Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 2

by Muriel Garcia

  “We are indeed one big family, blood related or not, we care about our members and their friends. I’m not sure you would fit in with the lifestyle of the club but if you want to hang around and just spend time here and make friends, you can. Not sure how it would work out for you, but if you feel at home and enjoy it, we can consider making you a prospect.” I’m pretty sure I look totally stupid right at this moment or maybe like a kid who’s been promised the best present ever if he behaves. I stare at him in disbelief and excitement at the promise of maybe getting something that would look like a family.


  Cabe chuckles. “Yes, you want to hang out with us?”

  “Yes. Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.” I sigh feeling stupid at how I sound.

  “Don’t worry son, you’re welcome here. Just a warning.” He pauses and I nod. “Betray us, you are dead and no one will ever find you.” The only thing I’m able to do is nod. “Good, let’s go drink now.” He gets up and walks out of the room, leaving me speechless at the table.

  That day, I knew my life had just changed for the better, even if I wasn’t aware of it at the time.

  I started to hang out at the compound more with Ant and Gabe. Not that I didn’t want to hang out with the other members, but they were the closest to me in age, so it made sense. It was always such an amazing feeling to be around those two when they were chilling, drinking, having parties at the compound or just talking to some of the older members, the stories these men share are bat shit crazy.

  After a couple of months of hanging out at the club, all of the members agreed for me to become a prospect. Whilst daunting at first, some of those stories are fucking haunting, I started to feel like one of the guys. Finally, I felt like I was home and a part of a happy, albeit dysfunctional family, I still felt empty and cold without Cas, but I was slowly getting better. I wasn’t on my own anymore. They helped me through some dark times, and I will forever be grateful for them. They’ve all saved my life and helped me in more ways than they can possibly imagine.

  I, of course, had to prove myself and my loyalty to the club, but that never was a problem. Sure, the illegal shit wasn’t easy at first, but as time went by, it was a lot easier to just let myself follow them, and embrace this new lifestyle. I came close to be arrested a couple of times, but always managed to either get myself out of trouble or have one of my brothers help. Brothers, I still can’t believe I have a full family that supports me. It took almost thirty years to happen. It took me almost two years to be fully patched in, and I’ve done some crazy stupid shit for the club, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Amazing fucked up memories I’ll remember forever. From travelling all over the state and some parts of the country, to sharing some amazing stories with the older members, to be able to just be my true self and not give a fuck about what others might think of me or what I do. It was and still is so liberating, a lot more than when I was doing drugs. This feeling of true freedom is more addictive than any other drug I’ve ever tried.

  I never thought this lifestyle would be for me, it’s the complete opposite of the way I was brought up. Now, I have a family, I have friends, I can wear whatever I please—well, maybe not quite everything, but you get me—and say whatever the fuck I want to say.

  For the first time in years, I feel alive and it feels fucking awesome.

  It might also have a little something to do with a blonde angel who goes by the name of Charline.

  I met her when I started to hang out with the club. Being Ayden’s best friend, she was always around. She’s an absolute knockout with her pouty lips, long blonde hair and big blue eyes. An angel. The first time I saw her, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. She is the sweetest girl ever, but there’s one major issue. She’s underage. Well, she’s turning 18 soon, but still, it feels so wrong to be lusting over her.

  I’m a masochist I guess. Even though I know I can’t have her, I have to spend as much time as I can with her. It’s not fair to either of us, especially since she seems to feel the same as I do, but I can’t help it. I need my fix…

  However, it all ended one night not too long ago, when I made the stupidest mistake ever…well one of many…



  I can't complain about my life and childhood, I don't come from a wealthy family, but I've had all the love I could possibly need. My parents have always been loving and caring, always supporting me through whatever I wanted to do. I wasn't a wild child at all; I was as calm and nerdy as can be. I was always handing my homework in on time, studying everything in advance, doing everything I could to make sure I'd get into the college of my choice.

  My world was turned upside down during my junior year when I met Ayden. She mysteriously transferred to my high school half way through the year. To this day, I’m still not 100% sure of the reasons for it, but I'm glad she was. She's been my best friend ever since.

  She showed me a whole new world, a much more exciting one than the one I’m accustomed to. She introduced me to her group of friends, who turned out to be all part of a motorcycle club. The first time I stepped foot in their compound, I was shocked to say the least! Booze was flowing, women were walking around barely dressed, and a couple was even fucking openly in front of others. Definitely not what I was used to!

  What caught my attention wasn't all that was going on around me, it was one guy that I couldn’t tear my gaze from. He was tall and well-built with arms covered in tattoos, the sides of his head with a bit of buzz and longer hair on the top and deepest green eyes I’ve ever seen. We stared at each other for a good few minutes before I finally snapped out of my trance and ran outside.

  Nothing like this ever happened to me, I've never really been interested in guys. I mean, the boys in high school were just plain stupid and annoying. However, the mysterious hot stranger was the total opposite, and completely out of my league. I mean, why would such a badass biker want an innocent plain, nerdy girl like me? Unfortunately for me, I started to crush on him...hard!

