Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 7

by Muriel Garcia

  I head to the kitchen, get another beer and go upstairs after making sure everything is locked up and the alarm is on. I take a long drink and set it on the bathroom counter before going to take a shower.

  I can’t believe the mess I’m finding myself in. My life was normal, borderline boring before I moved back here. I liked how things were, easy and less stressful. Now, I find myself in this mess with Aleck, well I let myself get into this mess by following those feelings I had when I was a kid.

  Things rarely go the way you want them to, and when they do, it always comes back to bite you on the ass.

  I get out of the shower and pat myself dry, put on a new pair of pajamas and head back downstairs to get some mac and cheese ready, and a chocolate mud cake. Might not be the Christmas Eve celebration I had planned, but chocolate makes everything better.

  I spend the biggest part of the evening eating, watching Christmas movies on TV and looking through old pictures of Ayd, myself, Aleck and Ant. I can’t say I was as close to them as Ayd, but we were a tight knit group. I miss those times, when the only thing I had to worry about was getting good grades in school.

  After spending the lamest Christmas Eve ever, all by myself, I decide to go to bed early and forget this evening. Tomorrow will be better. I hope so anyway…


  January 25, 2014

  Things have been fairly quiet and boring. I’ve been trying to get into a routine, but not starting work until August sucks big time. The teaching I was replacing came back, so I’m jobless until the new school year starts. I’ve been hanging out with Ayden most of the time, when she’s not working at her mom’s bakery. She’s starting to show a little. It’s so cute. She’s just so beautiful with that pregnant woman glow.

  We’ve been doing a lot of decorating in the nursery to make it all perfect for when her little angel comes into this world. It’s been a lot of fun to get it all decked out. We might have gone a bit overboard with everything, well according to Ant anyway; he kicked up a storm when he saw the amount of things we bought for the kid. We just couldn’t resist. I’m as guilty as Ayden on this. Especially, considering that she’s not due until August.

  I miss Aleck. I haven’t heard from him since our talk at Christmas. It sucks.

  The guy I met before Christmas has been texting me on and off, checking in to see if I wanted to go for a coffee with him when he would be back in town after his training, whatever that meant. I finally agreed and we’re going for a coffee today. I’m quite nervous. I’m not used to getting attention from random guys. I’m too awkward for that, but a part of moving on is opening myself up to new opportunities, so coffee with Brian it is.

  I suggested we go to Josie’s bakery as she has now a couple of tables and is serving drinks. Might as well go somewhere familiar. I’m already nervous as it is, if I have to meet him in a totally new place, I’m going to freak out and not be myself.

  I decide on skinny jeans and a black and white polka dot blouse, ankle boots and a blazer. I put a little bit of make-up on, my glasses and spray some perfume before heading out the door.

  The drive to the bakery isn’t long, which doesn’t give me the time to relax. I’m a nervous mess by the time I get there.

  Brian is already there and greets me when I walk in. “Hey, Gorgeous.” I don’t how I feel about him using Aleck’s nickname for me. Not that he could have known about it, but still, it’s weird.

  “Hi, Brian. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.”

  “No, don’t worry, I just got here.” He smiles and holds the chair for me to sit. Such a gentleman move.

  “Thank you.” I smile back.

  “You’re welcome. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good, and you? How was the training?” I look between him and the pile of donuts that’s sitting on the counter.

  “I’ve been good too, thanks. The training was, well, training.” He chuckles. “But it was good and interesting.”

  “I’m sure. What do you do anyway? You never told me.”

  “I’m a firefighter.” He smiles.

  “Oh, nice.” I smile, my eyes drifting to the donuts once again.

  He looks over his shoulder to see what I’m looking at. “Donuts or me? Tough decision I agree,” he says dramatically and chuckles.

  “Sorry. These red velvet donuts are just pure heaven, you have to try one.” I blush a little embarrassed for being busted.

  “Don’t worry about it, Charline, they do look delicious,” he says holding my hand. Not sure how I’m feeling about this. It does feel nice, but it’s just weird.

