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New Sensations

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by Lee, Lenise


  I am ♥ Lenise Lee

  A thousand lives to live…one breath…one word…one story at a time…

  Also Available from Lenise Lee

  Love for a Lifetime

  An Angel For Ms. Right

  Love Before A Wedding

  Into The Wind

  Romance After Dark

  After the Sunset

  New Sensations

  Simone: Second Chances

  Brave World Chronicles



  Holiday Love

  The Christmas Gift (My Colorful Romance, Collection)

  Falling Snow (My Colorful Romance, Collection)

  Copyright 2011 by Lenise Lee. All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts to be used solely in a review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part electronically, mechanically or by any means is strictly forbidden without the expressed written permission of the author.

  The unauthorized reproduction of this copyrighted work is illegal.

  Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines up to $250,000 or up to 5 years in prison for violation.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents have no existence outside of the author’s imagination and are purely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events, locales, or people, living or deceased is coincidental.

  ISBN 13: 978-0-9831163-8-7

  Naughty Like Me, Coffee Breaks is an Imprint of Lenise Lee Publications

  WARNING: The material included in this work is intended for adult readers 18 years of age and older. Please store this material in a safe place where underage readers will not have access to view it.

  Author’s Note:

  This is a work of fiction. Although the characters in this fictitious writing engage in unprotected sexual acts, the author does not endorse unsafe sexual practices in real life situations.


  I closed my eyes and sank my fingers through his loose curls, still tucked around the ears, and pulled Jackson in for a deep and combustible kiss. My tongue wiggled against his as he willingly accepted my affection and timed his thrusts into my mouth to sync with mine. I breathed his scent deep into my nostrils and allowed the spicy aroma to fill my lungs.

  “I want to be with you, Jackson…only you. You’re everything that I’ve ever wanted. Don’t let go of me,” I pleaded while our lips dangled together.

  “I won’t, baby, as long as I walk this earth, I promise we’ll be together.”

  Our foreheads pressed and our hands melded. I finally felt at peace, set free from the noise of the world I had managed to escape from. I felt a strange tingling and then saw an image of my dad’s smiling face flash across my vision. I knew that he and Jackson would have gotten along just fine.

  “Stay with me tonight, Janay. Come home with me and stay in my bed.”

  “Yes,” the only answered that I ever wanted to give to Jackson from this day forth…

  New Sensations


  Lenise Lee


  “I don’t think is such a good idea,” I spoke softly while sitting in the passenger seat of a rented four-door sedan.

  As I peered out of the window, a sudden chill of hesitation shot down the center of my body. I shivered and pushed myself further back against the light gray cloth covering of the car seat while my eyes stayed completely fixed on the ominous looking worn down wooden door about twenty feet away on my right side. For a split second, it was as though I actually thought that if I hugged my body as close as possible to the interior of that little blue car that the action would somehow motivate this lifeless object to protect me from whatever was waiting on the other side of that doorway. Hanging over the entrance was a tilted plastic sign that was cracked in several places. The word Crystal was the only part of the title that I could make out. The remainder of the black stenciling on the bar’s moniker was chipped away to the point that the rest of the words were illegible.

  “Oh, girl, relax. Janay, you worry way too much.”

  The owner of the not-so-friendly voice was that of the driver, Rita, who was my former best girlfriend and co-worker at the advertising firm we had both worked at since graduating from Eastern States University with our MBA’s about five years ago. I say “former” because I now considered this evil woman my sworn archenemy. No true friend of mine would have dared to have dragged me away from the comforts of a nice and safe B&B and into the furthest reaches of the absolute middle of nowhere to hang out at a bar that seemed to be sitting vacant and deserted at the edge of a town we had never even heard of back home in Jersey. I know that was a mouthful, yet the rapid succession of those words evenly matched the warped speed of my brain as I sat with a stiff back and praying for a way to get out of having to go inside of that menacing looking building over there.

  Our required attendance at an annual seminar for advertising consultants had sent Rita and I flying this morning on a pre-dawn flight out of Philadelphia and way over to the other side of the country to a tiny town in Glacier County, Montana. The members on the board of the national council that hosted these training events always reasoned that is was necessary for these conferences to be held at such remote parts of the U.S. map because they claimed the isolation would help to stimulate the creative side of our minds and help us to refocus and reenergize for any upcoming projects. I do have to admit that, up until this nail biting moment, my only complaint was that the nearest major city, where the week long seminars were to be conducted, was over twenty miles away in the opposite direction and that long distance was causing severe havoc with my cell phone signal and wi-fi connection. The first fun fact that my sleep deprived mind locked on to after our plane touched down and as our little vehicle traveled further and further away from the range of the airport towers was that the bars on my slider phone were slowing dipping down lower and lower and so were my arched brows. Our Corporate Liaison, Kerine Somers, was the one who had scheduled our accommodations and putting us up in a residence so far away from the actual location of the conference must have been her idea of a joke. How long before Janay Parker finally snaps from her lack of a daily dose of reading my favorite blogs and then having a gut wrenching laugh at one those ever-entertaining joke of the day sites? I had contemplated giving her hell when Rita and I finally went back home but, knowing our office sweetheart as I did, I knew her intentions were probably nowhere near sinister. In general, the trends of today flipped so much faster than a decade ago and, at times, ad work could become stressful beyond belief. I was sure that she thought placing us at this particular residence would allow my companion and I a chance to catch up on some much needed R&R while we traveled on business.

