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Perfectly Matched (The Blue Willow Brides Book #3): A Novel

Page 11

by Brendan, Maggie

  “There’s not much space in the barn—” he began.

  She leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder. “Would you at least think about it, please? It’d only be for a short time, I promise.”

  The sweet fragrance of her hair tickled his nostrils, and he longed to remove the hairpins and run his fingers through the silkiness of it. “You hardly know anyone around here, so how do you intend to find them homes?”

  “I’ll figure something out.” She lifted her head, then kissed him sweetly on the mouth. “How about we take a walk?”

  That was not what he had in mind, but at least he would be with her. “Okay.”

  She took his hand and rose. In the hallway, still holding her hand, he started for the front door, but she pulled him in the other direction. “Not that way—I meant a walk to the bedroom.” Anna’s lips tilted into a delicious, tempting smile.

  His legs almost folded like gold chains at the end of a watch fob when she gave him that kind of look, but he was only too happy to follow her upstairs to their bedroom, where the afternoon sun slanted warmly across their bed.


  The snow was nothing more than a memory Monday morning, melted by the brilliant sun and dripping off the roof by the time Anna stepped out to do her marketing. She breathed deeply of the invigorating, fragrant air and sauntered down the sidewalk, happily humming to herself. She didn’t mind the chill, and as long as the sun shone, she was in good spirits.

  After she’d fed the animals, she’d added a paintbrush and a tube or two of paint to her shopping list. Then she picked up the wicker basket and went to tell Edward she was leaving. She peeked into his work area to kiss him goodbye, but grew puzzled when he quickly hid something under a muslin cloth and had a peculiar expression on his face. He probably thought she would break something he was working on again, or he was going over his list. Soon she planned to tear her list in half, and he’d be glad to get rid of his too.

  It hadn’t gone unnoticed by her the night before that just after he’d left her breathless from his kisses, he’d removed his trousers and shirt, then carefully and deliberately folded each piece and draped them over the back of a chair before climbing into bed. Goodness! If he chose to do that every time, she might be fast asleep by the time he finished. Why, he’d even made sure the sheets were tucked back in place properly this morning when she was making the bed.

  She smiled. That was just part of who Edward was, and there was no hurrying him or changing him. Mmm, I wonder . . .

  The market was a few blocks away, and the walk would do her good as she planned what to buy. Her thoughts kept straying back to last night. She loved being held in the curve of Edward’s arm after they’d doused the lights. A satisfying ending to a perfect, lazy Sunday. There had been no more mention of using the barn for the dogs, but she was worried about them when winter set in—although, if Edward had his way, Moose and Cricket would be gone.

  A voice behind her called out, and she turned around. “Anna, wait for me.” Callie scurried up the sidewalk to Anna, her shoes tapping out a sharp staccato.

  “Good morning, Callie.”

  “Morning.” Callie paused a moment to catch her breath. “I saw you and thought we could walk together. I was on my way to pick up a few things at the mercantile.”

  “That would be lovely. I’m about to do the same.”

  “I saw you leave church early yesterday. What in the world were you doing with a cat in the sanctuary?” Callie asked. She and Anna fell into step together and proceeded down the sidewalk.

  Anna giggled. “It seemed the kitten found me.” She related how the cat got tangled under her skirts.

  “So what did you do with the kitten? I’ll bet Edward was none too happy.” Callie grinned at her.

  “You’ve got that right. But let’s just say with some friendly persuasion, I was able to take her home and get her cleaned up. But the worst part is that I’d already rescued an old dog earlier. I’ll tell you all about that later. Maybe we could have tea after we complete our shopping?”

  Callie hooked her arm through Anna’s. “Sounds like a perfectly good idea to me.”

  Edward placed the mother-of-pearl watch face and clasp he was working on inside a piece of soft chamois, slid it into his jeweler’s case, and locked it. He felt like he could conquer the world after the wonderful evening spent with his sweet wife. She never ceased to amaze him. She had a certain childlike quality but became very much a woman when she was in his arms. The effect she had on him was astonishing, but it was good. It was hard to say no to her, and he found himself taking a walk out to the barn to consider allowing her a small area to pen Baby and Moose—and Cricket, though he hoped not for long.

