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Now You're Thinking!: Change Your Thinking...Revolutionize Your Career...Transform Your Life

Page 13

by Stewart Emery

  Length: 2 days

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  accuracy of information, evaluating, 68-70

  action plan, developing, 76-77, 107, 109

  Advanced Critical Thinking Seminar #2228, 144

  Alaa Thabit Fatah (Amenah’s father), 5, 23, 39-41, 119

  Amenah al-Bayati, 118. See also Amenah’s story

  Amenah’s story, 5-43

  role of thinking in, 45-47

  analytical thinking style, 82-83

  anchoring, 127

  articles for more information, 136-137

  assessing thinking styles, 82, 97-98

  Assessment Buzz blog, 132

  assessments for more information, 137

  assumptions, recognizing, 64-67, 102-104

  mind traps affecting, 126

  Awaken, Align, Accelerate: A Guide to Great Leadership, 139


  Becoming a Better Critical Thinker: A User Friendly Manual, 6th edition, 141

  Bellon, David, 10-13, 15, 19, 24, 46, 51-52, 60, 73, 88, 100, 104, 106, 108, 110, 115

  Berger, Sarah, 32-36, 61, 87, 123

  Berger, Steve, 18, 31-37, 61, 87, 123

  biased feelings, 54. See also mind traps

  Blackwater Worldwide, 19, 26, 29, 124

  blogs for more information, 131-132

  books for professional development, 138, 140

  Bush, George W., 38


  Christian, Karla, 11, 29, 33-38, 45, 108, 120

  Churchwell, Kevin, 120

  Clardy, H. Stacy III, 12, 15, 19, 118

  clarity in dreams, 47, 49-50

  Clark, Al, 124

  Clark, Kevin, 11-13, 117

  cognitive bias, 71. See also mind traps

  conclusions, drawing, 72-76, 106-107

  mind traps affecting, 129-130

  confidence, 110

  confirmation bias, 72, 127

  Critical Thinkers blog, 131

  Critical Thinkers Facebook group, 133

  critical thinking

  defined, 96

  developing skills in, 54, 56

  experiencing success in, 109-110

  RED model of, 77

  steps in

  draw conclusions, mind traps affecting, 129-130

  evaluate information, mind traps affecting, 127-128

  recognize assumptions, mind traps affecting, 126

  tips for achieving, 111-112

  Critical Thinking Boot Camp, 143

  Critical Thinking eBook, 133

  Critical Thinking in the Real World blog, 132

  Critical Thinking Means Business whitepaper, 136

  Critical Thinking Seminar #2533, 144

  Critical Thinking Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 142

  Critical Thinking University, 143

  Critical Thinking Video via YouTube, 134

  Critical Thinking: Consider the Verdict, 5th Edition, 140

  Critical Thinking: No Longer Just a C-Suite Skill (Video), 134

  Critical Thinking: Today’s #1 Skill (Video), 134


  Day, Ruth S., 78

  decision making. See thinking models

  deductive reasoning, 74, 76

  Dolan, Deanna, 18, 31-37, 61, 87-88, 90, 122

  Donahue, Brian, 34

  Doyle, Thomas, 29, 33, 35, 45, 70, 108, 120

  drawing conclusions, 72-76, 106-107

  mind traps affecting, 129-130

  dreams, clarity in, 47, 49-50

  drug company commercials, 71



  controlling with thinking, 55

  effect on thinking, 50-54

  Essential Skills for 21st Century Workplace (Webcast), 135

  evaluating information, 67-72, 104, 106

  mind traps affecting, 127-128


  Facebook groups for more information, 133

  facts, separating from opinions, 65

  Falcone, Jake, 14, 21, 117


  controlling with thinking, 55

  effect on thinking, 50-54

  “five whys,” 103

  framing effect, 128

  fundamental attribution errors, 126

  FYI: For Your Improvement, A Guide for Development and Coaching (5th edition), 139


  Gap Inc., 64

  group think, 128

  Haitian children example, 79-80

  Harvesting Tomorrow’s Leaders: How Do You Recognize Your Top Talent and Groom Them for Leadership Positions? article, 137

  hospital in Iraq example, 47, 49

  HR Executive—Thinking Critically article, 136


  Increasing Critical Thinking in the Workplace: The Raw Material of 21st Century Success (Webcast), 135

  inductive reasoning, 74, 76

  information, lack of transformational power in, 2

  information evaluation, 67-72, 104, 106

  inquisitive thinking style, 84-85

  insightful thinking style, 85-86

  Iraqi hospital example, 47, 49


  Jackson, Gary, 124

  Jarrard, Janet, 16-17, 46, 49, 61, 68, 87, 90, 100, 105, 121

  Jarrard, Kelly, 16, 31, 37-38, 49

  Jarrard, Kevin, 5-16, 19-27, 38-41, 49-52, 69, 73, 80, 85-86, 100-101, 105-106, 113