  “Good morning, what can I get you two?” Ayden says with a shit eating grin as she’s getting ready to take our order.

  I try not to burst out laughing seeing my friend’s face. “Ah, uhm, I’ll have a café latte and one of those red velvet donuts, please.”

  “One or a box?” she asks innocently.

  “One for now, and a box to go please.” I can’t help but laugh.

  “You two know each other?” Brian asks looking at us confused.

  “Ah, she comes in every other day to take our stock of red velvet donuts, other than that, nah, don’t know this chick,” Ayd replies casually shrugging. I think by now Brian thinks we’re crazy.

  “Okay?” He chuckles. “I’ll take an expresso and one of those donuts too. They look delicious.”

  “They really are, I’ll bring your order in a minute.” Ayd smiles and leaves us.

  “Did you bring me here so you would have someone you know around to save you in case I’m too boring?” Brian asks raising an eyebrow, but grinning too. I’m glad he’s not mad about it.

  “Busted.” I giggle. “I would have been a nervous mess anywhere else. Besides, this place is really the best, so it’s a win-win situation. I get the comfort of having my friend around, and you get to eat the best donut that ever existed,” I say matter of factly.

  “I don’t mind at all, that’s why I let you pick the place. I like you, Charline, I know we only met a couple weeks ago, but I really feel like we could get along really well.”

  “You seem like a nice guy and are good company I have to give you that.” I smile softly.

  “Good to know you don’t think I’m a creep.” He chuckles.

  “Who’s a creep?” Ayd butts in as she gives us our coffee and donuts.

  “No one but you.” I grin innocently.

  “Ah, you love me.” She grins and gives Brian the bill and leaves us again, before I get to answer.

  “Let me guess, longtime friends?” He grins at our short banter.

  “Yeah, since high school.” I smile taking a sip of my latte.

  “That’s great. I don’t have many friends around here. I’m from California, just moved here a couple of months ago.” He smiles and moans after taking a bite of his donut.

  “Told you!” I grin and take a bite from mine. “Why did you move here?” I ask after swallowing this heavenly bite.

  “I needed a change of scenery. I went through a bad breakup and felt like a complete change was needed. I packed my stuff and drove to different places. None felt like they would be a fit until I hit New Orleans. I don’t regret moving here at all.” He smiles holding my eyes. I don’t know what he’s playing at, but it’s working. The man has everything. He’s hot, sweet, funny, smart, open about his feelings and is actually interested in me.

  “Sorry about your break up.”

  “It’s alright. Things hadn’t been working for a while so it wasn’t that surprising. Still sucked, but things happen for a reason.” He shrugs and takes another bite of his donut.

  “What are you hiding Brian?” I narrow my eyes at him playfully.

  “What do you mean?” he asks rather confused.

  I chuckle. “Well, you seem to be the perfect package. You’re a good looking gentleman, you seem to be a smart and funny man, you’re open about your feelings and why you moved here. You must be hiding something. Nobody can be thi
s perfect.”

  “I’m far from perfect, Gorgeous. I don’t see the point in keeping your feelings and emotions hidden. Sure, sometimes it’s necessary, but I’d rather be upfront and tell you how I feel and why I moved here now than later on when, or if, we ever get together and you find out I was in a long term relationship that didn’t end well. Simple as that.” Great answer, it’s just too good to be true.

  “I couldn’t agree more with you.” Thoughts of Aleck cross my mind.

  “Where did you go just now?” He squeezes my hand gently.

  “Just thinking about some guy I used to like, he would always keep his feelings hidden and wasn’t open at all.” I shrug.

  “Understandable. Some people aren’t made to be open or don’t want to learn how to be open and show their feelings. Sometimes it takes time and sometimes it comes naturally,” he finishes softly. Major swoon!

  “So true.” I smile softly.

  I’m surprised at how well the coffee date went. We talked for a long time, we even ordered seconds. Brian is like every woman’s dream guy. I don’t know if or what he’s hiding, but I hope it’s nothing bad.


