Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4) Page 8

by Ashley Jade

  It’s no Jack Daniels, but it will help numb the pain.


  “Holy shit.”

  “I know,” Stone murmurs against my mouth. “I love kissing you.”

  Kissing him is nice and all, but that’s not what I was referring to.

  I can’t believe I was standing on a cliff drunk in the middle of the night.

  And out of all the people in the world I chose to call when I was at my lowest…

  I called him.

  That has to mean something, right?

  “What time is your next class?”

  Stone glances at his watch. “In about fifteen.” Leaning down, he whispers, “I can be quick if you want to go back to your dorm.”

  Ugh. I’m officially the worst fiancée in the world for turning him down.

  “Can we take a rain check?” I gesture to my phone. “I’m supposed to meet Sawyer and talk about wedding planning stuff.”

  Sawyer did call me before, but she can wait.

  Especially since I know she’s just going to apologize over and over for lying to me.

  “Fine.” Sulking, he gives me a quick peck on the lips. “But only if you spend the night at my place.”


  With that, I stalk off.

  In search of the guy who can give me some answers.

  Chapter 8


  Something I learned about college kids?

  They’re messy as fuck.

  Every classroom I clean never fails to have a shit-ton of stuff left behind.

  Wrappers. Soda cans. Water bottles. Empty chip bags.

  A half-smoked joint.

  Want and need tangle in my chest as I bring it up to my nose and inhale.

  It’s the premium shit.


  And just like that…an image of Hayley permeates my brain.

  CBD gummies and oil for my epilepsy are one thing…but smoking this joint will undoubtedly lead me down the rabbit hole of doom.

  After giving it one more lengthy sniff, I chuck it in the garbage can.

  The shit must be even better than I thought though because when I turn around…

  She’s standing there.

  Her long dark hair is in a ponytail and she’s wearing a plain white t-shirt and cargo pants—something the Bianca I know wouldn’t be caught dead wearing in public—but she’s still as gorgeous as ever.

  Grabbing my broom, I focus on sweeping the floor. “I’ll be out of here in a minute.”

  She takes a step forward. “I was hoping we could talk.”

  I give her the only answer there is.

  The one I have to give.


  Chapter 9



  Not—maybe later. Or—let me check my schedule.

  Just flat out no.

  And then he has the audacity to brush past me like I don’t even exist.

  Screw that.

  Refusing to take his no for an answer, I follow him into the next empty classroom.

  “Not for nothing, but don’t you think you kind of owe me? After all, you were the one driving when we got into the accident.”

  I’m not trying to be a bitch, but he’s given me no choice.

  He freezes mid-sweep. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  His voice is so genuine, so full of remorse, my heart clenches.

  “I wasn’t trying to make you feel guilty,” I tell him honestly, because something tells me he’s doing a great job of that himself. “I’m just looking for a little clarity.”

  Finally, he turns. “About what?”

  I open my arms wide. “I don’t know…everything.” Realizing I need to be a little more specific I add, “Why was I in the car with you? Where were we going?”

  There’s so much sorrow in his eyes my heart does a painful flip.

  Head down, he goes back to sweeping. “It doesn’t matter.”

  The hell it doesn’t.

  “Look,” I start, trying to reason with him. “I know my brothers are scary, but—”

  That earns me a rough laugh. “I’m not scared of your brothers.”

  That would make him the first and only guy in Royal Manor who isn’t.

  It also makes me very confused.

  “Then why won’t you tell me—”

  “Because it doesn’t fucking matter,” he snaps. “You have a new life now.” He gestures to the door. “Quit talking to me and go live it.”

  There’s an edge to his tone…one I can’t make sense of.

  However, it’s clear he’s not going to budge. Which means I need to try a new tactic.

  “Okay, if you don’t want to tell me about my past…can we spend a little time together?”

  I’m hoping if we do it will trigger another memory, given I’ve had not one but two of them in the span of twenty-four hours since meeting him.

  He looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head before dismissing me entirely.


  Holy hell. It’s like that’s his favorite word.

  I’m not going to give up so easily, though so I attempt to reason with him again.

  “Fine, but if I tell you about the flashback I had, can you at least confirm some things for me?”

  Sweep. Sweep.

  “I’m sure your brothers can do that.”

  I’m so frustrated with him it’s taking everything in me not to rip my hair out.

  “Please,” I beg, even though it’s sad that I even have to in the first place. “I can’t trust Jace and Cole anymore since they lied—”

  “Your brothers love you,” he quickly bites out, coming to their defense.

  Well, then.

  I did not see that coming. Especially after the way they treated him yesterday.

  “And I love them,” I say, guilt rising in my chest. “But if you know them—and it’s pretty freaking obvious you do—you know how stubborn they are. Therefore, they’re not going to tell me anything they don’t want to.”

