Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 9

by Muriel Garcia


  June 16, 2014

  Only two months until the beginning of the school year. I’m starting my first full year as a preschool teacher and I’m so nervous. I don’t remember being this nervous about anything. I love kids. I love being around them. It’s not my first time working with kids, but I just can’t help being nervous. If this school year goes well, they are going to hire me permanently which is pretty freaking awesome. Well, it will be if I last the school year without messing up.

  Everything is ready for me to start, yes, I’m that kind of teacher that has everything ready months in advance just to be sure. I need a vacation away from everything. I still haven’t plucked up the courage to end things with Brian, and Aleck has been MIA, yet again. I think they had some club business to attend to, so it doesn’t surprise me, but I still miss him.

  I still feel really bad, like I’m cheating on Brian, even though nothing has happened between Aleck and I. We only talked once, in the hospital, but with the amount of times Aleck is popping into my mind during the day and then those dreams I’ve been having at night of Aleck, yep I’m feeling guilty.

  Brian has been rather busy with work too. He’s been on the night shift for a few days now, so he’s been sleeping during the day.

  My grandparents have a ranch in Lockport, I’m heading there to spend two weeks to help them and enjoy some time away from the city and everything. I need to be in a familiar environment before I go totally crazy. I love my grandparents. They are total hippies and make everything on their own. They are probably more active than me, and have a better social life than I do!

  It’s only an hour away, but I wanted to drive there early and watch the sun rise, it’s so beautiful and peaceful. I packed a weekend bag and grabbed a travel mug full of coffee and sugar before setting off.

  I usually listen to music rather loudly when I’m driving, but not today. I want total peace. I have the windows and the top of my VW Beetle convertible down and enjoying my hair blowing in the wind. I feel so free. It’s been such a long time.

  Midway through my journey, I notice three bikers following me. Well I’m not sure they are following me really, but it’s quite unnerving. I have no idea what to do.

  Ever since the incident the day of the BBQ, I’ve been seeing bikers watching me wherever I go. I never told anyone. I mean they could just be driving through town. Maybe I should have. I take the next exit and they follow.

  I’m really starting to get nervous, especially when they start speeding and catch up to me. They stay behind me at all times so I can’t see their cut, but I doubt they are from the Last Hangman. I need to be sure though. I close the top of the car and press a couple of buttons on the console to call Aleck.

  “Hey, Gorgeous,” he greets me after only two rings.

  “Hey, Aleck,” I say rather nervous, keeping an eye on them.

  “Are you okay, Line? You sound nervous,” he asks concerned.

  “Do you have anyone keeping an eye on me like Ant did with Ayden?”

  “No, why?”

  “Shit. Three bikers are following me.” I worry my lip between my teeth, really nervous as they are getting closer.

  “Can you see their cut or anything? Where are you?”

  “I just got on the 310 after Kenner. No, they are staying behind me.”

  “I’m on my way, Line. Whatever happens, do not stop driving.” I can hear him start his bike.

  “I’m scared, Aleck.”

  “It’s probably nothing, Line, but I just want to make sure you’re okay. I’m on my way, I’ll catch up to you as fast as I can. If anything changes call me again, okay? Where are you heading?”

  “I…I won’t stop driving. I’m going to Lockport to see my grandparents.”

  “Okay, Gorgeous, I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He hangs up before I have the time to reply. I try to keep my eyes on the road and not focus on those men, but it’s hard to drive not knowing who they are, what they want or how long they’ve been following me for.

  After a few minutes, they corner me, so to speak. One of them stays behind me, and the other two go on each side of my car. I keep looking in front of me, but they are trying to get my attention. I don’t give them what they want, and they are clearly getting pissed. They get closer to my car and shatter the windows. I scream and cover my eyes, losing control of the car for a split second. I try to gain it back, but I struggle and I end up going off the road.

  I’m scared, in tears and covered in glass debris, but I’m so relieved when I hear them driving away. At least they didn’t stop and aren’t going to hurt me.

