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Page 10

by Jordan Silver

  Her hands reached for me, pulling at my codpiece in her haste to have me inside of her deep well. “Does my little beauty want my cock?” She nodded against my shoulder as I licked her flesh.

  “How should I take you? Should I mount you here in the gardens?” She bit me then for she well loved to be taken that way. I bit into her tits harder than usual, my lust ruling my every move.

  She moaned and dragged my head to hers where we shared a ravenous kiss. I found her cunny with my fingers and fucked her roughly. “Come, I want to sip from your sweet cunny before I fuck you.”

  I licked her juices from my fingers before flipping us over so that she sat on my face with her skirts swallowing me up. She threw her head back and rode my stiff tongue as I drove it in and out of her.

  Without being told to she reached back and found my cock with her small hand and stroked me to fullness. I pulled her off my tongue and sat her roughly on my cock, driving into her hard enough to make her cry out.

  “Did I hurt you my love?” She shook her head but the tear that escaped the side of her eye told the truth. I pulled her down and kissed the tear away as I softened my movements into her.

  She rode me as if my cock were her greatest joy while I sucked her nipples into hardness. “Do you want my seed precious?” She nodded her head wildly.

  “Then I shall give it to you, but in the way all beast breed.” I lifted her off my cock and placed her on her hands and knees. I took a moment to enjoy the beauty of her arse before driving my cock into her sweet cunny. Her body gave that little telltale jerk before she arched her back and I drove deeper into her.

  “Ooh your majesty you’re so deep inside me.” Leaning over her back I went even deeper until there was no end and no beginning. My cock lodged deep within her, throbbing painfully as already I longed to cum. The anticipation of her had kept me close to the edge while I’d sought her out.

  “Make me cum my sweet.” She knew what to do to draw my seed from me, I had taught her well. With the strong clenching of her muscles she drove me to madness. “Yes my sweet bitch.” Why was she the only one to bring me to such heights?

  I celebrated the fact that no one else had ever, will ever know her thus. She was all mine. “My sweet Cecile, yours is by far the sweetest little cunny in the land.” The words sent her body into a splendid climax, which in turn released the great pressure in my balls and I spilled inside her, even though I had heard her retching in the mornings and was past sure she carried my child.

  As was usual when I took her this roughly, she fell into a near faint and I laid her on the grass before righting our garments. Not that I expected anyone to venture here in my private gardens. I did not want her to take a chill as the weather was at that peculiar place between summer and autumn.

  I looked down at my widowed sister in-law, the woman who had come to mean more to me than a few rolls in the hay, as I had first wanted. What was to become of us I wonder?


  On the following morn, I awoke before she did, having spent the night in my bed with my arms wrapped around her. I waited to see what would happen, since she had not said the words to me as yet. Just as I suspected, her eyes were no sooner open than she flew to the chamber pot and emptied her meal of the night before.

  I went to her, not quite sure what to do, but knelt beside her with a comforting arm all the same. I have never been this close to a woman who was enceinte so felt quite out of my depth, but I knew she hurt and that I could not bear. Helping her back to bed I got a wet cloth and cleaned her red teary face before seeing to her comfort and leaving the room.

  I found her maid and asked her help, not caring that I was giving too much away because I was sure the woman already knew something was afoot. Besides that, I couldn’t bear to see her ill, so it was of a necessity. The older woman did not seem the least surprised by my request and offered me a sachet of herbs I think it was.

  “Have her hold this under her nose until I come your majesty.” With that I went back to my chambers in haste. She writhed on the bed in agony and I cursed my rutting cock. “Here my love, this will help to ease the discomfort. Hannah has promised to come soon with something.”

  Her eyes widened at my declaration and I could well imagine what she was thinking. She was such the innocent that she believed the servants were not wise to what we were about. I am quite sure they do by now, but knew none of them would speak a word of it to anyone. Now my nobles were a different matter, and were to be kept in the dark at all cost.

  I stood out of the way as her maid tended to her but did not leave the room. I understood well the accusatory look the older woman sent my way when she was done. “She will be thus for many a morn in the coming weeks I think.”

  “What are you saying?” As if I did not know.

  “The princess is with child.” Cecile moaned out loud on the bed and my eyes went to her.

  “Be sure to tell no one of this. Go.”

  “Your majesty.” She curtsied and left the room, after one last look at her lady.

  I sat beside her and touched her brow. “Poor sweet, is it that awful?” She smiled through her misery and took my hand in hers. “It will be all worth it Julian, I will have your son.”

  “Or daughter.” I grinned at the face she made. “It matters not, she or he will be of us.” I rested my trembling hand lightly on her belly. Her eyes closed and she fell into slumber, leaving me to dwell on the future and what was to be done. I had a sobering thought then. Now that she was with child, would she leave my bed? Like hell!

  Chapter 17

  King Julian


  “We go home tomorrow.” She had slept the morn away and now looked refreshed. Her eyes clouded at my words but she held her tongue. I did not say more than that. There was much for me to work out in my own mind first.

