Book Read Free

Teaching Aleck

Page 12

by Muriel Garcia

  I thought I knew everything about him, well, not every single thing, but I thought he had told me everything major. I guess I was really wrong.

  I’m not mad at him. I get why he has been so secretive and private. He probably doesn’t want anyone to know he has a kid just in case some messed up wacko decides to hurt his daughter for payback.

  She’s the sweetest girl ever. She’s very shy, but so cute and smart. She reminds me of myself. I was pretty much the same when I was a little kid.

  What worries me the most are the parents who were talking shit in school. I get that they probably aren’t familiar with bikers and think they are trash, but Aleck is the total opposite. He’s the sweetest guy ever. Well, while still being a badass biker of course.

  We are starting an anti-bullying campaign this year, so if I hear them talk more shit about him, I’ll have to remind those parents to respect the guidelines we’ll try to put into place.

  Having been bullied when I was younger, it’s a subject near and dear to my heart. I don’t care if Aleck is a grown man who can perfectly defend himself on his own, I will not let some narrow minded asshole bully him and his daughter. The real victim in all of this will end up being Ally because it will fall back on her and I don’t want that to happen at all.

  I don’t remember the last time I was this pissed. Usually I’m super calm, maybe too calm, but I just can’t handle this situation calmly.

  I decide to head home to prepare tomorrow’s activities. I gather my stuff and lock up the room.

  I walk over to my car in the parking lot and there’s a note under one of the wipers. At first, I think it’s from Aleck. He’s got into a bit of a habit to leave me random notes here and there. I put my things in the back and get in the driver seat before opening it.

  I’m watching you…

  What the hell?

  I stare at the note and look around the parking lot. My car isn’t the last, but I’m not seeing anything suspicious. I hope this is just some bad jokes, but after what happened two months ago, I’m not so sure anymore.

  I know Aleck said to call him if I was ever in trouble or noticed something suspicious, but he’s spending time with his daughter and I don’t want to disturb their time together.

  I take in a shuddering breath and take a picture of the note and message it to Ant.

  Me: This was under one of my wipers. I don’t know who this could be from. Didn’t want to disturb Aleck. Freaking out!

  I don’t have to wait long for an answer.

  Ant: Come by the garage to pick up your car and bring the note with you, we’ll look into it and make sure you’re safe don’t worry.

  Me: Leaving now.

  I drive to the garage keeping an eye on my surroundings. I have no idea who would do this, but if it was to freak me out it worked!

  I’m glad the drive is quite short. I park in front of the garage and head straight to the office.

  “Hey Char,” Ant greets me and hugs me.

  I hug him back. “Hey, Ant. Sorry for the message. I kind of freaked out.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you messaged me. Better be safe than sorry. Do you have the note?”

  “Thanks.” I nod and hand him the piece of paper. I can see the muscles in his jaw work. I’m guessing it’s not good. I don’t know what happened to the guys who made me lose control of my car, but I’m guessing it’s one of them. “Any idea on who it could be?”

  “To be completely honest? Not really. I might have an idea, but I’m not hundred percent sure. I’ll look into this and keep you updated okay? I’m going to have Bennett keep an eye on you today. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I really don’t want to be a bother,” I say softly.

  “You’re not, Sweetheart. Never hesitate to contact any of us if you find yourself in a situation like that again. I’d rather look into something and it be for nothing, than be scared to death like I was when Ayden disappeared again.” I can only nod. What am I supposed to say to that? “Don’t worry, we’ll keep you safe.”

  “I know, I trust you.” I smile softly.

  “Good. So, your thoughts on Aleck being a father?” He chuckles.

  “Can’t say I was expecting to see him show up in my classroom.” I giggle softly.

  “Not answering the questions, Char.”

  I feel like I’m in trouble! “Uh, well, it’s a surprise, but I can understand why he would want to keep her a secret and not want anyone outside of the club knowing about her. Might not be the best idea for him to go have pancakes with her, but I guess he can’t keep her secluded. It wouldn’t be a good thing.”