  I try to get out of my car, but I’m in a ditch and my door is stuck. Fuck me! I call Aleck again.

  “Where are you, Line? Are you okay?”

  “I’m stuck in a fucking ditch! They cornered me and shattered my windows. I lost control of the car.”

  “Fucking bastards!” he yells away from the phone. “Are you okay? Are you injured?”

  “I think I’m okay, just a couple of scratches from the glass.”

  “I’ll be with you in a few minutes, Gorgeous.”

  “Thank you, Aleck,” I say softly.

  “Don’t mention it, Line. It’s normal. I’m going to hang up now and get back on the road. I’ll be with you in a few minutes.”

  “Okay. I won’t move, literally, my door is stuck.” I can’t help but giggle a bit.

  “That’s my, Line. I’ll come and unstuck you, don’t worry.” He chuckles, but I can hear he’s clearly pissed. He hangs up again before I can say anything else.

  True to his words, I can hear a bike stop close to where I am a few minutes later. He walks over to the other side of the car and maneuvers himself into my car. My little Betty is in such a state.

  “How are we feeling in here?” He gets in the car and checks on me. I’m a pretty strong girl, but at this point, my nerves are shot and I’m a nervous mess. I’ll break down crying any minute now, and I don’t want to cry in front of him.

  “I’m alright. A bit sore and still in shock.” I look down and carefully wipe the tears away. I knew I’d end up crying.

  He lifts my chin with his fingers, making me look at him. “Hey. No tears. I’m here and you’re safe. Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here in no time and we’ll fix your car at the shop.”

  I nod. “T-thank you.”

  “Shhh, don’t mention it.” He hugs me and kisses my head. I feel safe in his arms. “I’m going to move you, okay, you don’t seem injured at all which is good. Just a couple of scratches on your arm.”

  “Okay, I trust you.”

  “Not sure if you should, but thanks.” He chuckles softly and helps me wrap my arms around his neck and lifts me from my seat. Not only was my door stuck, but so were my legs as the seat moved forward and wouldn’t go back.

  “Silly.” I smile softly through my tears and hold onto him for dear life. He manages to move us to the other seat, me on his lap. I look down at him as he looks up at me. He brushes a couple strands of hair from my face and brushes his knuckles down my cheek. Kiss me!

  He clears his throat. “Any dizziness or anything?”

  “No, I think I’m okay.” I sniff.

  “Okay, let’s get out of this then.” He maneuvers me out the window and follows suit after getting my bag. It takes me a minute to be able to stand on my own without having to hold onto the car. He wraps his arm around me and helps me away from my car.

  “My poor little Betty.” I frown. I didn’t think the impact was that bad, but clearly I was wrong.

  “She’ll be okay once she goes through mine and Gabe’s hands don’t worry.” Well now I know what he does for a living. I wouldn’t mind having his hands all over me, covered in grease…I need to get laid!

  “I didn’t know you were working at the garage too.” We walk to his bike.

  “Yes, have been for years now.” He smiles softly and helps me put the helmet on after securing my bag on the back of the bike.

; “Good to know.” I smile softly at him and get on the bike with his help. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, Gorgeous. Where to?” I give him my grandparent’s ranch address. He gets on the bike and smiles softly. I can tell he’s not pleased at all by the situation. Neither am I, but he looks furious and ready to kill. “Hold on tight.”

  I do as I’m told and wrap my arms tightly around his waist as he gets back on the road.

  It’s so much faster with his bike and we get onto my grandparent’s property in no time, much to my disappointment. It feels amazing to be so close to Aleck.

  He stops the bike before driving up the huge lane that leads to the ranch.

  “Is everything okay?” I look at him confused as he gets off the bike.

  “No. I know you didn’t see their cut, but do you remember anything about them, any detail that could help us?” He’s pacing.

  “Uh, one of them had a tattoo on his forearm.”

  “What was it off?” He stops in front of me and looks at me intently.