  I had questioned Hannah intensively and was assured that it was best Cecile not travel overly much this early in her pregnancy. She was to be afforded all comforts and so I decided to get her back to the palace post haste.

  “As you wish your majesty.” The rest of the day the servants were busy packing up for the return and no one questioned the short stay as I had promised much entertainment at court upon our return.

  The trip back was as uneventful as the one we took the week prior, except for the mornings spent catering to her illness, which meant we got a later start, and the fact that we rode at a lighter pace.

  I helped her down from her mare once we reached the stables of the palace. “Do not look so crestfallen my love. All will be well you’ll see.” She had grown more sullen the closer we got to the palace and I wondered if she labored under the same worries as I.

  I was not prepared for what awaited me upon our return. Her bloody father was here, haunting my halls and the lady Georgina seemed to have spread her cause while I was gone.

  “Lord Anthony, I thought we had dealt with this issue last we spoke.”

  “Your majesty, my daughter is a young woman of marriageable age. It is not right that she molt away…”

  “My brother has not been dead one year, her period of mourning is not yet up. We will not speak of this again, now leave me.”

  Bollocks! I paced my rooms like a caged animal, my thoughts torturing and tormenting. I had guards on her door so that no one could get to her, I did not want her upset. If her father pressured her I’m not sure what I would do.

  There was a knock at the door and I answered not in the best frame of mind. “Lady Georgina.” I was in no mood for this one and was ready to tell her as much when she brushed past me and into the outer chamber.

  “Your majesty forgive my intrusion but I have something of a most urgent matter to discuss.” I couldn’t imagine what she could possibly want of me. Since the night I tumbled her I’d hardly spared her a glance, too preoccupied with Cecile for her or anyone else.

  “And what might that be?”

  “I am with child.” I suppose I should’ve expected as much but
marveled in the difference in feeling at the news. “Congratulations. I suppose you will tell me it’s mine, but how do I know this to be true?”

  She pretended an affront but I was not fooled. I knew what she was not long after the night she landed in my bed. My only question had been whether her sire had been part of the ploy to dupe me.

  It was a well known fact that I took care of my children and their mothers even going so far as to arrange good marriages for some of them. She would’ve made a good match seeing that her sire was a lord of the peerage in good standing. But carrying the bastard child of a lesser Frenchman was not the same as carrying one of my bastards.

  “Of course your majesty, who else? I was pure…” I held my hand up for silence. Had she been male I would’ve taken care of her already. But lady or no, I will deal with her now.

  “Do you know the penalty for defrauding your king?” I could see that she wasn’t so sure of herself any longer. The pulse in her throat beat erratically and I could almost scent the fear. But this one was brave I’ll give her that, either that or desperate.

  “But I have not…”

  “I know all about your time at the French court. I know that when you came to my bed you were already with child. From what I’ve heard there’s a long list of men who can claim parentage of your child.”

  “Your majesty I beg of you please…” Just then the door opened and she threw herself into my arms. I did not understand her unprovoked action until I turned to see who stood there.

  It was Cecile and the look on her face before she turned and fled would stay with me forever. “Leave, do not ever show your face here again or I will have you hung for treason.” I pushed her away from me and ran out of the room. “Get rid of her.” I threw the last at my guards as I ran to Cecile’s rooms. She was not there and my heart tripped in my chest.

  I must’ve looked a right nutter running through the palace and out onto the grounds. I saw the blue of her gown as she headed for the stables and called out to her. “Cecile.”

  She ignored me and ran all the faster. There were others about but I did not care. What must she be feeling?

  “Cecile I command you to stop.” She came to a stumbling halt but did not turn around. I reached her and put my hand out to touch her shoulder but she pulled away. There were tears streaming down her face when I moved in front of her.

  “It is not what you think.” She turned a look of such fury on me that I took a step back. My sweet girl has ever had a most pleasant disposition. I had yet to see her cross or out of sorts.

  “Cecile…” She turned away and begun her bloody running again.

  “Do not run lest you fall and harm my child.” The words were a harsh whisper as I reached out to take her shoulder.

  “Your child, what difference does this one make when you have so many bastards running around the countryside?”

  “Because this one I gave to you. You will calm down before you make yourself ill I command you.”

  We were both breathing erratically out in the open for all to see. “Come we cannot speak here.”

  “I am fine. I do not need to go anywhere with you.”

  “Cecile, now.” I held her arm and led her back to the palace and my chambers.

  She huffed away from me as soon as the doors were closed and refused to look at me. “Cecile I did not ask her here.” It had been some time since I’ve had to explain myself to anyone. Why was I doing it now? I’m afraid I knew the answer to that very well. What a buggering mess.

  I knew where this was all leading. Had made peace with the decision I have to make. Immediately after her sire had left my chambers I had known. There was no hope for it. I am in love with her and soon she will bear my child. Had lady Georgina not interrupted me I would’ve sought her out and told her as much.

