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Teaching Aleck

Page 22

by Muriel Garcia

“So true.” I can’t help the giggle that escapes my lips.

  “Hey! Don’t diss men! We have to talk a lot to try and keep up with you lot!” Dad chimes in.

  “Of course, Honey. Only to keep up with us.” Mom says rolling her eyes.

  “Whatever,” he mumbles. “Need us to bring you anything?”

  “Some food later on if you don’t mind. I don’t really want to spend too much time away from him.”

  “Of course.” My dad hugs me and Ally and walks out of the waiting room with us.

  The nurse came to get us a few minutes ago to get cleaned up and change into sterile clothes before going in to see Aleck. It’s horrible to see him with all the tubes and machines attached to him keeping him alive, but he looks so peaceful. It’s the first time I’ve seen him this relaxed. I know he’s in a coma, but still, it’s giving me some peace of mind.

  I sit down in the chair next to the bed with Ally on my lap. We cuddle keeping a close eye on him, both of us wanting him to wake up, needing him to wake up, even if it’s not going to happen today.

  We are kindly asked to move out every hour so they can check on him. I don’t know exactly what they check, but the fact that they are spending as much time making sure he’s okay is reassuring.

  We also spend some time in the waiting room with my parents who brought us food and necessities after making sure the nurse knows we aren’t leaving his side unless they need to check his stats and whatever else they are doing. They weren’t too happy about it, but when Ally cried, it did the trick, the nurse didn’t have the heart to break a little girl’s heart.

  I really hope he’ll wake up really soon. The waiting is killing me.



  September 21, 2014

  Six days later

  I feel an odd pressure on my chest and something flashing in my eyes. I try to move ,but an unknown voice tells me to stop struggling, that I’m going to hurt myself.

  What the fuck happened?

  Where the fuck am I?

  I hear a lot of noises around me. A beeping sound that increases speed, people talking in the distance, someone is moving around me.

  “Aleck, can you hear me?” the unknown voice asks me.

  I try to reply, but it’s too hard. I’m not strong enough to open my eyes or talk. This is frustrating. I’m trapped inside my own body.

  I can feel my breathing start to grow heavier and a pain in the left side of my chest spreads around my body.

  “Let her in, maybe it’ll help.” the unknown voice says.

  A few seconds later, one of my favorite voices makes its way to my brain. “Aleck, Baby, please open your eyes for me.” Charline. I smile, I think I do? I’m not sure. The beeping sound and my breathing both slow down.

  It takes me a while before I’m able to slightly open my eyes, but the light is too bright. I groan in pain and hear more commotion around me.

  “Can you try again, Love. I turned off the light above your bed.” my woman whispers softly. I try, I really do. It takes a couple of attempts, but I finally get my eyes open, fuck it’s so good to see her by my side alive. She smiles sweetly at me. “I missed those eyes.”

  “I missed yours too,” I whisper.

  “Try not to talk too much.” She leans over and kisses my head.

  “W...what happened?” I rasp.

  “I’ll tell you later. They have to check you over to make sure everything is okay,” she says before moving to the end of the bed.

  I don’t want them to check me over. I want to hold my woman and child and tell them how much I love them. I don’t know how long I’ve been here or why ,but seeing the look of relief on her face tells me it must have been really bad.

  After being probed and poked for half an hour, they finally let Charline come back to me.

  “How do you feel, Gorgeous?” I rasp.

  “Much better now,” she whispers holding my hand, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “What happened? I remember a couple of things but not all of it.” I cough and wince at the pain.

  “Less talking, Sanford.” She glares at me playfully and rubs my hand. “It’s a long story. Just know that you saved my life and I’ll forever be grateful for it.” She leans over and brushes her lips over mine.

  “One day you’ll have to tell me.” I look at her intently and she nods. “How is my little Pumpkin?”

  “She’s good, excited to see you. She’s with my parents having lunch.”

  “How did she take to your parents?” I smile caressing her thigh, I might be stuck in this bed, but I’m still a man.

