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Indiscretion Page 9

by Jordan Silver

  “Your majesty, we’ve caught you a right pretty bird.” Lord Percy called out, indicating the buxom lass on his lap. My answer was a dismissive smile as I made arrangements for her meal to be sent up.

  I was offered any manner of delights as I sat down to my meal, all of which I denied amidst pouts from the lasses and ribaldry from my courtiers.

  I engaged in conversation, but my mind was up the stairs with her. What was it that plagued her I wonder? Had her sire gotten to her? If he’d said anything to upset her I’ll have his bloody head.

  “So your majesty, a little birdie told me that the delightful lady Georgina is with child.” Percy the ass sniggered next to me. The words had no real affect. She wouldn’t be the first to bear my child, but she was of noble birth, which may cause a stir if her sire chose to make a ruckus. But I knew something my dear friend didn’t and wasn’t about to share. Whatever she was, she was still a lady of my court.

  “You don’t say. I wonder which lucky young knave she’s caught in her web.” Make of that what you will. I listened diligently for any word of my dalliance with Cecile, but it appeared our luck had held thus far.

  I didn’t fool myself that things could go on thus much longer. Already I was sure her maids and my man were aware of the situation and Nicholas that ass had made some cryptic remark before leaving court that led me to believe he suspected.

  I stayed below stairs for as long as it took for my companions to become sotted before making my way up the stairs. I’d arranged it so that my lady and I had adjoining rooms of course, and our servants had their own quarters. My guards were stationed at the bottom of the stairs and out of the way.

  She was fast asleep on the feather bed when I walked in in the dark. The only light was the flame from the fire grate. Walking to the bed, I stood over her sleeping form. This was one of my favorite times, watching her when she was like this.

  “So innocent.” Even with all I’d done to her in my bed or hers, she still bore that air of innocence that was so endearing. How could I ever give her up? How could I let some other man have her? “Never!”

  “Julian.” She whispered my name in her sleep and I begun to smile until I saw the tear that escaped the corner of her eye and rolled down her cheek. What is this?

  I hurriedly got out of my garments and climbed into bed with her. “Sweetheart, open your eyes.” I brushed the hair back from her face and kissed the tear from her cheek.

  Her eyes fluttered open. “Won’t you tell me what hurts you?” She shook her head. “Then why do you call out for me in your sleep with tears in your eyes?” She hiccupped and buried her face in my neck.

  I felt an unknown fear creep into my gut and pushed it aside. “I command you to tell me what is wrong.” She opened her mouth to tell me more of the same but I was beyond that.

  “This is your king speaking, not your lover. Now tell me.”

  “I’m just feeling a bit melancholy my lord. It’s nothing.” I knew she was keeping something from me but the pleading look in her eyes held me back from pushing, though I made a silent vow to get to the truth of it before long.

  I let her have her way for now and just loosened the ribbon at her throat, pushing the soft silk of her nightdress aside. I kissed the place between her titties and taking her hand, led it to my painfully throbbing cock. If I couldn’t get her to open to me one way, maybe this will take some of the sadness from her eyes.

  I licked her flesh before taking her plump nipple between my teeth. Her hand’s movements sped up on my rod and my little wanton lifted one of her knees and opened her legs in invitation. I swallowed her cries of need and teased her cunny lips with my fingertips but did not go in.

  I made her beg me, my way of punishing her for not being truthful with me. I’m going to have to deal with that soon, but for now she was still too vulnerable for me to show her my wrath, or to deal with her in the way I deal with others.

  The truth was, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Anyone else I would already have the truth, but with her, I shied away from my usual tactics, and I was afraid I knew why that was. It’s because she was the most precious thing in my kingdom. I’d turned into a sodding arse like Nicholas.

  I pulled my cock from her warm hand and gave her my mouth the way she liked. Lifting her arse in my hands I brought her sweet smelling cunny to my face and danced my tongue into her slowly, drawing out her juices while she writhed and moaned, whatever had been bothering her, long forgotten.

  I spent much time loving her with my tongue and fingers until my cock fair cried out for release. She drew me up her body with wild hands and I pushed her knees back to her ears and drove into her.

  I was barely in time to catch her cry in my mouth, lest someone heard her and came running. “Shh, this place is not as secure as the palace you must not make a sound or else I will stop.” The way she grabbed my arse and dug her nails in told me she did not want that. I bit her lip leaving a bit of a mark as I fucked her wet cunny for all it was worth, wringing more screams from her, all of which I swallowed.

  Chapter 15

  King Julian


  The next morn she seemed much recovered as we set out on our way to our destination. She laughed with her maid on the way, and the sound did much to lighten my mood. Until one of the dandies found himself riding next to her for a spell. I could’ve killed the sod, but promised myself instead to plan a joust once we reached our destination if only so I could knock his arse from his horse.

  When he made her laugh I gritted my teeth and near strangled my poor horse pulling on his reins too tightly. I only calmed down once he rode away, and by then we were mere minutes from the hunting lodge where I planned to keep her hidden for at least a fortnight before moving onto my winter palace where the rest of my court would meet.