  Plus, it’s not like they know everything anyway. Based on the memory I had last night, it’s clear I’ve kept certain things from them.

  Guilt sneaks up again.

  I’ve kept a lot of important things from them.

  When it’s apparent he’s still not going to cave, I go for gold. “I was standing on a cliff in my flashback…drunk out of my mind. But I called you…not them.” I shrug helplessly. “Which means you’re probably the only person on the planet who can help me get my memories back.”

  Scowling, he rakes a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry for putting you in a coma and giving you amnesia—it’s something I’ll never forgive myself for.” His eyes take on a sad glint. “But I’m not the right person to help you with this, baby girl. Trust me.”

  It’s not so much his words…it’s the sheer devastation on his face that forces me to fold.

  For reasons I’ll probably never understand now, talking about the past hurts him.

  “Okay,” I whisper in defeat.

  You can’t force someone to talk to you and give you answers if they don’t want to.

  I start heading for the door, but pause. “For what it’s worth I’m sorry I hooked up with Morgan behind your back. That was a shit thing to do to you.”

  There’s a hint of amusement on his face, but it quickly disappears.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “Actually, that’s not true.” Shame tightens my chest. “I was really awful to Hayley.” I hold his gaze. “I know you cared about her…I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Chapter 10


  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  She is aware that I killed her, right?

  I open my mouth to tell her that, but she’s gone.

  It’s just as well though.

  Gripping the broom handle, I mutter a curse.

  She’s so confused—so goddamn lost—it makes me want to c
hase after her and tell her everything.

  But I can’t.

  Jace’s words from yesterday echo through my head.

  “The last thing she needs is you coming back to fuck up her life again.”

  Despite the way my chest hurts when I think about her marrying Stone and the intense feelings I’m positive I’ll always harbor for her.

  I want the best for Bianca.

  Even if it means staying the fuck away for good.


  “Is it cool if I cut out early?”

  My boss, Cobra looks around the half-empty bar and shrugs. “Pour me a shot of Henny and it’s a deal.”

  I never planned on becoming a bartender at No Name, but I had no choice after all the questions started rolling in.

  “What are you doing for money?”

  “Why don’t you go to college?”

  “How are you going to support yourself?”

  I make good money working for Loki, but given I promised Dylan and my friends I was done with him after Sawyer landed in the hospital, I needed a cover-up job.

  Cobra wasn’t going to hire me because I’m not twenty-one until next month, but my fake ID and being paid off the books was a win-win situation for the both of us.

  Not that No Name is an upstanding establishment.

  Far from it. This shithole is as shady as it gets, but it serves its purpose.

  After pouring Cobra his shot, I head out.

  I shouldn’t be in a rush to rescue the little wicked princess—especially after finding out that she’s been hooking up with Morgan behind my back—but she’s Jace and Cole’s little sister.

  Their family is already plagued with enough tragedy it could qualify as a Shakespeare play and they sure as shit don’t need any more.

  I press a few buttons on my dash as I back out of the parking lot.

  A moment later Hayley’s voice fills my car.

  “Hey, you.”

  I can’t trust Bianca or the alcohol in her system to tell me how the hell she ended up wandering off into the woods drunk, but I know Hayley will clear a few things up for me.


  She laughs. “Answer.”

  I make a sharp left. “Why is Bianca lost in the woods? I thought she was with you.”

  How they became friends is anyone’s guess given they’re so different from one another—like the devil and an angel—but they’ve been thick as thieves for a hot minute now.

  I can hear the apprehension in her voice. “Yeah…she was. Until she flipped out like a crazy bitch tonight.”

  As opposed to any other night?

  I pull a clipped blunt out of my cupholder and light it. “What happened?”

  She sighs. “I’d tell you, but I don’t want to make shit weird between us.”

  “You can tell me anything, Hayley. You know that.” I veer onto the highway. “Judgment-free zone between us.”

  Always has been. We might not be a couple anymore, but I’d still do anything for the girl.

  “I know.” There’s another long sigh. “Everything was fine when we got here but then I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I caught her and Zack messing around.”

  Well, shit.

  “Damn. I’m sorry, boo.”

  Can’t say I’m surprised though. That fucker not only looked like an herb, everyone with a set of eyes could tell he was checking out Bianca from the moment he walked into the Covington’s back yard.

  “Not your fault,” she says. “Anyway, we got into a fight and she ended up wandering off into the woods. I’ve been trying to call her and make sure she’s okay, but she won’t pick up.”

  Sounds like Bianca all right. Stubborn brat.

  “Well, she’s not your problem anymore. I’m on my way to Ocean Falls.”

  She hesitates a beat before she utters, “Ocean Falls? Why? We went to Royal Manor Forest.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Bianca mentioned something about passing a waterfall and Royal Manor Forest doesn’t have any of those.