  Cricket! What a funny but appropriate name for the kitten. Only Anna could come up with something like that.

  Cloud, his dappled gray horse, greeted his owner with a snort as he walked past. Edward patted him on the neck and held out a carrot for the horse to gobble down. “I’ll turn you out to have a little freedom here in a minute. Most of the snow’s gone and you’ll be fine,” he said to his horse as though he were a friend.

  He guessed his feelings about Cloud weren’t much different from how Anna felt about Baby. Now that was a switch in thinking for him. A horse you needed, but a dog? Then he remembered how badly he’d wanted one as a child. His father had told him to put such foolish notions out of his head. He snuffed out the vision of his father sprawled out in a drunken stupor on the couch as quickly as if he were dousing a fire. It was best to put it behind him, but it wasn’t an easy thing to do.

  Edward shuffled over to the other side of the barn. He reckoned it was feasible to section off a small spot, but he didn’t want to tell Anna just yet. He didn’t want her to think he gave in too quickly. Maybe he could pick up some wire after he stopped by the bank today. He lifted the latch from the stall and led Cloud outdoors, then headed back inside.

  Edward was busy with his regular customers and the morning flew past quickly. He had a meeting with Waldo Krunk at the bank, so he flipped the sign on his shop door from OPEN to BACK SOON and turned the key, knowing Anna wouldn’t be back until later.

  Callie suggested they have tea at the Red Rose after they completed their marketing since it was just across the street.

  “Then I shall have to get back home,” Anna said. Both of them left their purchases to be picked up on their way back.

  “What’s your hurry, Anna? It’s not like you have children at home that need looking after.”

  Anna felt her face warm. “At least not yet.”

  “How I’d love to have that to look forward to,” Callie said as the waitress seated them at a table near the window.

  Anna stared at her friend as she spread her napkin in her lap. “Callie, don’t you have a beau? A woman like you should be inundated with marriage proposals.” Anna meant it. She enjoyed Callie’s easy, friendly manner, but she also gave Anna a sense of calm and centeredness.

  “There have been a few, but I think they’re only after the money that my father left me.” Then she chuckled. “If only they knew . . .”

  “Knew what?” Anna pressed.

  Callie sighed. “Truly, most of the money is gone. In fact, I’ve considered selling the house, but I’m not sure where I’d go if I did. The only job I’ve ever had was keeping the books for my father’s law practice, and it’s hard to get someone to hire a woman in such an environment. Besides, jobs are scarce.”

  The waitress brought a teapot of fine rose porcelain and placed it on the table along with their cups. “Will there be anything else, ladies?”

  “That will be all, thank you.” Anna smiled up at the waitress, who bobbed her head at them and then scurried away to her next customer.

  Callie poured their tea while Anna thought of what to say. “I don’t want you to leave, Callie. We’ve just become friends. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to the money?”

  “I don’t mind. My father was gene
rous to a fault. He had a tender heart and was always lending money to friends, never expecting them to repay, and so they didn’t.”

  Anna stirred sugar into her cup of tea. “That’s really not a fault, though. It sounds to me like he was tenderhearted. Better that he was generous than a tightwad, as long as his own family was cared for,” she said. The noise of the restaurant patrons faded into the background as she focused her attention on her friend’s earnest face.

  Callie nodded. “Oh yes, of course he took care of us, but people took advantage of his kindness. The house is paid for, but it requires a lot of maintenance. Most of which I’m not able to do.”

  “I wish I could be of help, Callie. Oh! I just had a thought. Have you ever considered renting out a room or two? It’s a large house.”

  “No, not really. I’ll give it some thought, though. Now enough about me, I want to hear all about married life. Is it wonderful?” Callie’s eyes sparkled.

  Anna laughed. “Yes, it is quite wonderful . . . at least for the most part.”