  This trip though I had not planned it as such, had come to serve another purpose as well. Those courtiers, who had not been chosen to attend, were more likely than not wondering if they had lost favor with their king. It was well for them to worry for a spell, let them wonder, if they were so inclined, if I were onto any little plots and schemes in the making.

  We reached the manse and were met by the servants awaiting our arrival. Once again the men were ready for their cups of ale but I pretended to have urgent business of some kind only to follow her up the stairs and dismiss her servants and mine.

  “My lord?” She said questioningly as I advanced upon her. Her eyes widened as I stalked her across the room and she backed away. I reached her in two steps and without a word ripped her riding habit in twain. Flinging the shreds aside I pulled her to me and took her down to the rug on the floor.

  I unloosed the laces of my braies and took my cock in hand, and turning her back to me drove into her with my hand over her mouth to catch her cry. I fucked her to a ne’er thee well until I came with a loud roar, then left her there without giving her release and headed to my rooms. I felt like a bastard when I heard her cries beyond the door but was too mad to turn back.


  “Why are you displeased with me my lord? Have I done something wrong?” She came up beside me. I’d ignored her for the better part of the day but I noticed that she hadn’t shared any more smiles with young dandies. “No.” I was of course, but why tell her? Why give her that much power over her king?

  “Go indoors it’s a bit chilled out here.” She looked a bit dejected as she turned to go back inside. The others were off finding their own entertainment, and tomorrow we start the hunt.

  I watched until she disappeared inside and went back to my archery. This is one of the only things I can do on my own without interruption that gives me time to think.

  As I notched my bow and took aim she was heavy on my mind. It hurt me to hurt her, and for such a petty thing at that. She wasn’t flirting to be sure. My Cecile does not flirt. She’s nothing like the other ladies of the court who are so free with their favors.

  Maybe it was because of who I once was, and how
easily it had been for me to entice other men’s women into my bed that I had reacted so strongly to her being friendly to the young man. I’d had words with him after leaving her on the floor of his room. Just a few, but I’m sure he got the gist. I’d simply told him to stay away from her. To which he’d all but swallowed his tongue in fear of my wrath.

  Not very well done of me since the boy was still wet behind the ears. Tomorrow I’ll make it up to him by letting him ride beside me on the hunt. I’ve grown soft a bit thanks to our nightly talks I think. A fortnight ago I wouldn’t have given a fig what the boy felt.

  That evening at supper after hiding herself away from me all day, I made her sit beside me. She picked at her mutton and barely nibbled on her leg of capon, and I noticed she took no wine.

  “Are you ill?” I kept my voice low so as not to be overheard. She shook her head surreptitiously and kept her eyes downcast. I cleaned the greasy fingers of the hand nearest her on the fine silk napkin, before placing my hand on her knee.

  Conversation carried on around us as I inched her skirts up her thigh. Beneath her petticoats she was bare between her thighs, the way I had once told her I expected her to be, in readiness for me whenever, wherever.

  She bit her lip and her face heated but a quick look around the table showed that our guests were too caught up in their own affairs to pay much mind to ours.

  I trailed my fingers up her thigh until her soft curls teased them. I found her heat and slipped in. “Move.” I whispered softly in her ear. Her movements were indiscernible to everyone but me as I fucked her with my fingers. She hid her moans behind a cough while I ate with my free hand and she tried to force food past her lips.

  I gave her the climax I’d denied her earlier before pulling my fingers from her and licking them clean of her juices before turning to lord Humphreys Duke of Norwich, who sat on my other side, to engage him in conversation.


  Princess Cecile


  He’s so confusing I don’t know what to make of this day. My body was much relieved after his little display at table, but I was still no wiser to what had brought on his actions of the day. If that weren’t enough, I had been ill this morn after he left me.

  Was it the child? Was it not too soon to tell? It has been a little more than a month and some since I went to his bed, but surely it takes longer for the body to change. Maybe it was just the travel that had taxed my poor nerves, not to mention that last conversation with lady Georgina. Add the way he’s been acting and it was no wonder I was ill.

  Now he’s left me sitting here with a most unladylike wetness between my thighs. Thank goodness everyone else seemed preoccupied for the moment or my blushing face would’ve given me away.

  I tried to comport myself as the gentleman to my side asked a question, but was waylaid from answering when I felt my leg being squeezed from the other side. My head turned swiftly towards the king who was still deep in conversation with the duke. He made an excuse to the duke and turned his attention to me again.

  “Go to your room.” The words were as surprising as his tone but I did not argue. The only thing that quelled my embarrassment as I made my excuses is that he’d whispered the words to me. No one dared question my leaving and conversation went on as before.

  I stumbled, walked my way to my chambers, back to being confused. I was a bit short with my maid as she helped me out of my raiment. “I will see to my hair Hannah you may go.”

  “But milady...”

  “GO.” The older woman turned to flee the room almost in tears. She’d been with me since birth and it was not often that I’ve used such a harsh tone with her.

  “My apologies Hannah. That was very poorly done of me.”

  “Are you not well milady? Should I get you some chocolate?”

  “No, I’m fine, just a little tired I think from the travel.” She accepted my explanation and continued on her way.

