Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 3

by Muriel Garcia

  “Have a great night,” I say before pushing the bathroom door and locking myself in a stall. I didn’t expect to see him, not like this, not when I wasn’t prepared and certainly not expecting my reaction to seeing him with that girl.

  I wait for a while in the bathroom, until someone knocks on the door. “Open up, I really need to pee and you’ve been in there for ages!” a slurred voice shouts at me.

  I take a deep breath and walk out. I wash my hands and step back into the bar. I look around to see if he’s still here, but he’s probably left with her. I sigh to myself and sit at the bar, ordering another drink. It’s not like me, I rarely drink and never this much, but I ask the bartender to keep the whiskey shots coming. I need to numb the voices in my head.

  Not good enough…

  Too young…

  Alien Head…

  She’s not the first…

  “A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be drinking this much,” a deep voice says from next to me.

  “And why do you care?” I don’t bother looking at him.

  “Because, whoever caused you to drink this much isn’t worth it.”

  I look at him and raise my eyebrow. “What do you know?” I sigh and down another shot.

  “Well, I do know I want to turn your frown upside down, and I know exactly how.” He smirks and caresses up my thigh.

  “Leave me alone and don’t touch me, you fucking perv!” I push his hand away and try to get up, but a) I’ve had too much to drink and b) he’s got a hold of my arm and isn’t letting me go this easily.

  “Oh no, I don’t think so. You and I are going to go have some fun.” He smirks and starts to drag me into the crowd. I try to get the bartender’s attention, but he’s too busy serving.

  “And where exactly do you think you’re going with her?” I recognize that voice, Thank fuck!

  “Move buddy, she’s not yours, I saw her first.”

  “I don’t think so buddy. Char and I go way back. Isn’t that right, Sweetie?” I grin up at Bennett, well, I think I grin? I’m not too sure and nod at him.

  “Well, she’s leaving with me anyway, so back off.” The asshole has the nerves to confront Bennett, not a smart idea.

  “No, she’s not, she’s precious, you don’t seem like the kind of guy who would treat such a precious little thing well, so back off before I kick your teeth in.” Bennett growls.

  “Try me,” The other guy scoffs.

  “My pleasure.” Bennett breaks the guy’s hold on my arm and drags him outside, making sure I’m following before he shoves the asshole to the curb. I’m pretty sure a couple of the guy’s teeth break when he hits the curb face first. He groans in pain. “Are you okay, Sweetie?” Bennett hugs me.

  I hug him back and shake my head before turning around and throwing up. When I finally stop heaving a couple of minutes later, Bennett helps me up and hands me a bottle of water.

  “Why did you drink so much?” He sighs and I shrug. “Fuck Aleck,” He mutters to himself, but I heard him. Guess I now know why Bennett was there to save me.

  “Can you drive me home please, I’m too drunk to drive?” I look up at him and he nods.

  “Of course, I’m not leaving you here on your own, come on.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and walks me to his bike.

  “Thank you,” I say softly.

  “Don’t mention it, Char, it’s fine.” He kisses my head before helping me with the helmet and onto the bike.

  The drive to my place is quite short thankfully. I’m grateful Bennett was there to help me, but I can’t help but wonder if Aleck asked him to come keep an eye on me.

  I climb off the bike when he parks in my driveway, and take off the helmet. “Did Aleck ask you to come keep an eye on me?” I’m not going to bullshit him, I need to know.

  He sighs. “Yeah, he wanted to make sure you were okay, and I guess he was right. I’m glad I was there to keep you safe.” He hugs me again and I hug him back.

  “He’s still an asshole.”

  “Ditto.” He chuckles and unlocks the door for me, looking inside as I punch in the alarm code.

  “Can I help you?” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Just making sure everything is safe, Char.” He chuckles and looks through the house.

  “By all means, make yourself at home.” I sigh and go to the kitchen to get another bottle of water.

  “Careful, I might take you up on the invitation.” He chuckles and comes back to me. “Are you going to be okay?” He looks at me keenly.