  “That’s their thing. Once a week, he goes out with her for whatever food she wants that day. Don’t be too hard on him. He’s been to hell and back.”

  I nod. “Kind of got that with what he told me about his past. He did leave out Ally though, but I’m not one to judge. Sure, it was a surprise, but it doesn’t change who he is. Some things he said are making a lot more sense now actually.”

  “What do you mean?” He looks at me confused.

  “That’s for me to know…” I grin innocently.

  He crosses his arms over his chest and glares at me. “You don’t scare me, Ant. Besides I’m pretty sure you know more than I do so…” I shrug.

  “Fair enough. You’ve grown so much since you were last here. It’s a very pleasant surprise. I never thought you would end up being so strong, but Ayd told me that she told you her full story and you didn’t shy away.”

  “She’s my best friend. No matter what, I’d never run away from her. She’s stuck with me. Besides who in their right mind wouldn’t want to be friends anymore with their best friend just because a fucking psycho targeted her?”

  “Feisty!” I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Bennett.

  “Careful, you’re her babysitter,” Ant says seriously.

  “Why me?” he whines.

  “Thanks! Am I that horrible to hang out with?” I glare at him.

  “Uh, you, no. Aleck when he finds out? Yes, he’s going to be a little bitch and I’m the one who’s going to get their ass kicked. No offense to you, Char.”

  “That’s better.” I grin softly.

  “I’ll sacrifice this pretty face.” He chuckles caressing along his jaw line.

  “You’re crazy! Please don’t leave me with him, Ant!” I beg him playfully.

  “Sorry, you’re stuck with him,” he sighs sadly before laughing.

  “Hopefully it won’t last too long.” I sigh.

  “What’s going on anyway?” Bennett asks.

  “Just a precaution. Nothing happened,” Ant replies before I can say anything. Am I not supposed to mention the note to anyone else?

  “Alright, Brother. I’ll keep an eye on her. Just let me know when you wanna head home and I’ll follow you.” He smiles and disappears as fast as he appeared.

  “Am I not supposed to mention the note?”

  “If you could keep it to yourself, that’d be better. At least at the moment.”

  “Alright.” I sigh softly.

  “Hey, don’t worry, whoever is playing this little mind game isn’t going to bother you again, we’ll catch him and deal with him. Okay?”

  “Okay, but what if it’s one of the guys who made me lose control of my car?” I look up at him, less confident than I was a minute ago.

  “Don’t worry about them, they won’t bother you again.”

  “What did you do?” I nibble my lip.

  “Nothing you want to know,” he says coldly and I nod. “Just know that they won’t bother you again, so it’s not them. We just have to find out who is behind this.” He holds up the paper.

  “Alright. Please be careful while doing this. I know you’re all badass bikers and shit, but I couldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to your men because of me,” I say softly.

  “We’re always careful. Don’t worry.” He hugs me and I hug him back.

ah, that explains Aleck’s bruised face and busted lip. A real looker.” I frown.

  “He’s going to be okay. Don’t worry.”

  I look at him like he’s lost his mind. “Wouldn’t you worry if something happened to Ayden?” I raise my eyebrow when he doesn’t answer. “That’s what I thought. I really like him, Ant. I now know there’s more to his past than what he’s told me already and to be honest? I couldn’t care less about what went down. All I care about is the future now.”

  “That’s really good to hear sweetheart. Let me ask you one thing.”


  “What about your boyfriend, Brian?”

  I sigh and look down. Well, that went south fast. “I don’t know how to tell him it’s over. I’ve never had to end things with anyone so I have no clue how to go about it.”

  “Just tell him, over the phone or in person, doesn’t matter. You’re not happy with him. I could tell just by the way your face changed when I mentioned him. You’re strong, just tell him you don’t feel for him what you used to. Do it easy so he doesn’t turn all psycho on you. And if anything, I’ll kick his ass.” He grins as he says the last bit.