  It took me a couple of weeks before I finally got the guts to say hi to him without blushing and stuttering. I slowly got better; I was still a nervous mess whenever I was around him. I’d say inappropriate or naïve things, or not understand what they were talking about, especially when it was related to sex.

  Things changed when I was invited for Ayden's 18th BBQ at the compound.


  September 15, 2008

  I was surprised to be invited to the compound. I mean, I know Ayden and I are best friends, but still the MC is her family. I thought the event was a ‘family only’ tradition, but luckily enough for me, she wanted me there. As happy as I was to celebrate her birthday with her, I was secretly thrilled that I would also be able to spend the day around Aleck. I wanted to try and seduce him, we’ve been creeping around each other for ages now, and I want to know where I stand. I'm not sure if I have a chance, but I’ll never know unless I give it a try.

  I decide to wear skinny jeans, converse and a band top Ayden let me borrow because let's face it, I don't own anything like this. I try to create a heavy smokey eye effect to accentuate my eyes. I pull my long blonde hair up in a messy bun, and head out of the door grabbing my bag as I leave.

  The drive to the compound is short, thankfully, I'm still not confident driving on my own for long distances, and maybe the excitement of being at such a party isn't helping.

  The BBQ has already started by the time I get there. To be honest, it looks like it’s never going to stop. I park in the street and head inside. I look for Ayden for a good ten minutes, but still can’t find her, the house isn't huge, but it's jam packed with people.

  “She's outside with Anthony.” I hear a deep voice say behind me, very close to my ear, too close.

  I slowly turn around and come face to face, well, more like face to an incredibly muscled chest. I look up into the deepest green eyes I've ever seen. “Hey, Aleck.”

  “Hey, Gorgeous.” He smirks at me and leads me to the front of the house. “How have you been? You haven't been here in a while.”

  “I've been good, you know school and all taking up my time, which sucks. You?” I shrug sitting on the swing that's on the porch.

  “Good old days.” He chuckles. “I've been good. You know, busy with the club.”

  “Keeping out of trouble?” I grin softly.

  “You know me.” He smirks.

  “You’re always getting into some kind of trouble.” I shake my head.

  “Can't tell you anything. Sorry, Gorgeous.” He really has to stop with the sweet names or he's going to be the death of me.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know the rules.” I frown then grin.

  “Then don't ask what you know I won't answer, smartass.” He chuckles.

  “Just trying to make conversation.” I blush, my confidence vanishing with each second. I do want to try to make a move on him, but I'm not sure that would even work. I'm nothing like the girls hanging around the compound. I'm short, quite thin, plain blue eyes, chubby lips and white blonde hair. My nickname in school is Alien Head. I got used to it, but it still sucks. I do think I'm cute, but I'm severely lacking in the confidence department. All those girls are super confident and flaunting their bodies, while I'm covered up like the black sheep.

  “Where did you go just now?” Aleck says bringing me back to reality.

  “Huh? Oh, nowhere, just lost in my thoughts,” I say shyly.

  “And what might those be?” He smirks at me.

  “Ah, nothing interesting.” I grin sheepishly.

  “I'm sure they are really interesting. Come on spill it, Line.”

  It's now or never. I could tell him now that I fancy him or make up something random crap. I'm shit at lying so he would probably figure it out that I'm telling him bullshit in two seconds. I take in a deep breath, “I like you Aleck, I have since I met you,” I say so softly that I'm not even sure he heard me. He stays quiet for a while and I’m sure he hasn't heard me until I look up at him. He looks confused and hurt?

  “I like you too, Line, always have, but it wouldn't work, Gorgeous.” He strokes my cheek with a sad expression.

  “Why not?” I say softly, not trusting my voice to hide my hurt. I wasn't expecting much, but I was still hoping I would have a tiny chance.

  “A couple of reasons. I'm too old for you, this lifestyle isn't for you, and I would do nothing but hurt you,” he says dejectedly, but with finality.

  I nod softly. “Fair enough.” I get up to walk away, but turn to face him. “This is probably harsh, but I really like you Aleck, you are my first crush and also my first heartbreak. I hope this lifestyle will make you happy, and that you meet someone who can make you happy.” My voice is even and empty of any emotion. I walk to my car and drive home. I don't cry until I'm in my room, on my own. I'm glad my parents aren't home this weekend.

  I regret what I said to Aleck, especially after seeing the expression on his face. It was a low blow, I don't know his past, but the look of pure pain on his face made me feel like a total bitch.

  Needless to say, I didn't see much of Aleck after that day. We only crossed paths a couple of times, but we never spoke again, he barely acknowledged me. I know he saw me every single time, but chose not to talk to me, and damn if it didn't hurt. I thought I was over him, I mean it was just a high school crush, but it looks like it was much more than that.

  I was happy for Ayden though, she and Anthony were together at last. They'd been in love with each other for so long and finally confessed their feelings. They were truly made for each other. I wish my story with Aleck could have been the same. I guess he's just not the one for me.

  Things seemed to be going well for all of us; well, as good as they could be for high school kids; that was until Ayden’s disappearance. Everything went from steady to nightmare in a matter of hours. Ayden and Ant had planned to go out of town to a nice hotel one night for their first time. Crazy idea, but she was ready.