  “It matters not you have fulfilled your promise, you owe me nothing.” She turned to the door infuriating me beyond measure. I should’ve stayed in the bloody country.

  ‘Take your hand away from that door and come here to me. I will not ask you again Cecile, this is an order from your king.”

  “I care not you…you…” She was crying too hard to go on and instead of heeding my threats she flung the door open.

  “If you leave this chamber you will suffer for it. If you should happen to get away I will drag you back and tan your arse before the whole kingdom then drag you to my bed and fuck you to within an inch of your life.

  I will not give you up your anger be damned.”

  “Come, you should not become this upset in your condition milady, come to me.” In the end I had to go to her and bring her back into the room. Her little body was stiff and shaking and I wished I had wrung lady Georgina’s bloody neck.

  “Look at me.” I lifted her chin and wiped her face. “I did not mean to hurt you. I did not call her here, she just came.”

  “Is she having your child?”


  “But she said…”

  “She said what, when?” She certainly had not heard what had been said here today so what could she be referring to?

  “The day before we left. She said that you were to be wed.” I took her face in my hands. “That was never my intent. I never said any such thing and wouldn’t have I promise you.” She searched my eyes and her body relaxed some.

  “It matters not any longer Julian. You have done everything I have asked and more. You owe me nothing.”

  “So why do you look so miserable?” She was back to avoiding my eyes.

  Why had I not seen it before? Had I been too busy with my own lust that I had missed what was right before my eyes? “Are you in love with me Cecile?” It was all so clear now. The way she clung to me when I took her. The way she sometimes followed me with her gaze when she thought I was unaware.

  Now she refused to answer and the look of fear in her eyes hurt. “Why did you not tell me? Was the reason you came to my bed only to get with child, or was there something else?” I could see the fight she had within herself before she answered.

  “I wanted the child. I wanted to be free of men and their control. Four years I was wed to a man who could not bear to touch me. I was alone and apart from everything I loved and I had no say in the matter. Now my father wishes to marry me to a man older than he is...”

  “That will never happen. Did you not hear me? I will never let you go?”

  “And what does that mean your majesty? Will you hide me away in one of your castles? Am I to spend the rest of my life watching the same scene play out over and over again? I will not be your whore, ow…”

  I grabbed her face and pulled her into me. “Do not say such things. I have not asked that of you have I?”

  “And what if you marry what then? When your council pressures you into marriage to some foreign princess where will that leave me?”

  “No one will pressure me into anything I make my own rules. I have no need of a foreign princess, my kingdom is secure and my coffers well full. Do not speak.” I shushed her when she opened her mouth to rail at me again.

  “Answer me milady, do you feel any affection for me?” She bit her lip and looked down towards the floor. “We will stand here all day if we must my love. I’ve waited four years for you, what’s a few minutes more?” At that her head came up and instead of fear there was wary hope in her eyes.

  “Four years…what…what does that mean?” I took her trembling hands and lifted them to my lips.

  “It means my love, that while you were wed to my brother, I held a very special tender for you in my heart. It was the reason why I stayed away from you all that time. Had I known how miserable I would’ve, no…I never would’ve betrayed his trust. Nevertheless I cannot deny that I am glad he never had you.”

  “Nothing to say?”

  “I’m, I have no words my lord. But what does it all mean?”

  “It means my love, that you are not going anywhere. It means that I will do all that is within my power to keep you with me.”

  “But, how can that be? I was your brother’s wife. The gossip will be horrendous. It could destroy us both.”

  “Not if we marry.” I had to hold her up after that.

  “Come, you’ve had quite the morning you need to rest.”

  Lifting her in my arms I took her to my bed with all intent of putting her there to rest, but she looked up at me with her heaving breasts and her wide-open eyes and I was lost. Leaning over I kissed her luscious lips. Once, twice, and then she opened and teased me with her tongue.

  “Will you truly marry me Julian?”

  “Yes.” I covered her body with mine, wrestled her garment out of the way and slid into her wet cunny. As always all my misery went away once we were joined. The morning’s foolishness faded from my mind and all that mattered was she and I.

  “You’re carrying my son.” I would’ve given my kingdom if asked to hold onto the feelings those words gave me then. The love, after so many years of cold emptiness was overwhelming.

  Since father’s death I had locked myself off from everyone, never letting anyone close. Even my brother and sister, whom I loved in my own way, had not touched me this deeply.

  The women I’d bedded were just a necessity, an answer to a basic need, but this, being here with her, inside her, with my little son or daughter taking form in her womb was more than I’d ever hoped for.

  “I love you Cecile.” Her tightening around me along with the fresh tears in her eyes as she drew my lips down to hers were answer enough until she gave me the words. “And I you.”

  “I know.” I pulled her chest into mine as our bodies rocked together, and knew I held my heart in my arms.


  King Julian


  I stay close these days as her time draws near. Her ladies in waiting make quite the fuss about my being underfoot, especially now while she was at her bath, but I had an unreasonable fear of leaving them out of my sight, her and my unborn child.


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