  Ayd asked me to wait at the bakery until the end of her shift to drive her back home so she didn’t have to call Ant and disturb him. I don’t mind, especially because that means we’ll go home with a box full of donuts and cupcakes.

  I know she’s going to grill me about what Brian and I talked about. I know I did the same when she wasn’t sure if she wanted to give Ant another chance. I just didn’t expect to be the one under her inquisition so soon.

  We drive back to her place singing along to the radio and dance our way from my car to her front door. I might be really quiet and shy, but when I’m around Ayden, it’s like I’m another person. Not because I’m trying to copy her, but because I feel like I can be myself around her, unjudged. She never has. I love that about her.

  “Soooo…I want to know every…single…detail!” She grins and plops down on her couch.

  “There’s not much to say!” I say from the kitchen. I put some of the baked goods in the fridge and make us hot cocoa.

  “You’re full of it, Char. Speak up before I start to be annoying!”

  “Wait? You weren’t being annoying up until now?” I poke my head out the door of the kitchen.

  “Hahahaha, very funny. No, I wasn’t and I’m still waiting. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell…”

  “Fine! I’ll tell you if you stop it! Gosh, you’re worse than a five year old!” I laugh and bring a tray with our mugs and two donuts.

  “Ahhhh, my servant is here.” She sticks her tongue out and takes her mug.

  “Piss off.” I glare at her and she bursts out laughing.

  “You couldn’t pull off a mean look even if you were really pissed, you’re too cute.”

  “Will you stop? Besides, Aleck seemed rather put off by my little speech on Christmas Eve, so I’m sure I can pull a bitchy look better than you think.” I stick my tongue out. I know, I’m such an adult.

  “Woah, what happened with Aleck and with Brian? I want to know everything! Don’t leave any details out,” she says before taking a bite of donut.

  I sigh. Not what I expected to talk about. “Well, Aleck told me why he doesn’t do relationsh-”

  “What? He finally told you? What did he say?” she cuts me off.

  “I’m not going to tell you why, I just, can understand why, but still, he’s just too stubborn to give into any feelings he could have, and it sucks. I told him the way I see things, that basically he’s a coward for not wanting to give us a try.” I shrug.

  “Way to go, Char.” She fist pumps the air.

  I can’t help but chuckle. “I wasn’t proud of myself, I mean, it’s the second time I’m basically telling him he’s going to end up alone, but fuck it. I can’t keep this up and not know what’s going to happen, or if anything is going to happen. I can’t wait for him to make up his mind. I’d go insane!”

  “Amen to that! He’s as stubborn as Ant.” I look at her raising my eyebrow. “And me, fine I’m stubborn too.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Yes, you are! That’s basically what happened with Aleck, haven’t seen him since that day.” I finish my donut and take a long sip of my hot cocoa.

  “Neither have I. I hope he’s okay. Well, I’m sure Ant would have told me if something was wrong.”

  “I hope so.” I sigh feeling guilty now.

  “Now, now, turn that frown upside down and tell me everything about Brian. He’s not Aleck hot, but he’s pretty good looking and seems like a sweet guy.”

  “He is.” I smile. “He’s a firefighter and comes from California. He’s a pretty sweet guy and he’s asked me out.”

  “Did you say yes?”

  I nod. “We’re going out next week. Do you think it’s a good idea?”

  “That’s awesome, Sweets! Yes, it’s a good idea. As you said, you can’t wait for Aleck forever, so maybe seeing you with another guy will give him the kick in the ass he so desperately needs, and he’ll realize he wants you for more than just one night.”

  “I’m not doing this to make him jealous though. I’m going out with Brian because he’s a sweet man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to say it or talk about his feelings. If it does change how Aleck sees things, then I’m screwed because the last thing I want is to be stuck in a love triangle. I already have enough trouble keeping up with one relationship I don’t want any added drama.”

  “I know. Things will be great, don’t worry.” She smiles

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I know I am.” She grins innocently.