  “Uh.” I need to think for a minute but it comes back to me. “He had two blades crossing behind a skull.”

  “That motherfucker piece of shit I’m going to fucking kill him,” he roars. And at this point, I’m scared. Not because he just yelled a bunch of profanities, but because he really does look like he’s going to kill someone. I can’t believe he seems to know how did this.

  “W-who did this?” I ask softly stroking his cheek.

  He leans into my touch and sighs. “Someone we've been suspicious of for a while now, and it’s just been confirmed that he’s a fucking piece of shit.” His tone is clipped and I think I get what he’s talking about.

  “You mean behind what happened to Ayden.” He looks at me surprised and confused. “She told me what happened a couple of weeks ago.”

  “You really are stronger than I thought you were,” he says softly.

  “What do you mean?” It’s my turn to look at him confused.

  “Nothing.” I raise my eyebrow at him. “The day I saw you in the hospital when you were going to visit Ayd, she told me you were stronger than I thought and she was right.”

  “Okay?” I’m still confused at this point.

  He sighs. “Maybe you won’t judge me as badly as I thought knowing what I’ve been through up until now or judge the bad decisions I’m bound to make in the future.” He shrugs.

  “I thought you knew that no matter what I’d never judge you Aleck. I like you the way you are. All rough and caveman like. I know you’re not a saint and have done bad things, to what extent I have no idea, but considering the glimpses I’ve had of the club and what I know happened to Ayd and why, I have a pretty good idea of the shit you’ve been through. Does it matter to me what you did in the past? No. It’s in the past and it’ll remain there. Sure, it can still hurt us now, but we can deal. The future doesn’t exist yet, so I can’t judge you on something that hasn’t happened yet. If you do something bad, sure, I’m going to yell your ears off you can be sure of that. As long as you don’t do anything to deliberately hurt me, and yes rejection is included in there, we won’t have a problem,” I finish on a grin.

  “Well, that’s good to know. So, you like me being all caveman like on you, huh?” He chuckles.

  “Of all the things I just said that’s all you picked out? You’re an ass!” I punch his arm.

  “You like me, you just said so.” He smiles softly and hugs me.

  “I do.” I sigh happily.

  “Feels really good,” he whispers.

  “It really does,” I whisper back.

  We stay like this for a few minutes, not talking, just hugging each other.

  “That guy, he’s bad news isn’t he?” I look up at him and he nods.

  “Yes, he’s been causing us trouble for years. Gabe hates his guts but I don’t know the story. Don’t worry about him though, I’ll take care of it myself and make sure they don’t bother you anymore. Was it the first time it happened?” He looks at me and I can see the muscles in his jaw clench when I nibble my lip. “Charline…”

  “No.” I sigh.

  “When?” He’s clearly containing himself.

  “The BBQ for Cabe’s release was the first time. I was walking out of the compound and down the street when I saw them, they started to follow me. I walked into a store and they walked past at first, but then came back, looked at me and made the slitting motion across their throats. Scared the living hell out of me and I took a cab home. Then it happened on a few other occasions, at first I thought you were doing the same as Ant did for Ayden and had guys follow me, but it wasn’t happening every time I was taking my car. Today was the first time I really felt threatened though.” I swallow hard.

  “You should have told me, Line. I don’t ever want you to feel unsafe ever again.”

  “I promise I will if it happens again.”

  “Good.” He kisses my forehead. “Where’s your perfect boyfriend anyway?”

  I scoff. “He’s sleeping, he had a night shift.”

  “Did you call him before calling me?” he asks holding my gaze.

  “No, I called you first. Why?”

  He nods and stays silent for a minute. I thought he was going to say something, but instead he crashes his lips on mine and we share the most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced. He cups the back of my head gently with one hand and wraps his other arm around my waist, bringing me flush against him. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring him closer if it’s even possible and kiss him back with as much passion. I’ve never felt this good, ever. He licks and nips at my bottom lip, making me moan. He takes this as an invitation to kiss me even deeper, caressing my tongue with his, slowly at first, and then with more force, alternating with gentle nips and rougher ones. I can feel myself grow wetter by the second. The effect this man has on me is out of this world! If he doesn’t stop I’m going to jump him on his bike, I don’t care!