  “Mind out of the gutter, Aleck. You’re out of action for a while.” She pouts and winks. “She wasn’t sure in the beginning, but my mom won her over in no time. My dad won her over with a teddy bear.” She giggles softly, music to my ears.

  “That’s good.” I smile.

  “Yes, they’ve been watching over her these past couple of days when she wasn’t here.”

  “Days? How long have I been here?” I frown.


  “Fuck.” I sigh and cough.

  “Easy, Love.” She helps me sit up and holds a glass of water with a straw. I take a couple of slow sips. This is fucking frustrating. I’m supposed to be the one taking care of her.

  “Is everything still working?” She looks at me confused and I point at my body.

  She bursts out laughing and nods. “Yes, Love. Your left lung was damaged but they managed to fix it. The rest should be working just fine.

  “We’ll have to give it a try very soon.” I smirk.

  “You just woke up from being asleep for six days and the first thing you think about is sex? Typical man.” She shakes her head.

  “I was just making sure you’d still be there to help me check if it was still working.” I squeeze her hand.

  “So romantic,” she grins and nods, “of course, I’ll always be there for you. Always and forever…”

  “Forever and always…” I sigh happily smiling at my woman. My woman…

  “I love you, Aleck”

  “I love you too, Charline,” I take a deep shuddering breath and cough, “fucking hell,” I sigh, “I know you said you didn’t need to be married, but I need you to be my wife. I want us to be together forever and for you to wear my name. I want you to be Ally’s mother and the mother of our future kids. I never believed in love until I met you and you’ve shown me how good it is to share your life with another person, especially with the one who matters the most to you and loves you unconditionally. I don’t want to spend another day without you by my side. I don’t care if your dad is going to kick my ass because I asked you to marry me before getting his blessing, but I need to know that you want me by your side as much as I want you by my side forever…” I finish out of breath.

  “Forever and always, Aleck. Yes I will marry you, be your wife, the mother of your kids, your best friend, your confidant, your everything, for as long as you’ll have me.” She leans over and kisses me softly but passionately. I fucking wish I could take her here and now, but I’m not in a position to move.

  “Always and forever.” I smile at her and kiss her left ring finger. “Sorry I don’t have a ring ready.”

  “I don’t need one, your love is proof enough. Thank god you finally grew up and learnt to love!” She beams at me.

  “I had a very good teacher.” I smirk.

  “I told you not long ago I would teach you how to love. I was right.” She smirks and winks at me.

  “So you were.” I lace our fingers and close my eyes smiling, feeling complete for the first time in my life.

  I must have fallen asleep because when I open my eyes and Charline isn’t on the bed with me anymore. I look around and what I see melts my heart; my future wife, asleep on the chair next to my bed, holding our daughter in her arms. I smile watching them.

  I never expected life to treat me good. Then Ally came into my life. Five years with my little
Pumpkin and then the woman of my dreams agrees to marry me, life can’t get any better than this. I smile as Ally starts to stir.

  She squeaks when she sees I’m watching them. “Daddy!” She wiggles out of Charline’s lap and scrambles to the bed, holding my hand in her tiny hands and resting her little chubby cheek in them. I choke back a sob. I’m not one to cry, but fuck if she’s not bringing me down to my knees with her cuteness.

  “Hi, my little Pumpkin. How are you?” I smile looking down at her.

  “I’m good and you?” She beams at me.

  “I’m much better now.” I stroke her hair and wink at Charline as she wakes up.

  “Here.” She gets up and picks up Ally to help her sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Thanks, Love.”

  “You’re welcome, Baby. I’m going to go get a coffee and let you two talk for a minute.” She winks and kisses the both of us before walking out.

  “You love Charline, right?” I bring her closer to me, making sure I don’t hurt myself even more.

  “Yes, why?” She cuddles into me carefully and looks up at me.

  “I might have asked her to marry me…” I grin at her sheepishly, hoping she’ll accept it.