  “Smartass.” I giggle.

  “You know it.” She nibbles her lip looking worried.

  “What’s wrong?” I look at her worried. “Do you need me to call Ant for him to come home?” I hold her hand, worried she’s having some flashbacks from the past.

  “No, I’m fine. I just need to ask you something.” She looks up at me nervous.

  “Sure, anything. What’s going on Ayd, you’re scaring me.”

  She giggles. “I’m fine, don’t worry. Well, you know I’m pregnant.” I nod grinning wide. “I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be our little Beanie’s Godmother?”

  “Beanie?” I giggle and squeal hugging her.

  “I’ll take that as a yes, and yep Beanie, blame it on Ant. We haven’t settled for a name yet.” She giggles and hugs me back tightly.

  “Of course, I’d love to be your little angel’s Godmother. Thank you so much.” I can’t help but rub her tummy. “Beanie’s going to have the best Godmother and parents ever!”

  “Couldn’t agree more, this little angel is going to have one hell of an extended family.” I keep rubbing her belly, and we both end up laughing.

  We keep chatting about Brian, Ant, how she’s feeling and everything in between until Ant comes home and I head back home. I keep thinking about how, despite everything that’s happened to her, Ayd didn’t let the bad guy win. Now she’s living her happily ever after with Ant, her one true love.



  April 5, 2014

  I’ve been avoiding everyone outside of the club since Christmas, it wasn’t easy, but I just couldn’t cope. What with Charline telling me I’ll end up alone if I don’t pull my head out of my ass, and then Ayden getting pregnant, all of it was just too much to cope with so I spent most of my time at home or at the compound.

  I miss Charline. I still keep an eye on her, but avoid any interaction with her. I know if I get too close I’ll get burned.

  Things were going well for everybody until this morning, when Ant called me and caused my world to shatter.

  Ayden had to be admitted to hospital. She’d been having early contractions and she was bleeding a little. It brought back bad memories, memories I wish I could forget. She’s okay now but she’s on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. The doctors were scared she would h
ave a miscarriage, but her and the baby pulled through, they are safe now. I can’t say the same about Ant or myself. We’re both nervous wrecks. I just hope things settle down for Ayd and Ant. They deserve to be happy after all they’ve been through.

  I was worried something bad would happen to her since she announced she was pregnant. She’s like a sister to me. I couldn’t stand to lose her again. I already lost one sister…

  I ride the elevator up to the maternity ward and walk to the desk. “Hi, could you tell me in which room Ayden Monroe is?”

  She looks up at me and she looks scared. WTF? “Hi, uh, sure,” she says before checking. “Room 509, Sir.” She nibbles her lip. Am I that fucking scary? Ah, the nasty bruise on my jaw I guess. I can’t help but rub my hand over it.

  “Thanks.” I smile at her and walk to Ayd’s room. I knock on the door and open the door covering my eyes. “Are you decent?”

  She laughs softly. “Seriously? What kind of question is that? Have we ever been decent?”

  “Guess not.” I chuckle and walk in fully holding up flowers.

  “Aww. You didn’t have to!” She smiles tiredly.

  “I know. I wanted to.” I smile and kiss her cheek. “How do you feel?” I smile and look at a sleeping Ant in a chair on the other side of her bed. “So tempting to draw on his face.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for the past couple of hours, not gonna lie.” She giggles.

  “Don’t even think about it you two,” Ant groans waking up.

  “You’re no fun, Love!” Ayd groans.

  “I know, you keep telling me.” He shrugs and kisses her head. “How are you feeling?”

  “Sore, but I’m okay.” She beams up at him.

  “You two look sickeningly good together.” I can’t help but chuckle. “You deserve to be happy.”

  “You’ll have this one day.” Ayd smiles at me and wraps me in a hug.

  “Ah, we’ll see.” I hug her back, feeling a bit uneasy.

  “Yes! Victory. It’s not a definite no anymore! That’s progress.” She grins sheepishly.


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