  “You’re all crazy and think everything has to end with you getting into a fight.” I shake my head.

  “Oh, but you’ve got it all wrong, Sweetheart. We don’t get into fights. We hit, but don’t get hit back. At least, not when we’re the ones starting it.” He smirks and I’m not sure if I should be scared or not.

  “That’s good to know.” I giggle nervously.

  “Don’t worry, never have and never will hit a woman.”

  “Now I know that’s not true. You keep spanking Ayden every chance you have.” I grin innocently.

  “Not the same, but I get your point.” He chuckles. “I can’t help it she’s got…”

  “TMI!” I shudder. “She’s like a sister to me, so shut up about anything that should be your knowledge only.”

  “Alright.” He chuckles.

  “Can I see my little Betty now?”

  “Of course.” He smiles and walks me out to another section of the garage where the repaired cars are.

  “There she is! I missed you my little Betty.” I smile and run my fingers along the hood of the car.

  “We might have installed a couple extra things.” Ant smiles.

  “Uh, oh. Let me guess. Tracker?”

  “Guilty.” He chuckles. “Might as well make sure you’re safe. Everything is brand new. Was a nightmare to find the mint green paint though.”

  “Thank you.” I beam at him and hug him.

  “You’re welcome, Char.” He hugs me back. “Bennett transferred your stuff from the other car into this one, so you’re good to go.”

  “Trying to get rid of me?” I raise my eyebrow at him.

  “No. I’m guessing you have a lot to do and haven’t had lunch yet considering the growl I just heard come from your stomach.” He chuckles.

  “Busted.” I grin innocently. “Thank you so much for everything again. It means a lot to me.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s always a pleasure to help you.” He smiles.

  “Only because I’m babysitting for you for free.” I glare at him playfully.

  “Ah, so true.” He chuckles and opens Betty’s door for me, closing it once I am seated inside. “Drive safely.”

  “I will.” I smile and start the engine. I wave at him and the other guys who are in the garage and drive out carefully.

  As I drive home, I think about how blessed I am to have such amazing friends. I don’t know what I would do without them. Life would be very boring, that’s for sure.

  I hope things will stay the way they are with no one trying to mess with any of us again, but I doubt it’ll be that easy.



  I had such a great afternoon with my little Pumpkin and I didn’t think anything could spoil my good mood. That was until Ant called me and to tell me he needed to talk to me. He knows not to call me about club business when I’m spending time with Ally, unless it’s really important.

  I drop her off next door at Rose’s place, and drive to the compound. I greet the guys and walk to the chapel.

  “What’s up? You wanted to see me?” Ant’s sitting at the head of the table looking at a piece of paper on the table.


  “Okay?” I sit down, not sure what all of this is about.

  He slips the piece of paper over to me. “What’s this?”

  “It was under Char’s wiper, in the parking lot of the school.”

  “What?” I yell.

  “Calm down, Brother.”

  “How the fuck do you expect me to calm down when someone leaves this on her car?”

  “I know. That’s not all.” He sighs and slides a small bag.

  “A tracker?”

  “Someone has been following her, and apparently has been keeping track of her every move. Besides Blades, who can’t hurt her anymore obviously, who could be after her? I doubt his two minions would do that kind of thing as they just wanted to fit in with the club. Ray wouldn’t do this to us, he knows better. Who does that leave?”

  “Her boyfriend? He’s fucking weird being all perfect and shit.”

  “You’re just being a jealous prick.” He chuckles.

  “Yes, I am, but seriously, he just seems too fucking perfect. Something about him doesn’t seem right.”

  “I’ll have someone look into him. She’s the sweetest girl ever, she’s never hurt anyone so I don’t see why someone might be after her. Maybe it’s just someone at school who wants to prank her because she’s new, but I highly doubt it. Honestly, I’m convinced this is club related, I mean she’s been seen with us more than once. We should have figured someone would be after her, sooner rather than later.”