  “Yes, don’t worry, never drinking again though.” I frown.

  “Smart girl. Have a goodnight.” He kisses my head and exits out the door.

  “Not that smart…” I whisper to myself and lock the front door, setting up the alarm.

  I head upstairs, take a quick shower and brush my teeth before climbing into bed. As much as I try to relax, sleep doesn’t come, that would be too easy. I spend the best part of the night tossing and turning, imagining Aleck and that girl. I groan, frustrated that I’m letting Aleck get to me so much.



  I can’t fucking believe it!

  She’s back in town. I didn’t expect to see her ever again, much less tonight, and even less after fucking this girl in the bathroom. I’m just glad she didn’t come in while we were at it. That would’ve been really awkward for the both of us.

  It’s been years since I last saw her, and she hasn’t changed, well, that’s a lie, she’s even more beautiful than she was before.


  I know I will never have another chance with her, but what I wouldn’t give to have her under me, even just for one night.

  I’m about to fuck this chick again, and all I have in mind is my sweet Charline.

  I’m a fucking pig. She’s not mine and never will be…

  “What are you thinking about, Handsome?” The girl asks me as we enter her apartment, I know she told me her name, but I can’t remember it, not that I need to. I’ll be gone before sunrise. I’ve fucked more girls than I’d like to admit these past years.

  “Your lips wrapped around my dick,” I tell her without any emotion, taking a long drag of my cigarette.

  “Anything you want, Sexy.” She grins at me and gets to her knees. She pulls the zipper of my jeans down, taking my hard cock into her mouth. Fuck it feels good. She’s a bit sloppy, but I don’t care, I need the release.

  I wrap her long hair around my wrist, and guide her head up and down my cock, holding her down a bit longer than she likes, and she starts gagging. I let go of her head, help her up and throw her on the bed. I don’t give her the time to turn around. I pull her shorts down, put on a condom and thrust into her. I can’t stop thinking about Charline. I’m turning into such a girl and a dick at the same time for fucking this girl and thinking about Charline. I’m well aware of that, but I can’t help it.

  “Yes, baby, fuck me hard!” She moans loudly breaking my thoughts.

  I hold onto her hips and fuck her harder and faster until I find my release.

  I disgust myself.

  I’ve been doing this for far too long, and I hate myself more and more every time I let it happen.

  “Already done baby?” She turns around and spreads her legs again, touching herself.

  “Yes, I have to go. Thanks for a good time.” I fix my pants and I’m about to head out.

  “Seriously? You’re such a fucking asshole. I thought you were a good guy and would be a good time, but fuck, you’re just a one-time thing, aren’t you? I mean, in the bathroom it was hot, but here? You fucking sucked.” She frowns and covers herself.

  “You have no idea how right you are. I am a fucking asshole. You deserve better,” I say before heading out and getting back on the road.

  I take the long road back to the compound. I can’t head home tonight.

  Things have been fucked up since the last time I saw Charline, well, more like when she laid it into me that I broke h
er heart. I wanted nothing more but to take her when she got all pissed at me, but her words, fuck they hurt.

  I’ve never had the love I should have gotten from my parents. I don’t know how to love. The only type of love I know is the one I got from my sister and the one I could give her, but it wasn’t enough to keep her here. I don’t know how to be in a relationship, and have never wanted to be in one. Most relationships around me have turned to shit. There are a couple of exceptions, but I don’t want to put myself in that situation ever again. I’ve been burned once, I will not let it happen again.

  Just one time can fuck you up and change your life forever.

  All I know is that nothing has been the same for the past four years, and will never be the same again.

  Besides, which girl in their right mind would want to spend their life with a man like me? I’m a fuck up, an ex-drug addict who constantly lives with the temptation to fall back into old habits. At the club, we deal with drugs on a regular basis, so it’s hard not to just take a hit, but Ant is always there for me to make sure I don’t fuck up and relapse.