  Ocean Falls on the other hand not only has some pretty sweet waterfalls and is surrounded by a large forest and hiking trail, they have a few cliffs overlooking the dope beach below.

  Which makes it the perfect spot to smoke some ganja and chill.

  “Positive, babe.” She groans over the extension. “That idiot is so directionally challenged she wouldn’t know her ass from her elbow.” She laughs. “It’s a good thing she won’t be driving any time soon, huh? She’d kill all of us.”

  Following my gut, I get off the next exit and head toward Ocean Falls.

  “Right—” An incoming call cuts me off mid-sentence.


  “Sorry to cut this convo short, but I got to go. My gir—” I stop myself before I can finish that sentence.

  That trifling bitch isn’t my girl anymore. Hell, she never was.

  “Morgan’s on the other line.”

  The disappointment in Hayley’s voice is tangible. “Oh.”

  Whoop, there it is. The awkwardness that only happens when one of us brings up the person we’re currently chilling with.

  Suffice it to say there will always be lingering feelings between us.

  Then again, she’s the only girl I’ve ever labeled my girlfriend.

  And for a short time—before Crystal used me for my sperm and shattered the thing in my chest—I thought we were good together.

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish things ended up differently between us, or that I didn’t feel guilty about cheating on her.

  She didn’t deserve that. No one does.

  “Oak?” she questions before I hang up.


  “Do you want to grab lunch later this week? It’s been forever since we hung out and I really miss you.”

  I’m smart enough to know that lunch with an ex has bad idea written all over it.

  However, I still want her in my life as a friend.

  “Yeah,” I agree. “Call me this week with a place and time.”

  “Cool. Have a good night.”


  With that, I hang up and call Morgan.


  “Lose my motherfucking number.”

  She starts to protest, but I tap the end call button on my dash.

  We were only friends with benefits, so I didn’t give a shit if she hooked up with other people, but shorty did me dirty and not the way I enjoy.

  Therefore, fuck her.

  Fuck them both.

  Chapter 11


  “Thanks,” I tell the Uber driver before I step out of the car and start trekking toward Stone’s apartment building.

  Stone won’t be off work for another hour, but I have a key to let myself in.

  I’m so busy trying to give the Uber driver five stars and a tip while digging in my purse for the key, I end up barreling into someone on my way up the stairs.

  My purse goes flying and so do the contents in it…but I can’t focus on that right now because all I see is him.

  Oakley looks equally surprised by my presence as I am by his.

  I eye him warily. “What are you doing here?”

  He gestures to the big box he’s holding. “Moving in.”



  I bend down to sweep my stuff back into my bag…at the same time he does.

  Our heads meet with a loud crack.

  “Fuck,” he growls.

  “Shit,” I hiss, my hand flying to the spot where it throbs.

  And then before I can stop myself, I laugh because this would be the monkey wrench life decides to throw at me right now.

  Seriously. What are the odds that the one guy who can help me but refuses to would be moving into the same apartment building as my fiancé?

  Evidently good, because it’s freaking happening.

  “What floor is your apartment on?” I blurt out.

  He stares down at me for several seconds, as if debating whether or not to tell me.

  Finally, he says, “The third.”

  I jut my chin up the stairs. “I’m on the fourth.” And then, because my mouth refuses to put a cork in it, I add, “Well, not me…my fiancé. Although I’ll be moving in with him and his mom after we’re married.”

  His expression turns darker than a storm cloud. “Right.”

  Awkwardness lingers in the air between us.

  “Well,” I say, brushing past him. “Have fun moving in. If you need any help, or change your mind about talk—”

  “I won’t,” he says curtly.


  I’m swinging my legs over the edge of the cliff when my phone rings. Hayley’s name flashes across my screen.

  Annoyed it’s her and not Oakley, I chuck it into the universe, laughing when it goes silent. Whoops.

  There’s a beach on the horizon, and by the sounds of the violent ocean waves slapping against the boulders and rocks, I’m guessing there’s a storm brewing.

  I look down into the abyss of darkness.

  I wonder how long the fall is.

  Would I have a heart attack and die before I reached the bottom? Would the crows swoop in and eat the flesh off my bones, or would the waves be kind enough to carry my corpse out to sea before then?

  Moving closer to the edge, I dangle my flip-flops from my toes and finish my last sip of rum.

  Prince Charming isn’t coming to rescue his wicked princess after all.

  Knowing Oakley, he got distracted by something more important.

  Drugs, or another ho.

  It doesn’t matter though, because the alcohol swirling through my system gives me the courage to follow through with my plan.

  “See you soon, Liam.”

  Just so we’re clear. I know exactly what you’re thinking. This girl is a suicidal hot mess who should be locked away in a mental institution.

  However, there’s one teensy little problem with your assessment there, Dr. Freud.

  I don’t actually want to die.


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