  “What about what Blades said before we ended him? That alive or dead, it wouldn’t be over? He seemed to know something, but what? Ray didn’t seem to be aware of anything, nor Blades’ minions.”

  “You’ve got a good point, Aleck. We need to look into everything and ask Charline.”

  I nod. “I’ll go talk to her. I know they scared her the day of Cabe’s BBQ, but I don’t know if there’s been anything else ever since, well, besides the accident. It’s weird though. I’ve been leaving her notes and now someone is copying me and leaves a note on her car. They aren’t the same kind, but still, don’t you find it weird that she gets them now? We’re really going to have to be careful with how we approach this.”

  “You’ve been leaving her notes, huh?” He tries not to laugh, I want to kick his sorry ass.

  “Shut up.” I groan.

  “It’s sweet! Ayd and I do it too.”

  I look up. “Do you really or are you just taking the piss?”

  He takes out his wallet and pulls out a pile of notes. “We really do.” He smiles and puts them back. “Don’t worry, she’ll be okay, we’ll all make sure of that. Things might be rough for a while until we figure out who did it, but she’ll be protected at all times.”

  “Who’s with her right now?”


  I nod, not fully happy with the choice of bodyguard. I’d rather be the one keeping an eye on her, I don’t trust anyone else to protect her like I can. “I’ll go over there and make sure she’s okay. I promised Rose I’d be back before Ally’s bedtime.”

  “Go then. Go take care of your woman.” He smirks.

  “Not yet.”

  He scoffs. “Fuck off, she’s been yours for years, you were just too fucking stubborn to realize it. I’m glad you’re finally pulling your head out of your ass.”

  “Fuck you.” I chuckle and head to my car.

  I can’t believe someone would scare Charline and track her every move. I need to make sure she’s okay.

  I park a few houses away from her house and walk over to Bennett.

  “Is she home? There’s no light.”

  “I think she’s w
atching TV upstairs. That's where she was the last time I was inside.”

  “And what were you doing inside?” I’m about to lose my cool.

  “Calm down, Brother, I needed to take a piss.” He chuckles.

  “Fair enough. Go keep Ayd company while I talk to Charline.”

  “Amazing idea, she made cookies and was tempting me with the tray through the window, evil witch!” We both laugh and I walk to the door and knock.

  I wait for a minute and no one answers. I knock again, but still no answer. Where the hell is she?? I grab the key I had made, yes, I’m as pathetic as Ant, but you can’t be too careful, and let myself in. I disarm the alarm and rearm it before walking around downstairs quietly. Checking everything is normal. So far, so good.

  I hear some noise upstairs and it might be a really bad idea, as she might be with the asshat, but I need to make sure she’s safe.

  I walk as quietly as I can upstairs and freeze when I hear my name being moaned.

  Is she calling her boyfriend with my name? That’s fucked up, but weirdly it pleases me. I don’t hear a reaction from him.

  Fuck me she’s pleasuring herself!

  Call me sick and twisted, but I stay right outside of the door and listen to her pleasuring herself.

  How I wish I could join her, but that’d scare her and creep her away. Instead, I stay where I am, getting harder with each soft, sexy sound she makes.

  The things I would do to her.

  I have to re-adjust myself in my pants. It’s getting quite painful. I haven’t had sex in a while, well since she’s been back. She haunts every single one of my dreams, I can’t have another woman, I can’t even try. I need to have her, to make her my own.

  I nearly lose it when she moans my name loudly, making herself come.

  I can’t wait to make her scream my name.

  I quietly leave her house and wait for Bennett by his bike.

  A few minutes later, he comes over with a container filled with cookies.

  “These are for you apparently.” He pouts like a kid.

  “I knew I was her favorite.” I chuckle and give him one.

  “Did you get to talk to Char?” he asks around a mouthful.

  “No, she was asleep. Didn’t want to scare her.”


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