will, of my genteel upbringing. “And what makes you think the king would offer you marriage when he has not done so with all the others rumored to have borne him children?”

  “My sire will see to it of course. And besides, his majesty has professed his love, so it’s only a matter of time.” She moved away looking rather pleased with herself. Leaving me with a block of ice in my chest.

  For the rest of the evening I was in a fog. The light had gone out of my day entirely. I avoided the king too hurt to think what to do. I slipped away before the festivities were at an end, locking myself in my chambers.

  The knock at my door was no surprise. I half expected him to tell me he had changed his mind, that he was marrying the lady Georgina. She had seemed so sure of herself.

  Instead he was dressed for travel. “Are you packed my sweet? We must go before it grows light.” He did not wait for an answer, just pushed past me into the room. Of course I was already packed but after last night…

  He found my satchel and ordered me to get dressed, which I did, still confused. Should I mention the conversation of the last evening? There was no time, he was in an all fired hurry to be gone and once outside the palace gates, he on his horse me behind him on another and a procession who’d had a head start, there was no turning back.

  Chapter 14

  King Julian


  We rode hard all day with intermittent stops to make sure she was fine on the ride. She hadn’t said much but when first she opened her door to me this morn she did not look her usual self.

  Was she even now carrying my son? No matter, I am taking h
er away nonetheless. Her sire had attended the nuptials yester eve and after had approached me with his proposal. It is the reason I hadn’t visited her bed last night.

  I’d told him in no uncertain terms that she would not be marrying anytime soon. When he’d tried pushing I’d reminded him that as king my word was sacrosanct and that had been the end of that.

  Still I didn’t trust him not to try spiriting her away back to the country. My sister and her new husband were already on their way to her new home. Nicholas the old reprobate had suddenly decided he didn’t want his wife at the court any longer than was necessary. Apparently he had noticed others paying attention to her beauty.

  “Are you well pet?” What was that look on her face? Was it the child? She smiled but it did not reach her eyes. “Hold.” I called a halt to the men and took the reins of her mare, leading her into the trees away from prying eyes and ears.

  I helped her down and kept my hold on her. “Tell me what ails you Cecile.”

  “It’s nothing my lord. The ride has tired me some I think.” That didn’t make sense. I knew her to be an excellent horsewoman and we’d gone but a few paltry miles.

  Clasping her cheek in my palm I studied her eyes. Something hid behind her usually bright irises but I wouldn’t force the issue here. Instead I drew her in and kissed her forehead. “I know what ails you, you didn’t have me last night. Not to worry as soon as we reach the inn I shall remedy that.”

  I got her first true smile then and after a kiss that we both needed like air, I sat her back atop her horse and found my own again before leading her back to the others.

  We came upon the inn not many hours later. “We stay here tonight.” Had she not been with me I would’ve gone on until we reached my holdings, but she needed her rest it seemed.

  “Go up to your room my pet, I will have your supper sent up and join you later.” I whispered the words in her ear before sending her off with her maid and returning to the inn’s tavern where my men were already getting into their cups and making sport with the serving maids.


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