  I live a very destructive life. I drink more than I should, I’m around women who willingly offer sex just for the sake of it, I’ve done things for the club I never imagined I’d ever do. I’ve killed people, I’ve helped sell drugs and guns to other people, ruining other people’s lives. I’m also never home and when I am, I barely have time to wash my clothes, let alone partake in a relationship. I don’t cope with the nagging, complaining and neediness, I’m a loner, I’m not cut to be in a relationship.

  However, being with Charline crossed my mind more than once. Sure, she was young back then, but it never stopped me from imagining how life could’ve been. Would we be happy if she were to embrace this lifestyle and accept me the way I am, flaws and all? Only it never happened, and I only have myself to blame for that. I could have gone to her after she turned 18, but she deserves a happy life with a good husband, the perfect house and kids. The whole package. I can’t give her that. I’m a felon, I’ve been arrested more than once, I’ve killed people. Seriously, who would want that kind of man to be in your life, raising your kids? No one! I’d tarnish her picture perfect life and her chance at a real happily ever after.

  I’m a fucking masochist.

  After seeing her at the House of Blues, I had to ask Bennett to keep an eye on her. She’s not mine to protect, but I had to make sure she was safe. I know the type of guys that frequent the bar. She seemed pissed when she bolted in the bathroom. I don’t get why. She’s the one who left in the first place to go to college, she couldn’t expect me to wait for her.

  I head to my room and take a scorching hot shower, needing to clear my thoughts and to get rid of the traces of Marisa or was it Evelyn? I’m a real pig, I can’t even remember her name. I can’t let Charline take over my mind again. I need to focus on just making sure I don’t make our next deal go wrong.

  Once again, we are dealing with the Bastards from Hell, this isn’t our first time doing business with them, they have always been dickheads, but they are even more so as of late. They are worse than PMSing women. Their Prez isn’t that bad, it’s some of the members who are fucked up, you never know what can happen at a meeting with them.

  I finish my shower and jump into bed, hoping I’ll fall asleep quickly. No such luck, I toss and turn most of the night; Charline’s face not leaving my mind for one second.



  November 27, 2013

  Tomorrow Ayden’s father, Cabe, is finally released from jail after spending two years locked up for something he didn’t do. I was shocked when Ayden first told me. Sure, the club is into illegal stuff, but why would he steal from the most obvious place of them all? Besides, they don’t exactly need to steal money.

  I’m glad he’s released; it’s going to bring some peace to the mess that is going on. Ayden is living in fear that Michael will come after her for taking the papers that incriminate him for framing Cabe. I still don’t know what happened to her six years ago, but I’m sure it is one of the reasons she is so nervous all the time.

  I’m waiting for Ayden to come pick me up so we can go shopping to get everything we need for Cabe’s release party. I want to have her thoughts on how it could go with Aleck. I’m going to take the opportunity at the party to see where I stand with Aleck, instead of pussyfooting around each other. It’s time to see if anything could happen. We’re both adults now, if he rejects me then I’m sure I’ll find a way to move on once and for all. I can’t do that whilst I don’t know how he feels, I need closure. I know he’s not a saint, he fucks whoever he pleases and I’ve had my own experiences, so surely we can see how we go? I’m determined to crack that tough, bad boy, biker exterior.


  Ayden and I have been shopping for a while now, and I’m still not sure how to approach the subject.

  “What’s up buttercup?” She grins, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “Nothing, why?”

  “Because you look like you’ve been dying to ask me something for the past twenty minutes, and you still haven’t. It’s driving me crazy!” She laughs softly. I can’t help but join her.

  “Alright, alright.” I sigh. “Do you think I have a chance seducing Aleck tomorrow at the party? I mean, I know the last time he said I was too young, but I’m not seventeen anymore.” I exhale as I finish my rant.