  When we left from the eastern half of the country, it had been a cold and rainy April morning. It wasn’t until I had actually stepped out of the rental that had brought us within the town limits of Crystal Springs, the name of our home for the next eight days, and into the parking lot of the local bed and breakfast lodge that I finally gave up my desperate hopes of picking up a stronger signal for my phone. I ceased twisting my cell around over and over again in a clockwise rotation in a vain attempt of snatching whatever weak satellite signal floating by. I tossed the useless piece of plastic into my handbag and lifted my face. My eyes danced from side to side as I looked around and beheld my new surroundings. I was nearly overcome by the startling and majestic beauty on all sides of me.

  Even in the most exclusive boroughs and upscale townships, New Jersey was a crowded place to live, with one of the highest population densities in the nation. It was a foreign yet calming feeling to find myself standing – prac
tically awe-struck – in the midst of such a vast open space, encircled three-quarters of the way around by a collection of mountain ranges that seemed to stretch out in the distance as far as the eye could visibly see. The view of the valley ahead was simply breathtaking.

  A soft breeze touched my arms. To my surprise, since this county bordered so close to Canada, the temperature had actually shot up by nearly ten degrees as compared to the frosty sixty-two that I had left behind only a few hours ago. The warm glow of a bright yellow sun working its way further westward added to the effect of how pleasant the temperature had become. I was all too glad to shrug my way out of my light fleece jacket.

  The single story log cabin style building that Kerine secured for our lodging stretched out for at least an acre or more in both directions. From this position, I could also make out the shape of a wide two story house, encircled by a wood logged fence, toward the far rear of the vast green property and closer to the start of a expanded grove of tall evergreen trees. The quaint residence was quite a distance away from the mist enshrouded caps of the gigantic arching hills behind the home. The scene was profoundly stunning, like a picture taken right out of a traveler magazine. For a city girl such as me, mesmerizing sights like these were far too rare.

  I had no idea how long I had stood in front of the doors of the Crystal Waters Inn before the highly annoyed voice of Rita finally tunneled its way into my deep meditation. By the time I turned to answer her repeated calls for my attention, the five foot two hellcat-on-heels had already started lugging her oversized bag up the sloped incline and toward the main entrance of the beckoning hostel. I had taken one last curious glance at the captivating landscape spread out before me, then grabbed my two modest suitcases and did the same. Once inside, we were greeted by a cozy environment decorated with large neutral toned area rugs and rustic art. Old black and white photos of members of a local Native American tribe were hanging on the shellacked walls at straight angles and spaced at perfect distances apart. A large fireplace lay dormant due to the warm spring day and the smiling face of the B&B’s hostess – I think she might have mentioned that she was the owner’s daughter – greeted us cheerfully at the check-in desk.

  Now, sitting here with my heart thumping in my ears and my nails digging into the bare skin of my brown thighs, peeking out from beneath the knee length violet spring dress I had decided to change into, I wish I could will myself back into that safe and happy moment. Rita was a natural born party girl and was anxious for a chance to check out the local hangout. She had started bouncing off of the walls of the double queen room within ten minutes of our arrival. Never one to waste time and without even bothering to allow any time to fully unpack, she was already rummaging through her bag and picking out sexy eveningwear.

  The sweet elderly man who owned Crystal Waters was all too happy to give her turn by turn directions after she batted her long lashes and politely asked him to point us in the direction of the nearest watering hole. I was allotted a handful of minutes to throw on a change of clothes, then we were screeching westward toward the sunset and down the longest and most deserted freeway I had ever traveled on. Twenty minutes after we walked through the doors of the inn, I found myself being forced against my will back into that tiny machine and being driven even further into this new world that I had been transplanted into only a few hours ago.

  “Jae, we can’t sit in this car all afternoon and there is no way I’m sitting cooped up in that room for the rest of the night,” the platinum blond to my left scolded in my direction. “It’s now or never and I didn’t drive all this way to just stare at the door.”

  Without turning to look at her, I rolled my eyes and repeated my earlier sentiment.

  “Rita, I don’t think we should go in. This place doesn’t look safe.”

  I squinted my eyes and studied the warped and faded wood, now barely visible from this distance as the sun started a slow descent into the distant expanse of a big blue sky. “It’s getting late, and we don’t want to be here past dark.”

  “Why not?”