  “So, she will be my mommy?” She looks at me with her eyes wide and the biggest smile on her face.

  “Yes, she will, Pumpkin. Would you like that?”

  She nods fast and grins wide. “I get to wear a pretty dress too.” She giggles.

  “Yes, you do.” I smile and sigh happily kissing the top of her head.

  A few minutes later, I smile seeing my future wife walk over with her parents, all smiling at me. Her father nods at me once and smiles, I do the same back. I’m not sure he’s going to approve of the fact that I didn’t ask for his blessing as requested, but at least I know now he approves of me and that’s good enough for me.

  I’ve never had anyone’s approval but Cas’ before. My parents, my friends in high school and college, people around town in general. My sister was the only family I had and she isn’t here anymore with me. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about her. She was the first to love me unconditionally, my only example of what love is. Now, I have my brothers, my family, Ally, Charline and her parents. They might not approve of what I do, but I’m sure they saw how much I wanted Charline’s happiness and make sure she gets all she wants in life.

  I never expected my life to take such a turn, and a good one at that. I look at my daughter, my woman, her parents and I smile. Things couldn’t get any better than this. I’m where I want to be. I’m where I need to be, with the people who love me and accept me just the way I am.

  Fuck me it feels good!



  February 4, 2015

  These past couple of months have been insane.

  Brian tried to kill me, Aleck was shot, I killed someone and Aleck proposed. We can’t be called a boring couple! We didn’t have a traditional start to our relationship, or proposal, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  Things have changed a lot since Aleck came out of the hospital. We moved into Ayden’s old house together. We didn’t want to waste any time moving in together, but his place was too small and mine brought back a lot of bad memories for all of us so it made sense to move somewhere new. Ayden kindly offered us to move in there until we find a house, but to be honest, I love her house, I always have, I might bug her to let us buy it. It’s weird and a shame not to be living next door to her anymore, but she understands, besides, it doesn’t exactly stop us from seeing each other every day.

  I took a longer break from work than I originally planned, but Aleck needed constant care and help around the house, and I wanted to be there to provide it for him. It was a huge adjustment for the both of us and was the cause of many fights as we are both too fucking stubborn but so far, we have always managed to kiss and make up.

  In the beginning, it was hard for him as he couldn’t move at all, the slightest nudge would cause him so much pain. Unfortunately, that meant sex was out of the question for him, but fucking hell if he didn’t make me pay by teasing me for running my mouth when he was the one being a pain in the ass! Seriously, he was hell bent on trying to drive me crazy and kill me with as many orgasms as he could in a day or spanking me for being a “dirty girl” as he would say because I was going commando under my yoga pants, teasing him as I would walk around. Needless to say, when he was allowed to partake in physical activities again, I was in for a treat.

  I park in the driveway after dropping off Ally at school. She’s not too happy with my replacement, but soon I’ll be able to get back to work and I can’t wait. As nice as it spending this much time with Aleck, I miss teaching. I grab my bag, get out of the car, lock it and go to the front door. I walk in trying not to make too much noise, it’s still early and I don’t want to wake Aleck up. He’s improved so much recently and can finally move around the house by himself again. He’s been trying to help out, but I’m not really giving him any opportunity to do so, I don’t want him to hurt himself and I’m used to things being done my way, not that there is anything wrong with his way, mine just makes more sense.

  I pull out my phone as I put my bag in the hall closet and go to the kitchen. I turn on my favorite playlist and start making dinner. It’s a little early, but I’m making Ally and Aleck one of their favorite chicken stew and the longer it cooks the better. It’s my grandmother’s recipe and they’ve been bugging me for days now to make it, it’s not like I can resist their pleas! I smile to myself and dance around preparing all the ingredients. Just when I’m done putting everything in the crockpot, I feel like someone watching me. I turn around and scream before seeing Aleck openly checking my ass out as I was dancing to the music.

  “You fucking asshat! You scared the shit out of me!” I throw a dishtowel at him and he catches it before it hits him.