  They had it all planned, but then Ayden disappeared, never making it to the hotel, we had no idea where she was for an entire week. Her parents, everyone from the MC and a couple of high school friends looked for her night and day, but with no luck. One night though, she came back home, but left as fast as she reappeared. No one knew what truly happened to her, but according to her mom, it was bad.

  I was worried sick about her, she was like the cool big sister every little girl wishes for, and she had left me. I know it’s selfish, but she was making me be braver, I wanted to be like her and have Aleck see me as Anthony saw Ayden. That was my first mistake.

  A couple of days after she left, she texted me her new number, and we started to talk on a daily basis and re-establish our friendship. She still wasn’t opening up about what happened to her, but I figured if she wanted to talk about it, she would make the first move.

  A few months after that, I left for college to train to become a preschool teacher. College life was hard at first as I’ve never lived away from home and I was on my own without my friends or family, but I managed and it turned out to be a great experience. I met Andy during my first year in College. We hit it off right away, everything was great. I mean, he wasn’t Aleck—yes, I was still lamely pining over him—but he was a sweet enough guy. We dated all through College, even if things weren’t perfect, we were working well. Or so I thought…

  A couple of weeks before graduation, I was supposed to go for a weekend away with a couple of friends, but I ended up getting sick and decided to head back to the dorm earlier than planned. When I got there, I was shocked and sickened by the sight of Andy fucking my roommate, on my bed! At first, he didn’t realize I was there, but when he saw me, he didn’t even bother to look guilty, he just smirked at me and said those words that I’ll never forget. “What? You think this is the first time? Oh no, Baby, it’s been going on from the start. It’s College, we’re supposed to have fun, and trust me, I’ve had a lot of fun. Oh, and before you start crying, close the door on your way out. You’ll be a doll.” Fucking son of a bitch!

  I thought we were fine, happy-ish. He was always staying out late and partying with his friends and brothers at the frat house. I never imagined he’d been out cheating on me. I wanted to experience college life and for once, a guy was showing some interest in me. I didn’t say no, I should have, I can’t blame anyone but myself.

  I think I was more pissed at my roommate than at Andy. I mean, we’d been rooming since we started College, and she goes behind my back and fucks my boyfriend. The fucking slut!

  I’m glad College is finally over. I can move back home to start my adult life, and leave this shit behind. Was I sad that it ended with Andy? Not really. Was I sad that it ended like this, and he had cheated on me for a couple of years? Yes. It’ll be hard to trust a guy again.


  September 6, 2013

  It feels so good to be home again, to see my family and enjoy the comfort of the house I grew up in, but especially not having to share everything with a backstabbing roommate! Although I don’t have a permanent full time job yet, at the moment I’m covering for another preschool teacher who’s on maternity leave, it won’t be for long, but it’s still something to keep me busy for now.

  Ayden has come back too. It’s been amazing to finally see her again and catch up on our missing years. We get together at least once a week for lunch with two other friends, and have our usual Friday night movie date, just like we used to do. Even if we were apart for six years, the tradition never changed.

  Tonight, I’m going out with a friend from work who wants to check out a band playing at the House of Blues. It’ll be my first time there, and I have to say I’m rather nervous. I’m not good with crowds and new places, I don’t really fit in with that kind of scenery, but Michelle was so insistent that I gave in.

  Instead of worrying, I decided to try having fun tonight and enjoy myself.

  I put on skinny jeans an
d a simple V-neck t-shirt, some black boots and a light leather jacket. Not my usual style, but I look good. I put in my lenses and finish my make-up. I grab my bag and head out the door to pick up Michelle.

  I try to remain calm, but I really hate crowds and tonight, it’s jam packed. I hate this. I smile at Michelle, not wanting to ruin her night of fun, but inside, I’m freaking out.

  “This is so freaking cool!” she exclaims over the music, and leads us to the bar.

  “It’s really crowded.” I nibble my lip, ordering myself a dirty martini.

  “You’ll be fine, Hun don’t worry.” She winks at me and orders herself a Sex on the Beach. I shake my head at the name. “What? They are good!” She grins at me and takes a sip of her drink.

  “I’m sure they are.” I sip my drink and turn around looking at everybody enjoying the live music. I must admit, the band playing is quite good. Not really my type of music, but I appreciate any type of live music.

  I lose myself in the music and continue to sip on my drink. A couple of minutes later, I look around for Michelle, but can’t see her anywhere and start freaking out. I guess the bartender must have seen my distress when he points over to a crazy Michelle grinding on a guy. She spots me watching her and gives me two thumbs up. I guess I’ll be leaving on my own. I give her a thumb up and head to the bathroom.

  Just as I’m about to push the door, it opens before me and I stop in my tracks. I come face to face with none other than Aleck. He’s coming out of the bathroom with a girl who doesn’t look a day over twenty, and I see red. I think back to when he told me I was too young for him, and here he is, with a girl much younger than he is, and probably much younger than I am. Why am I getting upset over this?

  I snap out of my trance and clear my throat. “Aleck.”

  “Line.” His voice is strained. He’s clearly not happy to see me, duly noted.


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