  Sometimes it was as though what Rita had gained in attitude and spirit, she had lost in the common sense area. There were very few people within my small group of friends, family, or associates who would find no obvious flaw in hanging out after dark in a strange bar full of complete strangers, and Rita was definitely not one of them. I turned and gave her the coldest stare that I could manage, which was probably only lukewarm at most.

  “Have you had a look at this place? Its half way falling down and by the looks of this ragged and deserted parking lot, I doubt anyone has stepped foot inside of that door within the past decade.”

  Sometimes I honestly had no clue how we two polar opposites had become such close friends. At the office our conflicting personalities worked to our advantage and had boosted our pay rate and job titles several times. Rita was the creative one while I held on time title of Ms. Practicality with high honor. She saw the big picture – the flash and flair that gave the ad campaigns we designed life and energy – while I organized the logistics and minute details behind the idea that brought all the pieces into a perfectly packaged end product. The differences extended into our personal lives as well. Rita loved men and men loved Rita. Wherever she went, droves of adoring fans flocked to her glowing hair and skin. There was always a round of drinks on the house when she flashed those emerald green eyes at the barkeeper of whatever local dive we planted ourselves in for the night. Rita Kaye was gorgeous and petite. She was pure eye candy to any man in America who still had a pulse. I, on the other hand, was what my adopted mother – a former beauty queen herself – liked to call a little on the homely side but still pleasing to the eye, which meant that she considered my looks to be only slightly above average at worst. At best, she didn’t expect me to snag anything better than maybe a guy who would turn out to be in middle management, but probably a far cry from my handsome and successful former pro-athlete adopted father.

  I was given up to the state at birth. I used to wonder – perhaps I still wonder – if mother’s little side notes about my weight and other features were a clear sign that she would not have picked me at all if she could have predicted how average I would turn out to be. One good habit that mother did teach me was how to keep myself lean with a daily jog and avoiding too many heavy foods and other treats. However, all the running in the world still had done nothing to reshape my natural curviness or generous backside and full bosom. Despite the fact that I was in fabulous health and well within the healthy weight for my 5’5” height, compared to my best gal pal, I still managed to look overweight and like the ultimate Plain Jane when we stood side by side. I had my fair share of lovers, most of whom I remained really good friends with. Ms. Rita, however, was the heartbreaker who had left a string of men high and dry, slobbering for more, when she sached away from their lusty stares. On the other hand, my honey brown skin, naturally wavy shoulder length dark brown hair, which I compulsively kept in a neat bun, and deep brown eyes were far from haggish-looking but I knew that I could never command a crowd the way my over caffeinated friend had the ability to do.

  “Oh, come on, Jae, live a little. Yeah, it looks a little funky on the outside, but those are always the best spots to hang out and have an unforgettable night in.”

  I wanted to forget about the idea of going in at all. When I sat unresponsive, she continued on with hopes of coaxing me in by striking a small bargain.

  “We only have to stay a few minutes….pleeeaasee.”

  She pinched bright red lips together and pouted. I hated when she did that. It always made me feel like a sour prude who never wanted to have any fun. This was Rita’s well-practiced way of guilting me into doing something that would normally be completely out of my character – such as even halfway considering stepping one foot on the inside of a dark and deserted countryside bar.

  Against my better judgment and because I didn’t want to have to listen to any more of her wining to get her way,
I decided to concede. After all, she did say we would only stay for a little while. What harm could really come from taking a quick look inside?

  The inquisitive look on my face must have served as confirmation enough for Rita to proceed as planned. Before I could even offer a “yea” or “nah”, I heard the click of the automatic door locks and then the sharp clack of four inch heels sounding off against the cracked concrete as she stepped around the car and over to my side. I pushed open the passenger-side car door, placed my flat Roman-style sandals onto the pavement and immediately felt a buzz of energy shoot up from my exposed legs through my core, giving my heart a quick jolt. A quick glance at the warped entryway ahead and a strange flash of foreshadowing washed over me. It was an odd sensation that I had never experienced before and I wasn’t exactly sure what to make of this distinct feeling that something or someone was waiting for me on the other side of the door looming ahead. As quickly as I could, I shook my head and tried to wash away that strange moment. As I moved with a bit of disorientation across the lot, I picked up my pace in an attempt to catch up with Rita. For someone as small as she was, she still managed to move with the speed of a jaguar in those stilettos.

  I stepped up behind her as she turned the knob of the aged hinged door and pulled backward with such force that a sudden gust of air blew past us. The wood voiced a sharp crackle and whiny squeal while it reluctantly separated from the frame. Without hesitation, Rita stepped into the darkened space and I reluctantly followed. In an instant, I felt like destiny was about to deal me an unexpected hand. The natural light of the setting sun behind us filled up the front half of the dimly lit modest room before us. My eyes were instinctively drawn to a pair of intense baby blues aimed intently in my direction, or so I thought.


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