  “You seemed inseparable at the rodeo when I caught a glimpse of you,” Callie teased. “Are you implying not every aspect is great?”

  Anna ran her finger around the rim of her teacup thoughtfully before answering. “It’s just that Edward and I are different personalities, though we do care deeply for one another. He’s just so . . . so . . .”

  Callie raised an eyebrow. “Particular?”

  Anna laughed again. “How did you know?”

  “We grew up together, remember? Edward’s a good man, but he doesn’t like anything in his world out of order. Correct?”

  “Exactly. We got off to a bad start the very first day when he handed me a list.”

  “A list?” Callie’s eyes widened. “A list of what?”

  Anna shrugged. “You know. Things I was to accomplish each day. Like washing, cooking, cleaning—”

  “Are you serious?” When Anna nodded, Callie continued, “Ridiculous. Yes, those things must be done in every household, but one certainly doesn’t hand it to his new bride!”

  “He did. But then I’m not perfect either. I didn’t tell him about Baby, my dog, until she arrived at the door. And since then I’ve rescued another dog and that kitten at church.”

  “Do tell. I can’t imagine Edward giving in to that at all. He’s too fastidious,” she said with a grin.

  Anna told her how Moose protected her and how she persuaded Edward to let him stay for the time being—and Cricket too. “Oh, we butted heads a bit . . . but the making up was grand.” Anna thought back to Edward’s gentle touch and warmth filled her heart. “I admit, I’d much rather be painting or be outdoors, but I won’t have time for that.”

  “I’m sure marriage is give-and-take. My mother always told me to let the man believe that the things he opposed at first, but later agreed to, were his ideas all along.” She giggled. “You’ll just have to find time to do some of the things you like.”

  Anna nodded her agreement, then suddenly noticed the restaurant was very full now. She was mildly surprised when she saw Daniel walking in their direction.

  “Hello, Anna, Callie.” His rich baritone vibrated from deep within his thick chest. With his striking good looks and muscular frame, he seemed to fill the dining room. Ladies’ heads turned as he walked past, his boots pounding loudly against the hardwood floor.

  Callie nodded in greeting.

  “Hello, Daniel,” Anna said. “I so enjoyed your performance in the rodeo. I had no idea you were such a wood craftsman and a cowboy.”

  He laughed good-naturedly. “It’s a side interest. Ever since I was a kid I’ve enjoyed horses, but I enjoy creating with my hands too.”

  “And you do that well,” Callie murmured. She lowered her eyes.

  Anna noticed a faint tinge of pink in her friend’s cheeks. So . . . she likes Daniel, but does he know?

  “Would you care to join us?” Anna asked.

  “Oh, no thanks. I’m here to meet up with my dad today. Just wanted to say hello to two of the prettiest ladies in the room,” he said. His eyes wandered over to Callie, and Anna saw the corners of his mouth give way to a soft smile.

  “Ha! I’m not sure about me, but I agree that Callie is a beauty.” Anna knew she was matchmaking, but she couldn’t seem to help herself with the possibility of the two of them courting. “Wouldn’t you say?”

  “She is lovely indeed,” Daniel replied.

  “Thank you,” Callie said shyly. “You and Anna have something in common—she likes animals too. In fact, Edward has allowed her to have a couple of dogs and a kitten.” Callie repeated what Anna had told her about the pets.

  Daniel’s eyes widened, then he slowly turned to Anna. “You must have cast a spell over my friend.” He grinned.

  “Hardly that. I convinced him that it’s the humane thing to do,” Anna quipped.

  Daniel shifted his weight, moving aside to let a waiter with a heavy tray pass. “I agree with you about that. Maybe you should consider organizing a sort of shelter for forgotten animals.”

  “What a wonderful idea.” Anna was thoughtful for a moment. “I don’t know. I’ll have to talk to Edward first. I’m not sure he’d let me go that far.”

  Callie bobbed her head in agreement. “I wouldn’t press my luck just yet.”