  Jobs, Steve, 1

  Jones, Terry, 16, 87

  jumping to conclusions, 72


  Kahneman, Daniel, 125

  King, Martin Luther Jr., 49

  Krumenacker, Captain, 11

  Lamelza, Mark, 11-15, 52, 68, 73, 91, 108, 116

  Lombardo, Michael M., 140


  Maha Muhammad Bandar (Amenah’s mother), 6, 23, 25, 29, 32-41, 87-88, 119

  Malloch, Jonathan, 17-20, 49, 54, 59, 61, 66-70, 82, 89-90, 102, 105-106, 122

  Manning, Peyton, 60

  mental mistakes. See mind traps

  mind traps, 125

  anchoring, 127

  confirmation bias, 127

  framing effect, 128

  fundamental attribution errors, 126

  group think, 128

  optimism bias, 129

  planning fallacy, 129

  self-serving bias, 126

  sunk cost fallacy, 130

  miracles, 42-43

  mistakes, recognizing, 109

  moral clarity, 52

  My Thinking Lab, 142

  My Thinking Styles assessment, 137


  Nadeau, John, 5-12, 45, 48-49, 53, 75, 84, 100, 102, 114

  Now You’re Thinking about Career Success, 141

  Now You’re Thinking about Student Success, 141

  Now You’re Thinking Facebook group, 133


  objectivity when evaluating information, 71-72

  open-minded thinking style, 86-88

  opinions, separating facts from, 65

  optimism bias, 129

  Othman, Sheik Said Flayah, 24, 69, 120

  overgeneralization, 73


  personal experience, as source of assumptions, 64

  persuasion, evaluating, 71

  plan of action, developing, 76-77, 107, 109

  planning fallacy, 129

  Prince, Erik, 124

  problem solving. See thinking models


  quiet time, 101

  racism, feelings contributing to, 54

  The Re-Discovery of Common Sense: A Guide to Critical Thinking, 142

  recognize assumptions (critical thinking step), mind traps affecting, 126

  RED model of critical thinking, 77

  reflective thinking, 60-63, 99, 101

  relevancy of information, evaluating, 68-70

  resources for information, 131-144

  Rumore, Wayne, 11


  Sanfey, Alan, 53

elf-serving bias, 126

  Semir (Iraqi captain), 22

  Silsby, Laura, 79-80

  Smith, Robin, 16, 124

  stated assumptions, unstated assumptions versus, 65

  “stop and think” (reflective thinking), 60-63, 99, 101

  storytelling. See Amenah’s story

  students, resources for information, 140-142

  styles of thinking. See thinking styles

  success, experiencing, 109-110

  Successful Executive’s Handbook, 138

  Successful Manager’s Handbook, 7th ed., 138

  Sumaidaie, Samir, 34, 120

  sunk cost fallacy, 130

  Susskind, Glenn, 19-20, 26-30, 38, 46, 59, 65-66, 74, 108, 124

  systematic thinking style, 88-89


  THINK Critically, 140


  critical thinking

  defined, 96

  experiencing success in, 109-110

  tips for achieving, 111-112

  effect of feelings on, 50-54

  role in Amenah’s story, 45-47

  roles of, 54-56

  thinking models

  assumptions, recognizing, 64-67, 102-104

  conclusions, drawing, 72-76, 106-107

  examples of, 59-60

  information evaluation, 67-72, 104-106

  plan of action, developing, 76-77, 107-109

  reflective thinking, 60-63, 99-101

  steps in, 98-99

  thinking styles, 80-81

  analytical, 82-83

  assessing, 82, 97-98

  inquisitive, 84-85

  insightful, 85-86

  open-minded, 86-88

  systematic, 88-89

  timely, 90

  truth-seeking, 91-92

  value of, 92-93

  3C Pearson Learning Solutions blog, 132

  timely thinking style, 90

  training courses, 143

  transformation, requirements for, 2

  Trends in Executive Development Survey (research), 136

  truth-seeking thinking style, 91-92

  Tversky, Amos, 125


  unconscious racism, 54

  unstated assumptions, stated assumptions versus, 65

  value of thinking styles, 92-93

  Van Wye, Lisa, 18, 28-29, 61, 65, 122

  Velasquez, Bryan, 118

  videos for more information, 134-135

  vision, clarity in, 47-50


  Watson-Glaser II Critical Thinking Appraisal, 78, 137

  White, Gary, 19-20, 26-30, 46, 59, 65, 70, 108, 124

  Zainab (Arabic interpreter), 18, 31, 34, 87

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