  “So because YOU were the one shaking your ass and giving me a very nice show, I’M the one to blame?” He raises his eyebrow.

  “Yes! You could have looked away or not spied on me or announced your presence.” I glare at him.

  “Not going to happen, ever…I can’t resist your ass, it’s a nice ass.” He smirks and stalks towards me cornering me. “Hi,” he whispers against my lips.

  “Hi,” I whisper back wrapping my arms around his neck. He smirks and gently caresses my sides, travelling down to my ass and lifts me up on the counter. “You shouldn’t lift weight.”

  “I’m alright, don’t worry.” He smirks and spreads my legs, standing between them and caressing up thighs, making sure he brushes his fingers over my pussy. I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips. “Someone is horny again.”

  “What are you doing?” I say on a breath.

  “I’m going to do something I haven’t done in months and missed doing so much.” He places his hands under my ass and lifts me up again, carrying me to our room and lays me in the center of the bed.

  “Really, you shouldn’t carry any weight.” I try to protest as he starts to strip me of my clothes.

  “You don’t weight much, Gorgeous.” He smirks biting into my side as he lowers my yoga pants.

  “Hey! No biting.” I yelp glaring at him and try to kick him away with my foot, but he catches it.

  “No kicking either.” He walks to the dresser and gets a couple of things. My jaw drops when I see what he’s bringing over: a blindfold and a belt. I lick my lips and bite my lower one. “Someone missed being kinky.” He smirks and strips before joining me in bed.

  “Yes.” I lay in the center of the bed, I’m beyond the point of being just horny. I want him so badly!

  “That’s my good girl.” He leans over me and attaches my hands to the headboard, caressing down my arms with his fingertips, I shiver, goose bumps appearing on my skin. He gently places the blindfold over my eyes, kissing me softly yet passionately, but he cuts the kiss short, way too soon to my liking. I feel him shift on the bed and grab somethin
g from the bedside table. I have no idea what it is, but this is so exciting and turning me on even more. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” I breathe squeezing my thighs.

  “Good.” I can hear the humor in his voice and wonder what the hell I just got myself into. He spreads my legs and sits between them. The fucker!

  “Come on, Aleck, this is torture.”

  “Be patient, gorgeous.” He chuckles. I yelp and moan when he captures my left nipple in his mouth and gently nibbles and sucks on it. I arch my back, feeling myself growing wetter by the second. He stops his sweet torture of my left nipple and starts the same process on my right one, making me become a writhing mess under him. “This might be a bit uncomfortable, if you don’t like it, tell me and I’ll stop okay?”

  “Uh…what are you up to Aleck?” I ask a tad bit nervous.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes of course. Just don’t get anywhere near my ass or I’ll drop kick yours!”

  He chuckles. “I promise, no ass play…for now…”

  “Or ever!”

  “We’ll see, just relax, Love.” He leans over and kisses me softly, biting my bottom lip and pulling on it. I moan in pleasure. He caresses my boobs making an infinity sign and then I feel a cold and sharp pain on my left nipple. I wince and bite my lip. It hurts for a few seconds, the pressure is weirdly pleasurable. He gently tugs on what I’m guessing is a chain attaching the two, making me moan loudly. “I take it you enjoy this?”

  “Very much.”

  “Good.” He kisses my right nipple and places the other clamp. The same sharp pain bothers me for a few seconds, but the pleasurable pressure replaces it quickly. He tugs on the chain, making me buck my hips, desperate some kind of contact.


  “Please, what? Tell me what you want, Line.”

  “I want you.”

  “Tell me exactly what you want,” he says in a very authoritative voice.

  “I want you to fuck me hard and make me scream your name.”

  “As you wish.” He positions himself between my legs and lifts my hips, stroking his cock over my clit. Each stroke drives me more insane and closer to the edge. After what feels like an eternity, he thrusts into me, hard. I moan loudly and, arch my back, impaling myself even more on his thick cock. He moves in a painfully slow rhythm and then pulls almost all the way out before thrusting back in hard.


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