  Unfortunately, he slows down and we both are out of breath.

  “I shouldn’t have,” he whispers against my lips.

  “Why not?” I nip his lower lip.

  “Because you’re not mine right now, well, not officially yet.” He looks into my eyes, shocking me into silence. “Come on, I’ll drive you to the rest of the way.” He kisses my forehead and climbs back on his bike, helping me as well.

  I’m still in shock by the time he parks in front of the ranch.

  He helps me get off and then proceeds to take off my helmet. He unhooks my bag from the back of his bike and hands it to me.

  “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you for calling me. As lame and not caveman like as it’s going to sound. Thank you for calling me first and thinking of me first.” He strokes my cheek softly with the back of his knuckles.

  “You’re always my first choice,” I whisper.

  He takes in a shuddering breath. “Don’t say things like that when I can’t kiss you anymore or take you on my bike, literally.” He smirks. Please do! “I’m sorry I kissed you, not because I didn’t want to. Trust me, I wanted it so bad and so much more, but I respect you, I don’t want you to feel guilty over it. It was a bad idea. Just think about giving me a chance to prove to you that I could be good for you.” The only thing I can do is nod. “A car will be here tomorrow morning for whenever you are coming back in the city.” I nod again. “I’ll see you very, very, very soon gorgeous.” He kisses the corner of my mouth, gets back on his bike and drives away just when my grandmother opens the front door.

  Fuck me sideways!



  Fuck me!

  I’m beyond shocked that Charline called me to come to her rescue. Sure, bikers were following her, but she could have called her boyfriend first. I bet the bastard wouldn’t have bothered going to check on her. I’m glad she called me, but fuck if I wasn’t scared to death that they were going to hurt her.

  I had a feeling it was those motherfuckers from
the Bastards from Hell. They are always ready to fuck with us, but attack an innocent girl? That’s just fucked up. I should have known straight away it’d be Blades leading the two others. I don’t know what the fuck their problem is, but I’m not going to wait for Ant to give me the green light to go fuck him up!

  I should let it go and not bring more attention to her, but I just can’t let it slide. I guess me keeping my distance wasn’t enough for them to leave her alone. I doubt Ray would be behind this, or if he even knows what happened.

  I’m a fucking mess right now.

  Why the fuck did I do this to myself?

  Why did I have to kiss her so badly?

  She was vulnerable, scared and looking so innocent and perfect, I couldn’t resist those pouty lips anymore. I needed to have her, well at least kiss her. I don’t feel bad for kissing her. I just don’t want her to beat herself over it. I’m not sure how she really feels for the other guy, but she seemed disappointed when I stopped. I had to or I would have fucked her on my bike. Not that I would have minded, but I don’t need to be arrested for that kind of thing and neither does she. I don’t want her to feel guilty or feel like she is trapped in this love triangle. Well, I probably did that with just the kiss, but I had to prove to her that I’m serious and want her. I hope she’ll understand it and will give us a chance.

  I don’t know when I finally realized I wanted and needed her in my life, but I just can’t get enough of her anymore. She’s a soothing presence that I need in my life. I do have a bit of a temper. I get pissed easily and only my two angels are able to tame the beast that’s lying dormant inside of me most of the time. It rears its ugly head from time to time, but they keep me in check. I’d have been in a lot more trouble if they weren’t.

  I drive back to the compound. I need to talk to Ant. I can’t take the decision to go after another club member on my own, unfortunately, or Blades would already be dead.

  I can’t stop thinking about Charline, her soft pouty lips, the little noises she was making, her sweet coconut smell mixed with vanilla, the way her body was pressed to mine. Fuck, I need to stop, I’m getting hard.


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