  It wasn’t everyone I would’ve taken the time to explain myself to, especially not a servant. But Hannah has been my confidant these many years. There was only one thing I couldn’t share with her, and that was my affair with the king. That secret I would hold dear always.

  I’ve agonized these last days about the decision I’d made, to claim his child as his brother’s, but there was no help for it. I couldn’t be known as one of the king’s cast offs, the scandal would be horrendous. And the alternative is obviously out of the question.

  The door opened just as I started to pull the brush through my hair for the first stroke. My hand hung in limbo as he came into the room with that look on his face again. I didn’t bother asking if there was anything wrong again, but waited for his action.

  He came to stand before me. “Continue.” I pulled the brush through my hair as he got to his knees and pushed my nightdress up my thighs until I was exposed to his eyes. He pulled me to the very edge of the chair and then his mouth was there. “Sweet heaven.” My arm went limp at my side and my head went back against the chair as I felt his tongue pierce me.

  This was so different from our last two encounters that my heart couldn’t keep up. It felt as if he were kissing me there the way he does my lips when he’s deep inside me.

  I bit the back of my hand as my senses reeled and my body exploded in his mouth. I was halfway back to my self when I felt myself being dragged off the chair only to end in his lap where he knelt and impaled on his rod.

  “Oh…” It was too much, the pleasure overwhelmed me, and when he pulled my head back and took my nipple into his mouth my juices gushed from my body once again.

  “Oh your majesty, it’s, it’s…” I was at a loss for words, my thoughts a jumble. All I did was feel. I felt his length, his girth, every sinew and ridge of his wonderful cock as he pulled me on and off of it roughly.

  He got to his feet and I held on as he walked to the nearest wall and slammed my back against it, still moving in and out of my body, which was spinning out of control.

  His harsh grunts with each thrust made my blood sing and I dug my heels into him, pulling him in closer, while my hands held his head in place over my swollen breast.

  “Touch yourself pet.” My hand hurried to do his bidding as he sped up his thrusts and almost broke my back against the wall. His hand went protectively around my back between the wall and I but that was his only concession.

  By the time he moved us to the bed and threw my legs over his shoulders I had no strength left. I’m sure I made quite the sight with my torn gown rucked up around my hips and my hand between my thighs as he pounded in and out of me.

  “Kiss me.” I pulled his head down to mine and obeyed his order. I yelped when he bit my lip and looked into the dark eyes that stared back at me. “If you ever dare so much as look at another man I will have your fucking head.” With one last hard thrust he spent inside me and was done.

  “My lord? What say you? What have I done to displease you?” I finally found my voice mere seconds after he left my body to lay still beside me as he too fought for air. “You heard me, heed my words. Now go to bed.” And just like that he was gone again.

  Chapter 16

  King Julian


  For the next few days I kept

  her close so I could plow her belly every chance I got. She had learned her lesson and I’ve had no reason to chastise her since that first day and night. The courtiers and other nobles who had joined me at my hunting lodge were none the wiser as to my real reasons for coming here like this, a few weeks ahead of the season. But I kept them well plied with every vice known to man, so they were too preoccupied to care.

  I kept her and I well insulated from palace intrigue and gossip, though I received word every day or so by my orders. There were no rumors about as yet, it seems no one was as yet aware of our dalliances. Her father was said to be in a fit, but he dared not raise a word of affront against me lest he wished to test my wrath.

  In these last few days with not too many distractions,
we had grown to know each other rather well her and I. She had the heart of an innocent, the body of the ripest milkmaid and a cunny made to entrap a king.

  I knew the danger when I thought to bring her here, but did not see it as a threat. But now I see that I should have. I have fallen more and more in love with her by the hour. The fact that I wanted to kill every man within earshot was proof that I had lost my mind much as my good friend Nicholas had. And to think I had laughed at his predicament. How the mighty have fallen indeed.

  I have tossed and turned in my sleep these past nights with the worry of what to do. If it were only my reputation at stake I would not give two figs, but I know well the troubles of wild gossip, had seen many a woman brought low by such. Some of them had been deserving of it; she was not. I will have the head of anyone who dared.

  “Where are you Cecile?” I had been off to the hunt this morn, leaving her well fucked and exhausted in my bed. She had begged off as she wasn’t feeling well. My men, by my own design had their own companions to keep them busy while I spent my days and nights buried between her plump thighs. They were even now gaming and carousing with the village wenches. That should keep them busy into the night I think.

  “I’m here my lord.” I found her in the gardens with one of her many books of poetry. “Come.” My blood was still running hot from the hunt and now I needed to see to that other ferocious appetite of mine.

  Just the look of her full tantalizing titties hanging out of her décolletage made my cock stand up and take notice. I took her hand and pulled her up from the stone bench, her book falling from her hand and dragged her behind me. I barely secured her behind the nearest high hedge before I begun tearing at her garments.

  “My lord I did not bring that many gowns with me. Will you destroy them all?” Her words held censure but I did not miss the twinkle in her eye. “I will buy you all the gowns your little heart desire.” I tore the bodice until her breasts sprung forth and fell on them with my lips and teeth.


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