  “Oh, I have a feeling you can get him to listen to any idea you have, Anna.” Daniel tipped his hat. “I’d best be on my way.”

  Callie touched Daniel’s sleeve. “Daniel, I was wondering if you’d like to visit our literary circle.”

  Anna saw him flash Callie a broad smile. It was obvious to her that he was interested in her friend.

  “Well, I guess so. I don’t do a lot of reading, but maybe I should begin.” He chuckled.

  “We’ll look forward to seeing you on Friday then.”

  “All right. I’d better go now and meet my father.”

  “Of course,” Anna said, one eye on Callie. It seemed the cat had gotten her tongue.

  Daniel moved away, and Anna turned to her friend. “Callie, I think he likes you.”

  “What? Me? Never.”

  “Yes he does. I saw the way he looked at you. That’s more than a friendly hello.”

  “If that were true, why hasn’t he ever asked to court me? Goodness knows he’s had lots of opportunities.”

  “I don’t know . . .” But I intend to find out. Anna gathered her reticule. “I really have to go now. I hadn’t meant to take so much time. But I’m so glad that we met up, and I hope we can get together again soon.” She pulled out the money and laid it on the table for their bill.

  “I’ll get it this time,” Callie protested, pushing the money back into her hand, but Anna refused.

  “No. Let me treat today, Callie.”

  “Then next time we must take the streetcar downtown to 15th Street and have tea at the Denver Dry Goods. It’s on the fifth floor, and it’s exquisite.”

  “Sounds wonderful. Let’s go pick up our purchases now so that I don’t get into trouble with my list!”

  Callie laughed, and as they left the restaurant chattering, Anna caught a glimpse of Daniel across the room, gazing at Callie.


  Waldo Krunk was leaning back in his leather chair, feet propped up and puffing on a cigar, when Edward was shown to his office. He made no move to get up but indicated to Edward to have a seat. He blew a circle of smoke rings into the air, then swiveled around in his chair to eye Edward.

  “Thanks for coming, Edward. I have something I’d like you to do for our bank.”

  Edward admired the fact that he got right down to business. “And what is that, Waldo?”

  “We’ve just purchased a new vault that should arrive from New York any day now. I think you might be just the man we need.” Waldo swung his feet down to the floor to sit in a more dignified manner. “You see, we’ve decided to replace our old vault that uses a combination with one that uses a timer. It’s been around for years, made by a man
name Sargent. It comes preassembled by the manufacturer.”

  “I’m not sure I follow you.”

  “This vault is a combination lock and timer. Once it’s installed, I want you to service it and make doggone certain that the timer is exact and that it works properly at all times. I thought of you because of your experience with watchmaking.” He paused and took a puff from his cigar. “In other words, you will be responsible for the maintenance on the lock.”

  Waldo had Edward’s undivided attention now, and he felt honored that Waldo had thought of him. “How exactly does a timer work with a combination?”

  “The safe door can only be opened after a set number of hours have passed, making it impossible for a bank employee to open the lock in the middle of the night even under force. Do you follow?”

  “I do now.” Edward relaxed a bit.

  Waldo reached into his desk drawer and handed him an envelope. “Take this home and look it over. It describes the mechanism, which I’m sure you’ll understand easily. If you decide you want to do this, then I’ll need you to sign an affidavit that you’ll tell no one—and I mean no one—the combination or how the timer works.”

  Edward took the proffered envelope. “I’ll do it. I enjoy any kind of work that deals with intricate mechanisms, big or small.” He stuck the envelope in his coat pocket.

  “You’ll be paid by the month for maintaining the lock once a week to ensure its effectiveness.”

  Edward rose. “I appreciate you thinking of me for the job.”

  Waldo reached out and they shook on the deal. “By the way, how’s that new wife of yours? She’s a feisty little thing. She gave me a browbeating about some ol’ mongrel dog that hung around here.”

  Edward winced. “Well, sir, the dog—she calls him Moose—actually saved her life, so we have him now. But she’s looking for a home for him.”


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