  “Ohhhh, still pining over him, aren’t we?” She snickers mocking me lightly, the bitch! I shake my head giggling and nod. “Well, I don’t know what the fuck his problem is. He’s never been in a relationship that I know of, but he’s a good guy, you’d make a great couple. Everybody can see that you both like and want each other, but he’s too stubborn to give in. He’s the big, bad biker and you’re the innocent, sweet and super cute kindergarten school teacher. He probably thinks that you shouldn’t be compatible because your worlds are too different and yet, he can’t help his attraction to you and I think that scares him, you scare him.”

  “I scare him? What have I done now?” I scoff.

  “Nothing.” She laughs. “It’s just the way he is. He’s a stubborn but loveable fucker. Sure, he fucks anything that has boobs and a vagina, but he doesn’t do romance. Think you could handle that? A relationship without hearts and flowers?” She looks at me very seriously.

  “Wow, way to lay it out, huh?” I sigh. “I think I could, only relationship I’ve had was hearts and flowers and he was fucking my roommate and other girls behind my back! Maybe I need a bad boy? Something tells me he’s a big softie inside.” I grin innocently.

  “They all are; yet, they will never admit it, trust me.” She grins devilishly.

  “So, Big Ant is a big softie too?” I laugh when she nods and hear Callum, our babysitter for the day chuckle behind us.

  “So using that against him one of these days.” He laughs.

  “You totally should.” Ayden giggles.

  “Give Aleck time, he’s messed up and been through a lot, don’t know what, but I know it was rough. If you can break down his walls, you’ll get to his heart. Just don’t hurt him or you and I will have problems. I’d never hurt a woman, but I won’t let anyone mess with a brother’s head.” Callum says with such finality and seriousness that I’m stunned into silence. I can just nod and share a look with Ayden.

  “He’s right, I know you aren’t used to this type of lifestyle, but we protect our own, even if I was gone for a while, I’d still protect and defend any of these fuckers any day.” She grins and we walk to the little café we love for lunch, all the while pondering what to make of this new information on Aleck.


  Today is the big day.

  It’s the day I make my move on Aleck and hopefully, he will reciprocate my feelings or at least stop being a stubborn ass about it. A girl can dream right?

  I’ll have to wait and see how things go. I’m not expecting him to profess his unconditional love to me, well, it would b
e nice, but just seeing that I at least affect him a bit would be nice. Hopefully he won’t think I’m just after him for sex. I’m not one of those club whores.

  I take a long relaxing shower, pampering myself. I couldn’t sleep last night, I’m too excited and nervous to see things play out with Aleck. I woke up at six in the morning and have been trying to get back to sleep to no avail, so I might as well take advantage of the extra time and pamper myself.

  I shave everywhere it’s needed and get out of the shower. I wrap myself in a big fluffy towel and another one around my head. I put on some music and dance around, trying to relax before having to head out and face Aleck. As brave as I felt yesterday talking to Ayden, I’m now not so sure and have become incredibly nervous. What if he doesn’t want me and I get my heart broken again?

  I don’t know what’s with me, but ever since I met Aleck that day six years ago, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. I didn’t let it stop me from living or dating anyone else, but he’s always been in the back of my mind. I’d always end up thinking about him at the most random moments. It’s quite embarrassing to be thinking about your crush when you’re having sex with your boyfriend for the first time. I never told him, but it did mess with me for a couple of weeks.

  I often wonder how Aleck is in bed, is he as sweet as he is with me outside the bedroom or is he rough and kinky? I seriously need to stop thinking about Aleck and sex at the same time. I’m going to make myself wet and late at the same time and it wouldn’t help. Ayden knows me and she will know immediately something is up.

  I pick my outfit for the day: skinny jeans, high heeled boots and a tight leather top. Not really my style, but it looks sexy. I don’t have big boobs, but this top, paired with a nice push up bra, makes my boobs look amazing and more importantly, like I have some.

  I blow dry my hair, put on my lenses and a light make-up and head out the door.

  First stop, Ayden’s parent’s house to pick Ayden up so we can go food shopping. I’m not sure we’ll have enough room with just one car considering how many members there are in the club and how much food these guys tend to eat.


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